Cat and Dog

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" I don't think we should be getting Ethan presents this year, " Marco said as he folded his arms across his chest. " He's becoming such a brat lately."

Marco was talking about their eleven year old cousin from their maternal side.

Melissa and he were double checking the Christmas gift list their mother sent them a week ago. They managed to buy presents for half of the people in the list and were making sure they had everyone covered.

Melissa rolled her eyes at her older brother. " He didn't mean to ruin your lego collection, Marc, " she told him as she placed a check beside Ethan's name. " It was an accident."

" Accident my ass! " Marco growled.

Ethan has always been fascinated with Marco's toy collections. Earlier that year during one of their visits to the Sebastian's patriarchal household, Ethan sneaked into Marco's room and accidentally broke the shelves which held Marco's prized lego collection.

" It's not your money, " Melissa retorted as she circled some of the names in the list. " Mom's buying him and everyone else gifts."

Marco was shaking his head. " Still."

Melissa ignored him and went on enumerating some of the names in the list. " How about Ramona? Did we get something for her already?"

" That pink Tutu skirt, " Marco replied quickly. " Let's just double Mona's gift and skip Ethan this year."

Melissa placed a check next to Ramona's name.

" Don't be such a Scrooge, Marco, " Melissa muttered absent-mindedly as she reviewed the list.

" I know I'm not, " Marco scoffed and then caught sight of Mia coming out of the hallway. In a low voice he said, " but I know someone who is."

They watched silently as Mia neared them and took a small bottle of orange juice from the fridge. She walked over to the dining table and grabbed a piece of muffin from the cupcake stand.

" Good morning! " Melissa greeted cheerfully.

Mia looked at the two of them in surprise, as if seeing them for the first time. She grunted a response which Marco couldn't make out and retreated to the living room.

" Marc and I are planning to go Christmas shopping today, " Melissa called out as she looked at her sister who lazily seated herself on the couch. " you want to join us?"

She looked at Melissa warily and shrugged without saying anything.

" You could finally buy my gift and finish your Christmas shopping, " Melissa continued in a cheerful voice. She raised one hand and crossed her heart with the other. " I promise I won't peek."

Mia just stared at her, a blank expression on her face.

Melissa clasped her hands together and said in an excited voice. " There's this new Christmas market that I want to check out. We can start from there."

Mia still didn't say anything, her brows furrowed together as she stared at the blank TV.

Melissa glanced at Marco signaling for him to say something.

" What? " Marco muttered.

" Talk to her, " Melissa hissed in a low voice.

Marco frowned at his younger sister. Did Melissa really want him to initiate conversation when he wasn't in the wrong here?

It has been three weeks since the Grand Ball. Three weeks since he found out about Robby and Mia's secret relationship. He has not have a decent conversation with Mia since the night that he told her to stay away from his best friend. She hasn't bothered reaching out to him. He hasn't bothered either.

If anything, Marco felt hurt and betrayed. Two of the most important people in his life lied to him and broke his trust. He was also furious. He was so furious he didn't know whom he was angriest at.

There was his best friend who betrayed him. What really bothered Marco was the fact that Robby knew how he condemned the idea of his friends dating his sister. He entrusted Mia to him because he thought Robby understood. He was gravely mistaken. In the end, Robby broke his trust.

Then there was Mia. His stubborn, temperamental youngest sister who had to fall in love with his best friend, of all people! Marco loves his sisters, both of them, with all of his life. Seeing them get hurt was not something that he enjoyed. But if he had to hurt Mia to protect her from future pain, he would make that sacrifice. He was not going to let Mia get broken the way Melissa did. He swore it on his life.

Then, there was him. He was furious with himself for not being able to foresee what happened. He heard the rumors about the two of them but he didn't listen. He saw how strange they've been acting since they came back from the Marina but he didn't really pay attention. He felt something weird going on between the two of them but he assumed they've just really bonded during his absence. The signs were all there but he failed to see. He refused to see.

" Marc, " He felt Melissa nudged him, pulling him out of his reverie.

He raised an eyebrow.

" Talk to her, " Melissa repeated her earlier command.

Marco opened his mouth to retort but closed it a few seconds after.

He glanced at Mia who looked spaced out as she continued to stare at the blank TV screen.

As Marco watched her, his anger slowly dissipated. He heard from Melissa that they've broken up. Mia had been sulking since he forbade her to see Robby. But she'd been like a walking zombie ever since she broke up with his best friend.

And this was exactly why he made that rule, Marco thought as he clenched his jaw tightly. Nothing good can ever come out of having his sisters date any of his friends.

Marco hardened his heart.

" If you don't want to come with us, that's fine Mia, " Marco said in a clipped voice. " But say it and don't expect us to double guess what you're thinking."

" Marco! " Melissa cried out.

Mia snapped her head to look at him, her eyes flashing in anger.

" You've already dampened my Christmas spirit, " she told Marco in an icy voice. " I don't see why I need to go Christmas shopping with you."

Marco stood up abruptly that the chair he was sitting on fell on the floor with a loud thud.

" I dampened your Christmas spirit?!" Marco bellowed glaring at Mia. " Well I'm sorry for doing that. How about you apologizing for breaking my trust, coming between Robby and I and ruining my Christmas altogether?! "

" Apologize?! Why should I?! " Mia scoffed standing up so she can level her gaze with her brother. " If it wasn't for your stupid rule to begin with, everything would have been-"

" It's not a stupid rule! " Marco shouted angrily as he cut her in.

" Well it is! " Mia said hotly raising her voice to match his.

" Stop! " Melissa screamed at the top of her lungs. " Stop it you two!"

That silenced Marco and Mia. They stared at Melissa whose face was turning a bright red.

" It's a few days before Christmas for pete's sake, " she cried out, both hands on her hips. " Can you just stop this nonsense?"

Marco folded his arms across his chest. Mia mirrored his movement.

There was no way he was apologizing. Mia owed him an apology. Robby and she. Not him.

" Marc, " Melissa turned to look at him pleadingly.

" I'm sorry, Iz, " he told her. " I'm the one whose owed an explanation and an apology."

Melissa took a deep breath before turning to her youngest sister.

" Mia, please, " she said quietly.

Marco saw Mia shook her head stubbornly.

" I'm sorry, Iz, " she muttered before walking past the two of them and headed towards her room.

Marco did the same and stormed towards his bedroom. A few minutes later, he heard a door slammed shut. He banged his door closed in response.

He waited for Mia to do something more to spite him.

He heard Melissa shouting outside of their doors instead.

" When the two of you are ready to grow up, talk to me. " Melissa called out in an annoyed voice.

With that, Marco heard Melissa slammed her bedroom door shut.

He winced.

So much for Christmas shopping.

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