Adam Noah Levine

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" Is this how they treat VIPs? " Melissa grimaced as she looked around the crowd and the queue they were in.

There were probably thousands of people before them. Mia thought as she looked at the myriad of people up ahead. Okay, maybe hundreds.

They were two hours early for the Maroon 5 concert and was surprised when they saw the number of people already in queue to enter the arena. What surprised them even more was the VIP queue being in the same area as the public admission. They had to fight their way through the throngs of people and that didn't feel VIP at all.

" I'm going to kill Salvador for this, " Marco growled as he stared at the three Maroon 5 tickets on his hand.

The upper part of the ticket has three embossed words in dark gray. VIP.

Now, why would Very Important People stand in horribly long queues under the glaring sun?

Mia stared glumly at the people on her left and realized that they might actually miss the first part of the concert at the rate that the queue was moving.

Mia saw Melissa leaned forward and rested her arms on the police barriers on their right hand side. There were about three meters wide and twenty meters long of red carpeted street which the police cordoned off for, probably, VIPs.

Or VVIPs rather. Mia thought in disappointment.

Sighing, Mia quickly checked her mobile phone for messages from Robby. She had sent him a text message before they left the house and sent him another one when they reached the car park. The messages were read but Mia received no reply from him.

He'd been acting weird the entire week suddenly disappearing from school and taking hours to return her calls or reply to her messages. Now that she thought of it, she'd only seen him three times the entire week. Mia would have thought Marco has something to do with it again if not for his brother's indifference the past days. 

Ever since Melissa and he came back from Christmas break, Marco has been mellow. And he was not antagonizing the two of them as much as he used to. In fact, he seemed to have gotten use to the sight of them together and has not said anything nasty since or has done anything drastic to break them apart. He would smirk, snort or scowl when he sees them holding hands or slightly display affection but other than that, Marco has not said a word against the two of them. He was still wary of Robby and the two of them had not really gotten back to best friends status just yet. But Mia felt that it was bound to happen, sooner or later.

" Oh look! " Melissa suddenly exclaimed making Mia looked up from her phone. " Isn't that Robby over there?"

Mia squinted her eyes to see if the guy who just came out of the VVIP double doors dressed in black fitted jeans and leather jacket was Robby.

Looks like Robby was smart enough to get a VVIP ticket. She thought wryly. Then her eyes shot up. Why was he even here? He never mentioned that he's watching the concert.

" Robby! " Melissa screamed waving her arms, ignoring the people who were looking at her in annoyance. " Over here! Robby!"

Robby didn't seem to hear and Mia saw him scan the crowd as if looking for someone.

" Robby!!! " Melissa shouted again flailing her arms. " Robby! Over hear! "

At almost the same time, Mia heard a shrill cat call from behind her.

She and Melissa snapped their heads in surprise and look at Marco who just shrugged nonchalantly.

" We wanted to get his attention, right? " he muttered.

It did the trick and within seconds, Robby was with them, standing behind the steel barriers.

" Hey, " he said smilingly when he saw Mia and Melissa. He gave Marco a tentative nod who grunted a muffled 'Hi' in return.

" Hey, " Mia said looking at him quizzically. " I didn't know you're a fan."

" I'm not, " Robby grinned and gave her a look which pretty much translated to 'i'll explain later.'

" You guys been standing here for long?" He shifted his gaze to Melissa and Marco.

" Like forever, " Melissa said with an exaggerated sigh.

" I can get you backstage, " Robby dropped his voice so that the people near them couldn't hear.

That's when they noticed Robby's badge clipped on his shirt pocket underneath the leather jacket. It read 'Organizer.'

" You organized this concert? " Mia exclaimed in surprise then dropped her voice in a whisper when the couple behind them looked at her curiously. " How come I didn't know?"

What was going on?

" My sister-in-law, " He said as if that would explain things. 

He then opened his palms revealing three organizer badges. " Special passes?"

Melissa gasped.

" Definitely, " she said and took one from Robby's hand and pinned it on her shirt.

Robby moved his hand to Mia.

She narrowed her eyes at him but took one badge silently and quickly pinned it on her shirt.

By then, Robby had outstretched his hand to Marco who was eyeing him warily.

" Unless, of course, you'd still want to make use of those VIP tickets, " Melissa said sarcastically, folding her arms across her chest.

" Fine, " Marco grunted and took the last badge off Robby's hand.

Five minutes later, Marco and Melissa pushed open the VVIP double doors and started walking down the long hallway.

Robby kept Mia behind and clasped his hand with hers.

" I thought I'd surprise you, " Robby looked at her sheepishly.

" I am surprise, " Mia admitted as they followed Marco and Melissa from behind. " Was this why you were hardly in school this week?"

Robby scratched something at the back of his neck. " Yeah, " he said sheepishly. " Rico sought my help. Irene got the confirmation of winning the bid for this concert last week so it was pretty hectic."

Mia nodded. So that explained why he was acting weird the entire week.

" I knew you were a fan, " Robby continued giving her a lopsided grin. 

Mia was about to say something when they almost bumped into Melissa and Marco who had suddenly stopped walking.

" Hey, " Mia cried out.

Mia cocked her head sideways to see what was stalling her siblings. They were staring at something straight ahead.

Or someone.

Mia let out a gasp.

" Robby, " Adam Noah Levine, quickly came up to Robby after greeting Melissa and Marco with a friendly hello.

Robby was a few inches taller than Adam but that wasn't what made Mia dropped her jaw.

The two guys suddenly high-fived and exchanged a complicated handshake.

Her boyfriend was high fiving one of the country's famous singer and actor. And she was standing just a few meters away from both of them.

" My wife and kid are outside. Do you think you can send someone to get them?"

Mia blinked watching the handsome vocalist placed a hand behind his neck showing off the tattoos on his right arm.

" Yeah sure, " Robby nodded and instructed one of the security personnel to look for Adam's family by the VVIP car park and escort them inside.

" Thanks, man" Adam said dropping his hand to his side.

It was then that he noticed Mia standing beside Robby.

Mia quickly wiped the shock off her face.

" Hi, " Adam said smilingly, extending his hand to her.  " I'm Adam. "

Did he really think she didn't know him? Handsome, brooding, Grammy Award winner Adam Levine? The Adam Levine?

" Adam, this is Mia, " Robby introduced gesturing to Adam. " Mia, Adam."

Mia quickly snapped out of her reverie and took Adam's hand.

" Nice meeting you, " Mia managed to squeak not taking her eyes off Adam's face.

" Ahh, I understand now why Rob can't shut up about you. " Adam grinned and gave Robby a knowing look. " I've heard so much about you, Mia."

Rob. Were they really on a first syllable of the name basis?

Mia's head quickly snapped to Robby who gave her an embarrassed smile.

Robby talked to Adam Levine about herAnd since when did Robby and Adam Levine become good friends?

" And this is Melissa, " Robby continued and introduced Mia's sister who was gaping at Adam from behind them.

" The equally beautiful sister, " Adam grinned as they shook hands.

Mia saw Melissa blushed furiously.

Mia was a legit fan of Adam Levine and the Maroon 5. Melissa, on the other hand, has the biggest crush on Adam and didn't really care much about Maroon 5 if it wasn't for Adam being the band's vocalist.

" And this is Marco, " Robby said eyeing Marco who was also sporting an awed expression.

" Hi Marco, " Adam said smilingly. " Heard the good stuff about you too." 

Marco nodded mutely as he reached out to shake Adam's hand.

" I'm glad you guys can come, " Adam told them holding his hands together. " I hope you'll enjoy the show tonight."

" We definitely would, " Melissa flashed him her widest smile and she fished for her phone in her bag. " Do you mind having a photo with us?"

" Not at all, " Adam said as he squeezed between Melissa and Marco with Mia standing beside her sister.

Melissa quickly handed her phone to Robby.

" Alright, " Robby said positioning the phone sideways. " Count of three. One, two, three."

The flashed went off.

" Rob, join us, " Adam said after two more photos.

Mia saw Robby cleared his throat. She knew he was wary of Marco who might not want him in their photos.

" Come on, man, " Marco said gruffly.

Mia's eyebrows shot up in surprise as she gave him a sidelong glance.

She knew it was Marco's green light. His informal way of saying things were okay.

Robby quickly nodded and handed Melissa's phone to one of the security guys and stood beside Mia.

Adam chuckled as he smiled before the camera.

" Say Sugar! " 


Two hours later, the four of them stood at the front row of the concert hall cheering wildly when the band finished their first song.

Adam has already started the evening with Sugar making the crowd go crazy.

Somewhere in between their fourth and fifth song, Mia leaned forward and gave Robby a quick peck on the cheek.

" Thank you, " she whispered.

Robby's face broke into a smile. " For what? " he cocked an eyebrow at her.

" For all these, " Mia breathed as she linked her arms with Robby.

This has been a really amazing evening not just for her but for Melissa and Marco too. Her eyes moved to look at them.

Melissa curled her hands cone-shaped and positioned them around her mouth. " Go Adam, " She screamed happily.

Marco was almost doing the same thing as he let out a long and shrill cat call.

Adam's voice on the microphone brought Mia's eyes back to the stage where Adam had dropped his hands from his guitar and slung it on his back. He walked to the edge of the stage.

" This has been an amazing week, " Adam was saying, panting in between. " And amazing night with all of you."

The crowed cheered chanting Maroon 5 over and over again.

Adam raised his hand to silence them.

" And before we go further to the night, I would just like to thank a few people here." Adam continued.

" Irene, where are you?"

He saw Irene seated at the opposite side from where Mia and the rest were seated.

Adam pointed to where Irene was sitting with Robby's brother and the spotlight moved to where she was.

" Thank you for having me here, " Adam said his face breaking into a smile. " You and your team are fantastic and anytime that you want me back, I'll be here."

The crowd cheered again.

Mia saw Irene nod at Adam and placed a hand on her chest as if to acknowledge Adam's kind works.

Adam did the same before returning to the center of the stage.

" Now I want to tell you about this person, " Adam paused before speaking again. " I see myself in this guy and I think I need to thank him for accommodating my every whim these past days. And I'm telling you, they weren't easy."

Mia felt Robby stiffened beside her and Mia wondered if Adam Levine was actually talking about him.

" This kid is going to go places, " Adam continued and by this time, he has walked to the edge of the stage directly in front of them. " He said he wanted to become a lawyer someday and I'm telling you, I will be the first one to congratulate this guy when he passes the bar. "

Adam Levine was seriously talking about Robby. Mia thought in awe.

" Robby! Come up here! " Adam shouted and the crowd went wild.

" Fuck, " Mia heard Robby cursed beside her.

" Robby, come on! " Adam was saying as he moved to the center of the stage waiting for Robby to come up.

Robby squeezed Mia's hands before he started for the steps at the side of the stage.

" Go on Gonzales, " Marco suddenly cheered from where he was sitting and Mia had to smile.

They watched as Robby neared Adam and the latter placed his arms around him.

" A lot of you don't know but Robby right here, has a great voice, " Adam said after silencing the crowd again. " So I want to challenge this guy here to sing with me."

" He knows how to sing? " Melissa leaned forward and asked Mia incredulously.

Mia shrugged wordlessly not at all aware that Robby has ' a great voice' as Adam put it.

They watched as one of the PA gave Robby a wireless microphone.

The crowd went silent when the sound of acoustic guitar started playing.

" Beauty queen of only eighteen she, " Adam started singing. " Had some trouble with herself. He was always there to help her, she always belonged to someone else. I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times but somehow I want more. "

By this time the crowd has sung along with him as they raised their arms and swayed it back and forth.

Adam nodded to Robby and Mia can't help but close her eyes and hold her breath.

" I don't mind spendin' everyday, out on your corner in the pourin' rain, " Robby sang holding the mic close. " Look for the girl with the broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay awhile. And she will be loved, and she will be loved. "

Mia opened her eyes. He has a soothing voice, full and rich. He sang right in the middle of every pitch, his words clear, his diction perfect.

" He can fucking sing! " Mia heard Marco exclaimed in surprise.

They all gaped at Robby who seemed to have taken the crowd over with his beautiful voice.

Adam and he sang one verse together and Adam let Robby continued to sing solo while he disappeared out of the stage.

The crowd didn't mind as they sang along with Robby.

Mia was singing along with the crowd when Adam appeared in front of the first row seats.

" Mia, " Adam smiled as he stopped in front of her.

Mia felt her heart dropped to the floor.

He outstretched his hand and Mia knew he wanted to bring her on stage with Robby.

" Go, " Melissa said loudly and pushed her lightly on the shoulders.

By this time, the spotlight flooded their area and the LED screens on each side of the stage showed Adam reaching out for Mia's hand.

The crowd cheered when they saw this.

Mia wanted the ground to swallow her right then and there. She didn't have stage fright but she was not comfortable with the attention Adam Levine was giving her.

Without much of a choice, Mia allowed Adam to lead her into the stage as he picked a verse to jumped into with Robby.

Robby's eyes shot up when he saw her but continued singing anyway. When Robby finally held Mia's hand, the crowd went wild once again.

Mia plastered a smile on her face while gritting her teeth. She knew the concert was being covered by the media, locally and internationally. At one point, Adam held his microphone by her mouth and while Mia knew she didn't have a golden voice, she knew can carry a tune, at least.

She stayed there beside Robby until Adam and he finished the song.

And when they did, Mia heard the crowd chanting. She couldn't make out the sound at first but her eyes grew big when the chant got clearer and louder.

" Kiss the girl. Kiss the girl. Kiss the girl."

" I can't. " Adam said when he heard the chant. " My wife is watching and my kid too."

The crowd roared in laughter but the chant resumed.

" How about if I let Robby right here kiss the girl?"

The crowd cheered.

Adam motioned to them to face each other which they did.

Mia felt the video monitor on them and she will not be surprised if their faces were on the big screens.

The crowd started chanting again. " Kiss. Kiss. Kiss."

Robby smiled at Mia as he leaned forward.

Shits. Mia thought nervously. She was going to be kissed on national television. International TV too.

She swallowed. Robby was leaning closer now and Mia could feel his breathing. Mia could hear the crowd went wild and on instinct, Mia closed her eyes.

Then she felt Robby moved his lips up and kissed her on the forehead.

They heard the crowd go Aaahhh.

" Robby did kiss the girl, " Adam was quick to appease the crowd.

He walked over to Robby and thanked him for singing with him and Mia for being a good sport.

" Thanks guys, " Adam finally spoked on the microphone as he watched the two of them get off the stage.

" This next song is dedicated to all of you, " Adam said as he fixed his microphone on the mic stand.

Mia felt Robby squeezed her hand as they started down the steps. She squeezed it back.

When they reached their front row seats, Melissa hugged the two of them tightly.

" You guys were amazing up there, " she said breathlessly as she looked at them in amazement.

Melissa looked behind her and raised her eyebrow at Marco. " Weren't they fantastic, Marc?"

Marco's forehead creased as he eyed Mia and Robby, his eyes resting on the latter. " Good job, " He muttered under his breath.

" Thanks, " Robby murmured and the pair reclaimed their positions in front of their seats.

Just then the intro music of This Love started and the crowd screamed in joy once again.

Ah. One of her favorites.

" I was so high, I did not recognize the fire burning in her eyes, " Adam Levine drawled on the microphone. " The chaos that controlled my mind. Whispered goodbye as she got on a plane never to return again. But always in my heart."

The crowd went hysterical and sang with him.

" Come sing with me, " Adam said and pointed to the crowd across him. " This love has taken its toll on me. She said goodbye too many times before. And her heart is breaking in front of meI have no choice 'cause I won't say goodbye anymore, woah, woah, woah."

Mia smiled at the crowed behind her which was growing wilder by the minute. She heard humming beside her and realized it was Robby singing and grinning at her.

" This love has taken its toll on me, " Robby sang softly as his hand reached for Mia's face. Very gently, he pulled her close.

Before she can protest, his lips landed on hers in a gentle sweet kiss.

" The world doesn't need to see that, " Robby murmured as his thumb grazed her lips when they parted.

" They don't, " Mia agreed in a low voice as Robby's arm went around her waist.

She rested her head on Robby's shoulders as they refocused their eyes on the stage where Adam

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