Chapter 20 - The Demon

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He not sure how long he has embrace her body, three hours before the dawn. Either too tired or sad he was hallucinating. He can feel her body warmer, even he can feel her heart beat in his embrace. But when her breath touched his cheek, he jolt and realize he was not hallucinating nor dreaming, she really back from dead. Without he realize he loosen his arm, her body fall from his embrace hit the bed. The fall not hard but still enough to make her a wake.

She opened her eyes, the blurry scene turn clear slowly. An unfamiliar room, unfamiliar bed, she try recall what has happened. She remembered the general take her to a plateau and see ocean of light, and then the assassin in their way back to the camp, and the shot. She jolt check her two hand, she release the gauze that bandage her hand the wound has gone. She rub her wounded chest that shot by the arrow and it has healed. She has back from dead but why she not feel the unbearable pain like usual.

Li Wei fall back ward he has shocked cause she back from dead, but now he see her hand unsullied. She heard the fall, turn her gaze to the sound, and realize she was not alone in the room.

"Who are you?" He said at last after calming himself.

"I...i..." She can not spout a single word, she in dilemma, what will she said to him, will he believe her? No, he must not, the only choice that left for her is left that place. Live for thousand years she has meet this situation several times, called demon, been expelled, or been imprisoned like a strange creature it's what she has been through.

"I can leave this place if you want?" He not said a word, she down from the bed want to walk away.

Still shocked and confused by what happened he not stop her from leaving.

She walk outside the general tent, Qiu still guard outside the tent, he see her walk outside the general tent barefoot. He sure she has died but how come she can walk right now. He stand still like a rock shocked by what he see, his body tremble in horror, his mouth close tight can't spout a word.

She has spend days in the camp, like elder Jin said, it's look terrible at first but she end up love it now. Even she just a slave no one humiliate her, she been treat humanly there. She meet elder Jin, lieutenant Qiu, Dr. Yu and the general, they all good to her. For thousand years, for the first time she want to stay. But what she can do, her secret has revealed she must leave there.

She like a soulless person, walk without direction. Without her realize she has come to the river side. She jolt when her feet step in to the cold water, awake from her reverie and realize she was not dreaming, all that she goes through was really happened. She cries to the moon, thinking of the past and present day, how ruthless the fate to her.

A while after she walk out from his tent, Qiu come inside and shout to him, he see her walk out from the tent. His shout make him realize, what ever she is, even she is a demon, it's not problem. She has safe him before and push him away avoid the shot. Not just that she was the lady from his dream, the lady that he has been wait for thirteen years. How afraid him of her identity, but his feeling for her deeper than it all. He will regret it for the rest of his life if he lost her today.

He run to chase her and there he is stand behind the girl that was cry miserably. He can't take it anymore, he move approach her, grab her hand and pull her to his embrace. "I don't care who you are, just not leave me." She fall in tears in his arm, don't know why she feel warm and kind familiar with the embrace. His existence drive away her sorrow, for a while after she feel relief, like all her burden been lifted.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't expelled you."

"No, you not wrong, even i afraid of myself at first time."

"What happen to you, how come you become like this?"

The two sit below the trees, the sun has appear in the east horizon. Li Wei reach out his hand wipe away the tears from her face. She tell him everything that has happened to her for the past thousand years ago.

She was a princess from a kingdom name Xing, a small kingdom but wealth cause it's gold mining. Because of that many country want seize the kingdom to get the mining. Xing never stop been attack by other kingdom. A long war has occur over ten years. The kingdom overwhelmed they need reinforcement.

Her mother the female ruler of Xing kingdom want make an ally with Tang, a great and strongest kingdom on that era. She been ordered to married to the seventh prince of Tang kingdom. She unwilling, but for her people she must do it. And that's it the beginning of her misery.

Since she come to the kingdom, she has been abandoned by his husband. He treat her as spy until one day she help the refuges of the Tang that been poisoned. But instead received reward she been accused as the one who spreads the plague. She been imprisoned, her husband was the one that come up with the idea.

She so desperate and broken that time, fortunately her husband not truly want to imprisoned her. He just want buy time to find out the true culprit and save her from being execute in the first time. Even he not love her, he was a smart and righteous prince, he know his wife not the culprit. At last he can find the evidence that his wife was innocent, she get out from the jail, but she dying because she also get poisoned.

He really regretted the way he treat her all this time, she been unconscious for days. When she finally conscious, his attitude change toward her, he begin treat her better. Slowly the two become closer and get along. Two years passed she pregnant and gave birth to their son. But war occurred in north border of Tang, as a prince and the great general from Tang he must go to war. He left her since her forth month of pregnancy.

Day has turn to week, week turn to month, and it turn to years. She has wait for him patiently but he never come. She not have any news from her husband, not a single letter come from the border for her. Then it happen after four years pass, their son has grow to a cute little baby boy, in a rainy afternoon he back.

The colorful curtain dancing by the wind blows, the thunder soar on the sky once a while. His figure stand tall in the dim of light in the bedchamber. She know it's him, she run and embrace him from behind. She drenched his back with her tears pour out all her long yearning for him. He turn his body faced her, but instead got an embrace, he stab her with a dagger. A dagger with lily pattern landed on her chest. He smile bitterly but look satisfied, and said clearly in her ear the reason why he want her to dead.

For past four years she have think he finally love her, but the truth she just a tools for him to make a sacred relic. He was originally god of space and time, he reincarnated to prince for escalate himself in immortality and she just his sacrifice for the golden hourglass, his sacred relic. The golden hourglass suddenly appear in his hand. She feel pain, worsen every time the golden hourglass glowed brighter. Like her soul been suck by the sacred relic, she can bear the pain. In state of madness she took the golden hourglass and break it.

The golden hourglass broken, her unbearable pain gone, but she being condemned. She can not old, she can not die, she become demon and live for long time waiting for the sacrifice for the golden hourglass.


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