Soul 2: The Arrival of The Kishiryuu

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

[QUE BOM!] = Changer sound

[QUE BOM!] = Finisher sound

"Hello!" = Kishiryuu Talk

'Welcome' = Sign

"Henshin!" = Transforming

Currently, Bell is in the Guild talking to Eina about going to floor Seven

"Seriously floor seven!" Eina said "But it was just the other day you almost get yourself on floor five, what makes you think you are ready for floor seven? How insane can you be?" she asked

"Don't worry I'll be fine plus I have this." Bell said show Eina the Mosa Changer "Not to mention I did beat a monster from the 11th Floor and did I tell you my status is up to C now." he said

"C? But no that not even possible let me see." Eina said as they and Bell show Eina his status on his back

"Hmm let's see Strength and endurance are both C and Agility B. you're not kidding Bell you've been advancing quickly." Eina said "I'm not able to read all it but your ability does appear to be genuine." she said

"So, I guess that means it will be ok with you for me to go down to floor seven starting today?" Bell asked

"On the one hand if your status is that impressive, I've no choice but to clear you for floor seven, but hmm." Eina said looking at Bell equipment "On the one hand your Armor, tell you what do you have any plan for tomorrow?" she asked

"No why?" Bell asked

"You need some better armor to prepare yourself for the seven-floor." Eina said

"Hmm! I don't need armor anymore since I can just transform." Bell said

"Then can you team up with someone if you can at least find yourself a supporter?" Eina said

"Do you think I should hire someone?" Bell asked

"Yes! I think it will make you a more efficient adventurer, I'll be happy to help you find one if you want?" Eina asked

"Well, I guess I'll think about it." Bell said

"Okay then let me know if you decided." Eina said

"Sure, well see you later." Bell said walking out of the Guild


"A supporter huh maybe it is a good idea but where am I gonna find one." Bell said walking down the stair then he bumps into a little Girl "Oh sorry about that." he asked

"It's fine Onii-san." Oto said

"That good, well see you later." Bell said

"Goodbye." Oto said

The Next Day

"You and your comrade are on your way here?" Bell said to Mosa Rex through the Mosa Changer

"Yes, we are we'll arrive in Orario tomorrow so you'll see us soon." Mosa Rex said

"Great I can't wait to see you." Bell said

"Yes, I already send someone ahead once you meet her, she will be joining your Familia as a supporter and tell you where we will arrive, she should have arrived already." Mosa Rex said

"Well tell me her name." Bell said

"Her name is Oto she is 12-year-old." Mosa said

"Okay thank you." Bell said

"Now then it's time for you to go to the Dungeon." Mosa Rex said

"Right." Bell said heading toward the door

"Oh Bell, I forgot yesterday a girl came and she joins our Familia she is a supporter." Hestia said sleepily

"That's great see you." Bell said


Bell stood in front of Babel tower looking around he saw a lot of people carrying bags that are bigger than them

"Where can I find a supporter?" Bell said

"Hello again Onii-chan." Oto called out

"Hmm, what." Bell said turning around and see Oto again

"It's great to see you again." Oto asked

"Hey, you're the girl from the other day." Bell said

"That right I join your Familia Onii-san." Oto said

"You're the one Goddess Hestia was talking about." Bell said

"That right my name is Oto." Oto said

"Wait you the one Mosa Rex sent." Bell said

"That right I am of the Ryusoul Tribe." Oto said

"Well, it great to have you Oto." Bell said

"It's great to be here now let go." Oto said pulling Bell by the hand and running to the Dungeon

"Hey, no pulling." Bell said

Later in the Dungeon

Bell is seen transformed and is sliced and firing at an ant-like monster then stab one in the head then one appears from the wall in front of Oto who is carrying a big backpack

"Onii-san." Oto said

"Got it." Bell said running to the monster and slicing its head

"What that was good." Oto said clapping

"It's good to have you here Oto now I can focus more on fighting." Bell said

"You great with using the Mosa Changer and Blade." Oto said

"Thank I have been training with it ever since I first transform." Bell said

"That great to hear." Oto said picking up a magic stone "Hey that one still has its magic stone." she said pointing at the ant

"You're right." Bell said getting the magic stone from the ant

"I got all the magic stones, Onii-san." Oto said

"By the way why do you keep calling me Onii-san? we're not related" Bell asked

"Because I always want a big brother." Oto said "Can't I call you that?" she asked

"No, you can." Bell said

"Thank you, Onii-san." Oto said

"Let's head back for now." Bell said

"Okay." Oto said

Later at the Guild

"So, your supporter is part of your Familia that good to hear." Eina said

"Yeah, it's thanks to her I got a good haul." Bell said

"Onii-san let go." Oto said

"Okay wait a bit." Bell said

"Onii-san?" Eina said

"She always wanted a big brother so that's why she called me that." Bell said

"I see." Eina said

"Well bye." Bell said walking away

In Babel tower

Freya is currently sitting in her room staring at Bell and Oto

"He is growing I cannot wait to see what happens next." Freya said

The Next Day

Bell, Hestia, and Oto are currently standing outside of Orario waiting for Mosa Rex and his Comrade

"They should be here by on." Oto said

"Hey, question where are they gonna live they can't be in the city?" Bell asked

"Don't worry." Oto said reach into her pocket and pulling out a Ryusoul "Just use this." She said handing it to Bell


"What does this Ryusoul do?" Bell asked taking it

"The Chiisasoul it has the Power to shrink thing use it on the Kishiryu to make them smaller." Oto said

"Cool." Bell said

"Hey, do you hear footstep?" Oto said

"Wait really." Bell said aiming his ear out at Orario "Yeah you're right I can feel the ground shaking do you think." He said

"They're here look." Oto said pointing 11 giants the people in Orario see it as well

"What going on?" Citizen 1 said

"Look out there." Citizen 2 said

"Sorry, we're late." Mosa Rex said

"Mosa Rex." bell said waving

"We're finally here." Mosa Rex said as he and the others stopped in front of Bell

"So, this is what you look like." Bell said

"Bell what going on?" Eina asked as she and other people of Orario gather outside to see what going on

"Don't worry miss Eina they're with me." Bell said

"We sure Properly introduce ourselves." Mosa Rex said, "I am the one who gives Bell his new power I am the Sea Kishiryu Mosa Rex." he said

"So, you the one I was talking to." Hephaestus said walking up to Mosa Rex

"Indeed, and these are my comrade." Mosa Rex said

"I am the Blaster Kishiryu Tyramigo Tyr." the Red Kishiryu name Tyramigo said

"I am the Sword Kishiryu Triken." the Blue Kishiryu name Triken said

"I am the Hammer Kishiryu Ankyloze." the Pink Kishiryu name Ankyloze said

"I am the Speed Kishiryu TigerLance." the Green Kishiryu name TigerLance said

"I am the Needle Kishiryu MilNeedle." the Black Kishiryu name MilNeedle said

"I am the Flame Kishiryu DimeVolcano." the orange Kishiryu name DimeVolcano said

"Together we are the Cosmic Kishiryu CosmoRaptor and separately we are the Light Kishiryu ShineRaptor and the Dark Kishiryu ShadowRaptor." the Black and White Kishiryu name CosmicRapotr said

"I am the Knuckles Kishiryu Pachygaroo." the Dark Green Kishiryu name Pachygaroo said

"Hey, hey, hey And I'm his son Chibigaroo." the smaller Dark Green Kishiryu name Chibigaroo said

"I am the Sky Kishiryu Pterardon." the Light Blue Kishiryu name Pterardon said

"We are the Kishiryu Guardian of the Ryusoul Tribe and we are here to aid Bell Cranel." Mosa Rex said

"It's great to meet you all." Bell said

"That amazing." Citizen 1 said

"Man, why can't I have that power." Citizen 2 said


"What was that." Citizen 3 asked

"Look over there." Citizen 4 said point outside of Orario

Everyone to see a giant monster walking toward them

"A Giant Monster." Citizen 5 said

"Everyone goes into the city now." Eina said as everyone except for Bell and Oto ran into the city

"Onii-san this can be a good chance to them what Mosa Rex and the others can do." Oto said

"Good Idea Oto." Bell said "Mosa Rex let go." he said

"Yes, use Tyramigo, Triken, and Ankyloze they're the best use on land me and the other will watch the city." Mosa Rex said

"Okay." Bell said pulling out the Mosa Changer and gold Ryusoul

Mosa Changer

Gold Ryusoul

"Ryusoul Change!" Bell said flipping the soul to knight mode

And insert it into the changer


He then turns the gold part upward


Bell aims the gun up and fire

[RYU SO COOL! [Royalty Jingles] WOW!]

Bell transforms into Ryusoul Gold

Ryusoul Gold

"Let go Tyramigo, Triken, Ankyloze." Bell said pulling a Red Ryusoul from his buckle

Red Ryusoul

And flip it into Knight mode

Then he throws it to Tyramigo

The Ryusoul enlarge and Bell jump into it

"Ryusoul Gattai!" Bell said appearing in a cockpit within Ryusoul the three Kishiryu Combine and the Ryusoul turned around revealing a face on its back and connecting to Tyramigo

Kishiryuu-Oh Three Knight

"Kishiryuu-Oh Three Knight!" Bell said

"Whoa, that amazing." Hestia said

"You haven't nothing yet." Oto said

"Let go." Bell said

Kishiryuu-Oh TK run toward the monster as it attacks with a fire breath Kishiryuu-Oh TK jump above it and slashes its shoulder then it runs to the monster side and slashes it again the monster shout it pain Kishiryuu-Oh TK attack again but the monster catches its sword and push it back

"You're a stubborn one aren't you." Bell said

The monster swings its tail at Kishiryuu-Oh TK but it ducks under the tail and slashes the monster then punch it gut Kishiryuu-Oh TK then headlock the Monster and spin it around the Monster Escape the head by throwing Kishiryuu-Oh TK but it fails and Kishiryuu-Oh TK land on it feet

"Nice try." Bell said

The Monster attacked with lighting from its horn But Kishiryuu-Oh TK dodged by jumping and then the Drill on Kishiryuu-Oh TK move to its knee and strike the monster's head

"Now time to finish this." Bell said

Kishiryuu-Oh TK's blade glows red as it charges its energy then Kishiryuu-Oh TK runs to the Monster


Kishiryuu-Oh TK Slash the monster in half

"He destroys the monster." Citizen 1 said

"He saves the city." Citizen 2 said as everyone cheers

Unbeknown to them someone dangerous is watching

"So that Boy is Ryusoul Gold I'm looking forward to facing him." the monster said as he watches everyone gather around Bell

The Next Day

News of The Kishiryu Helping Bell spread like wildfire some were amazed and some were envious about it but Nevertheless everyone going on their normal daily route

"So what floor should we go to today?" Oto asked

"I asked Miss Eina and she allowed us to go to the tenth floor." Bell said

"Great let go." Oto said

"Yeah." Bell said

"So Onii-san is there a Girl you like?" Oto asked

"W-what where did this come from?" Bell asked blushing

"I'm just asking." Oto said

"Well maybe." Bell said

"Is it Aiz Wallenstein." Oto said

"What how did you know?" Bell said blushing even harder

"I can tell." Oto said

"Okay I do like her but I need to become stronger first then I'll try to ask her out." Bell said

"That brave of you Onii-san I support you." Oto said

"Thank Oto." Bell said

With Eina

Eina is currently waiting for the dungeon elevator

"After what happened yesterday people may try and steal Bell's power, I hope I can talk to Bell before something happen." Eina said then she sees Aiz "Lady Wallenstein." she called out

"Hmm." Aiz turns to Eina "Can I help you?" she asked

"I want to thank you for saving one of my Adventurers." Eina said

"You're telling me I save one of your Adventurers?" Aiz asked

"Help I'm so glad I got a chance to thank you, you see he was about to be killed by a Minotaur on the 5th floor but then suddenly you came to the rescue." Eina said

"A Minotaur?" Aiz asked

"That right his name is Bell Cranel." Eina said which cause Aiz to make a strange face "What wrong Lady Wallenstein?" she asked

"I-I hope I didn't scare him, did I?" Aiz asked

"What no, no he's fine, actually Mr. Cranel is grateful for everything you have done for him." Eina said this make Aiz smile

"Really? Is that true?" Aiz asked

"Positively." Eina said

"Oh well thank goodness." Aiz said

"So, we're stealing that kid power right the one with the White hair." Adventurer 1 asked

"That's right so don't mess this up." Adventurer 2 said

"Yeah, we got it." Adventurer 1 said

Eina and Aiz heard them talking

"So that means I was right." Eina said

"Is there something wrong?" Aiz asked

"I'm sorry for this Lady Wallenstein but I need to ask you for a favor." Eina said

Later with Bell

"What do you guys want?" Bell said as he and Oto is surrounded by four Adventurer

"We want that weapon you have right there." Adventurer 1 said pointing at the Mosa Changer

"Yeah, so hand it over." Adventurer 2 said

"No way you taking from me." Bell said

"Fine, then we'll take it by force." Adventurer 1 said as they charge at Bell

"Oto hold on to me." Bell said kneeling down

"Okay." Oto said piggyback on Bell

Bell jump to dodge the four Adventurers then he fires at the ground to make the Adventurer back off Bell landed and told Oto to go hide then Bell charged toward the Adventurer one try to strike Bell with his sword but Bell blocked and kick the guy's stomach the next one tries to punch him from behind but Bell roundhouse kick him in the head the last two try to attack him Bell all at once but Bell shot their leg

"And you say you gonna take my weapon." Bell said

"Forget this I'm out of here." Adventurer 1 said running away

"Oh no, you're not." Bell said but then Aiz appears and stop the running Adventurer

"It's Aiz." Bell said

"That was amazing right Onii-san." Oto said

"Yeah, well let go." Bell said trying to walk away but Oto stop him

"Wait Onii-san talk to her." Oto said

"Oto I not strong enough yet." Bell said

"Excuse me." Aiz said

"Yes." Bell said turning to Aiz

"Listen, I want to apologize for what happened with the Minotaur, it was my fault that it attacks you." Aiz said

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