[Miru's note:~ the picture above is how I picture Tsuoki, and Imma borrow this dude, so credit is to the owner of course 😁]
That night, you were walking around Ukiyoe town when you come across a huge mansion that looks very ancient. You could feel a lot of spiritual pressure inside so you let yourself in, making all the yokais around the mansion alarmed.
Whispers could be heard all around you.
“she smells so sweet”
“ I wonder how she taste like”.
“she's a human, right?”.
“she smells nice”.
“could she possibly be one of young master's human friends??”.
Then you spotted a huge cherry-blossom, where you spotted a yokai sitting casually on the branch of the tree. You smiled, “hello there Rikuo Nura”. He scoffed, “so you were the one barging into my household, you do know it's dangerous walking around here, especially at night”, he jumped down and walked forward to you.
You giggled and shook your head, “I'm quite sure Tsubaki and Tsuoki would be searching for me by now, so this is your true form, hm Rikuo-kun?”. He nodded his head before tilting his head, “I am quite surprised that you, a mere human, possessed this such immense sweet scent”.
Just then the wind flew by, fluttering your hair to the front, making him inhale more of your sweet scent, “atleast I finally get to meet the infamous Nura clan”. “oh you'll be seeing a lot of us in Tokyo, especially me”, his deep voice echoed the surrounding as he laughed lightly.
“where can I meet old man?”, you asked out of the blue, “I'm quite sure he's one of the Nura clan”, you looked around. “who exactly are you talking about?”, he cocked an eyebrow as his red jealous eyes stared intently into your soul. “karasu-tengu”.
He shifted his gaze away and stared at the room right behind you where his grandfather was seating while enjoying his green tea with Karasu-tengu. “he's right behind you”.
“thank you Rikuo-kun”, you smiled sweetly at the boy before turning around swiftly, never even forgetting to leave your sweet scent for him to smell.
You smiled brightly to karasu-tengu who was in return surprised to see you there, “what are you doing here lil (name)?”, he asked in his cute squeaky voice. You sat yourself comfortably in between both yokais, “I came here to pay a visit to Nura clan's household.... I was actually curious... actually when I first arrive at Tokyo I instantly want to go here, but I got a bit busy gathering people to trust me”, you laughed at the end of your word, “oh and hello there Nura Rihyon-san”, you bowed your head politely at the other old man.
“jiji, is she supposed to be accustomed to yokai?”, Rikuo was seating while leaning on the door, just behind you.
“ahem...well I supposed so, hey Rikuo... ya like her?”, he smirked at his grandchild making the boy scoffed and looked away. “I just met her this morning”, he muttered. His grandfather laughed out loud before patting your head, “this girl remind me so much of Yo-hime”, he smiled at you, “the different here is...she smells so nice, well if you don't want her I could take her as my bride”, he playfully taunt his grandchild.
Rikuo quickly turned around with a threatening look on his face, “what?”.
You giggled, “you're so funny jiji”, you smiled at both of them, “don't take it too serious Rikuo-kun”. “I knew it”, tengu nodded his head with a knowing look on his face, “she obviously took Rikuo-sama's attention”.
You only stared at karasu-tengu before shaking your head, “I don't-”.
Right before you finished your sentence, Rikuo cut yours, “I don't know what you're talking about karasu tengu, I'm off”. “eh????”, karasu tengu freaked out as he saw Rikuo walking away to the opposite direction. “come with me (name), I'll walk you home”.
Tilting your head to one side, you decide not to anger the night version of Rikuo by following him.
“hey...”, you called.
“what is it?”.
“am I allowed to... well you know...differentiate between the yokai-you and the human-you?”,
“that was out of nowhere, but go ahead”, he watched you from the corner of his eyes while you were staring ahead of you, imagining how Rikuo-human looks like.
“okay! First of all, the human-you is shorter than the yokai-you, that is the first thing I noticed”, you grinned up at him making him lightly laughed at your words while he avoided your gaze for a brief moment, “then................the obvious thing again, your hair is longer, am I allowed to touch them?”, you stare up at him. He stared back down at you before smirking, “go ahead”, he turned his head slightly.
Your fingers lightly grazed his white hair then his black hair, “I love how your hair is smooth all the time”.
“..all the time?”
You giggled softly, “I must sound weird, I found your hair during your day form soft too, even just by looking at it”, you hummed lightly before switching the position to infront of him, playing with his bangs, “your hair are smooth that I could just run my fingers through your hair without even tangling it”, you did as you said making him closed his eyes, before he held your wrist in place. “would you like to come to my place every night?”, he fluttered his eyes open to look at your (e/c) orbs.
Blinking your eyes for a while, you tilt your head, “but...why?”.
“because I want to see you every night”.
“w-wait....why at night time?”.
He smirked and draw you closer to him, “because in my night form, you smell even better than before”. You lightly pushed him away, “you're not eating me, are you?”, you narrowed your eyes at him. He chuckled, “calm down, I'm not a cannibalistic”.
You smiled, “alright then, but in return....help me gather more light”.
At the mention of light, he grown confused even more, “light?”.
“human”, you smiled up at him.
“that's easy”.
“(name)-sama!”, you heard a familiar voice, making you look up and saw Tsuoki on a another yokai as a ride with his kitsune-ears popping out, “there you are”.
You could feel Rikuo's hold tightened around your arm, causing you to stare up at him in utter confusion.
“you shouldn't run around at night, you might get devoured”, Tsuoki's concerned voice could be hear before he glared at the male that was holding your arm, “(name)-sama, who is this yokai? I can feel evil from him”. You lightly tapped Rikuo's hand so he could let you go, “he's a friend, and don't worry Tsuoki-kun, he's a good guy”, you walked over to him as Rikuo hesitantly let you go.
“thank you Rikuo-kun, I'll be leaving with my familiar, see you tomorrow at school, okay?”, you waved him goodbye.
As Tsuoki grabbed hold of you, he checked your condition, “he didn't hurt you did he?”.
“he won't hurt me..”, you turned to look back at Rikuo but he was already gone as cherry-blossom petals fell softly on the ground. You smiled, “as I told you, he's a good guy”.
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