Chapter 27

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[Miru's note:~ Merry Christmas lovelieessssss~~ I know I kinda missed it but here you gooooo]

Tsuoki and Tsubaki noticed the petals from cherry blossom tree in your shine started to fall as it changed into a dull colour. "what now..", Tsuoki groaned to himself.

Tsubaki was watching the tree carefully, "Tsuoki..look, not only the petals...the trunk and branches are starting to darken and...broke.. did something happen to (name)-sama? She disappeared again without any notice".

"Tsuba-nii, her stronger than before, damn it this is going to attract even more yokai", he growled.

Then they could hear footsteps heading to their shrine, they could sense two familiar aura with one different aura. Tsuoki who was brave, too brave, checked up on it.

When he saw you, his eyes widened in horror, "(name)-sama!! What's wrong? What happened?", Tsuoki growled at Ryuji who was still holding you carefully like a piece of broken glass. Tsubaki who was calmed furrowed his brows, for he knew something was definitely wrong.

"her father and familiars were killed by Hagoromo Gitsune's underlings, they were searching for (name)".

"WHAT?!", both Tsuoki and Tsubaki's eyes widened in utter shock, they didn't expect anything like this would come. Now they knew why the tree broke down.

"I...", you spoke out with a soft voice, almost breaking down, 'I lost all of them.......', "I....Tsuoki....Tsubaki........hisk...I", you couldn't mutter the words you were trying to say, instead tears stream down your rosy cheek and you fell on your weak knees.

First of all, your baby sister, then your mother left you, now your father, your one and only blood related family has left you. You didn't know what to do next.

"otou-san.....why......did you leave meeee", you wailed as both Tsuoki and Tsubaki rushed to you and hugged you.

You were crying as you hugged your weak knees in between both of your familiars arms. Ryuji could only look away, it was partially his fault that he couldn't get to your shrine in Kyoto earlier, he knew all too well that you were going to blame him for your father's death.

Mamiru on the other hand stared at you, resisting the urge to kill your familiars because he knew that you needed comfort that he couldn't give it to you.

After an hour of grieving and crying, you finally calmed down, but that didn't stop you from feeling sad.

"ne.... Tsuoki-kun, Tsubaki-kun, you are the only one I have left and I'm not risking anything, your lives might be in danger because of me, that's why.....I'm returning both of you with my talisman, that way both of you will be safe".

Hearing what you said made both of them disagree and oppose your idea.

"no please (name)-sama, then you're all alone, let us protect you", Tsuoki objected. Tsubaki just shook his head, he didn't want this to happen although he knew something is bound to happen. "Please m'lady... let us protect you", the older twin stated.

"I'm sorry I can't risk you guys...I love you both", you took out four talisman and summon the portal so the portal could drag them in.

Before they were dragged into the portal they mouthed, 'We love you very much (name)-sama/m'lady'.

And that was the last of them. You have to hide them so that Hagoromo Gitsune's underlings won't come and kill or destroy your shrine and your familiars, you've already lost the ones in Kyoto, you're not willing to lose both your bestfriends Tsuoki Kitsune and Tsubaki Kitsune.

Ryuji smiled proudly, "now no stinky yokai", he said, before placing his hand on your shoulder, "let's go, when everything is safe...I'll bring you back here, I'll promise you and we'll have Mamiru guarding this place, right Mamiru?". "sure Ryuji", Mamiru agreed like a hopeless baby.

You didn't say anything as you only nodded your head and let Ryuji brought you everywhere he went. The three of you also could hear the cherry blossom tree that once stood tall and beautiful, broke down and crashed to the pond, as it looked like an empty shrine. It was indeed an empty shrine.

"before we head back, let's stay for food you must be hungry, right (name)?", Ryuji said while he turned his head to look at you, but only to receive a lifeless look from you. He sighed to himself in annoyance, "now I'm with two emotionless baby".

That night, before the three of you left Tokyo for Kyoto via train, Ryuji left a note and a ticket for Yura at her place, and also a coke and some mentos. For who knows why.

While you were in the train with the other two, Mamiru let you rest on his shoulder whereas Ryuji was just reading some stuffs in the newspaper.

▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼Time skip▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼

When you arrived at the Keikain Main house, Ryuji lead you to a room to change your attire. The workers were more than interested to see you. To them, you looked like the Unreachable Princess of the Spring, your emotionless face was pretty but somehow still feel a bit approachable.

Once you changed into a white yukata with sakura flowers, one of the workers there lead you to the meeting room where the others were waiting.

"Keikain-sama, Yamazakura-sama has arrived", the worker stated before the door was slid open, revealing the members of the branch Keikain families including the main house Keikain.

"Yamazakura-sama, it's been a while", Hidemoto bowed his head for a bit, "and...we beg for your forgiveness for the death of your father, it was our fault for not making more guards for your shrine", he continued. You only nodded your head while looking away with a small not-so-obvious-sad face.

"please have a seat here, we'll be protecting you, the last of the Yamazakura", Hidemoto said in a serious tone, "for all we know Hagoromo Gitsune is targeting the seal while searching for Yamazakura-sama, which means Hagoromo Gitsune is targeting Yamazakura-sama's liver".

You started to tremble in fear at the thought of dying, but then again all your family and familiars are dead except for Tsuoki and Tsubaki who are safe in the yokai world in Tono village. You thought to yourself, 'maybe....if I die too, then all of this would end?'.

[Miru's note:~ is reader-chan planning to commit suicide? Leaving the person she loves, leaving all the people and yokais that needed her healing. Where is Tono village that Tsubaki and Tsuoki were sent off? STAY TUNE LOVELIEEESSSS♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥]

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