The Girl In The Pink Sweater

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          I glanced over to the door, watching her enter the room. I studied her face, the way her honey brown freckles spilled over her button nose and onto her cheeks. Her rosy pink cheeks were shining with happiness and brimming with joy, and her rosy cheeks became a lighter shade with every step she took. Her red glasses stood onto her nose like a bird standing on a wire, and were hooked onto her ears, as if the glasses were and anchor hooking onto an object. She parted her, presumably, soft, pastel pink lips and let out a short sigh, her voice sounding of an angel and as sweet as a lollipop, while sounding as comforting as a warm fluffy blanket on a frigid winter day. With that same tone in her voice, the one I am now addicted to, she announced her name.

"My name is Shiori Cherrywood"

Her lips perked up, forming the most beautiful smile, and her pearly white teeth reflected the light of the blazing sun that snuck into the room, using the window as it's entrance.  This is the image that I burned into my memory, and glued onto my heart. She gazed around the room, as is she were looking for something, then her gaze finally met my stare. Her beautiful brown eyes reminded me of the sweetest milk chocolate. My cheeks turned a crimson red and the caterpillar that was silently sleeping and locked away in my heart, finally awoke and developed into a big butterfly that broke free from the lonely prison it was kept in like a prisoner, then fluttered around in my stomach.

She tightened the light pink sweater that was wrapped around her petite waist and walked over to me. Her cheeks and ears turned an even darker pink as we sat next to each other in class. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see her studying me, looking at my poor facial features and more than likely judging them. I haven't even talked to her yet, but my heart feels completed and I feel so comfortable for some reason. If I hadn't seen her for a few days, my heart would sink, like dropping a giant heavy rock into a deep sea of feelings. It's like admitting you're attracted to someone and just giving up on trying to shake the idea out of your head. The thing is, my feelings would never be accepted, just another person that's close but not close, leaving me. I felt alone. I felt like everyone was avoiding me and leaving me out. They might leave me cold and lonely, not even saying a simple 'Goodbye'. That all changed when the most bright, beautiful lightbulb entered my dark ominous room. I wanted to be friends with her.. and maybe even more.

[3 Years Later]

We were out in the woods, playing on our favorite branch that was right above a dangerous river. We knew we were risking our lives every time we leaped up into the air, but that just added more thrill to the already exciting and fun situation. I looked over my shoulder, staring at Shiori. She still had her adorable button nose and her honey colored freckles. Shiori caught me staring and let out a short sigh, her voice sounding as sweet as it did on the first day I met her, It's been a long time since then.

I looked at the branch we called " Briver Baby"... Shiori came up with that. Briver was only a skimpy but sturdy branch that was attached to a big tree. I motioned for Shiori to go first. She nodded and with a huge grin on her face, she leaped into the air, her light orange hair flying in the wind. She grabbed onto the branch and took a few breaths. She swung back and forth, then let go of the branch with a "Huff" and landed onto a patch of brig lime colored grass, stumbling forward a bit while giggling. I went second, doing the same as Shiori did, I leaped into the air, grabbed onto the branch and swung back and forth. That's when it all went downhill.

The tree branch snapped in half, the 'Snap' echoing throughout the woods and my mind, over and over again, causing my heart to race...and not in a good way. As my heart was running as fast as it could in the race to the goal, I swam against the current, trying to get away from the jagged rocks and the water fall that only led to doom. I screamed for Shiori, hoping she'll find something to help me out of this treacherous and torturous situation. I swam far enough to grab a rock, waves of death still cascading my entire face.


I turned around, thinking/hoping it was just a tree branch that dropped into the river, but I didn't notice the branch had already fallen into the water and was already on its way to death, falling down the waterfall. I stared at her, as she just so happened to be in the water next to me, grabbing my hand and hurriedly pushing me onto shore. The lime colored jellybean grass became soaked because of my clothes. The world was playing 'Ring around the Daisy' with me, spinning and never stopping. My heart beat was still beating fairly fast, but it wasn't beating as hard as it was before. It still felt as though my heart was trying to brake out of my chest. I just laid on the floor, my hands spread out across the grass and my body trembling like a naked human outside on a winter day. I felt useless. I could move, I couldn't breathe. I tilted my head around, expecting to see Shiori crying and kneeling next to me, trying to discover if I was okay, but then reality hit me, she didn't even get out of the river. Instead of seeing my expectation, I witnessed my best friend, Shiori Cherrywood, screaming and disappearing into a cloudy wall of mist, falling to her death. I couldn't get up to save her, I felt as heavy as an anchor, stopping my body's every move. I just watched as she disappeared. I screamed, then suddenly, I felt as light as air. I stood up rapidly, tripping over myself countless times before shutting my eyes and shedding tears. I fell to my knees, reminiscing about all the good times and all of the times we met and had. The first time I met her, the first time we ever hung out. It was the first time I ever fell in love. The pink sweater.. that silly pink sweater that she took everywhere, was laid right in front of me, mocking me that she will never wear it again. I picked it up, my hands wet from my tears and my eyes swollen. I found in little stitches my initials.

'S.C + R.P' I thought " Shiori you sushi roll..

This was the reason I loved her.. She was always so upbeat and optimistic. I wanted to tell her, and attempted to, but I was too much of a coward to do so. Now I'd never get to see her, never talk to her again... no.. She'll be alright.. S-she'll get up but be bruised and roughed up, but she'll be fine... right..? I just don't want to lose her... She eyes and her freckles.. she's going to caress my cheek and giggle.. She'll grab that stupid sweater and wrap it around her waist.. She even saved my life and threw hers away....

This is the exact reason...
                            I will never forget, and I will always love..  
                                                                               The Girl In The Pink Sweater. 💕

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