Set In Motion

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Luring the officers from the list had been almost too easy, and all it took was a little collaboration. A lie from Maze, a favor or two from Lucifer, and a false report from you was all it took to get them here. To this rundown warehouse, away from prying eyes or any curious ears.

It was quite the sight, watching Lucifer and Maze chat idly as they dragged four men behind them. For a moment you were envious of their supernatural strength, as you yourself had only managed to subdue one. But now all five from the list were here, tied up, angry and ready to be interrogated. Unfortunately, they didn't seem very willing to answer any questions you'd asked.

"Do you realized you've just kidnapped several officers of the law!? We'll bury you for this!"

You kicked a can from the dusty warehouse floor directly into his forehead. He shouted cursing at you from the chair he was tied to. How many different ways had you heard that?

It was getting annoying.

"Before or after I bury you for being dirty, Fisher?" You smiled, tilting your head.

The man snarled at you, huffing as he looked away.

"You got nothing on us."

He sounded so sure, so confident, and you smiled widely.

"I don't? Oh, but..."

You held out your hand and Maze happily placed a rather large folder in it. You stood, shuffling through the contents.

"I have everything! Or at least enough from the last month. The bribes, the thefts, and all the naughty things you five get up to on company time."

Lucifer peered over your shoulder, tutting when he saw one of the pictures.

"How truly repulsive."

You nodded in agreement, snapping the folder closed.

"Usually, I'm not one for blackmail, I prefer a more hands-on approach, but Lucifer convinced me this could be just as fun, and I'm starting to agree with him! I mean, look at you guys sweating!" You laughed.

"That's not to say we don't intend on causing you lot a bit of harm." Lucifer added.

"Oh, we definitely are, mental manipulation just lacks the rush that physical torture has." Maze shrugged, saying it as casually as if she'd been commenting on the weather.

You hummed as you pulled a chair over, dusting the forgotten piece of furniture off before you sat down.

"I won't actually be doing anything, these two are much better at torture than me, years more practice. But I'm a visual learner, so I'll be sticking around."

"You're a psycho!"

It probably should have bothered, and maybe it would have if you didn't find this whole situation laughable at best. Here they were tied up and helpless before the devil himself, and hell's finest torturer, and they were calling you the psycho. You sat back in the chair, tilting your head as you crossed your arms.

"I might be clinically insane, but I'm not a psychopath." You scoffed.

Lucifer glanced at you over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you really, darling?"

"Yep! Certifiably insane, at least to some degree, I thought I told you."

"No, I believe I certainly would have remembered that, although it explains quite a good bit."

Maze groaned, catching your attention. She placed a hand on her hip, motioning to the captives with her free hand.

"Are we going to do this or not? I have plans tonight."

"Yes, yes, don't be so impatient, Mazikeen."


It was... interesting, to say the least.

Their styles of interrogation vastly different from each other, yet oddly similar. Maze was far more giddy about it all, eagerly hoping they wouldn't answer her questions. Lucifer seemed to play more into their fears, his polite way of demanding answers, was unsettling. They'd gotten almost all the answers to the questions they were asking, but they were stubbornly refusing to tell them the answer you needed most. Your eyes drifted over to Lucifer, jumping to your feet when you got a faint glimpse at his watch.

You grabbed his wrist, halting his hand from connecting with officers Fisher's face. Lucifer stared at you curiously, and you pulled his sleeve up a little.

"What are you doing, darling?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm late for therapy."

Everyone started at you, hostages included, and you frowned, narrowing your eyes.

"Therapy? You?" Maze smirked.

You crossed your arms defensively, staring towards the door in a refusal to meet their eyes.

"What? Dan agreed to stop being so nosey if I went to therapy."

You gathered your things, giving Lucifer a quick kiss before you grabbed his keys from his pocket.

"I'm taking the corvette! You guys can't kill them!" You yelled over your shoulder.

"You're taking all the fun out it!" Maze huffed.

You poked your head back into the room, smiling darkly.

"I never said you couldn't horribly maim them."


With your blatant disregard for the speed limit, it was a miracle you didn't get pulled over, or into a wreck. But you managed to pull into the parking lot only thirty minutes late, nearly forgetting to turn off the car in your haste. You ran through the hall and up the stairs, breathing heavily once you'd reached the top.

"Why did I run the stairs... I'm too out of shape for that shit..." You groaned.

Once you were finally able to breathe again, you hurried into Linda's office, never noticing the light was on until you saw the woman sitting on the couch and Linda's surprised expression.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were with another patient, sorry about-"

Your words trailed off as you finally got a good look at the woman sitting on the couch. She looked familiar, and you knew you'd definitely seen her before, you just couldn't place your finger on it.

"Hey, I know you..."

The girl on the couch stared at you blankly for a second before her eyes widened. She jumped to her feet, her expression wild and angry.

"You're the bitch who made Jacob leave me!"

Recognition lit up your face and you smiled.

"Now I remember! You're Becca right? I'm sorry, you feel that way, but yelling at your boyfriend and calling him useless? If all it took was a few whispered words from me, he was already gone before he ever met me." You shrugged carelessly.

She opened her mouth, most likely to yell at you again, but you held up a finger, effectively bringing her rant to a silent disbelief. You scrolled through your phone, finding what you were looking for and turning the screen towards her.

"Beside, Jacob is doing great! Look at the new apartment he just got, we're friends on Snapchat now, he keeps me posted." You smiled.

You watched the woman's face turn red, and the screeched words she let out as she grabbed her purse were almost unintelligible. You and Linda watched her storm out, slamming the door behind her. For a moment, Linda simply stared at the door before slowly looking back at you with a raised eyebrow.

"I... sorry?" You smiled sheepishly.

She sighed, but there was a faint smile on her face as she motioned for you to sit on the couch.

"That was… very insightful, Y/N."

You stared at her confused before slowly pointing to yourself as you shuffled on the couch.

"To me?"

"To you yes, to Becca as well, she'd led me to believe it was Jacob calling her those things."

You placed your feet on the coffee table in front of the couch, smirking a little.

"Pretty sure you're not supposed to be telling me things about your patients."

Linda laughed, grabbing her notepad.

"After today, I don't believe she's going to be my patient anymore."

You managed an apologetic smile but didn't offer much else, Linda shook her head, crossing her legs as she lightly tapped her pen on her notepad.

"So, you're late today, that's unusual, isn't it?"

You raised an eyebrow, kicking your feet up on the coffee table as you waited for her to elaborate.

"I mean, usually, your anxiety makes you early, or right on time, but today you were very late, and you've got a bit of... blood on your shirt..."

You frowned, looking down at your shirt, frowning when you saw a few spots on the white material. You muttered under your breath, dabbing the stains with a napkin.

"I thought I was out of the splash zone..."

"The splash zone?"

You glanced up at her, giving her a thin, strained smile.

"Maze and Lucifer have been... helping me with something." You muttered.

"Something you're not willing to share?"

"No, because you'll try to talk me out of it, and I need to do it, I can't afford things like morals or empathy getting in the way, things like that are lost on someone like him anyway."

Linda saw the clench in your jaw, the emptiness in your eyes as you stared at the pattern of her rug. She closed her notebook, setting it down on the table in front of you, placing her hands back on her lap. It was a small gesture, one that probably wouldn't mean much if you didn't know the meaning behind her actions. The unspoken agreement that from that point on, whatever you said, whatever you did, for the rest of that session. It would only be known by her, only exist in her memories and yours.

"What will you do after you've accomplished your revenge? After everything you worked for is done?"

You settled back on the couch, a tired smile on your lips, and you rested your head on your palm.

"Haven't gotten that far yet, it won't be an easy fight you know, no point in planning too far ahead for an unsure future."

Linda frowned, hearing the double meaning behind your words.

"You're planning on dying if you need to, if it means getting your revenge..."

Her concern wasn't lost on you, and you sat up, laughing as you waved a hand, giving her a comforting smile.

"Of course not! I'm not on a suicide mission here, I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

Linda let out a small sigh of relief, turning to grab her phone, asking if you wanted lunch. Missing the fall of your smile and the hardness in your eyes when her back was turned. You weren't lying, you really didn't plan on dying for your cause, but that wasn't to say you weren't prepared to. But when she turned back around, with a take out menu in hand, your smile was back.

"Take out? Aren't these sessions only an hour long?" You joked, accepting the pamphlet.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind today, I don't have any appointments after you, so I figured we could extend the session a bit."

"Sounds great." You nodded thankfully.

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