"Let me get this clear in my head, you possess magical powers?" Jenkins asked, making sure he heard and understood her correctly.
"I wouldn't call it magical, but..." Sara shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah. About five weeks ago."
In a not so subtle manner, Flynn made a noise and gesture to get Jenkins to talk in private. He took him off to the side, near the hallway to the front entrance. "Five weeks ago, that's when magic was brought back into the world."
"And she developed her abilities shortly after. The ley lines must have somehow given it to her."
Flynn watched her as she wandered around aimlessly, looking at the various books the Annex had. "So," His attention caught between Sara and Jenkins, he found himself glancing at both of them, almost making himself dizzy. "W-what do we do?"
"Well, I suggest you have 'the talk' with her, Mister Carsen."
Feeling awkward and embarrassed, he scratched the back of his head and avoided eye contact. When he finally did, he revealed he was blushing. "I'm pretty sure she's already had it."
"I haven't, actually," Sara blurted out from upstairs. She leaned over the bannister and added, "But, you know... Google. Anyway, he doesn't mean that kind of talk."
"Indeed. She–" Jenkins pulled a double-take on her, wondering at what point she made her way up there. "She needs to learn how to control her powers. Especially when she is back in the real world, which I don't entirely condone, but–"
"Wait, wait," Sara lobbed herself over the railing and landed on her feet with all the grace of a drunken giraffe. After steadying herself, she continued, "Wait, when I go back? I'm not going anywhere!"
"Miss, you can't stay here."
"No, she's right," Flynn said, folding his arms. "This is the safest place she can be right now. I mean, she is, for all intents and purposes, an artefact."
"I–" At that moment, his words sank in. Sara couldn't decide if she was peeved or perplexed. Maybe both. "You wha??"
"I know, you're a person, but a person with incredible capabilities. I mean," Unable to contain Flynn's excitement any longer, he let out a boisterous laugh. "You're a human artefact!" Flynn touched her from head to toe and examined every inch of her.
Gazing at him and his giddy nature, she got a warm, fuzzy feeling, prompting a grin of her own. Up until she, once again, realised what he just said, then her face went blank. "I'm a what?"
"Or you have an artefact on you. This necklace!" Flynn studied the silver chain and London blue topaz gem closely, only to be disappointed seconds later. "No, that's not it. Cheap, though."
She frowned in affront. "I got on it Amazon, and could please stop touching me?"
"Sorry. No other Librarian has ever come into contact with a human artefact before," Flynn's eyes flicked from Sara to a random spot on the ceiling while rethinking his statement. "Well, one did, but that didn't end well."
"Ah, yes. The real reason the moon has craters," Jenkins recalled with an odd hint of impending misfortune in his tone.
A frown of puzzlement lined her forehead. "I-I'm sorry. What happened exactly?"
The way Jenkins motioned his hands was akin to an explosion, as well as the sounds he made, adding squelching and hushed screaming.
A concerned and troubled expression crossed her face, eyebrow arched. "Well, I would never do that to him."
Appreciative that she didn't want to blow him to smithereens using her brains, Flynn gave her a delicate smile of gratitude and said, "Oh, thank you."
It still sounded like a horrible idea to Jenkins, the two of them gallivanting about with dangers lurking. "Even so, it could be hazardous to let her go."
"Oh, Jenkins. It's not like she'll be unsupervised. I'll be there. Besides," Flynn wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close to him. "She just said she wouldn't harm me. And we're getting on fantastically."
"Yes, and a little too quickly, I might add."
Near imperceptibly, Flynn's expression turned serious, hardening his handsome features. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Before the fur could start flying, Sara clapped her hands once to interrupt it. "Okay! I need to use the loo."
Flynn pointed in the direction of the bathroom. "Oh, it's back–"
"I know where it is. I've been here before."
"But you never–"
"I didn't mean that time, Librarian."
With that, she turned the corner and was gone, leaving Flynn and Jenkins to wonder what the hell she was talking about.
Following a sharp inhalation, Jenkins asked, "Mister Carsen, I know it's none of my business, but have you forgotten about Colonel Baird?"
"You're right, it's none of your business," he parried, then began searching for something to take back with him.
"It's just..." Jenkins' voice snared Fynn's attention. Taking notice of this, he went on to say, "I see the way you look at her–"
"Yes, well, one still couldn't help but wonder."
The very idea of such a thing brought forth a chuckle. Sara and Flynn? It was harebrained, not to mention callous of him to take advantage of the moment, hypothetical or not. So, why did he want to? Asking himself this, his brow furrowed, as if the idea was giving him a headache. Before he could respond, Sara came back into the main room of the Annex.
"Hey," The closer she got to Flynn, the more she noticed he didn't look well at all. "You all right? You seem rather vexed, Librarian."
He had to pick his brain up off the floor and stuff it back in his head, so he could speak. Unfortunately, his temporal lobe refused to provide anything except gibberish at first, bringing a worried grimace on her face. At last, he said, "Sorry, sorry. Yeah, it's– I'm fine. Are you ready to go yet?"
"Go?" Sara glanced around the room. "I thought we were staying here."
"We won't find the Library that way, now, will we?" Out of nowhere, Flynn gasped, clutching his head and grabbing handfuls of his hair. "Ohhhh, that's it!"
Sara's head scantily tilted. "What, did your brain finally explode?"
"No, no," He took her hands and eyed her intensely. "You can open a rift between dimensions."
Both Sara and Jenkins talked over each other, stretching their voices high and thin.
"What?" she demanded.
"Whoa, whoa! Sir, bad idea. Very bad idea!"
"– I-I can't. Are you insane?"
"Well, it's the only option we have!" Flynn exclaimed, gesturing wildly.
"Surely there is something, oh, I dunno, less likely to make the world implode on itself?!"
"There is," Jenkins said. "He's just... lost his mind!"
In response, Sara huffed out in a long breath, "Yeah."
Even Flynn couldn't believe his monstrous wrong turn. However, he was getting desperate, so much so that he didn't care if he destroyed the world in the process of getting his home back. It didn't occur to him until then if he did go through with the plan, he wouldn't have a home to go back to. Nobody would.
"You're right," A trembling hand of Flynn's raked through his crazy hair. "I don't know what got into me."
"It's okay," she spoke in a low, soothing voice. "We'll figure out a way — a safe way — right?"
Whilst nodding, he mouthed the word, "Right."
The two stood there, staring at each other like two lovesick teenagers. There was no doubt that they loved, cherished and respected each other deeply. Neither of them simply didn't know how to convey it. One wanted to just lay down on the floor with him, listening to music and spacing out together, while the other wanted to kiss her right where she stood.
Thankfully, a clear of Jenkins' throat brought Flynn and Sara back to reality and prevented either of them from living out their fantasies.
"I realise this might not be the best time to mention this, sir, but the others will be back soon."
"Right. I just don't know where we can go without being hunted down," Flynn tapped his lips and chin with his fingers and paced, completely missing Sara striding off with purpose. "Some remote island maybe? No, that wouldn't work. We'd need books, we'd need–"
Sara came back with something in her small hands and gave it to Flynn.
"The perception shifters..." He stared intently at them in his palms, then gave her the same treatment. "How did you know where these were?"
"Told you. Been here before," Playfully, she smacked his back. "Keep up, big man."
He watched her walk away, towards the front gate. All he could do at first was hoarsely dissolve into laughter while he admired the exceedingly and ever-increasingly fascinating woman. Eventually, he jogged after her, asking, "Seriously, how?"
Then there was one. Jenkins was left alone again, and he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Still, it was jarring to have the two show up out of nowhere and leave just as abruptly. At the last second, he decided to call out, "Good luck!" to them, though neither probably heard him.
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