Storms are something every pirate will encounter. The first time is always terrifying.
Shadows POV:
I look out towards the horizon as dark clouds start to cover the sky the sea below us rocking the ship slightly it's called the calm before the storm for a reason. "Captain are you sure we can't go around it?" I look over at Mephiles who's just walked up to me a worried expression on his face and I glance at the others preparing, tying down everything loose and too big to fit into the hold onto the deck and throwing everything small enough into the hold making sure nothing will break. "It's too late to turn Mephiles it's practically on us" I sigh looking at the sky. How could we miss such a huge storm coming our way? It's like it just formed out of no where. "Well then should we let Sonic out of the brig he might be of use" I sigh glaring at Mephiles. "What use would that idiot be he can't even scrub the deck right" Mephiles gives me a look "captain" I grit my teeth and just shoos him making him turn around and walk to the brig disappearing down the stairs only to come back up with a blue hedgehog trailing him. "How stupid" I walk to rouge who's ordering everyone around telling them what to do "rouge ima go to my office real quick make sure that idiot doesn't do something stupid" I point at Sonic before walking to my room shutting the door behind me.
Rouge POV:
It doesn't take long for the storm to hit the waves crashing against the ship making it rock harshly, Mephiles keeps her steady as the crew runs around like crazy to keep the ship afloat some bucketing water out and over the railings, some tending to the sails and Sonic's helping omega with the rest of the cargo near the left side of the boat. He's a sweet boy if only he wasn't a noble shadow would've recruited him. I look up in times to see shadow rushing out to me. "How's everything looking!" He yells at me over the rushing wind and crashing of waves as rain soaks everything in its way making some shield their eyes from the harsh pellets of water. "Pretty good! We don't have any damage yet! But idk how long the ship can take this! It's a bad storm shadow!" A look of worry sweeps across his face before it goes stone cold again and he goes to say something before omega makes a loud scream replaced by cream crying out,
"Sonic went over!"
Shadows POV:
I run to the side of the boat where the commotion is just in time to see sonic flailing in the water trying to grip onto the side of the boat fear filling his green eyes. "Throw him a rope!" Mephiles rushes over throwing a rope over go Sonic but it's just out of his reach and when he goes to reach for it he loses grip on the ship waves crashing over him dragging him under and into the cold cruel darkness of the sea.
Sonic POV:
I look over seeing shadow collapse into the arms of rouge but she doesn't seem worried at all letting omega pick him up and rush him to his room and I look up as cream checks me making sure I didn't get hurt in my fall. The others are still rushing about helping keep the ship steady as the waves try to bring it down. I can't help but let my mind wonder back to shadow touching my lips lightly, when we were in the water it was like he wasn't even himself he was tender gentle even but his eyes were different instead of the normal pupils they were slits like a cat. What the hell is he.
952 words
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