"..." These will be speech
'...' These will be thoughts
(...) These will be random ass texts by me aka author aka Iris-chan
[....] These will be fourth wall breaking texts
Second person POV
You are right now standing on stage in Karasuno volleyball gym with Yamaguchi standing beside you and others staring at you. "So uh..Miss can you tell us why you were hiding behind stage. And what do you mean by we can see you?" asked Daichi. 'What am I supposed to tell them? That hey, my name is (Y/n) and I am a ghost who died about a week ago and was watching you guys play volleyball but somehow you can see me and I am very happy?! BULLSHIT' you thought sweated nervously at them then sigh and finally speak. "Ok ok I came here to watch you guys practice and you see the gym door was open and I called out to you guys many times but you didn't notice probably cause I have a small presence that's why I was shocked! Sorry for not telling you guys and watching without permission!" You bow to them hoping they caught this lie of yours. "Ah it's ok we understand just don't do that again will you?" said Sugawara and you reply "Thank you!" you smile at them and apologize to Yamaguchi for scaring him.
Now you are sitting on the bench watching the guys practice. You talked with Kiyoko who was their manager. "KIYOKO WATCH OUT" Kiyoko turned blocked with one of her hands and you jump at the sound of ball, since you were a ghost you basically flew and then landed quietly. You realise what you did and look at others who were staring at you in shock. "Um..UH!" you started panicking. "OH MY GOD YOU CAN FLY TOO! ALMOST LIKE A BIRD. You went WOOSH in air and then then..it was nothing but silence but-but STILL SO COOL!" you hear Hinata screaming at you and you flinch while looking at him. "UM- YEAH HAHA". "Now I see what you meant earlier" all of them look at Asahi" You jumped and landed without making a sound, it's your lack of presence that makes you as silent as air, probably the reason we didn't notice or hear your footsteps". "Yes you got it Asahi-senpai!" You nod at them 'THANK GOD I AM SAVED'.
"WHOA SO COOL!/OUR ANOTHER GODDESS IS COOL!" Hinata, Tanaka scream as Daichi hits the simp duo. "Yeah yeah it's cool but ok get back to practice now!". "Yeah let's go (Y/n)-chan!" Hinata said, as he was about to grab your arm you step back. He states at you along with others in confusion. "Eh? (Y/n)-chan Did I do something wrong? I am sorry I should have not gone for touching your wrist without permissio-" "No no it's fine hinata it's just that uh I hate physical contact...I feel insecure" you said to him and he smiles widely at you. "Tch great we have a germaphobic girl" said Tsukishima "Eh! No I just feel insecure that's it hahaha" you laugh nervously when Coach Ukai grabs attention "It's ok kiddo we understand, so everyone make sure not to get all touchy touchy especially you Hinata, Tanaka and Nishinoya" "Hai" everyone replies and you sigh in relief. "I will uh just go outside for some air" you said to Kiyoko and she nods.
You close the gym door and sit on stairs and sigh "They are so nice but...how will they feel when they know the truth...will they abandon me too?.." you put your head in between your legs. 'i don't wanna be alone again... It's not right I need to tell them! Maybe I should play with them then I can reveal the truth. It's Saturday so and it's only 12 pm right now' you sigh once again , stood up and go back in the gym. You enter and a ball crawls to you, you pick it up and walk towards court. "Can I play with you guys?" You smile at them while they look at you.
"Sure you can kiddo"
"Yes (Y/n)-chan!"
"I-I want to set for you!"
You giggle and smile discussing how to play.
It's a 3v3 match with You, Hinata and Kageyama on one side and Tsukishima, Daichi and Tanaka on other side. It was your turn to serve. "Nice serve!" you get into position. 'A ghost playing volleyball great-' you throw the ball, run and jump in air or fly according to your ghostly state and slam the ball on other side of court. It seemed like it went to Daichi but at the end it flys off the other side and hits the ground earning you a point. Others looked shocked and you smiled when you hear a scream "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Everyone screamed until Daichi spoke "It came for me but at the end it suddenly changed its direction." "(Y/n)-chan what serve is that?!" you jump as Kageyama asks you while others looking at you "You see you hit the ball and it seemed like the ball was going to Daichi but in reality it changed its direction in between and went on the opposite corner. It's created an illusion due to which Daichi or others couldn't save it. I call it uh.. GHOST SERVE!" you explain to them laughing nervously as they look in amazement especially Kageyama, Coach and Hinata. "Ok everyone forget about this match! Oi Kiddo do you mind helping those children with that ghost serve of yours?" Coach Ukai yells in excitement. "Oh yeah sure! I don't mind!" "Thank you kiddo" "no problem" you reply to them and then Coach Ukai commands others to receive your serve. You spent about an hour with that Ghost serve of yours and none of them are able to get used to it. "(Y/n)-chan this serve of yours is dangerous no one can get it" Sugawara said panting. "Yeah kiddo it's a sick serve! It's been more than an hour and nobody is able to receive it even Nishinoya" you look at other side to see most of the team laying dead except Kageyama and Hinata. "(Y/N)-CHAN That's so cool! It went like wahh!" Hinata said to you and you laugh a little then Kageyama approaches you "(Y/n)-chan please teach me this serve!" He bows to you and you jump a little "Oh um Kageyama I am afraid I can't teach you or anyone this serve" you said in a sad tone as you were planning onto leaving after today. "Is there no way at all kiddo? I am sure this serve is useful and powerful!" You hear coach Ukai and shook your head. "I am sorry Kageyama" "it's ok (Y/n)-chan! Can you help spike for my tosses then?"
"Sure I can do that!".
You continue to practice till it's lunch and all of the then were eating. "Eh? (Y/n)-chan you are not eating? You should eat too!" Takeda sensei asks as he offers you a small box. "Ah gomen sensei but I cannot eat food" "HUH?! why is that?!" You start panicking at question. 'Think think!... YES!'. "Um the thing is sensei I have some stomach problems due to which I can't eat food much. So it's ok if I don't eat or drink I am totally fine!" You smile at him. "Oh ok but you should take some rest, you and Hinata have been practicing for very long!" he said as others nod "And surprisingly you are not sweating while we are a sweating mess. You are more of a freak then King and shrimp" Tsukishima said as hinata and Kageyama start bickering with him. Others laugh at their laugh while you panic thinking 'OH FUCK THEY ARE GETTING ONTO ME'.
"Hey (Y/n)-chan won't your parents will be worried about you? You have been here all day" Asahi said to you and you look at him and others with a sad smile "Ah no Asahi-senpai you see I live alone so it's fine". Asahi continues "Oh are they like out of town or something?" You shook your head and sit beside him in circle of boys "Then what is it (Y/n)-chan?! We don't know much so how about you tell us your past!" Hinata asks you and others notice your sad expression "BOKE HINATA BOKE CANT YOU SEE SHE IS-"
"It's fine Kageyama! I don't mind much" you manage a fake smile as they look at you. "I don't mind sharing my past, it's not much and a mess anyways" you let out a small laugh and others look at you in concern.
"Tch why are we doing a background check on her? It's just a childhood past she is probably happy as others with her friends and stuff. You stupid people asking dumb questions" "TSUKISHIMA KEI!" Tsukishima said as Daichi and Sugawara yell at him. "Tsukishima I wish haha I wish I had a beautiful past just as you said"...silence filled the air as others looked at you in concern even Tsukishima. "Kiddo what do you mean?" Coach Ukai asked and you sigh before speaking "You see my past was a mess and a big one.." you pause then continue as you look on ceiling "My family threw me out when I was 4, I lived on alleyways, streets for months then at that time I felt like dying.." Silence was in air as you continue "Then came a lady to my rescue, although she took me to her orphanage it was...lonely..silent because there were no others kids but I grew there my whole life..". Then Ennoshita breaks the silence "And now?" others still look at you with sad faces "...she died of a disease a month ago...and left me her money so I moved to Miyagi.. I had a couple of friends but I left them in Tokyo..you know I was gonna join Karasuno until something happened..and I thought I would be lonely all my life until" you look down at them then smile with tears in your eyes "I met you all! Hehe you guys were like light to my dark world! After that accident no one noticed me, not even a single person until Yamaguchi and others did and I am grateful for that!" You smile at them with tears on your face, not dripping cause you are a ghost.
They smile at you "(Y/n)-chan we are happy you are here! It's been only few hours but we all got a bond with you" Sensei said as others nod
"We are here (Y/n)-chan!"- Yamaguchi
"Such bad parents! Don't worry I as the mother of Karasuno will adopt you!"- Sugawara
"Suga is right pretty sure another kid to Karasuno family won't be bad"- Daichi
"Tch. Yeah I guess"- Tsukishima
"We will be your friends (Y/n)-chan!"- Hinata
"Y-yeah!"- Kageyama
"We are here kiddo!"- Coach Ukai
"I am here too"- Kiyoko
"I will pray for your happiness!"- Asahi
"We 3 are here too!" - Ennoshita, Narita and Kinoshita.
Everyone say kind words to you "Thank you but.." and you sadly once again "I am happy guys but there is something you don't know and I am afraid once you do...I will be abandoned again after this little secret of mine is out. This will explain why I don't eat or drink and I have endless stamina that I don't even sweat".
You look at them while tears start to run down your face "Hey it's ok (Y/n)-chan now come here for a group hug!" Said hinata as he jumps towards you. You sit there bracing for what's going to happen next. Hinata passes through you and falls on the floor. "Ow! (Y/n)-chan wh-" he stops and looks back in shock and others too at the current scene. You are sitting on the floor while Hinata torso is literally inside your body. All of them stand up and stand back in fear, you stand up and lift Hinata. Hinata is closest to you while others are behind Coach Ukai and Takeda sensei starting at you in shock. "Try hugging me hinata" you said to him and he inside you again, he repeats this everytime and fails to touch you. "AH!!" He screams , runs and hides behind Kageyama. "W-what are you (Y/n)-chan?" Sugawara asks you. You look at them and say
"I am a ghost...and a dead one.."
me: Hehe so how was it? :> Tell me in comments and uh if possible can I get some future ideas? I have tons but still oof anyways see ya next chapter!
(Y/n)-chan: Wait Iris-chan! Now I know or think that the boy I saved is Flattykawa according to i_hate_life__lol i_hate_life__lol but who is the little kid I saved with him? ATLEAST TELL ME! I AM NOT SURE IF THE GUY NAMED FLATTYKAWA EVEN EXISTS.
Me: ...NO SPOILERS! *runs*
(Y/n)-chan: Did she forget I am a ghost and can fly? *FLYS AT MACH 20 SPEED*
Get the reference?
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