HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO IceDoll05 I WISH YOU THE HAPPIEST THINGS, also lol it was MY birthday yesterday, we're now two fabulous 17 years old girls.
Okay let's get on to the story lmao
The message on the phone
Weeks passed, and you got acquainted with Gaster's presence over you. He usually floated around the apartment, flying there and then and making some acrobacies out of boredom. A sight that was actually funny.
Sometimes you still looked angry though. He had the audacity to ignore you. And to think you two were...
After at least 8 hours of work at the lab, you exited the building, waving at Jim, who was still worried for you after you entered the place with an angry aura around you for days.
Once you got out, you noticed that there was still light, and the sun was about to go down.
So you decided to take that walk.
You started walking towards the center of the city.
Gaster, after being dead silent ever since he saw your soul, finally spoke.
"I thought you were going home by now?"
"I want to walk for a bit, surely you won't mind, am I right?"
Well, he couldn't do anything to protest after all.
Maybe this was also the opportunity to show him around and see something new. You didn't know much about him, but it didn't look like he knew a lot about the surface.
He stayed silent again, until you reached your destination.
It was the center of the city, and there was a river where you could see the sunset from there.
Kneeling down and putting your arms on the barricade, you observed the sunset setting down, an explosion of orange, yellow and red there and then, and the slight blue approaching you from behind.
"Say, Gaster..."
"Aren't you afraid of people hearing you and thinking that you're talking alone?"
"So what? They aren't part of my life, they're just strangers and free to think what they want. I don't really care"
Strong mindset...I like this. The perfect soul, he thought.
"As I was saying" you started
"...do you often feel alone?"
This question honestly caught Gaster off-guard. Oh, if only you knew what he had to spend in the void...
But obviously, you couldn't know this.
"Actually, forget what I said-" but you were cut off by his answer.
"...I suppose I do, sometimes"
You looked at his semi-transparent face, now hit by the last rays of sunset. He was almost shining.
You blinked your eyes a few times looking at him, and then looked back in front of you.
"This place is special for me" you said "it's peaceful, isn't it? And look at the colours, they relax me a lot. Do they relax you?"
Gaster, kinda embarassed, mumbled. But you heard him though.
"What's the matter?"
"I can't see colours"
"You what?"
"I said I can't see colours. I see everything in black and white"
You gaped out, now in embarassment. You were talking about how you love colours in front of a guy who can't see them.
Great job, Y/N. Maybe he wants to see colours too and look at what you just did
Gaster noticed your internal thinking, and smirked.
"Don't be too hard on yourself, you couldn't know this"
"I'm sorry though...maybe we should just probably head home"
And with that, you turned your heels, followed by Gaster, still floating.
The sunset was now behind you, and you were welcomed by the first stage of the night's darkness, enveloping you in your black coat and the ghost behind you.
You then reached your apartment, and entered it. After you entered though, you held out open the door for Gaster, even though he could just go through it you still didn't want to treat him as the ghost he was. You wanted to treat him like a normal person.
He still had feelings, right?
...did he?
You removed your heels, put on nice comfy slippers and fell on the couch.
You contemplated a bit the TV in front of you, and then invited Gaster to come near you, who was now standing awkwardly in the air.
"Wanna watch something?"
You really couldn't answer yourself, but everytime you started talking to Gaster, asking him even the most normal things, he would react surprised.
"...may I ask why you want so bad to start a conversation?"
"...well? Because? You're literally living with me now and will live with me for who knows how long? Might as well become friends"
You kept surprising Gaster. He didn't think that you would have asked him to become your friend. He was a ghost after all, and technically it wasn't normal.
"...aren't you scared of me?"
"Why should I be? I mean, I was afraid of you at first, but your presence is actually enjoyable. I don't mind it. We both could stay in silence and it wouldn't be awkward. I still want to talk with you though"
His eyesockets widened, and his smile disappeared for the first time. He turned around so that you couldn't see it.
Gaster, just play her game. Then everything will turn back to normal and you'll get your revenge, he thought internally.
What he didn't know was that he was starting to feel weird. Like he was gaining back his humanity as a monster, like when he was still a monster.
When he turned back, he saw you on your phone, with a worried expression. The expression of someone who was about to crack and explode.
He tilted his head and raised his eye-brow.
For days sometimes you would be smiling a bit, then look at the phone and return to your gloomy self.
And, even if he supposedly didn't care, he was tired of being in a gloomy environment.
He swiftly teleported behind you, without you noticing, to look for the reason of your sudden sadness.
For a brief moment, he saw a chat open. The name of the person you were talking with had a red heart. You had sent the last message, and only then Gaster noticed that the hand holding your phone was slightly shivering.
Before you could turn off the phone, noticing him staring, he saw the last message, the one that you sent.
"Why won't you answer me? What have I done? Please, I'm getting worried..."
"I know I said I wanted to be friends with you but breaking my privacy is disrespectful" you said with an angry look.
"Friends are supposed to sustain each other, or did you not really mean what you said just before?"
Wait, Gaster, why are you talking like you care? Oh right, I'm playing her game, he thought. He wasn't actually convinced though.
And he hated this doubt of his.
But there was a rageful look on your face, that was covering the sadness and loneliness you were feeling deeply in your heart.
"So now you're starting to talk like we're friends?! This is so hypocrite of you"
"Do you even know something about me, human?" he said, with emphasys on the word human.
"Ooh you know what, I'll just head to my bedroom, I don't want to spend another second here"
And you slammed your door, leaving Gaster alone in the living room, in total silence, slightly pulled by the connection.
He sighed.
He then heard some cries, coming from your bedroom.
Great Gaster, she's crying. This could influence the quality of her soul...
After an hour or two, the cries stopped.
Even though you could not hear him floating, he slowly floated towards your door not to be heard, and passed through it.
You lied on the bed, sleeping, with red eyes and hugging a pillow, wet from your tears.
He sighed.
With the little magic and strenght he had left, he did the only thing he could do: put you under the blankets.
Did he really not care?
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