Not just friends anymore
The shift ended, and Gaster quickly went to your section to pick you up.
He opened the glass door and saw you far away on your desk, doing nothing but playing with your hair and humming that song from Waterfall.
He slowly approached you, clenching tightly his flower in hand and greeted you.
"Hi, Y/N, ready to go?"
You jumped out of fear as you heard his voice and your cheeks became dark red, bringing you back to reality.
The voice of the man you realised you fell in love with.
"G-Gaster?! What are you doing here?"
He looked at you surprised.
"...Y/N, it's 4:00 pm. The shift has ended. It's time to go, we agreed to go home together"
You blushed, remembering how you pulled his arm before he went for his section.
"Oh...y-yeah, I forgot that"
Wait, saying that I forgot could make him think that I don't care enough.
"W-with this I didn't mean I don't care! Actually! I was looking forward to go back home with you!" you said in a rush.
He looked at you with a surprised smile, but quickly laughed.
"Don't worry, I didn't doubt it" he said, and smiled.
God, I could drown in that smile
"So...can we go?" he said, holding out his free hand.
"O-oh, yeah!" you said, grabbing the Agapanthus and taking his hand on your own.
He intertwined his fingers with yours, which made you scream on the inside.
You walked in the hall, in silence.
But you wanted to break it and genuinely talk about something. You wanted to hear his smooth voice.
"S-so...what did you do today?" you nervously asked.
He looked in front of him as you were walking and thought about an answer.
"Nothing much...the same researches on souls and how they're powerful. Then we all received that flower. Alphys was probably the happiest about it: she can give it to her girlfriend"
"Oh, she has a girlfriend? That's wonderful! I'm so happy for her!"
Gaster smiled
Oh, how I would love to call you my girlfriend...
"About the you want to give them to someone...?" he asked with all of his courage.
You held your breath in shock as you processed his question.
How the heck am I supposed to answer this question AAAAAAAH-
"Hellooo? Earth. Calls. Y/N!" Gaster said as he shook you with his arm, not wanting to leave your hand.
"H-huh?" you asked confused "I-I'm sorry, I must have dozen off"
Yeah, dozen off my ass
"C-could you repeat the question?"
"Actually, forget about it." he said while shrugging off.
You looked at him with a mortified look, but took the chance not to answer to his question.
Great, who knows now what this man is thinking...
He looked not upset, but he looked like he cared for an answer, and didn't obtain what he wanted.
For some reason the whole trip to your house was quiet. Not that it was enjoyable, but it was that kind of silence that was brought when something was off.
You noticed that his hand was trembling in yours. You looked up to him and saw a nervous look on his skull
"Gaster...? Is everything okay?" you asked, worried.
He noticed what was happening and quickly gained back his composure.
"Yeah, yeah...I'm okay, I was just lost in thought"
You looked up to him to see if he wanted to say more, but he didn't.
You were starting to worry. Had you done something to upset him?
Still in silence, you reached your house. As you reached it, you noticed that Gaster had tightened his grip on your hand.
"Gaster...? Are you okay? You've been oddly quiet..."
His eyesockets widened and he looked down at you with an unsure look.
"Y/N, I..." he started speaking, but he cut himself off.
Fear filled his soul as he was feeling less ready. And after fear, despair came in.
He couldn't do it.
He looked down, not to make eye-contact, and tightened the grip on the flower.
"I'm sorry...I must go. If you want, I'll still pick you up tomorrow, if it's okay with you" he looked at you with a sorry look.
Something heavy was gripping on your heart.
"...sure. I'm okay with it" and you shoved a little smile on your lips.
He left your hand and rubbed his thumb against your cheek.
And with that, he teleported. Just as you were spilling a tear.
"Great...I should have told him how I feel. I must have done something to upset him and I ruined everything"
You entered the house and sat down on the chair near the table in the living room, right where there was the echo flower
You wiped your eyes, but it was unstoppable.
"I'm so sorry Gaster...
...I love you"
At Sans and Papyrus'
Teleporting noises.
Sans turned his back only to face his crying father.
"I've ruined everything, AS ALWAYS!" he screamed, and kicked the nearest drawer he could find.
Sans' pin-pricks disappeared. He had never seen his father like this.
Gaster almost slammed the flower on the table of the living room and he sat down on a chair, rubbing nervously his eyes.
"dad, calm down and tell me everything"
Gaster took in shaky breaths and slowly looked at his son, as he sat down near him.
"I...wanted to tell her how I feel. I even..." he cut himself off, not being able to speak
"...prepared the flower and asked everyone to have a flower as well so that you wouldn't look suspicious? yeah dad, you told me the plan many times." Sans continued.
"But in the end I didn't manage to confess. What's worst, I probably upset her because she looked like she wanted to talk but I was mentally preparing to confess, but anxiety and fear in the end took over me and I didn't manage. AND NOW I RUINED EVERYTHING!"
"heh, dad, i think it was worse when you almost killed her ex-boyfriend. you're just angry with yourself right now"
Gaster didn't reply though. He was busy torturing himself mentally.
"hey, listen to me. tomorrow you'll go pick her up and tell her that it was just a misunderstanding and that you were not feeling fine and didn't want her to worry. okay?"
He slowly looked at his son and nodded, a bit calmed down.
Papyrus had entered the room.
Gaster looked at his son in his eyes. Even if Papyrus didn't know you at all, he still got worried for you and his dad.
In fact, all Gaster could see in his younger son's eyes were worry and a hint of fear.
"I...just didn't make things clear with her, Papyrus. But you don't need to worry, Dad here will fix everything and then I'll make sure you'll meet her" he said to his son to reassure him.
And it was successful, as Papyrus' eyes were suddenly filled with little stars
And with that, he ran away.
Ensuring Papyrus wasn't around to listen, he shakily looked towards Sans.
"S-sans...who the FUCK has taught him how to cook?"
Sans laughed, and patted his dad's shoulders.
"heh, it was undyne. i thought you saw it when you were watching us from the void"
Oh yeah, Gaster had in fact seen Papyrus get training and cooking lessons from the fish girl.
But he had seen so many things that he couldn't remember all of them.
He sighed, remembering his time in the void, and...what happened next when he was given back his freedom.
Sans noticed this, and rubbed his father's back.
"don't worry dad, i'm sure she isn't holding a grudge on you"
You weren't, in fact.
You were just hoping that everything between you and him would be okay.
The alarm clock ringed.
As if often happened, you woke up, trying to open your half-asleep eyes, and after 5 minutes, you succeeded.
You remembered the events from the day before, and sighed.
You realised you had fallen in love with Gaster and you had an oddly silent trip back home with him for who knows why.
Well, apart from not answering his question, I didn't really do something to ruin everything or something like I had no reason to cry yesterday or get worried...but still...
Why was he quiet yesterday? Did he want to do something? Was something going through his mind?
You sighed again, and got ready, when you remembered something important.
...fuck, he's supposed to come and pick me up today
You deadpanned at yourself, now looking at your reflection in the mirror while washing your face.
Well then Gaster, if there is something going through your mind, I'll have you tell me immediately! No more secrets!
With your Perseverance, you shoved a smile on your lips and got ready with determination.
"Now then, what should I wear to look stunning as the beautiful girl I am?" you said with confidence.
You searched through your drawers and wardrobe and looked for the perfect outfit to take everyone's breath away.
"Well...I shouldn't probably choose something exaggerated, I'm going to work after all" you remembered as you found a beautiful black long dress.
You searched for 4 minutes and found a pair of black skinny jeans, a green turtleneck and a jacket, along with your white lab coat.
"Perfectly balanced, as everything should be" you said giving yourself a thumbs up as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You looked at the time and...
Your confidence was overwritten by immediate anxiety. No one wants to be late for work, doesn't it?
You checked on your phone and saw two messages from Gaster:
"Hey Y/N, I'm ready to pick you up if you're ready"
"Y/N, is everything okay...? Do I need to worry?"
"FUCK!" you screamed, and just as you screamed you heard a noise behind you.
Teleporting noise.
You turned your back and saw a very worried Gaster.
"Y/N?! Is everything okay?!" he asked in a rush, holding now your face with his holed hands.
Your cheeks were now as hot as lava.
"Uh...yeah, I'm okay Gaster!" you said trying not to die internally "I just...spent too much time getting ready"
And in fact, after you said this, he throughly looked at you.
He looked like he stopped breathing.
Heh well, that was exactly the reaction I was waiting for.
He cleared his throat and gained back his composure.
"Y-yeah well, if we're late we have no other choice but to teleport..."
"Are you kidding me? I still want to walk with you..." you said with pleading puppy eyes.
He looked almost convinced by your eyes, but you both couldn't do nothing about it, it was late, and you both needed to get to work in time.
He held your hands in his.
"As much as I would like to walk with you too, we're still late. We can still walk back home when the shift finishes if you want" he said, trying to reason with you.
Your puppy eyes now had a sad look, as you got convinced by Gaster that teleporting was the best thing you could do.
"Okay..." you said, finally surrending to this option.
You heard a smirk, and you suddenly were pulled by him. You bumped into his chest and the next moment you found yourself in front of your section.
Until you heard a sound.
"Y/N? Everything alright?" he asked.
"Uh...yeah" you answered with a lost look, still thinking about the sound you just heard.
He looked at you as if he was trying to understand something, but then rubbed his neck.
"So...I'll still pick you up after the shift?" he asked looking away.
"S-sure..." you answered as you felt the growing feeling of butterflies in your stomach.
"Well then, I'll see ya..."
But before he turned his back to go to his own section, he hugged you, your head in his chest.
And you heard the sound again.
You watched as he then walked away, and remembered the sound.
His soul. The sound was his soul.
And it was beating faster.
You blinked your eyes a few times, still thinking about this, and opened the glass door.
Why would his soul beat faster than usual?
You were brought back by Jim's laugh. Was he talking with someone?
You looked up and saw Alphys.
"Oh, look who's here, we were just talking about you!" Jim said with an energic voice.
"" you asked, still thinking about his soul.
"Yeah, we were talking about how much happier you've been lately" Jim replied.
That fucker.
Then you looked down at Alphys in her eyes.
She knows Gaster, right? She's the one that has given him the job...might as well talk with her.
"That reminds me, Alphys, may I have the pleasure to talk with you for a second?" you calmly asked.
The calm wasn't perceived by Alphys as she thought you were actually intimidatory.
"U-uh, haha, s-sure!" she answered confused.
You both went to your table under Jim's gaze, who was laughing internally, and gave her a seat.
"S-so uhm, w-what do you wanna talk about?" Alphys asked.
You took in a breath and talked.
"It's about Gaster"
Something snapped in Alphys as she now looked at you with a teasing look.
Damn, she can change quickly.
"Go on, I'm listening" she suggested you to do, still with a smirk.
You made a poker face and smirked. This was actually the first serious girl-to-girl conversation you've had in a lot of time.
You didn't mind it though.
"So uhm...what I want to ask is..."
"If he talks about you?"
You felt blush creep on your cheeks as you looked away.
"W-well...not that, but...ugh, I guess I'll have to spill it out at this point"
Alphys looked much more interested in the conversation now.
" Gaster. I just realised this yesterday, but...I might have loved him for a longer time than just a day"
You looked at her and saw little stars in her eyes.
So she's a fangirl
"OMG" she just said.
You laughed a bit at her excitement.
"You'd look so cute together!" she said.
"Y-you think so?"
"Yeah! And I think you're just his type! I also think you're a perfect match for each other"
You flushed, steam almost coming out from your face, obtaining Jim's laugh who was quietly watching you from his desk.
"The point is...I don't know how Gaster feels about me. We've done a lot of things together but they could be easily considered friends stuff"
"Would you mind telling me a bit about it?" she gently asked.
So you told her everything, from when you met him to how he was quiet the day before.
You told her even about his soul beating faster.
You looked down in embarassment, so you didn't see Alphys' poker face.
They're being the MOST obvious people and NEITHER OF THEM realised?! she thought.
She quickly laughed though.
"Well, I don't know how Gaster feels about you..." she started
Yeah, if I don't know how he feels then I'm not Undyne's girlfriend
"...what I do know is that it is highly possible that he likes you as well. For the meantime you should just be yourself. This is what really makes a person fall in love with another. I can assure you, personal experience"
Personal experience?
It was now your turn to look at her with a teasing look.
And in fact, she blushed.
End of the shift, 4:00 pm
Gaster opened the glass door, and heard the laughs of two joyous girls.
He looked, and saw you and Alphys laughing together.
A sight that melted his soul.
He approached the two of you, curious, but felt the weight of two gazes on him. Alphys' and Jim's. Both teasing gazes.
He shrugged them off and still walked to greet you. But when you noticed him, of course you blushed: you had talked with Alphys only about him and Undyne, in a topic that is obvious to guess at this point.
Alphys contained her laugh as she saw your expression changing.
"H-hi Gaster" you waved nervously.
Luckily he didn't notice.
"Hi Y/N, ready to go?" he asked dumbfoundedly.
He held out his hand for you to grab.
Under Alphys' teasing and fangirling look, you took it and you were pulled up by him, as he grabbed your stuff and handed it to you.
You waved at Alphys and went outside with Gaster.
You looked at him. He looked more cheerful than the day before.
That's good to see, you thought smiling.
"I see that you're happy" he said noticing your smile.
"Yeah, I had a girl-to-girl talk with Alphys. Didn't have one of those in ages"
"Oh, that's interesting. What did you talk about?" he asked.
"Mmmmmmmmm that's a secret between me and her!" you teased, poking his cheekbone.
He was caught off guard by this poke as he now blushed a little.
You then reached your house. He was ready to depart but you blocked him.
"Actually, why don't you stay at least for dinner?" you asked with confidence.
He stared at you with surprise in his pin-pricks, but he soon smiled.
"I would love to"
You then both entered your apartment, greeted by the cozy atmosphere, filled by the scent of cookies, vanilla and cherries.
"I already have something ready, I just need to prepare other things and I think we're settled!" you exclaimed, now walking towards the kitchen and picking an apron to wear it.
He simply stared at you with joy in his eyes.
That's when he noticed the echo flower repeating something.
Curiously, he approached it as you were now in the kitchen checking in the fridge.
It seemed like it was repeating sobs.
He approached it more and heard a phrase. A phrase he would never forget.
"I'm so sorry Gaster...
...I love you"
His pin-pricks became almost as small as atoms as he had to clutch his ribcage.
"Gaster? Is everything okay?"
He was looming over the flower.
You approached it as well and heard the phrase, as Gaster was now covering his mouth.
Your face exploded as you heard the phrase you said the day before while crying.
Without realising, you took some steps back until you reached the wall.
"Y-Y/N...what does this mean?" he asked, almost not believing it.
"I...I...I'm so sorry Gaster, I..." you said, unable to express your feelings.
"You...really love me?" he asked.
You felt tears in the corners of your eyes.
"I...oh my god, YES, I love you!" you exclaimed looking away "I think...I've loved you for a longer time than I actually thought, but didn't want to confess because I didn't want to ruin everything! I...I hope we can still at least be friends..."
He looked at you, a mix of feelings now running through his body.
"And...why were you crying as you said it?"
Really Gaster? I just ruined everything by confessing and you concentrate on the fact that I cried?
"I...yesterday walking back home you looked weird and I thought I had done something..."
Something snapped inside of Gaster.
"B-but that's okay Gaster! I know you only see me as a frie- wait what are you doing why are you approaching me like tha-"
As you started talking he started walking towards you with a steady pace and a confident look in his eyes.
You didn't know what he was trying to do, so as you saw that he was approaching, you waved
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