Biscuits and flowers
(slightest of nfsw up ahead)
The short skeleton was standing right in front of you, hands in his pockets, looking right up at you.
"heya...mind if i enter?"
You blinked your eyes, reminiscing about all the encounters you and Sans had.
You suppressed a laugh.
"what's the matter?" he asked confused.
Darn, he noticed it.
"Hah, sorry, I just found it funny. All the times you appeared here you either slammed me or tried to slam me on the wall. And now you're using the bell"
He looked away, feeling a little bit guilty.
"yeah, about that..."
"Ah, sorry, it was rude of me to keep you waiting here. Come in" you said with a smile, and opening the way to him.
He muttered a quick "thank you" and entered the apartment.
"Feel free to sit on the couch! Can I offer you something?"
He blushed a little and his cheeks turned a bright blue.
Huh, so he even inherited this from his father, did he? you thought with a smile
"Sans? Is everything okay?"
"i know this may sound weird, you have ketchup?"
"Uuh, come again?"
"ketchup. y'know, I'd like to ketchup with you with a bottle of ketchup"
You deadpanned at the pun, even though you were actually laughing inside.
"my brother reacts the same. you would probably be besties" he said as he observed your reaction.
"I actually found it funny" you reassured him.
He laughed a bit as you were taking a bottle of ketchup and putting some of it (how odd) in a cup, and gave it to him.
"So, did you want to talk about something?"
He stopped drinking his ketchup and prepared himself to talk.
"i...wanted to ask for forgiveness. i really shouldn't have slammed you on the wall and hurt you, i...wanted to stop dad."
"Hey, Sans, it's okay. I completely understand, and even though you could have done something different to approach him, I completely admire your desire to bring back Gaster, no matter what happens" you smiled.
You wanted to grab his hand to reassure him, but you didn't want to overstep your boundaries.
Sans stared at you with surprised eyes
He laughed internally.
so THAT's how she surprises you. damn you dad, you old bunch of bones, he internally thought.
"Also..." you started saying.
You brought him back to reality.
"'s Gaster? Is he doing well?" you asked with a blushing face, looking away.
heh, so she still cares. good thing.
You could swear you heard him smirk.
He then told you about what happened when his dad came home.
After his dad called, Sans immediately finished to prepare his room, with much of Papyrus' surprise.
"yeah paps', remember when yesterday i said that a surprise would come?"
His younger brother nodded, enthusiastic.
"the person who's going to rest here is the surprise"
And with that, the young skeleton went into the kitchen of their house.
"huh. dad has just returned and he won't be spared even now" Sans inwardly thought, laughing with himself at the thought of him eating his brother's cuisine.
He then heard a vibration behind him.
He turned and saw his dad.
But he didn't look happy.
Sans' pin pricks disappeared, as the grip on the pillow he had in his hands vanished.
"dad. what happened?"
"Hi, Sans"
He sat on the bed, sighing.
Sans sat down beside him, ready to listen.
"I...ruined everything. I completely ruined everything because of my sadistic mind and anger issues. God, if I just limited myself to staying by her side...!"
"hey, c'mon dad, i'm listening"
Gaster sighed, as he explained what had happened the day before and just a few moments before. He forgot (or rather excluded it on purpose) an important detail in his story:
He didn't say he kissed you nor loved you.
Even so, Sans still guessed it and smirked.
"dad, just give her a few days, plus she said to her now ex-boyfriend that she didn't want to see his face ever again, but didn't say anything about you"
Gaster was shocked. His son was actually right.
"so i presume you didn't tell her that you fell in love with her"
Gaster blushed a deep lavender as Sans said this, and turned to look at his son, who had now his hands behind his neck and was still sitting on the bed, crossing his legs, a triumphant look in his eye-sockets.
"so i was right"
"Sans! Don't tease me, I already feel shameful for what I have done... did you guess it?"
He deadpanned at his father.
"dad, are you serious? you were being the most obvious person on earth. heck, i might be the laziest person on earth even for a relationship, but i can recognise if someone close to me is in love.
even so, as i told you before, give her a few days and she will miss your presence"
Gaster sighed as his son got up and hugged him from behind.
Both he and Gaster turned and saw Papyrus.
Gaster's eyes shined in surprise, as he saw his younger son all grown up with a loud voice. He could even see him from the void, but seeing him in real life was a totally different thing.
"you bet it bro. now come, say hi to our father"
Gaster stood up as he approached his son.
"Hi, Papyrus. Look at you, you've grown up so much. I'm so proud" Gaster said with stars in his eye sockets.
Papyrus had them as well, as he now jumped around in excitement.
"FATHER! HAHA, I'M SO HAPPY, HELLO FATHER" he said as he brought Gaster in his arms to hug him.
"not only that paps, we might have a mother in the future as well"
"Sans!" Gaster scolded him, but the thought of his sons calling you their mother actually excited him.
"I bet they taste wonderful"
poor guy, Sans thought.
Papyrus ran away into the kitchen as he finished preparing the last things and Gaster was left alone with Sans again.
"so dad" Sans started saying "has she already given you a boner?" he jokingly said.
"SANS!" Gaster scolded him, not appreciating the pun. For a moment, he swore he heard someone running, and he was right, he saw Papyrus appearing from the door frame with a pissed face.
And with that he disappeared only to reappear one moment after.
End of the flashback.
Sans obviously didn't mention the parts involving Gaster's feelings for you, so he just said the essential things.
You didn't look convinced though, which actually hurt his soul, as he genuinely hoped you could be a part of their family.
"let me ask you one question: are you scared of him?"
This question made you gasp as you realised it was actually true: you were afraid. Afraid of what Gaster could do.
You still were sure that he would be by you there, but you were scared of his powers.
Sans sighed, already guessing what you were thinking about.
"it's for the way he treated your ex-boyfriend?"
"No!...yeah, I honestly don't know how to feel about it. I know Gaster wants to stay by my side, but his powers were something out of this world"
Sans chuckled.
"you know, i used to feel the same way. he was...appearing in my dreams quite often, and i had grown scared of him"
He frowned.
"Do you...want to talk about it?"
"i...don't want to disturb you"
"Sans! Your father himself has said not to bottle things up, and it's okay, I'm all ears" you smirked, hinting at the pun
"heh...well, let's just say that...he looked like he was trying to control my soul. he was always chasing me in a sort of light blue and black dimension. what scared me the most was...his face. he only showed horror. obviously he couldn't do anything because of his form, and because it was just a dream. felt so real. i always woke up with my soul beating faster than usual.
when i asked him why he made me do these dreams, or what i call visions since they made me acknowledge the situations, he didn't say nothing. i came up with a reason for it: he was asking me to stop him. to stop him from doing anything reckless. it was his mental sanity asking for help"
He sighed looking down when he felt pulled, and he later realised that you had pulled him into a hug.
He sighed.
It felt...warm. If felt motherly.
He hugged back.
"did i already say sorry for slamming you?" he said in a joyous tone to light you up.
"Hah, you'll have to ask me a skeleton of times to make it up" you said jokingly.
He chuckled.
"in all seriousness now, dad isn't a bad guy. the most caring guy apart from my brother that i know. i'm happy i'm his son"
You looked at the skeleton sitting beside you. He was serious, and wasn't lying: Gaster was a good person and just wanted to help you, even though he could have acted differently. You were sure he just wanted to protect you.
You were convinced.
The euphorical feeling returned in your heart.
"I'm convinced, Sans. I'm ready to forgive him. And I can't wait to see him again"
Sans smiled.
dad will be a LOT happy.
"well then, i should get going"
"Hey, wait a sec!"
He turned as you quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed a little container.
"I...made some biscuits. I thought you, Gaster and your brother would enjoy them"
Sans looked at you in astonishment but smiled wider.
"thank you, they'll taste bonerful"
You smirked at the pun and waved at him as he was proceeding to teleport.
"bye, and thank you for everything..."
He teleported.
The day after your little conversation with Sans, you were already feeling better, but you were still preparing mentally to say sorry to Gaster. You were also feeling guilty for not contacting him.
You didn't want to turn into Jack after all.
You decided to go on a little trip. And you chose the Underground.
Still, instead of falling like the last time, you accessed it through the broken barrier.
You wanted to go back to Waterfall, where you first met Gaster.
As you walked now in Hotland, you saw far away the Core, the place you even went through while directing towards Waterfall.
"So Gaster fell there..." you said, feeling pity for the guy.
You missed him. A lot.
You always felt like something was missing, as if your soul was calling for something.
Or rather someone.
You finally reached Waterfall after a while. It was still blue as always, not that it could have changed much, but a lot of time still passed.
You went back to the place where you first found the echo flower, the one that you brought with you.
In recent times you even talked with the echo flower, enjoying the company it gave you by repeating your words. It also seemed that it preferred repeating songs, as you often found it humming songs you hummed before.
You sat down, merging with the peaceful atmosphere the place gave you, caused by the calm rush of water and the wiggles of the echo flowers.
You took the chance to look around again. Nothing really had changed.
Suddenly, you saw something you didn't see before: a dark entrance, probably leading to another part of Waterfall.
You slowly stood up, now fascinated by the mystery of the newly-discovered room.
As you walked towards the room, you felt excitement into discovering something new like this.
As you walked closer, you noticed that the entrance was dark due to a curtain of dark blue vines, and that some light blue glow filtered by it.
You carefully moved them away and entered in the now lit room.
It was a cave with a field of echo flowers, but there were more there than in all sections of Waterfall.
Hence, the glow was stronger.
You looked amazed, as you walked among the flowers, carefully looking at where you were putting your feet on.
The walls were full of glowing light blue gems, and at the center of the cave there was a little hill with blue grass, free from the echo flowers.
It was perfect to take a seat.
And so you climbed the hill and sat down again, in peace.
Once you sat down, you touched a flower to see if it would reproduce any sound
The flower reproduced a sigh.
"It seems that no one has come here since the last time I came here"
You kept listening, curious.
The voice resembled a male one.
"Haha, look at me, talking with a flower. You know little flower, she talks with an echo flower too. She shines like you"
Aww, this man remembered about a special person that talks with echo flowers too.
"She...I can't even describe her. She's stunning, and strong, and she's always fascinated by everything I do. The darkness that was in my soul was replaced by her light.
She always talks about everything in life with excitement, and she puts all of herself in everything she does, no matter if she's feeling happy or sad. She's so pure.
But I might have lost her"
You made a sad expression as you listened to the stranger in the echo flower.
"I...acted carelessly. I let my anger take over. I should have done better. I want to learn from my mistakes, but will she ever forgive me?"
You decided to help the stranger
"Hello stranger, I'm sorry if I heard your private thoughts, I just...couldn't refuse to help. I'm probably in a similar situation, but I'm not the one that has committed mistakes. A person I really care for hurt someone, but it was to avenge me.
He's the most caring person I know, and...he's like an angel protecting me. I was at first afraid of him when I discovered the truth, but I realised that even if he's done bad things, I still can't let him go. He's been by my side, and I'm sure he will always be.
What I'm trying to say is, this girl probably still cares for you, she's either afraid of things not coming back to what they used to be, or she isn't just ready to call you. I'll admit it, I was afraid at first, but now I'm ready to call him and make up everything, because I miss him a lot"
The flowers started repeating your words when you heard a noise coming from outside the cave.
Teleporting noise.
You quickly went into a corner of the cave and hid under the flowers, and observed.
A white and black figure walked among the flowers.
Wait...I know this, it can't be.
You felt an uneasy feeling.
"What is this...?"
You were jealous that he could have found another woman and that she would have replaced you.
Wait, why are you feeling jealous in the first place?
Then you stupidly realised that all that he said matched perfectly with your current situation.
Oh, so THAT's it! He talks with flowers to feel less guilty and to find some comfort, you thought with a smile.
A smile that faded when your face became hot.
"I...shine, he says" you mumbled.
You were brought back to reality as you saw Gaster touching the flowers.
They repeated your voice.
"Hello stranger, I'm sorry if I heard your private thoughts, I just...couldn't refuse to help. I'm probably in a similar situation, but I'm not the one that has committed mistakes. A person I really care for hurt someone, but it was to avenge me.
He's the most caring person I know, and...he's like an angel protecting me. I was at first afraid of him when I discovered the truth, but I realised that even if he's done bad things, I still can't let him go. He's been by my side, and I'm sure he will always be.
What I'm trying to say is, this girl probably still cares for you, she's either afraid of things not coming back to what they used to be, or she isn't just ready to call you. I'll admit it, I was afraid at first, but now I'm ready to call him and make up everything, because I miss him a lot"
Even if he had his back turned, you saw blush on his face when he heard another voice different than his.
But then laughed.
"I must admit, I'm quite surprised someone has found this place. I presume you're a monster that chose to stay here. And I have to thank you, your words truly matter to me. They brought me a bit of comfort.
From your excitement in your answer, I can safely say that you and the girl I'm talking about would be perfect best friends. She sounds the same as you.
I hope you can make up with the guy you're talking about. He sounds like me in terms of personality (god damn Gaster add 2+2 and understand fucking damn it).
He sounds like...he loves you.
Just as I l-" he was cut off by his phone ringing.
He took it and answered the call.
"Hello...? Wait, yeah, I'm returning...sure, don't worry...yeah, I'm coming back...what do you mean you're telepor-"
A blue flash appeared in front of him.
Gaster sighed.
"Sans, there was no need to reach me even here. I can easily teleport after all"
"i think you should actually do something to make up with her instead of talking about her like a lazybones"
Gaster looked at him with an evil look.
"Says the lazybones in person"
Sans smirked as he helped his dad stand up.
"C'mon, go, I'll reach you in a sec"
And with that Gaster teleported.
Sans chuckled and turned his back, looking at your direction.
...can he actually see me?
"you can come out now"
You jumped out of fear.
"H-how could you see me?!"
But Sans only answered with a smirk.
"i presume you heard everything dad has said about you, judging from your face"
And it was still red of course. A deep crimson red.
"c'mon now, i'll teleport you back home"
And with that, you reached him, grabbed his shoulder and teleported with him.
He left immediately after reaching your house, and you stood there, alone.
You decided.
It was time to act.
You grabbed your phone and dialed the number.
The person on the other end of the phone seemed to answer with a rush.
"Hi Gaster, I was wondering...
...wanna go to the amusement park?"
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