Cherries and nightmares
"I...thought that you would want company"
You smiled and let him in.
"I'm sorry, now that I'm finally free from my ghost version you probably want the house for your own, as it should be by the way" he said as he entered the apartment.
"No, actually, I don't mind your company"
I deeply want you to stay with me, but I don't know why.
A small smile appeared on his lips as he looked around your living room, finally seeing colours.
Awkwardness filled the air though.
Some butterflies were still flying in your stomach, but you tried to ignore them with all you could.
"Hey Y/N, is everything alright? You look like this since we left the apartment. Are you feeling anxious about something?" he asked with a slightly scared face.
Just how damn perceptive is this guy?!
", Gaster, I think I'm okay. It's just that a lot of things happened today and I still have to process"
He nodded, but kept examining you.
You looked at him as well. For some reason, he looked drained out. Did he do something that consumed a lot of energy?
"I should ask you as well. Are you feeling okay? You look...tired, and drained out"
His eyesockets widened a bit in shock as his pin-pricks became smaller, but shook it off immediately, trying not to make you notice.
He remembered what Jack said about you. It made his blood (if he actually had it) boil. But he tried to stay calm in front of you.
"I...guess I'm okay. Having finally your body back is tiring, you know?"
Lies. I've never felt so refreshed in my life as when I gained back my body. I just tortured her bastard of a boyfriend after all, he thought.
You tilted your head at his statement, and slightly laughed.
Gaster heard your faint laugh, and smiled.
"I'm glad I can put a smile on your face"
(A/N: oh come on just kiss already)
You felt heat rise on your cheeks and turned your face away.
Gaster probably realised what he just said and his cheeks became slightly lilac, as he cleared his finally-existent throat.
"A-ah, well...what now? Can I still visit you now and then?" he asked.
You looked at him in astonishment.
"How dare you even ask this question? Of course you can visit me! I'm always here, whenever you want"
I would let you stay here forever.
He looked at you shocked by the excitement you put in your answer and smiled again.
"Thank you, Y/N, that would make me really happy"
The butterflies you thought you had won returned in your stomach stronger than ever.
Calm down, Y/N, why are you feeling like this? You're just friends, plus you have a boyfriend, you thought.
But the thought of Jack hurt you though, Gaster instead lighted up your mood.
Gaster's yawn brought you back to reality. Well, you were indeed right. He looked drained out. You wanted to know if something had happened but you wanted to respect his boundaries.
An idea then came in your mind.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have done that" he said apologising.
Your cheeks heated up at what you were about to say.
"Howaboutyoustayhereforthenight?" you quickly asked, without giving him a chance to understand.
"Uuh, come again?" he said.
"I...I presume Sans hasn't still prepared a room for you, so...if you're tired, I have a spare bed in my storage room, can...sleep here for the night"
He looked at you, shocked, but a small, reassuring smile appeared then on his lips.
"If only you are okay with it" he said smiling.
Feelings full of brightness filled your heart as you melted into that smile.
Your eyes showed a hint of hope, and your face morphed into a happy expression as it also became a lot red.
"W-well then, I'll bring you the bed"
And you quickly went to the storage room, but as you were about to turn the knob, only then you realised that you had to breathe heavily to catch air. You listened to your heartbeat and noticed it was getting faster and faster. The euphoria you were feeling was too much.
"Y/N? Is everything alright?"
You turned your head and saw Gaster looming over you and observing if you were okay.
You expressed what you were feeling.
"I'm so happy you are here with me Gaster. I know I said it a few times but...I'm really happy. I can't thank you enough for your presence"
At this rate all of Gaster's skull turned into a dark lavender.
He looked at you shocked, but in a good way. He didn't have words to reply, still having to process what he just heard.
"I...I'm...happy. I feel the same, Y/N" he spoke as he finished mentally processing.
He happily helped you grab the spare mattress and together you went into your bedroom.
You placed the small mattress on the floor, right next to your bed, and waited for Gaster to see if it was comfy.
"Is it okay?"
"It is perfect, Y/N. I'm grateful" he said happily.
Smiling, you lied on your own bed, and got under the blankets.
"Hey, Gaster..."
He turned his head at you.
"Have you ever thought about what to do once you'd have had your body back?"
He contemplated the ceiling, looking for an answer for seconds that felt like eternity..
"I guess I...would have done normal things. At that point only floating was normal for me"
He sighed tiredly as he looked at you. You had fallen asleep in your bed, with a peaceful expression on your face.
He took in a fast breath as he was surprised, and then smiled when thinking about how cute you were.
He caressed your head when he reminded himself of what he had said to Jack.
"Because I at least recognise how special she is. Damn pal, I would consider myself lucky if I were in your place as her boyfriend"
He blushed deeply when he realised what he had said.
His soul started beating increasingly faster at the emotion he was feeling.
"...Gaster, get a hold of yourself" he said to himself in a low tone, not to wake you up.
But the emotion was uncontrollable.
"Why do I feel like this when I'm with you? ...what do I actually feel for you"
He only wanted to see your smile on your face and he wanted to spend every day of his life with you by his side.
He kinda felt jealous whenever you talked about Jack, but even if he just tortured him, if he was the one you would love, Gaster would have accepted it.
He was happy of living his days with you. He couldn't ask for more.
His soul always fluttered whenever you would call him, and if you were smiling, he would be even more joyful.
Then realisation finally struck his head.
" you?" he mumbled, looking at you.
You moved a bit into your sleep and snored a bit.
He giggled, thinking you were so affectionate.
"...yeah, I love you"
He removed his hand from your head carefully, and brought it to his forehead, and massaged his temples.
"Gaster, calm yourself. This is never going to happen, plus she has a boyfriend she loves" he thought to himself
Yeah, a boyfriend you just tortured, dipshit, and who wants to leave her, his internal voice said.
He sighed as he once again looked at you.
"It..might not hurt, would it?"
He carefully approached you, closed his eyes, moved some of your hair behind your ear and pressed his mouth with yours for what felt like eternity.
Your lips tasted like cherries. A flavor Gaster immediately fell in love with.
He pulled himself off before you could wake up, and sighed of relief when noticing that you weren't waking up.
He then lied again on the bed, thinking at what he just did.
He was a blushing mess.
Carried away by these thoughts, he finally fell asleep.
He was woken up though by a weird sound.
He groggily stood up and saw your figure curled up under the sheets, crying.
He remembered what he did before falling asleep but shook immediately the memory as he was now concentrated on you crying.
"Y/N?" he said in a low tone.
No answer. You were indeed asleep. Were you perhaps having a nightmare?
He wanted to comfort you but at the same time he didn't want to wake you up.
He sighed.
"I guess I'll have to rest more tomorrow"
And he entered in your dream.
Gaster found himself in a white place with echo flowers.
"Echo flowers? In her dream?"
He walked among the field of blue flowers, searching for any hint of your presence.
Suddenly, he sensed something coming nearby him.
He looked up, and saw a girl kneeling down, crying.
He sighed of relief as he finally found you, and silently approached you.
As he was approaching, he heard different voices rumbling the same sound:
"He doesn't love you" the flowers were all saying.
Who were they referring to?
Gaster had meanwhile reached you, and he was just right behind you.
You were crying, pleading to someone to make him love you again.
"Ah, so she is referring to Jack..." he thought, a little bit heartbroken by this, and remembered the words Jack said about you.
Words that weren't true at all. Gaster knew it. And that was enough.
"So that's how you truly feel" he then continued "you are always angry when thinking about him, but you're just putting a veil on your sadness because you don't want to show anyone your true feelings...
...but I won't give up on you. Even if you still love him"
He kneeled down and hugged you.
You stiffened at the touch.
Who was it? Who was hugging you from behind.
"...Jack? No, this feeling...this euphorical feeling..."
Euphorical? Gaster jumped a bit at this. He didn't know what to feel about this last adjective you used.
"...Gaster?" you said.
"I'm right here. Don't worry, I won't leave you" he said in a reassuring and sweet tone.
And he mantained his words: he did stay there with you, until the dream dissipated.
And with that, he fell asleep again, the feeling of the kiss still on his lips.
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