Make him go away
"Hello Y/N"
You looked at your boyfriend, who was standing in front of you.
You glanced at him.
Looking sure of himself as always, he looked at you in your eyes and leaned in to kiss you.
You kissed back, but you clearly weren't happy about it. He had to explain a lot of things after all.
Still, you wanted so bad to trust him...
You opened an eye and looked at Gaster, who was now behind you.
He had a rather unsettling look.
You slowly pulled off the kiss. You loved Jack, but at the moment you weren't feeling in the mood to kiss.
"C'mon, I thought you missed me" he said with a tone Gaster absolutely hated.
Gaster closed his hand in a fist, his knuckles almost destroying themselves, and you noticed it, throwing a small gasp outside of your mouth.
"Love? What's the problem?"
You looked at Jack, then at Gaster again, and then at Jack again.
Luckily Jack can't see Gaster...
"Hey, would you answer me? I thought you missed me"
"I did, but you also have to explain a lot of things. And I'm honestly angry about them"
Jack probably heard this statement with an ear and made it get out with the other ear.
He sighed.
"Can I please enter?" he asked, but it sounded more like an order than a question.
It was late in the night, and you didn't want to fight, so you reluctantly let him enter.
He sat down with nonchalance on the couch, and you followed him, sitting right next to him. The only thing you wanted right now was to talk.
"Jack, please, why won't you answer me? I always get worried, you never text me, and I'm afraid I might have done something..." you said.
Jack sighed and looked up, completely ignoring what you just said, or at least it seemed so.
"Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you that you have done nothing at all? I'm just busier now, there's no need to text that much at all"
"The point is that you never text me at all" you stated, looking in front of you with a dominant aura.
"You're getting too much worried" he said.
"I can't help it...and...I feel like you've changed" you said as your tone changed a bit.
You were getting angry.
"Now you're just being paranoid. We've already talked about this"
You both couldn't see this, but Gaster's pin pricks had totally disappeared from his eyesockets, and there was a rather dark look on his face.
He couldn't tolerate this.
You were like the sunshine, always being bright for him even if he was a ghost and this guy who was apparently your boyfriend didn't treat you right enough...
If he could, he would have summoned his Gaster Blasters and blasted the guy to give him the most painful death he could experience.
Wait, wasn't Gaster only supposed to take your soul after all? Why would he need to give him a painful death if it didn't matter?
He was brought back by a sudden movement under him.
He looked at you, and saw your shoulders shivering. He sensed rage.
His lips started trembling: one more minute of this and he would have gone even crazier than he already was.
"Jack, I..."
But Jack didn't look like he was listening to you, instead he stood up and grabbed the tv remote.
"I heard there's a nice program with a robot, you don't mind if I watch it, do you?"
Your words were blocked in your throat as you were about to tear up from anger.
"...I suppose not"
Gaster could imagine what you were thinking. You wanted to reason with him, but that motherfucker was more interested in the tv than you.
"Jack...why did you come here in the first place then?"
"Well, to reassure my beautiful girlfriend and make you see that I'm totally fine, so there's no need to text me that much, also, we don't have a lot to talk about in these days"
So NOW you're praising me? you thought.
But Gaster was thinking as well.
Gaster was internally pleading for you to do something to make him leave.
And in fact, you did, and stood up, closing your fist
"Jack, I'm afraid you might need to leave, I'm feeling tired"
He muttered something, and stood up as well.
"Well then, see you soon love" he said.
He leaned in for a kiss, but this time, you refused to actually kiss him. Scoffing, he instead placed a kiss on your forehead and left.
Once you made sure that you were alone, you fell on the ground, and Gaster immediately approached you, "sitting" on the ground as well. He even tried to put his hands on your shoulders but obviously failed. This time, he was the one that forgot that he was a ghost.
And he hated this.
"SON OF A BITCH!" you screamed, and started crying.
Crying out of anger...she must be a lot tenacious.
But he set the thought apart, as he needed to calm you down.
"Y/N, how long has this been going on?"
"T-two months...but I can't even explain it, he traveled for work this summer and when he returned...h-he..."
You screamed of pain and anger, throwing fists on the floor. Luckily floors and walls weren't sonorised, so no neighbor would have found this disturbing. Gaster was feeling useless, he actually wanted to do something.
He shook the reminder in his head that he was supposed to take your soul.
"Hey, hey, breathe for me now, okay? Continue only if and/or when you feel ready"
You sniffed, mumbling a "thanks".
"He...he changed. He wasn't the one I knew and loved, and still now, I'm hoping that he returns to be the boy I fell in love with"
"Y/N, why would you hope for something like this? He's treated you like shit, and you definitely didn't deserve it. You deserve a lot better"
"B-but...he wasn't like this before...otherwise I wouldn't have fallen in love with him"
Gaster pressed his lips together, and inwardly sighed, and then looked at you.
You were a mess. Your face and eyes were totally red from crying, and you were still shivering.
"Hey, listen to me. Now you'll go to bed and act like none of this happened. We don't want to think too much about that motherfucker, now do we?"
Gaster thought that you would get angry again after hearing him the one that was "supposedly the love of your life" a motherfucker, even if you called him a son of a bitch in the first place. Instead, you simply nodded, and sniffed.
"...okay" you said.
Gaster lightly smiled, and encouraged you to lift yourself up.
"C'mon, tomorrow will be a new day"
You reached your bed and got under the blankets.
"Relax now, I'll be by your side"
"Yes? What is it?" he said before turning.
"...thank you. For everything. I really appreciate it."
And with that you fell asleep.
Gaster looked at your figure as you fell asleep.
He sighed.
"...should I really take her soul?"
Deep inside, he didn't want to.
The alarm clock once again woke you up.
Refusing to open your eyes, still swollen from crying the night before, you tried to reach the alarm clock, but it stopped by itself. Or at least, you thought so.
Gaster stopped it, as you saw once you finally managed to open your eyes.
"Huh? Gaster? I thought you weren't able to do anything at all..."
"Well, I do have little magic left in me, and I use it to do little things like this. It's this way that I put those blankets over you for a couple of times"
"So you can actually use magic"
"Yes, but once I use it I need to rest before I can use it again"
" sort of recharge?"
"Yeah, sort of"
"That's cool! Are there other things you can do?"
Gaster flustered a bit at the compliment, and then cleared his non-existent throat.
"Well...there's one other thing I can do, but that requires all the magic I dispose of"
"What is it?" you asked with stars in your eyes.
Gaster chuckled at the sight, and proceeded to answer.
"I can appear in people's dreams. Though that really drains me out because I'm quite literally moving myself, when I technically can't, being connected first to the void and then to you"
"So, if you wanted to, you could even appear in my dreams?"
"Yeah, I suppose so"
"That's totally amazing! You should appear in my dreams sometimes, we could do a lot of things other than the ones we already do"
Gaster shivered a bit at the compliment, still not used to receive so many.
"You're probably the first person that has ever complimented everything I do"
"Well, why shouldn't I? You're using your magic for good actions, I don't see why I shouldn't compliment it"
That felt like a stab in the back for Gaster.
He remembered...all the dreams he made his son do.
He was starting to feel regret. Again. And this time, the regret was taking him over.
"Actually, now that I notice it..."
Your voice brought him back to reality.
"Now that I look at you, you're looking less transparent now that I observe you. And your voice is less glitchy"
You were indeed right: he was still transparent, but his colours looked more vivid.
He was growing stronger. Not so much time and he would have been able to take your soul. That is, if he didn't start feeling doubtful about it
"Do you feel any changes?"
"Uuuh....not at all? I still see everything in black and white, but, now that you mention it, I do feel slightly stronger than before"
"That's good to hear, I'm so happy for you!"
You got up, not noticing a blushing Gaster and headed into the living room.
Ironically, after you got up of bed you sat on the couch and grabbed the tv remote, choosing a channel to watch.
"Wait, shouldn't you be preparing to go to work?"
"...Gaster, it's Sunday"
"Aaand people rest. Didn't you notice that I also woke up later than usual?"
That's right, it was in fact 9:00 am.
"Didn't you rest on Sunday?"
"No? Well, how long did you work for?"
"All the week fulltime"
Gaster looked at you shocked.
"Uhmm, did I say something bad?"
"You...didn't use to rest on Sunday?"
"Well, I did take my resting time, but....yeah I'll admit it, I was a workaholic"
You made him a poker face, and with much of your surprise, he laughed, which made something flutter in your chest.
"You're cute when you're like this"
.....did you just hear well?
He seemed to realise what he just said because he cleared his throat and turned his back. And you were left there with confused feelings, a red steaming hot face and screams in your mind.
Once your mind was at an almost normal state, you started speaking.
"Ahem...I...I uhm...wanna take a walk?"
He turned his back to face you, holding his hands in an embarassed way and nodded.
"Sure, I don't mind" and he smiled
You shook your head, still embarassed, and proceeded to change into a more comfortable dress.
You chose a nice black dress with a pattern of white points, and black heels, to match with your dress.
You also put your hair in a nice, messy bun.
When you exited the room, you slightly jumped out of fear when finding Gaster right in front of the door.
You felt his gaze on you as he watched your outfit.
He took a shaky breath, shivered a bit and cleared his throat. This was becoming a habit.
"Gaster, what was that?" you asked, fascinated.
"' can I say's a sort of second language that only I can talk"
"That sounded so cool" you said smirking.
"I'm happy this fascinates you"
"Actually, you're the one that fascinates me" you said with an innocent face, trying to "take revenge" for what he said about you before. Well, it wasn't technically a lie, you DID were fascinated by him.
And it seemed to work, as Gaster was now looking at anything but you, not to make eye-contact.
You laughed, and opened the door to go out.
"So...where are we going?"
"I wanted to walk near that river we stood on a few days ago"
"Is it a special place for you?"
You stopped walking and stood there. Well, it was special indeed, but you wanted to talk about it once you got there.
A small smile appeared on your lips, even though it had a small hint of sadness. But you shook it off, you wouldn't waste Gaster's help in reassuring you.
"I guess you could call it special" and continued to walk.
30 minutes later you arrived there, crowds of people with happy smiles walking nearby the river, people with phones in their ears, people that were minding their own businesses, and so on. There were lots of people.
And there were you, with who you could call your ghost.
You sat on a bench facing the river and took a breath, smiling.
"I presume you like this place" he sarcastically said.
"You bet I do" you smirked "I've always gone here by this river ever since I was a kid, and...before all this mess with Jack, I used to go here with him too. This is why it's special"
Gaster flinched a little when you mentioned your shit-head boyfriend.
He sighed.
"I know what you are thinking. You're thinking that I should probably leave him before I suffer more, and stuff like this, am I right?" (A/N: Please Y/N sweetie we all love you but please look at the title of the fanfiction and seriously think about leaving Jack for good)
"Touché" he just said.
You stood up, and slightly approached the river, not to pull Gaster with you.
You turned smiling.
To Gaster, everything seemed like in slow-motion.
"I know I shouldn't think like this, but...I think that in these cases, everyone deserves a second chance! If you did something bad in the past for example, I would forgive you, because I know the person you are now isn't the person you were long ago"
And you gave him a closed-eye smile.
His pin-pricks became smaller and he slightly opened his mouth in surprise and astonishment.
You were like the sun.
I don't want her soul anymore.
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