Chapter 41

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LILY opened her eyes, colors blurring as she blinked, turning her head to the side. She became aware of a dull ache in her abdomen and she groaned, the world sharpening.

"Lily! Lily, you're awake!"

She blinked to see Adrian hovering over her, his face stunned. He touched her shoulders lightly. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, what—what happened?" Lily asked, grimacing. Why did her stomach hurt—


She sucked in a breath, eyes widening. "Venix! Where is he, where—"

"Calm down," Adrian said, his eyebrows furrowed. He glanced around, calling out, "Nurse!"

"Lily, look at me," came another voice from behind her.

Lily turned her head to see Iressa, with red, concerned eyes. "Calm down," Iressa said, taking Lily's hands. "Breathe."

"What happened?" Lily asked, her eyes stinging.

A healer came hurrying over—the same one, Lily remembered, that had healed her arm in the first attack. Elize.

"Calm down, dear," Elize said, pursing her lips.

"Tell me what happened?" Lily begged.

Elize glanced at Adrian once. "We'll tell you if you calm down. I need you to breathe, and drink this." She handed Lily a glass of water, which she downed quickly.

Iressa rose to her feet. "I'm getting the others." She walked out of the infirmary.

Lily turned to Adrian. "Where's Venix?"

He exhaled, running a hand down his face. "Lily—"

"Tell me he's alive. Tell me he made it," Lily said, tears pooling in her eyes.

Adrian shook his head, let out a shuddering breath.

"No," Lily breathed, letting her head drop onto the pillow. She shut her eyes, Venix flashing before her closed eyelids. Venix laughing, Venix sparring with her. Venix and Vena.

"Who found us?" She whispered, without opening her eyes.

She heard Adrian sigh. "When the Gongjensu called you, alone, I was worried. I got Edra, Talin and Gorno to come with me, to follow you. You went in that hole—and then you screamed. I could barely hear it. We saw two women come out—Edra and Talin followed them. We had to—had to wait a bit, before coming for you, so those women didn't see us—"

His voice broke.

"It wasn't your fault," Elize said gently. "It wasn't yours either, Lily."

Adrian continued, "When we got in, there was—there was so much blood. You and Venix were on the floor. Lily, when we got in—he was dead. We couldn't save him."

Lily let out a dry sob, putting a hand over her mouth.


"His—his body," she said, barely forming the words. "Is there a funeral?"

"Yes," Adrian said. "In a few hours."

Lily opened her eyes. "I'm going."

Elize opened her mouth, but Lily cut her off. "I have to go."

The healer nodded, looking at the floor. "Your wound wasn't too bad—you didn't lose much blood. As long as you don't exert yourself, you should be fine."

"Thank you," Lily murmured.

Elize gave her a short nod. "I'll be back in a minute." She walked off.

Lily turned to Adrian. His eyes met hers, as teary and devastated as her own.

"How is Vena?" Lily asked hoarsely.

Adrian's lips trembled. "She's...I don't know. She hasn't talked to anyone yet."

Lily nodded. "Ada? Iri?"

Adrian bit his lip. "They're...not doing well."

"And you?"

Adrian sighed, sitting in the seat beside her bed. "Venix was my friend too. I keep thinking—if I'd gone there sooner, if we hadn't waited, could we have saved him?"

Lily shook her head slowly. "I don't think you could have. I couldn't either."

Adrian met her eyes. "You were overpowered. You couldn't have done anything."

Lily gave him a wry look. "Neither could you."

He sighed, nodding. "It'll take some time for me to understand that."

Lily nodded at him and shut her eyes again. She saw Venix again, young and naïve and good. It shouldn't have been him—he had his whole life ahead of him. She let out a few more tears, turning her head away. Why Venix?

Footsteps pattered in, and then a shout of, "Lily!"

Lily opened her eyes to see Arianna limping in a fast as she could, followed by Arlo, Ada and Iressa. Edra Karnem, Talin and Gorno hovered at the entrance.

Arianna slammed into her with a sob, hands coming around her neck.

"You're all right," she said, shaking. "You're all right."

Lily stroked her back gently, lips trembling. Arianna smelled of flowers. Of home.

"Careful." The healer was back, it seemed.

Arianna pulled away, nodding, tears spilling over her eyes.

She met Arlo's eyes, then Ada's, but couldn't find it in herself to give them a smile.

"How do you feel?" Arlo asked, his eyes grave.

Lily gave him a small shrug. "I'm fine. Where's Vena?"

They all looked away.

"She...couldn't come," Ada said, wincing slightly.

Lily bit her lip and looked away, nodding.

"Lily—I'm sorry to ask you this so soon, but who were those women last night?" Arlo asked, grimacing.

"Arlo!" Arianna hissed, her eyes widening.

"I'm sorry," Arlo said apologetically.

"It's fine," Lily said, struggling to push herself upright. The healer helped her. "Why?"

She hadn't noticed Edra Karnem walk closer.

"Talin and I followed them last night. We know where the Gongjensu camp is," Edra said, her eyes hard.

"You're going to attack," Lily breathed.

Arlo gave her a sharp nod. "In a few days. As soon as we can organize everything."

Lily nodded. "Well, they were—" Her jaw tensed, a sharp burst of anger flaring up inside of her as she thought of them. "Princess Gloria Sovranus and Princess Invida Monarcei."

"They're dead," Arlo said, narrowing his eyes.

Lily shook her head, letting out a cough. "They were exiled, and it was covered up. They're two leaders of the Gongjensu, out of four."

"Did they mention who the other two are?" Arlo pressed.

Lily shook her head.

He exhaled, nodding. "Thank you. That's more than enough."

"If you're done," Arianna said, her eyes boring into him, "Can we not worry about that for a moment?"

Arlo nodded sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to get everything under control. Everyone is worried."

Lily nodded, fiddling with her fingers. She glanced at the healer. "I need to go with them. For the attack."

"Not a chance," Arlo said, before the healer could even open her mouth.

"You're hurt," Arianna said, more gently. Ada and Iressa were both shaking their heads as well.

Lily glanced at the healer pleadingly.

Elize sighed. "You'll barely be able to walk without help, Lily. You can't."

"I have to," Lily repeated. They had to understand. She had to be there, had to be a part of what Venix's life had cost.

Elize pursed her lips. "You can't."

Lily's jaw tightened, and she glanced at her fingers to hide the tears now burning in her eyes.

Elize cleared her throat. "I have to tend to her wound now, the rest of you can come back later."

The tight ball of anger still in Lily's chest softened a bit, grateful for the healer getting the others out. She loved them, but—she couldn't face them. Not now.

They shuffled out. Lily didn't look up to meet their eyes as they left.

Elize didn't say anything while she cleaned Lily's wound. Lily was thankful. She didn't even complain about the horrible-smelling paste on her stomach.

"You'll scar," Elize said, pulling her shirt down.

She'd remember Venix every time she looked at it, then.

Elize pursed her lips and sat down beside Lily. "You know," the healer said lightly, "Venix was always a happy boy."

"Why are you telling me this?" Lily croaked, trying to get the words around the lump in her throat.

Elize sighed. "You didn't know him as a child. I'm just trying to tell you about him."

"Well, don't," Lily said, looking away.

"Why not?" Elize said, her eyes sharp. "You want to remember him. I'm trying to help you know him better."

"I said don't," Lily said harshly. She couldn't. She couldn't hear about the life she'd destroyed.

"It's just that if you knew Venix, you'd know he wouldn't blame you for this—"

"I know that—"

"And he wouldn't let you blame yourself either." Elize gave her a somber look. "You know it wasn't your fault, Lily. It was theirs."

"I need to kill them," Lily said, staring straight into Elize's eyes.

"We will get them. You've done enough," Elize said, her eyes hard. "And I know it doesn't help you, but someone will do it. They will die."

Lily shook her head helplessly. "I can't just do nothing—"

"You're not doing nothing," Elize said firmly. "You stay here. You heal. And then you get up and fight again."

Lily lifted vulnerable eyes to her. "Will I really be able to fight again?"

Elize hesitated. "I don't think she wanted to kill you. The cut was deep, but precise. She didn't injure you much. In a few months, you should be—"

"Months," Lily repeated, the pressure in her chest increasing.


Lily shook her head. She laid down again and pulled the sheet over herself. She turned away from Elize, onto her side, and shut her eyes slowly.

Elize stroked her hair once before going away, her footsteps soft on the floor.

Lily kept her eyes closed, and wished for sleep to take her away.

Am I portraying Lily's reaction in a genuine way? If any of you have lost someone this close, you can suggest how she might react. ONLY if you're comfortable :)

I broke my own heart with this chapter. Still, here it is : Don't forget to:




And thanks for reading! :)

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