Chapter 3

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THEY had stopped at the Marina Chief's house for a quick lunch before departing again. Marina wasn't the largest city, but it was still a long way across it. Their path was very close to Ellävuor.

Jade stared in awe at the massive rock structure as they drove past it. Ellävuor was such a large mountain, just plain rock but so tall she couldn't see the top of it.

"Awe-inspiring, isn't it?" Jade turned her head to find Hosun peeking out of the window as well, staring up at the enormous thing. She nodded silently and stayed there, feeling the fuzzy warmth from his hair, though it wasn't quite touching her.

Hosun shifted and leaned back into his seat, and after a moment, Jade did the same. "What do you expect to find in Littoriana?" Jade asked.

She could see Hosun chewing the inside of his cheek, and he sighed. "I'm not sure. Perhaps some clues as to how they attacked. . . but the Gongjensu are rather good at covering up their tracks." After a pause, he added, "Still, I must at least go there, if only to pay my condolences to the families."

Jade bit her lip, imagining the grief that the loved ones of the dead must be going through. If Hosun was killed in battle . . . she didn't want to think about it. "Can I come with you? Just to comfort them," she asked tentatively.

Hosun tilted his head to the side, evidently pondering over her question, "I suppose so. It will be safe."

Jade gave him a small, sympathetic smile. She wanted to know the particulars of those who had died but knew that it was best not to ask such a question. So, she changed the topic.

"So, when will we reach Littoriana?"

"Late night, I should think. We are close to the Frimen, and it is not too large," Hosun said. Jade nodded, glad that they wouldn't have to spend the night somewhere else.

She watched Hosun carefully, and could see that his shoulders were still slumped, his eyes still haunted. This was the first large battle Tsuchengko had had, save small disputes with Dezhaya. And civilian deaths must weigh heavily on his shoulders.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She said, biting her lower lip. Hosun's head jerked up, and his eyes were surprised. He exhaled heavily.


"Oh," Jade said, her cheeks heating up. She looked away, pushing the curtain of the window slightly, putting her face behind it in an effort to hide.

She pulled her head out from behind the curtain when she felt Hosun's presence beside her, and she looked at him, startled.

The right corner of his lips turned upwards, though the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "But I would like it if you just held me."

"O—of course," Jade said. Hosun rarely showed vulnerability, and she knew that the stone-hard veneer had been adopted for his role as General. But he occasionally let down his guard around her.

Hosun was taller, but she managed to put her arm around his shoulders as he leaned into her, resting his head on top of her smaller one. Jade breathed in his familiar Hosun scent as their breaths came in unison, peace shrouding their little space.

It didn't take her long to realize that he had fallen asleep, and she slowly maneuvered his head into her lap. There was enough space for him to be relatively comfortable, and she leaned down to place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

She had seen the dark circles beneath his eyes, what with his late nights and early mornings nowadays. She was relieved he was getting some rest. Hosun's job wasn't easy, but that was why she was there. To support him and take care of him while he took care of the rest of the kingdom.

He didn't stir, and Jade rested her forehead on the glass pane of the window, staring out blankly into the Marina landscape.

She only wanted this war to be over. If the Gongjensu could just be defeated, everything could go back to normal. Hosun would be safe and they would have their life back.

But she knew that that wasn't going to happen. With each kingdom defending only themselves, and the Gongjensu so quick and cunning, new members joining it daily, she feared that safety was far, far away.


"Wake up," Jade whispered, brushing Hosun's forehead. She could see the port in the distance, through the window. Hosun muttered something unintelligible, and Jade watched as his eyes slowly opened.

He looked around and lifted his head off her lap, along with the warmth it had been providing. "Are we here?" He asked, his voice raspy.

"Almost," Jade said, smoothing his messy hair. It was straight and long, like most Tsuchengko men, and had come slightly undone from the tie. Hosun caught her hand when she drew it away, and turned it over, slowly kissing the inside of her wrist.

"Thank you," he said.

Jade tried to fight off a blush. Even after one and a half years of marriage, he still managed to make her flustered.

With one last bump, that caused Jade to rise slightly out of her seat, the carriage stopped. Its door opened, and Jade sighed. They were finally getting out of the carriage. It was roomy, but her legs still needed to stretch.

Hosun climbed out first and helped her down, and the cold wind hit Jade like a gust, making her shiver involuntarily. The Frimen river was known for being cold, the coldest there was in Tsuchengko.

Hosun kept an arm around her shoulders as they were led to the boat. Jade tried to keep her footing even on the pebbles as they reached the ship. This one was slightly larger than the previous one, and this time Jade didn't ask to stay out on deck.

Hosun accompanied her to their room downstairs. They were informed that they would be served dinner shortly. Jade waited downstairs, wrapping herself in the thick blanket and shaking her slippers off, as Hosun went upstairs to talk to the captain.

The room was small, but enough for the both of them, with a bed in one corner and two chairs and a small table in the other. Jade was sitting on the bed, her legs curled up beneath her.

Hosun came down finally and shut the door behind him. A moment later, Jade felt the ship start, its gentle bobbing turning into more forceful rocking. Hosun sat beside her on the bed, and Jade leaned her head on his shoulder, putting the blanket around him as well.

"Do you want to lay down?" He asked, his voice smooth.

"I think you had better rest for a while more," Jade said, turning her head upwards to face his eyes, which were looking straight down into hers. It was an intimate pose, but more than that, it was comforting. For both of them.

Hosun shook his head, his face not so serious anymore, but content, "I am rested enough, and you must be tired from the journey."

"Alright," Jade said, and Hosun shifted, letting the blanket slip from his shoulders. "But lie with me, at least," Jade said.

"There's hardly room," Hosun said, standing up. Jade gave him a pleading look. Hosun's warmth would be soothing in the chilly room. Her toes were freezing. He gave a heavy sigh and took his own shoes off before taking the blanket from Jade.

She moved into the side of the bed, cornered by the wall, and Hosun spread the blanket over her. He lowered himself into the bed as well, turning onto his side so that he wouldn't fall off the edge.

A small laugh escaped Jade's lips at the uncomfortable expression on his face.

"Oh, you think this is funny, do you?" Hosun said, his eyes glinting and a grin hovering on the corners of his lips. Jade let out a shriek as he pulled himself fully onto the bed, squashing her against the wall. "How does this feel?" He said triumphantly.

Jade laughed, shaking her head. It was good to see Hosun's playful spirit come out sometimes. She exhaled and snuggled her body into Hosun's, putting an arm around his waist. After a moment of deliberation, she put a leg around his own legs as well.

Hosun grunted, "You little monkey." Jade muffled her laugh in his chest. She could feel Hosun shaking his head, and after a moment, a heavy hand settled on her waist.

Her toes weren't cold anymore.

This was a total fluff scene, but things will heat up soon. On another note-I'm so in love with Jade and Hosun even though I created them! What about you? Also, feel free to make ship names and banners and book covers (I definitely need that last one) if you want to, I'd appreciate seeing your art! Don't forget to:




And thanks for reading! :)

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