Chapter 28

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LILY showed up to the funeral with red-rimmed eyes and a red nose.

She wore a modest dark gown like all the others, matching the colorless sky above. The Arrian people were a mass of black, all murmuring and teary-eyed.

She saw the twins, Ada and Iressa huddled together and joined them quickly. Vena met her eyes, but neither said a word.

Colonel Ulima and Arlo stepped up in front of them, and the group quieted. Lily stepped onto her toes to look in the front.

They were in a graveyard, white-blossomed trees raining petals down on them like snow. There were fresh graves in front. Quite a few of them. They'd already been filled.

"Here," Ada whispered, handing Lily a an unlit candle and a white flower.

A lily.

"What's this for?" Lily asked, keeping her voice low.

"You'll see," Ada said before turning back to the front.

Lily clutched her namesake flower tight, her fingers nearly crushing its stem.

"Thank you all, for joining me here," Arlo said, looking somber. He clasped his hands behind his back. "These soldiers died to protect us. They are the reason all of us are still standing here today. We owe them eternal gratitude."

Colonel Ulima continued. "It is a debt that we can never repay. But we will not dishonor their deaths with regret. To die for another is the most noble act in life."

Arlo cleared his throat, stepping forward. "And while they are not hear any longer, they will always be with us. Death is merely the next journey. We must continue living for them."

"Place your flowers," Colonel Ulima said.

Lily followed Vena to a grave. She knew none of the people that had died, but set her lily down on one of the graves. She straightened and looked around, watching others do the same, most of them with tear-streaked faces.

"Come," Vena whispered. She walked with them to the far side of the grove, beyond the graves.

Colonel Ulima said, "Please light your candles."

Vena gave Lily a meaningful look, and she followed them to one of the braziers filled with orange flames. Lily leaned in, letting warmth burn over her skin as she lit the tip of her candle.

They retreated, waiting for everyone else to finish. Lily caught Iressa's eye. The other woman gave her a nod.

"Please place your candles," the Colonel said.

Lily watched as the Arrian people placed their candles in a single, horizontal line in front of the graves. She set hers down as well, gazing at the long line. The bright light burned her eyes and she blinked, looking away.

"These candles will remain until the wind blows them out, like the lives which were extinguished yesterday," Arlo said, addressing all of them. "It was their destiny. But one day, we will all meet again."

He walked away, joining Arianna on the other side of the group, lacing his fingers through hers. Lily looked at her friends.

"Do you want to stay?" Venix asked, his face grim.

Lily looked around to see the people dispersing, some heading away from the grove and others settling down around the graves. The family and friends of the dead.

Ada shook her head. "I didn't know any of them personally."

"Then let's leave," Venix said heavily.

Lily nodded and followed them out of the graveyard. They stopped outside the twins' house.

"How do you all feel?" Venix asked.

Vena shrugged. "We'll get through it." She took Lily's hand gently. Lily gave her a small smile.

"I'll see you all tomorrow," Iressa said. She turned and walked away.

"Well." Venix sighed. "This is goodnight, then."

Lily nodded as Vena left her hand and walked inside her house. She sighed. She didn't want to be alone.

"Lily?" Ada asked.

"Yes?" Lily asked, turning to her.

"Do you want to stay with me tonight?" The girl asked, her eyes soft.

"Are you sure?" Lily asked. "I wouldn't want to burden you."

Ada shook her head. "It's not a problem. No one should be alone tonight. Besides, I live with my brother and father—I'd like another girl."

Lily bit her lip, but nodded. "Thank you."

Ada shrugged. "You're welcome. Now, come."

Lily followed her to a small, cozy-looking house. Ada took out a key and unlocked the door.

Lily walked inside, taking in the house. It was designed like Arianna's—like her own, now. The fire wasn't lit, but moonlight streamed in through the window, illuminating the two chairs and bedroom to the side.

"My family isn't here yet, I suppose," Ada said. "You can sleep with me on the bed. My brother takes the floor, anyhow.

"I don't want to inconvenience him," Lily said. "I could sleep on the floor."

"No, no," Ada shook her head. "He won't mind. Now, do you need a dress?"

Lily glanced down at her gown. It was comfortable enough for a night. "No, I'm fine."

"Would you like dinner?" Ada asked.

Lily shook her head. "I'm not very hungry."

Ada smiled. "Neither am I. I think it's best if we just go to bed."

"I agree," Lily said. She climbed into the bed beside Ada, pulling the covers over both of them.

"Thank you for letting me stay," She said, turning her head to face Ada.

"You're welcome. I wanted you here, anyhow. It's always easier with a friend," Ada said softly.

"I wonder if Iressa's going to be okay," Lily said, remembering her friend's look.

Ada pursed her lips. "Someday, she will. In the meantime, we'll all be here for her."

Lily nodded, covering up a yawn with her palm.

The door creaked open, and both girls turned to see Ada's brother walk in. He paused in the doorway, eyebrows furrowing.

"Adrian," Ada said, sitting up. "You remember Lily?"

He nodded.

"She'll be staying here tonight. Do you mind sleeping on the floor?" Ada asked. Lily smiled at her pleading look.

Adrian huffed. "Alright. But only for tonight."

"Thank you!" Ada said, smiling brightly and laying down again. Lily gave him a small smile as he walked back outside.

"Goodnight, Lily," Ada said, her eyes fluttering shut.

"Goodnight," Lily echoed, closing her eyes as well and letting the darkness wash over her.


Lily watched the seamstress, Mrs. Yath, exit her shop. "I'll be back soon!" Mrs. Yath called out.

Lily straightened and walked into the seamstress' shop, eyes falling on a small figure.

There was Madela Yath, folding up a brown dress with a soft smile. She didn't look like a traitor. But then again, neither had Brennon.

"Hello," she said, walking up to the girl.

Madela Yath looked up, a bright smile appearing on her face. "Hello, how may I help you today?"

"I want two plain dresses, please," Lily said, smiling.

"Well, Mrs. Yath isn't here right now," Madela said.

"That's fine, I'm sure you can show me what you already have," Lily said, keeping the smile on her face.

"Alright," Madela said, "Any color preferences?"

"One blue and one brown," Lily said, watching as the girl nodded and rifled through the clothes stacked behind her.

"Here are some," she said, placing a group of dresses in front of Lily, all in various shades of blue.

"This one's nice," Lily said, pointing at a deep blue, long-sleeved one. Honestly, she did need to buy some clothes as well.

Madela nodded and opened it, but as soon as Lily saw the garish orange design on its front, she shook her head. "Just a plain one, please."

As Madela hunted through the folded clothes, Lily asked, "So, is Mrs. Yath your mother?"

Madela didn't turn around to answer. "No, she took me in when I was a child." She didn't sound suspicious, so Lily kept going.

"What about your parents?"

Madela shrugged and turned around, holding out a plain, light blue. "I was an orphan. Never knew them."

Lily nodded, rubbing the soft fabric of the dress between her fingers. "I know how it feels to lose people as well, to things that weren't my fault." She eyed Madela, who gave no response save for a flickering in her eyes. "Can I try this on?"

Madela nodded, gesturing to the small trying room. Lily walked in and changed, glancing at herself in the full mirror. It looked nice. She changed again and walked out, nodding at Madela.

"I'll take this one"

"Good choice," Madela said, taking it with a smile. "I'll find you a brown now."

"Thank you," Lily said, falling silent. How was she to approach the topic again?

She didn't have to.

"You are from Tsuchengko, yes?" Madela said, avoiding her eyes while placing some brown dresses on the table.

Lily nodded.

Madela bit her lip. "It must have been hard, leaving."

"It was," Lily said, sighing. "Especially because, truly, it wasn't my fault."

Madela nodded slowly, pursing her lips. Lily looked away. She'd said enough for now. She picked up a high-waisted hazel dress. "I'll try this one on."

She tried it and paid for both the dresses, thanking Madela. She took the dresses and walked out, her head full of thoughts.

Hopefully Madela would consider her and ask her to join the Gongjensu soon. She'd have to act well, though. She couldn't let Madela become suspicious. She'd have to come again, soon.


She stopped, turning. Her eyes narrowed. Why was Adrian walking up to her?

He stopped in front of her, face as grave as always. "Were you visiting Madela Yath?"

Lily raised her eyebrows, unsure. Should she tell him?

He exhaled. "We need to talk in private."

Lily bit her lip. But she'd seen him, he was a spy as well. She gave him a nod. "Come to my house."

He followed her to the little cottage, and Lily opened the door, leaving the two dresses on the table. They sat on the chairs in front of the fireplace.

"What did you have to say?" Lily asked, folding her hands together in her lap.

Adrian's back straightened. "I was asked to inform you that we'd be working together."

"Working together how?" Lily asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"You know I'm a spy, right?"

Lily nodded.

"Well, I'm also undercover in the Gongjensu. I'm one of the only spies in there. If you manage to join as well, we'll have to work together."

Lily nodded slowly. "When did you join?"

Adrian shrugged. "Not too long ago. I'll suggest they ask you to join, and if you do, I'll guide you through it. We'll have to work together to get information."

"I understand," Lily said, "Are there any others that I need to know of?"

Adrian shook his head. "Just one more. I'll show him to you if you manage to get in."

Lily nodded, taking a deep breath. "Is there anything else I'll have to know?"

Adrian nodded. "I'll tell you about the Gongjensu and how it works whenever I can. We don't want to be seen, so I'll have to come in the late night and we can talk."

"Alright," Lily said. "What exactly do you have to tell me?"

Adrian leaned back in his seat. "We'll start now. What do you really know about the Gongjensu?"

Lily chewed on her lower lip. "They want to take over all the kingdoms, and they're growing stronger. If we don't stop them now, they'll be strong enough to do so."

Adrian nodded. "That's pretty much all anyone knows. What I've learnt is that there are four leaders, one from each kingdom."

Lily's eyes widened. "One from each kingdom?"

Adrian gave her a sharp nod. "Which means that they probably know the weaknesses and strengths of each kingdom as well."

"Do you know anything else about them?" Lily asked, her eyebrows scrunched together.

Adrian shrugged. "Not really. I'm hoping I'll learn more soon." He cleared his throat. "Do you know how the Gongjensu works?"

Lily shook her head. "Just that people who are unhappy with how the kingdoms are run join."

Adrian nodded. "That's it, really. They're trained and become ordinary soldiers. More valuable ones are included in strategy talks and the like—hopefully, you will be one of them."

"Because I was Hosun's wife," Lily said, realizing.

Adrian nodded. "The General, yes? You must know a lot about Tsuchengko."

Lily shrugged, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "Women weren't included much in those kinds of talks."

Adrian pursed his lips. "Nevertheless, you know more than any of us. And they can always use you in a bargain."

"A bargain?" Lily asked. Tsuchengko had exiled her, the only one who would bargain for her was—

"The General would probably sacrifice much for you."

Lily shook her head firmly. "Hosun knows his duty, and it's Tsuchengko above me. Always."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, but didn't argue. "You are still valuable. I think Tsuchengko made a mistake in sending you here."

Lily looked away. She wasn't quite so sure anymore. She'd learned so much in Arrian. But Hosun...

She cleared her throat, blinking hard. "If they ask me to join, what do I do then?"

Adrian tilted his head to the side. "Impress them with your fighting, be sure to convince them that you hate Tsuchengko for exiling you."

Lily began biting her lip again. "I'm not so sure I can fake that."

Adrian nodded. "Alright, let's practice. Tell me why you hate Tsuchengko."

Lily straightened her spine. "Because even though I broke a Law, I shouldn't have been exiled. I did nothing wrong—I saved the General's life!"

Adrian raised both his eyebrows, a small smile appearing on his lips. "That was quite convincing."

Lily took in a breath, nodding. She'd thought it would be hard for her, to pretend. But as it turned out, it wasn't. It wasn't at all. She'd even felt some of that anger she was only supposed to pretend to feel.

What was wrong with her?

Pretty long chapter, right? A lot's going on. Don't forget to:




And thanks for reading! :)

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