Ch. 34: The Battle Between Gods

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As Eda was being carried into New Hexside, Luz and Belos were still in their gigantic duel to the death!

"RAAAH!" Belos screamed, throwing punch after punch at Luz as she blocked every single one but was forced back.

'He's got a bigger build but I can handle his strength!' Luz thought, dodging the next punch and uppercutting Belos in the chin!

Luz then wrapped her arms around him and delivered a belly to belly suplex, crashing Belos into the ground, where she delivered strong punches. Belos raised his arms and wings to block before wrapping his tail around Luz!

"Huh!" Luz said before she was slammed into the water next to Belos.

"Hehehehe." Belos chuckled, standing up and still using his tail to slam Luz around!

He then grabbed Luz by the horns and threw her to the side, before delivering a strong punch to the back of her head to send her face into the water!

"Drown!" He shouted as Luz growled under the water.

She pushed up and turned around in the water.

"WEH!" She screamed!

Belos was hit by another Bi Blast, allowing Luz to get up and tackle him.

'If we're even in strength, let's see if I can beat him in magic!' Luz thought, pushing Belos back.

She opened her hand and a large glyph formed on it. She waved it and a stream of fire formed, nearly hitting Belos.

"Ugh!" He grunts as he used his wings as a shield.

"You're not the only one with fire!" Luz shouted, opening her other hand to shoot more fire at Belos.

Belos backed away and then blasted Luz with his own fire, making Luz fired hers at him as the two flames collided.

A ball of flames formed between them before exploding, blowing them both back! The water around them was forming near tsunami levels, with the Titans fighting in it.

Things would only get more dangerous as Luz ran towards Belos and delivers a strong punch, with her fist covered in ice. The ice shattered and knocked Belos to the ground, where Luz delivered a strong kick to him. She grabbed him by the neck and lifted him in the air, before slamming him on her knee!

"Stay down!" Luz said, pushed Belos back into the water and kicking him away.

"Never!" Belos roared, slowly getting up. "These devils need to be eradicated!"

Belos got up and the two ran at each other, both throwing a punch. The power of their fists connecting, resulted in a big wave of magic and wind, water, and anything else that got in the way. Luz was knocked back by it, her arm starting to hurt because of it. Belos used this chance to charge at Luz, lifting her up a bit and forcing her back first into Titan's remaining horn. It shook the ground, and made everyone in the archives fall to the ground.

"We need to get out of here!" Amity said, holding Cat to make sure she didn't get anymore damaged.

"But there's still at least another few hundred people stuck as puppets, we can't just leave them to get destroyed!" Willow said.

Belos slammed his fist on Luz, making the horn crack from impact and weight. Belos went to hit her again, but Luz caught it and countered with a punch of her own. This caused Belos to stumble back, and allowed Luz to charge at him and tackle him away from the Isles. Problem was, the horn was still too damaged and it could be seen all over, even at New Hexside.

"Boscha, the horn is cracked!" Amelia said, pointing to it! "It could go at any minute, everyone is still in there!"

Collector looked at it, knowing that everyone would get hurt... they were there, because of him.

"Leave it to me." Collector said.

"Collector, no, you can't do that by yourself!" King said.

"I have to!" Collector said, "I need to fix this, I did this and I don't want anyone to get hurt anymore!"

Collector felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You won't be alone."

Back at the sea, Belos jumped at Luz but she dodged and grabbed his wings. Using all her strength, she ripped his wings off.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" Belos screamed as he lashed his tail!

Luz dodge and grabbed the tail, pulling Belos in a circle and span him around!

"YEAAAAAH!" Luz shouted as she span Belos around and around and around!

Growing dizzy and angrier, Belos blew fire from his mouth to slip out of her grip and send him in the air! Luz stumbled from the dizziness before looking up to Belos in the air.

"DIE!" Belos shouted, unleashing a giant fire/magic ball!

Shocked by this and holding her hand out, Luz created a giant ice glyph behind her and fired 5 ice beams!

The ice blasts clashed with the fireball, destroying it and firing into Belos's mouth. Freezing it shut!

"HUH!" He grunts, falling down with his mouth frozen.

Luz then rushed and grabbed him by the horns, throwing him to the side.

"About time someone shut you up!" Luz said with a chuckle.

Furious at her mockery, Belos got up and backhanded Luz, making her stumble backwards. He then grabbed her by the neck and delivered multiple strong punches to her face and stomach before throw her to the land.

"UGH!" Luz grunts as she collided with the shore. As Belos smashed broke the ice in his mouth.

"You can try all you want, but you can't save these filthy creatures!" Belos shouted, "You will NEVER be one of them, but you can die like them!"

Belos opened his mouth and fired at Luz. Luz felt the burning flames hit her back, but thankfully, she was laying in water. She turned and put them out, before getting up and punching Belos.

"I don't care if I'm a witch, human, or even a titan... this is MY home, and I will defend MY HOME!" Luz said, rushing at Belos.

She opened her hands and swung one, blasting him with fire, then the other one, blasting him with a beam of light!

Belos stomped and forced water to rise, blocking the fire but not the light as it blinded him!

"AAH!" Belos screamed.

Luz threw a punch at him, knocking him back, before delivering another punch, this time, to his stomach. When he hunched over, Luz raised her knee and hit him in the face. She then opened her hand and a plant glyph formed, creating a coastal redwood tree. She swung it, hitting him in the head with it!

"UGH!" Belos grunts before his vision cleared, only to be hit by the tree again!

Luz swung the tree again, this time it broke over her head. Belos growled and threw a punch at Luz's face, knocking her back.

"You want to protect them?" Belos asked, looking at the cracked horn, "Let's see what happens when you cause their destruction!"

Belos tackled Luz and slammed her into the horn, breaking the tip of it off. The archives, no longer connected to anything, began to fall. Everyone inside that wasn't still a puppet tried their best to not lose balance, especially Amity, as she was still holding puppet Cat. The fall suddenly stopped, and the Hexsquad runs to the edge of the archives. They saw the Collector, doing his best to hold up the archives with the pink ribbons he used on the puppets earlier.

"Is that... the Collector?" Hunter asked.

"Is he-" Willow asked before getting cut off.

"He's helping!" Gus said.

Amity shook her head with a disbelieving smile.

'Luz, how do you always manage to help everyone you meet?' Amity thought.

What they didn't see, was an awakened Camila holding it up from the bottom using her wings to keep it from falling. While not nearly as strong as Luz, she was still blessed with Titan strength. Still, between the two of them, it was still a struggle to keep the large castle afloat.

'Mija, hurry!' Camila thought!

Luz, seeing the damage Belos was causing, did the one thing that she could do. The one thing Eda taught her... fighting fair is for suckers. Luz lifted her leg, hitting Belos right between the legs.

"OOOOOH!" Belos groaned, backing away and holding his sensitive area. "You vile-"

Left open, Luz tackled him away from the horn.

The two rolled in the water before Luz got under Belos and kicked him towards the Knee, crashing into the larger bone of the Titan.

Luz unleashed a barrage of punches at him, hard enough that the entire knee was shaking with each strike.

"GRRRRRR!" Belos grunts enduring the hits before Luz SOCKED him in the gut! "HUUUH!"

His defense falls as she grabbed Belos and knees him in the face before throwing him away from the Isles.

"You know, I found your old book." Luz said, stomping towards him.

"My journal, from over 300 years ago?" Belos asked, getting up. "Impossible."

"Not as impossible as you might think. A little echo mouse persevered it and I found a few glyphs that we'd left unfinished. Thought you'll like to see them!" Luz said, holding her hands out and creating the wind glyph combination.

Belos could only gasp before a Hurricane blasted from the glyph and right in his chest!

"AAAAH!" He screamed!

He was knocked down, the wind so powerful to the point that it stung like knives as Belos struggled to breath while getting up.

"ROOOOOOOAH!" Belos roared at Luz and fired at her again.

Luz held her hands out, changing the wind glyph to the water geyser, and firing water! The result was a field of steam! It prevented Luz from seeing as she lowered the glyph, looking around for Belos until a giant fist came through and punched her in the jaw.

"AH!" She let out as she stumbled back before she was hit again!

Belos rained more punches to her face or stomach before then grabbed Luz by the horns. He slammed her into the water, dragging her for 20 miles before throwing Luz to the shore. Luz groaned as she slowly got up, the world looking dizzy and blurry as Belos charged at her!

"You are just as bad!" He shouted, punching Luz back to the ground! "Just as conniving!"

He stomped on Luz, driving her face into the dirt!

"Aaaaah!" She said in pain.

"Just as evil!" Belos shouted as he lifted Luz in the air above his head in a military press style. "And just as unforgivable as those witches!"

He slammed Luz's back right against his knee.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Luz screamed in pain as her back broke, alerting everyone at the school and the castle!

"LUZ!" everyone screamed, watching in horror as Luz was thrown back in the water.

Her breathing was heavy as she coughed up some blue, struggling to regain her breath as Belos walked to stand above her victoriously.

"You've lost your humanity, now you can sit there and WATCH as I finally destroy the thing you loved most." Belos said before spitting in Luz's face.

Belos turned to the Isles and began unleashing his flames again to destroy it as Luz just laid there in pain.

'What do I do? How can I beat him?' Luz thought, unable to speak and unsure of what to do next.

She looked at the sky and seeing a light glyph constellation. The very first glyph she learned, the thing that made her go from human to witch, and the thing that made her happy.


She found magic in this realm, magic she thought she could use to beat Belos but alas, he had bested her again. He won. She failed.

Luz closed her eyes, accepting defeat, when she heard Eda's voice.

'Where do you think Magic comes from?' Eda asked from a distant memory.

Luz opened her eyes with a gasp, knowing exactly what she needed to know and knowing exactly how to stop Belos.

'Get up, Luz. This fight isn't over yet!' Luz thought, opening her hand and summoning a healing glyph under her.

The glyph began to heal her back and internal injuries, allowing her to breath easier as she began to get up, getting on a knee facing away from Belos.

"Ugh." She grunts, loud enough for Belos hear her and stop his destruction.

"So you stand once again. You want a more painful death?" He asked with a glaring, turning and running towards her! "So be it!"

Luz opened her hand and formed another redwood, hidden under water. Belos jumped at her, and she stood up, turning around, and slammed the tree against Belos head, knocking him away. Belos growled as he got up and looked at Luz, her eyes and mouth glowing blue again.

"You vile, disgusting-" he shouted as Luz kicks his head up!

"RAH!" She roared, Bi Blasting Belos and sending him to the ground!

Luz reached down and grabbed Belos by the neck with one hand, lifting him up glaring at him.

"I have had enough of you!" Luz shouted as she spun and threw him away from the Isles.

Belos crashed and rolled in the water, groaning from the hits as Luz was stomping towards him again.

"If you want to destroy the Isles, you have to destroy me!" Luz exclaimed, her eyes glowing with magic. "I will defend the Isles until my last breath, and just like with the Titan, my body will bring life to a whole knew race. You can kill me, but I promise that you will NEVER destroy magic."

Belos growled and ran at Luz, who ran at him as well.

"RAAAHHHH!" They roared at each other, locking their hands together!

The two were once again locked in a test of strength, with Belos taking an early lead as Luz fell to her knee.

"Give up. My power is far stronger than your magic." Belos said to her.

"Maybe but unlike you, I know where magic comes from!" Luz said, the symbol on her chest glowing. "It comes from the one thing you don't have!"

A golden beam of magic came from the symbol and blasted right into his chest.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared in pain, moving away from Luz and looking at his burning chest.

The flesh(?) weak and burnt, almost melted yet falling apart at the same time as Luz prepared for one last attack.

'Stringbean, Titan, let's end this!' Luz thought, summoning every glyph she could remember around her right hand.

Light, ice, fire, plant, snow, invisibility, mist, teleportation, safety hover, healing, wind, water geyser/fountain, petrification, and monster summoning! All glowing with power as they began spinning around Luz's arm, charging up with power as Stringbean poured all the magic she could muster into Luz's fist!

Luz rushed at him as Belos turned back to Luz to attack, blasting at her but she ducked to dodge! With her fist clenched and energy flaring, Luz roared as she punched his chest! A beam of magic blasted from Belos's back, as he screamed in pain! The light consuming both of them as everyone watching shut their eyes! Once the light died down, everyone saw Luz and Belos remaining in place as the glow faded from Luz's eyesZ

"Magic... comes from the heart." Luz said, before ripping her fist out of Belos's chest.

"Uh!" Belos let out, falling to his knees as the hole in his chest began bleeding heavily. "N-N-No."

'I can't end like this. I can't end with these monsters still breathing! I-I have to save the human realm I have to-!' He thought before he looked at Luz, seeing she glaring at him.

"That was for everyone you used and killed but this.? This is ESPECIALLY for Caleb AND Flapjack." Luz said before taking a deep breath. "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!"

She blasted him one last time, forcing him to the ground as the sea parts around Belos and his body began to turn to ash! Luz kept roaring until everyone last peace was gone before she stopped, breathing heavily as she stood there for a minute, wanting to make sure he was dead.

'I-It's over.' Luz thought, collapsing to her knees. 'It's finally over.'

The symbol on her chest began to fade and she slowly shrank. She was so tired from the transformation that she just floated in the water and let the currents take her back to shore.

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