Y/N: "Hello" - Talking
Y/N: 'Hello' - Thoughts
Y/N: *Punch* - Actions
Y/N: "Hello" - Whisper
A/N: "Hello" - Author Note
Hello - Narration
Orpheus: Top photo is Atheon and this prologue is setting up both Atheon's rise to power and the birth of Y/N. I hope you enjoy this part.
{Atheon's P.O.V}
War, war never changes. War has changed. Throughout my life I've been told both. They both seem true yet at the same time false. In one way, the way we fought wars has changed. Gone are the days of romanticized accounts of boys and girls becoming men and women as they slay a tyrannical enemy in the name of the "great" devil king. Now is the time of hiding and fighting, heavy casualties as two enemies name us the common one they must destroy as the strong tear apart the weak. In another way, war is still the same just the way we think of it changed. We all are still men and women, heading out to fight an enemy based on and instinctual difference and a necessity to live rather than a hatred for one another. In many ways, the only thing to count on anymore is the arrival of more fresh eyed recruits promised glory and honor who will most likely never leave these battlefields alive, much less in one piece.
I was in a special division named the "innominatam" or the nameless. This was mainly because even in the heart of war, the nobility would rather die than be seen with us or the ones not of a family pillar. The innominatam division was by far the largest of the devil army, made up of devils who believe that by participating in the war the devil kings will reward them with power and territory. They all knew it was wild but it was their only chance to move up in the world, so when we all heard the war was happening it was like a dream come true. I should know, I was one of them.
This dream quickly became a nightmare. When I arrived I believed that I would have an easy time, show up, kill some angels, manipulate time to kill some angel general, then the war would be called a draw And I could go home and enjoy a new life of luxury. When I actually showed up, I was told by a private who had been there longer that the general would not be meeting the new recruits due to him expecting us to live about a week before either losing a limb, getting a hole in our wings, dying, or all of the above. After my first battle, I understood why. On the battlefield devils simply charged at an enemy simply to to get mowed down or vise versa. I only survived because my magic gave me more time to react by momentary freezing it and even then I almost lost my life regularly in the fighting.
I realized after that fight that the general and higher ups simply didn't care what happened to the main troops. We were simply cannon fodder meant to keep those in power who "graciously" volunteered to fight. I even realized that even though the innominatam were supposed to be led by its troops, the general was the heir to the Orobas pillar. It seem command was going to hand hold this division in to its grave due to believing it was incompetent. On top of that I found that he frequently was given the credit for successful missions like he was fighting right there with us while we, the soldiers, were blamed for incompetence if we failed. To top it all, this seemed to be a war of attrition. With god constantly using his magic to protect his angels, they were able to sustain fewer casualties. This meant that no new angels were being born, which meant that none of them were going to be tempted to commit sin and if no new fallen fell, there would be no more fallen to completely turn from god to complete the demonization process. Match that with the fact the fallen had a silent agreement with the angels to kill the devils, and you could easily figure out we were suffering heavy losses.
To top it all off, no one side really gained the advantage. One side would gain ground only for the opposing side to quickly retake it. And yet, day in and day out new recruits who felt something to prove showed up. It was simple math really, that eventually the devils would lack numbers and be destroyed before the fallen and angels duked it out. The only thing at this point I could hope for was a brilliant plan from the nobles. I mean, they constantly flaunted how better than were and that they were smarter and more skilled, so obviously they had a plan, right? Of course no plan materialized and I simply started to ignore the new recruits as many of them were destined to die on their first battle. The only time I intervened was when I knew that I would be alright as well. My magic was finicky and I didn't want to over exert myself. After all, I needed see this war to its bitter end, if not for myself then for those who wouldn't.
I still interacted with some devils though. I became friends with the heir of the pillar of vine. We meet on the battlefield when I saw a man who seemed to be using a similar power to my own. I saw an angel charge at him and yet he just stood there. I don't know what compelled my to save him, maybe fate, but I did. He simply looked at me after I finished off the angel and said and I quote,
???: "I knew you would save me or at least I hoped so."
This got me to chuckle as in my eyes he seemed to be new recruit whoa had just made his first kill and didn't know what he was truly doing. I simply nodded at him and left. I didn't see him when I got back to the camp so I had assumed that he died at some other point at went to my buck, disappointed that someone who got me to genuinely laugh after god ('ow') knows how many years since this war started.
That night I heard humming coming from the forest after I woke up the alleviate myself and against my better judgement followed the noise. You could imagine my surprise when I saw that same recruit sitting there humming to himself.
The music was obviously distorted due to a magical effect, one I still don't know what it was, and simply sat there and listened. I knew after hearing this that this kid was special, after all, not many people make it back from their first battle. After ten minutes of simply standing the, the young man tapped the grass next to him. I didn't understand at first but then he did it again. I realized then that he was signaling for me to sit next to him. We sat there for what felt like ages as we stared at the sky, mesmerized by it beauty. It was the first time that I realized that even with all the war and destruction going on around us there were still beautiful things all around us if we looked hard enough.
???: "Vine." The young man stated out of the blue.
I was taken aback by the sudden statement. This entire time not one word was uttered and his first word was just so random.
Atheon: "What about the vines?" I stated like an idiot, unaware of what he was talking about.
???: "My name, Scitis Vine. That's how I knew you were there and that you would have saved me earlier, my family's power is to see about thirty minutes into the future or past. I was unsure earlier because I had only briefly tested out my powers back home."
Atheon: "Oh, I thought we were talking about the plan... you know what never mind."
It was awkward, sitting there with someone who already knew what you would be doing thirty minutes from now so there was no real way to bring up a conversation out of the blue. We kinda just sat there in silence waiting for the other to make the first move. I was still just trying to wrap my head around why he had yet to call me filth or garbage or talk about his family name like it was the greatest one to ever live and how their lives were worth more than the entire division I was apart of.
Scitis: "You know," he began, "I deactivated my magic awhile ago, so you can talk."
Atheon: "Well thanks for informing me first cause now I just look like an uncultured dumb ass."
This gave Scitis a small smile. We simply went back to watching the stars pass over head before I worked of the courage to risk looking like and idiot in front of quite possibly the nicest heir I've ever met for a third time.
Atheon: "So... why are you out here."
I felt like I had nailed it. The perfect question. It was simple and short but could help me learn a bit more about this guy. I became worried when I saw him tense up that I might have fucked up again in front of this guy but he simply sighed and turned to me with a small smile.
Scitis: " I suppose that I simply needed to take a break from my servants. They can be quite loud and often abrasive and brash but I know at heart they're good people. They just have trouble showing it sometimes. Though the night is quite beautiful as well, perfect for stargazing together isn't it?"
I simply nodded to this. Good, I was learning about him. I really needed a friend around here. I didn't mind being alone the first decade or so but now, I might lose my mind from the boredom. I decided this time I would ask a question that might satisfy both my curiosity for him and the life I wish to live after all this is done.
Atheon: "If you don't mind me asking, how exactly is it like, you know, being the heir to the a pillar?"
Scitis looked uncomfortable once more before replying again, but this time without turning to me.
Scitis: "It is a life I would not wish onto others."
That was a rather bland answer to be honest. Yet at the same time it intrigued me. I had always assumed the life was great.all of the people where I'm from only talked about how great it would be to live at the top. Food fit for a king, parties more exclusive than a sex session with a nun, and all the praise and inherited power. If I was in his position all I would have to do is wait out the war and when I got home never have to lift a finger. All of life's pleasures would simply be there for the taking, so why was he so hesitant about it.
Atheon: "What do you mean?"
Scitis sighed like he had answered this very question himself many times before and was expecting to do so many time after tonight.
Scitis: "Because this blessing is a curse. All my life I have been training and for what, to die on the battlefield? No, my family would never allow such an honorable end to my life. My father wants me to be strong so I may be more desirable."
Atheon: "What?"
Scitis: "While many believe that all we devils do is sit around all day, the truth is that besides the oldest member of the family, we are all merely pawns. The parties we go to are merely pleasantries to get us equated with other heirs. The powers we gain are simply the packaging to make us look prettier. My brother was married off to a Amduscias, to make my parents more influential and as a sort of peace treaty due to fighting among the houses. This is a fate that I will one day share."
I sat there pondering on what I had just been told and slowly digested it. He wished he was like me so he could choose who he got to be rather than be a slave to his parents.
Atheon: "Even so, almost all doors are closed to us at the bottom. Besides, you got the cool look into the future power of yours. Sure I can stop and slow down time for short periods of time, but you can see your future and change it. That has to be incredible."
Scitis: "Even this power is a curse in the skin of a blessing. Yes I can see the future but I am powerless to stop it. It is like fate teasing me with the inevitable, no matter how much I fight to change it, the outcome is always the same. In fact on most people, it seems their fate was written long ago. Do you know how maddening it is to feel as is your words and life have been put on paper for someone else's enjoyment. How heartbreaking to see the future of my comrades as dead in the next half hour and I am quite unable to do anything. It stains my heart with guilt, as if my inability to change the future is my own fault.
I simply sat there, sad, listening to a young man who seemed that he would go mad at such a young age, yet something about his words caught my attention.
Atheon: "Most?"
Scitis: "Yes most, your future seems to constantly change, another reason I was uncertain you would save me." He smirked at me before continuing, "In all honesty, I am quite jealous. It is like fate favors you, ready to allow you to achieve whatever your heart desires. How do you do this?"
I was shocked. All my life I thought that my fate was chosen from the beginning and meeting Scitis simply reinforced this. However the news that my fate seemed to constantly change filled me with new hope that maybe this war will turn alright in the end. This time it was my time to smirk as I looked to the horizon.
Atheon: "Come on, it's almost time for morning drills and the Sargent calls me princess enough as it is."
Scitis looked to where is was gazing and saw the that the sun was starting to rise. We had spent the whole time talking to each other and were so engrossed that we hadn't even realized how much time had passed. I pushed myself up and stuck out my hand for him. He took it and I helped him to his feet. We walked back to the camp in silence with only the sounds of nature to fill the air. When we arrived at camp I there was now enough light for me to properly identify Scitis.
He had short brown hair that was thick, spiky on the ends, and was covering his left eye. He had pale skin and brown eyes and a face that screamed contempt. He wore a black suit jacket unbuttoned showing off his white button up collar shirt to the world. He had matching dress pants, purple tie that went down to his stomach, and a ... rose? He seemed to be giving it to me.
Atheon: "So why are you giving me this rose? Is it because you've fallen tragically in love with me! I'm so sorry but this is a love that can't be, for I am a simple low-class man and you a boy bound to the will of your family! I shall shed a tear for you my love!"
Scitis simply rolled his eyes but flashed a smile before giving me the rose and replying.
Scitis: "No, me nor you are gay, though this rose is because while your fate seems to change I have seen one thing that is constant."
Atheon: "And that would be?"
???: "Scitis!!!"
Scitis: "Her," he responded simply.
I turned around and was met with a sight. The girl in question had long flowing black hair that reached to her hips, with black eyes and pale skin. She was wearing a black dress that covered her nicely sized chest and showed off her hips, two facts that when I noticed caused me to blush. She had thigh high stockings and long gloves that stopped just below her elbows. She was beautiful and seemed to move with class even though she was currently barreling towards both Scitis and I.
She didn't seem to notice me till it was too late because as she slowed down the heels she was wearing snagged a rock causing her to collide with me in a very painful way as Scitis simply laughed at the both of us.
After our hurtful introduction and the girl getting off me she began to talk to Scitis asking if he was OK, where he had been all night, who the cute guy next to him was, if he had gotten enough sleep last night, and my was he .. in ... the ... did she just call me cute?
Scitis: "I told you Sariya, I'm fine. Besides, the person you should be apologizing to is standing right beside you."
So that's her name, Sariya. Wait, I can't be thinking about that her, one she's a high-class devil and two she's Scitis' sister.
Sariya: "I am so, so, so sorry that I bumped into you, I was just looking for my brother and that rock came out of nowhere and now ... sigh, I am very sorry"
Atheon: "Oh no, it's alright I probably could have used my magic to have stopped you from falling on to me so I am more to blame."
It was weird, normally if I had bumped into a noble I would have just ignored them yet this girl made me feel something in my heart.
Sariya: "OK, how about we just call each other even all right?"
I simply nodded to this and she hummed in pleasure at my decision.
Sariya: " Hey, why are you carrying a rose around?"
I stiffened at this. Scitis had said that this was a constant of fate so I didn't know how to react. I looked to Scitis trying to come up with an answer only to see him nodding to his sister. I take a deep breath because I think I understand what he's trying to say.
Atheon: "It is simply a pretty flower that I was hoping to give to a pretty girl such as yourself."
I said this with a little less confidence than I had hoped for but looking at the blush forming on her face, I could tell she was receptive to the flirt and was feeling confident in trying another.
Sariya: "Oh ... oh, t-that's v-v-ery sw-e-e-e-t ummm?
Atheon: "If you don't want the flower that's fine but I think it really compliments your beauty."
Sariya: "Y-y-you t-think I-I'm b-beautiful?"
Atheon: " Of course, it shines like a light that this flower might grow to, in hopes of matching the object of its attention."
At this point Sariya was a blushing mess with a thick red covering her face stuttering a few words of incoherent messes ever now and then. She went to take the rose however I had other plans.
Atheon: "Here, let me do this.'
I took the rose and put it in her hair next to her ear. I know I've said this before but she looked absolutely breathtaking. On the other hand she was blushing so much I thought she might get heat stroke. This however only further emboldened me.
Atheon: "There, you look like royalty now, elegant and lovely."
If it was possible, I bet there would be steam coming out of her ears. She quickly stuttered a thank you before running off from where she came. I stood there for a second processing what had just happened and how I really enjoyed flirting with her before hearing some snorting from behind me.
Scitis: "I don't think I have ever been this uncomfortable while also laughing so hard before."
A sigh of relief washed over me to find
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