Christmas Special: Past and Future

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Y/N: "Hello" - Talking

Y/N: 'Hello' - Thoughts

Y/N: Punch - Actions

Y/N: "Hello" - Whisper

Orpheus: "Hello" - Author Note

Hello - Narration


Orpheus - "Hey everyone, how's it going? It is time for the next chapter so I hope you enjoy it. As many of you could guess this is the late Christmas special. Getting this along with the late new years special done, working on Treads Of Life, releasing the new teaser, and going (crying) to get back to school has occupied my time. Go show some love to the new story and remember that the new teaser has some significance. Talk to you all again at the end."


{Y/N's P.O.V}

A lot has happened since I first came here to Kuoh. I came here for a job and ended up staying for more. Then the big fight and now he's gone. It still hurt thinking about everything. If one good thing did happen however I was staring at it.

In my hands lay a certificate. It was an official pardon and call to reinstate my power in the underworld. The more important part to me was that I could now openly hang out with the supernatural beings close to me and openly go to hell.

It was a bittersweet moment and I couldn't help but smile remembering how I got the letter. I had woken up that day in my bed a later than normal due to my recent lack of sleep. I got dressed and looked at the mirror. I remembered it was Christmas and since I had nothing in particular to wear so I just placed a Santa hat on my head.

I was about to leave the room when my phone, that I got yesterday, started to ring. I picked it up and answered the call. On the other line was Sona.

Sona: "Hey Y/N!"

Y/N: "Hi Sona. What's up?"

Sona: "Well, I wanted to remind you that while you do have the day off today the clubs are having parties."

I could feel my eyes widen knowing that I had indeed forgotten. I started grabbing all the gifts I had stored in my closet and was about to leave when I realized I still needed to finish the call.

Sona: "I'm guessing that based on the commotion you did forget. Just come to the parties. I know that there are plenty of people you could say hi to and I know that you would like to spend time with them."

Y/N: "Yeah, I know. I am on my way now. See you soon!"

Sona: "Yeah, Yeah. I'll believe it when you show up. Bye."

We hung up and I put the presents into a pocket dimension. I them headed down stairs only taking a quick glance to the intense heat coming from one of the guest rooms. I was heading down rather than teleportation both so I could quickly grab breakfast and to check up on everyone.

Laying on the couch watching TV was Kalawarner. She was wearing a leopard print panda hoodie with a pop up collar that doubled as a skirt. She was still wearing that necklace she always had and was lazily switching between channels. I was blushing because the zip up section of the hood was open revealing she had very little covering herself.

Y/N: "Having trouble there Kala?"

She looked back towards the stairs to watch me descend with a smile on her face. She was happy to see me but covered it by answering my question with a bland tone of voice.

Kalawarner: "No, there's just nothing good on. It's all just stale Christmas specials and corny romance movies."

She went back to watching the TV while flicking through the channels with more of a pause between channels to prove her point. Sure enough there was It's a Wonderful Life and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer as far as the eye could see. I decided to change the subject as to not exacerbate her boredom.

Y/N: "You don't really seem to much into the Christmas spirit."

She turned back to me with a smirk on her face.

Kalawarner: "Says the one in all black except for a hat."

Y/N: "You got me there."

Kalawarner: "Besides, I just feel like being a bit lazy today."

I nodded and opened the pocket dimension grabbing a gift from it that I had gotten for her and pulled it out. I tossed it to her and she seemed confused.

Y/N: "Just a little gift for you."

Kala blushed a bit and seemed a little taken aback by the gesture.

Kalawarner: "You didn't have to get me anything. I didn't even get you anything."

I smiled a bit at this. It was rare to see her display emotions that didn't coincide with her naturally flirty or playful personality.

Y/N: "I did it because I wanted to. If you do want to repay me I do want to know why you fallen angels are still here."

Her face turned back into a smirk and she laughed a bit.

Kalawarner: "You did say we could do whatever we wanted after you let us go, we decided to stay."

She sent a wink my way along with a blown kiss. I blushed a bit at her actions which seemed to amuse her.

Kalawarner: "To easy."

I couldn't help but sigh as I made my way to the kitchen having smelled something from there. I stopped just before entering and sighed before turning around.

Y/N: "Have a good day Kala and I hope you find something to watch."

I saw her raise a thumb from the couch and I turned around, continuing my march to the kitchen. I notice two very important things. There was food already made for me and the house wasn't currently on fire. I knew that Morrigan and Lilith couldn't have done it and seeing as Kala was having a lazy day I figured it was Raynare and Mittelt who made breakfast.

Sure enough they were at the table eating. They looked up and waved for me to join them. I grabbed a plate with an omelet on it and sat next to them, taking in their festive appearances.

Raynare had a red top that was just long enough to be a skirt with a white lining, gloves with a similar theme, a writhe themed cross stitch along the side, black stockings, and red high heel boots.

Mittelt had her usual bow in her hair, a blouse with a similar look to Raynare's outfit, and similar boots that were knee high.

I started eating and was taken aback by the flavor. It wasn't amazing but the fact that I was the one who always cooked around here made me assume they were helpless in the kitchen.

Raynare: "So, what do you think?"

I could hear a hint of worry present in her voice. I simply gave her a smile.

Y/N: "It's pretty good."

I could hear both of the fallen give a sigh of relief. I guess they wanted to impress me.

Y/N: "I didn't know that either of you knew how to cook."

Raynare blushed slightly while Mittelt both smirked and looked somewhat offended.

Raynare: "Well you seem to enjoy yourself when cooking so I thought I'd give it a try. We have a lot of free time after all."

I nodded while continuing to eat my food before turning to Mittelt.

Mittelt: "Of course I know how to cook, it's probably the best meal you've ever had."

She seemed smug while Raynare pouted. I thought it would be fun to tease Mittelt a bit and try to get them to admit why they had started cooking.

Y/N: "You say that but the omlet isn't firm enough to properly hold the insides, you used a little too much salt, and the ham is too chewy to have been cooked properly."

Mittelt had a look of shock while Raynare sprouted up to deliver her own jab.

Raynare: "Besides you only did this to try and impress Y/N."

Mittelt was now shocked and had a blush trying to put together a good comeback while Raynare sat there triumphantly.

Mittelt: "Y-yeah well you helped cook for the same reason!"

With the truth out Raynare had a blush that rivaled her outfit. We sat there eating breakfast in silence after that. At least I did while they both tended to shift in their seats a bit uncomfortable.

I got up and washed my plate after finishing and was going to head out before remembering that Morrigan and Lilith had wanted to come for the Christmas party. Not knowing where they were I turned to ask the Fallen.

Y/N: "Do either of you know where the twins are?"

Raynare: "They said that they wanted to get all dolled up for you. Should be back any minute."

Right on que the front door opened up and I could hear the bat sisters greeting Kala. I quickly opened the pocket dimension and passed Raynare and Mittelt their gifts.

Y/N: "Guess I should go to them. Bye girls and remember that you don't have to impress me. Just stay cute~."

I left as they blushed and I couldn't help but chuckle. It was kinda cute to see them like this and the presents seemed to only deepen their blushes. I walked out the room and headed out to the living room.

Kala was still on the couch and have a little wave to acknowledge me. I turned towards the exit and saw my familiars.

Morrigan was dressed up for the holiday in a kimono of sorts. She had flowers, a bell, and green leggings with bats on them with white lining along with red high heels.

Lilith was more subdued in her appearance. She wore a more traditional kimono that showed off her shoulders. She also had a large yellow flower of her right.

Y/N: "You both look nice. I'm guessing that this is what Raynare meant by dolled up?"

They both nodded. Morrigan had a flirty look while Lilith had a determined look.

Lilith: "Were ready to go!"

Morrigan: "Let's get going master~."

I started getting a teleportation symbol ready while the sisters turned into bats. They flew on to my shoulders as I finished. I was about to leave when a thought came to me.

Y/N: "Bye Kala. Please keep the house from burning down."

Kalawarner: "Bye Y/N and no promises~."

I sighed and stepped into the symbol. I reappeared will bats on my shoulders a little bit away from the school to avoid being seen. I walked to the school taking in the sights. Children were throwing snowballs, writhes were hung all over the place, and families seemed to be enjoying each other's company. They all seemed happy and it brought a smile to my face.

As I got to the school I could see the snow everywhere. Some students are here simply to have fun in it while others are walking towards their club rooms. I had a few people I wanted to see so I headed off to my first destination. Before I could reach the ORC I got a call on my phone.

Y/N: "Hello?"

Rias: "Hey Y/N. I just wanted you to know that if you have places to go, go there first, okay?"

I was confused because Rias almost begged that I go to the ORC first yesterday.

Y/N: "Is everything alright?"

Rias: "Yeah, were all fine over here. The party supplies aren't ready here yet so I to get them up first."

Y/N: "Uh, okay? I'll see you later Rias."

Rias: "Bye Y/N~."

See hung up after that leaving me confused. I didn't entirely believe the excuse but I knew it probably had to do with something not being up to her standard. I shrugged it off and changed course for the kendo club.

When I got there I knocked on the door and waited for it to open. It eventually was by none other than Murayama.

Murayama was wearing what I thought was the most revealing outfit I would see today. She had a Santa hat, top that only covered the chest, and mini skirt. All of which had white lining, a frosted look, and was pink. She had similar boots, white gloves, and white thigh high stockings.

We both blushed, me from both what she was wearing and from how beautiful she looked in it while she blushed from what was most likely embarrassment from being seen like this.

Neither of us made a move as we both just stared at each other. Eventually Murayama's absence attracted someone inside to come check on us.

Katase: "Hey Murayama, what's taking so long?"

Katase popped up right next to Murayama startling the both of us. She looked to me and we both drank in the others appearance.

She had a little Santa hat, red knee high high heel boots with white lining, similar gloves going to the elbow, a red dress with little poms, and pantyhose.

She was cute and she smiled at me. She looked to Murayama and I before realizing why she had froze.

Katase: "Come on in Y/N, we don't want either of you two freezing out here."

I entered into the club room with the two and saw we were the only ones there.

Y/N: "So where is everyone?"

Murayama: "I thought you were one of the club members. They are coming later so I thought someone was early."

Murayama was still blushing quite a bit and looking down while Katase just seemed excited. I knew they had a crush on me from both the sparing and since I was kinda popular here. I did want to make Murayama more comfortable here though so I asked her a simple question.

Y/N: "So why exactly did you get such a revealing outfit?"

She blushed a bit more and stuttered out an answer.

Murayama: "I-I h-heard that the perverted idiots were away for the break so i thought..."

She whispered so I couldn't hear the last part. I could guess but hearing it would probably benefit both of us.

Y/N: "Sorry but I couldn't hear that."

Murayama: "I-I said that ... I wanted to look nice for you."

I smiled at that and Murayama was finally able to look me in the eye. I felt like messing with her and Katase a little though.

Y/N: "Well you two look absolutely breathtaking."

I said this in such an earnest way that they started blushing a bit. Before I could go any further they both looked squarely at my shoulders.

Katase: "Hey, why do you have bats on your shoulders?"

Murayama: "Why do they look so ... inky?"

I knew that I probably would end up in a bad situation any way I went from here so I put my hands behind my back and started pulling their presents out of the pocket dimension. I could at least distract them.

Y/N: "Well they are my ... pets. Yes, pets."

I looked at the bats on my shoulder and knew that was a bad idea. Lilith looked at me with a face that asked if I just went with the first thing in my head. Morrigan somehow seemed to be flirting with her white eyes in a way that spoke of her doubling down on her calling me master.

I knew I needed an out as this would just get more uncomfortable for me.

Y/N: "Hey, I uh, got you two gifts."

Their eyes seemed to light up at that. I put the a small box in each of their hands. There were necklaces in the boxes so I hope they assume that I had them in my pockets.

Murayama: "Thank you very much."

Katase: "Thank you for this."

I was happy they enjoyed them so much. I realized I could get closer to them and kill some time at once.

Y/N: "I'll tell you two what. I have time to spend and you two are waiting for for the rest of your club members. So, why don't I hang out with you two and we can catch up?"

They both blushed a little at the proposition but were quick to accept nonetheless. We talked for a while talking from the mundane to vibrant topics. We learn about each other and I enjoyed every moment. We disagreed on some subjects but that just made things more fun with pointless arguments.

After about an hour of just enjoying the conversations the kendo club started to slowly trickle in. I wrapped up conversations with the two girls, said my goodbyes and headed out to my next destination.

After exploring the school and looking at the different decorations on the walls I found myself at the student council room. I knocked on the door and it was immediately opened by Reya.

Reya had a beanie on her head, a ski jacket on that was a little unzipped showing off her bra, and pink shorts. An odd combination but definitely she seemed to be fine wearing.

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