Yes I am

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When Eomer froze my mid razed fearfully. I whimpered. "Thank goodness Iove  you too"he finally sighed  and hid me in his arms. "You scared me"I told quietly lifting my head to look at him. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to. I've just  waited long to let it out I was in slight shock"he told cupping my face and gave me affectionate kiss. I kissed  back dangling my fingers in his hair and he put his hands on my hips. I didn't feel uncomfortable. It felt.........amazing. He pushed me against the wall kissing my jaw and neck making me let out a slight moan. My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms on his proud shoulders. One of his hands dipped under the dress somewhere where it should not be in public. Then Eomer pulled away. "Are you okay with this?"he whispered. "Yes I am"I nodded. He smiled and gave me a soft kiss. Picking me up bridal style we went to our chambers.


I woke up feeling like I was dropped from a horse. And it ran on me. Ten times. I snuggled against Eomer sighing. I've never felt so happy. It was luckily not even dawn yet. "Morning love"Eomer said huskily pulling me so I was on his chest. "Morning"I whispered pressing me ear over his thudding heart. "I feel so different"he sighed his heart picking up speed. "How?"I asked curiously. "I feel so....content and happy. Like I am calm but still all I wanna do is jump on the walls"he sighed. I giggled. "Don't laugh at me"he whined. "Oh darling I just love you very much"I sighed kissing him briefly. "I love you more than anyone. You are slowly creeping over Eowyn"he told stroking my hair. "You are in tie with my brothers"I told gently."I know that's the highest I'll ever get. So I'm really happy with it."he told."I am really happy with you. I hope you are happy with me too"I sighed tracing the patterns of his chest. "Yes I am"

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