CHAPTER NINE: No hope in them

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The next day arrived. I immediately went to Yimika's classroom. I would barge into the room, making a loud crash.
"YIMIKA! We need to talk! NOW."
"K-Kanna?! W-What are we—" I would grab Yimika's wrist, leading them out the room to an empty classroom.


"Okay, Yimika. I've been getting a feeling something is bothering you. You changed moods. You were happy and cheery the day before yesterday. But yesterday you were more quiet than usual. What's up?" Yimika went quiet. Are they okay?
"Y-Yimika..? Is... something wrong? I-I'm sorry I barged in so suddenly... I-I was just so curious. Please tell me what's wrong.." Yimika had a little tear in their eye. My eyes went sad immediately seeing that.
"Kanna— I'm sorry, I'll tell you."

Yimika wiped the tear of their eye, and then took a deep breath.
"Well... yesterday when I got home, I saw my mum with flowers in her mouth... she was coughing so much... i-i... don't know what to do. She's in the hospital, I don't know how much time she has. I can't lose her..."

My eyes widened as I heard Yimika's problem.
"Kobu was right... the Hanahaki is true..."
I went really silent. I can't believe something like this would happen.
"Oh no... Yimika.. its gonna be okay. Is your dad still with you?"
"N-No... he left... he apparently didn't love my mom anymore..."
My eyes went watery. This was too much for me and Yimika to handle.

"I'm so sorry, Yimika..."

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