the trip!

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At around 9:00am you are awoken to the sound of russtling and talking downstairs. You sit up on your bed and then it hits you the smell of chocolate pancakes! Your eyes widen at the smell and you quickly get up out of bed and quickly get changed into your hoodie and joggers.

You open your bedroom door and hear your parents and younger siblings speaking downstairs. You walk down the old stairs and you breath in the smell of your favourite breakfast.As you walk into the kitchen you see a pile of 4 suitcases,2 backpacks and a handbag you glance at them curiously as you recongise them as your parents, younger sister and younger brothers.

You see your parents and younger siblings eating chocolate pancakes around the dinning table and you sit down to join them and you eat your chocolate pancakes enjoying them thorghly.Suddenly you stop eating and blurt out the words "where are you guys going?".Your mom mutters to you "Don't you remember we are going on that three day trip that you said you didnt want to go on." You remember the conversation and you utter "oh yeah!".

After you,your parents and your siblings finish eating breakfast your family go and get changed.Your parents walk down the stairs and meet you in the hallway as you look for your purse. Your parents explain to you that they do not care what you do as long as the house is clean when they get back in 3 days and you agree to these terms and conditions.

After this converation your family unlocks the door and walks out locking the door after them and you look through the window and you watch them pull out of the drive way.

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