9.5 The Pillars United

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Joe: Dear, God. There's five of them.

Cisco: Oh, yeah. This is so cool.

Caitlin: Technically, there's still the one Y/N L/N we know. All the rest have different bios, genetic makeup, power sets, special abilities. They might as well be different people.

Cisco: Yet they're all called and look like Y/N L/N and have similar moral compasses.

Caitlin: Yes.

Cisco: So they're all still Y/N L/N.

Caitlin: I... yeah.

The Cognate Pillars were all gathered back in S.T.A.R. Labs on Earth-62612. They were all standing in a large circle, talking amongst themselves and getting the situation sorted out. Y/N had a clipboard in his hands as he tried to get them all to gather around and quiet down.

Y/N: Hey, guys. Can I have everyone's attention, please? We don't need to talk over one another.

Heat Wave: Yeah. I'm already getting sick of hearing my own voice.

Y/N looked at the man in the grey suit before shaking his head.

Y/N: Alright, so we all know why we are here.

Atom: Fate of the multiverse, end of everything, sort of thing.

Shazam: Sounds like a pretty typical day for us, really. All except for meeting ourselves.

Y/N: Okay. I thought, with all of us gathered here, we'd do a bit of an ice breaker. I know we're all Y/N L/N, but we all seem to have different backgrounds and upbringings. So, I'd like for us to say our superhero aliases as well as which Earth we're from and... Oh, what's a good distinguishing feature?

Shazam: How about our girlfriends?

All the Y/N's paused and looked at the white caped hero. They all had their brows raised in a judgmental manner. The tall (f/c) costumed hero rubbed the back of his neck while explaining himself.

Shazam: Sorry. I just like to show off a bit, is all.

Y/N: Okay. Um, I guess that can work. So state your name, Earth, and partner if you've got one.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

Y/N: Okay. I'll start. I'm the Flash. I'm from Earth-62612 and my wife is Dr. Caitlin L/N. Uh, my cohort who doesn't seem to talk much here is Batman from Earth-1992. He's married to Mrs. Selina Kyle-L/N.

Batman simply grunted as a response. Y/N pointed over to the version of him in the blue suit to continue.

Atom: Hello. Uh, on my Earth, people call me Atom-Smasher. I'm from Earth-X. My wife is Mrs. Felicity L/N, formerly Smoak.

Y/N: Wait, Earth-X? Isn't that-

Heat Wave: That Nazi ridden hellscape?

Atom: Yes, it is. Which I am quickly coming to learn is quite the anomaly compared to all other Earths.

He paused, biting his lip. The others looked at him awkwardly.

Y/N: Okay. Moving on. You?

Shazam: Oh, uh, I am Captain Marvel from Earth-621926. Wow, that's really its designation? It's really a mouthful.

He looked over at Cisco who shrugged.

Cisco: Hey, man, I don't get to name the Earths, alright? Blame other versions of me or something.

Y/N: Y/N, continue.

Shazam: Right. Uh, I am in a relationship with Kara Zor-El.

He seemed proud of himself for saying that. The others looked at him.

Y/N: Wait, Kara Zor-El? As in Supergirl?

Shazam: Well, technically Power Girl on my Earth. She was Supergirl, but she was attacked by her mind-controlled cousin, then her mind was nearly taken over by a worm from another dimension, so I gave her the same powers as me to protect her. It's a whole thing. Uh, but, yeah. She has the powers of both a Kryptonian as well as a Champion. You know her?

Y/N: I've met of version of her from Earth-38.

Shazam: Oh, sweet.

The rest of the Y/Ns stared at Shazam with wide eyes of disbelief. Atom-Smasher's jaw was dropped open in shock. This guy really got together with Supergirl?

Y/N: Alright. And...

Heat Wave: Heat Wave. Earth-19.

The man was very blunt with his answer, not adding much to it. The red clad hero next to him motioned his hand as if to continue.

Shazam: And...?

Heat Wave: And what?

Shazam: I mean, do you have a girlfriend? A comrade? Someone worth fighting for?

Heat Wave: What's it to you, twinkle toes?

Shazam: Nothing. Just genuinely curious.

Heat Wave looked around at his doppelgängers. He sighed and reached into his breast pocket. He pulled out a small flask.

Heat Wave: Doesn't matter, anyway. She's gone, just like everything else from that stinkin' world.

He took a long swig from his flask. All the other Y/Ns looked at him, some putting their heads down. Shazam felt ashamed for asking the question. This man was very much troubled and lost without his world.

Atom: Man, who would have thought that between the guy who dresses like a bat and the guy from a world literally run by Nazis, the guy with the flamethrower would be the sourpuss of the group?

Heat Wave: What did you call me?

Atom: Nothing. I didn't say anything.

Shazam looked over at the grey suited vigilante. He tried to put his hand gently down on his shoulder. Heat Wave pulled his arm back away from him.

Shazam: I'm sorry for your loss. I really am.

The others nodded in agreement. Y/N breathed out a deep breath and stepped forward. He clapped his hands together and tried to get the topic back onto business.

Y/N: Alright. So we've been summoned together, although none of us quite know the reason as to why. I was told we would meet with the Monitor when the time is right. But we were also not given this task by him. I'm not sure what our next step is. All I do know is that the fate of everything lies upon it.

Batman stepped forward. He placed down a small triangle in the middle of the group and turned it on. A projected image rose up. It looked like a map of the multiverse. Compared to Y/N who was trying to be friendly and work through things, Batman was more straight forward and quick with his explanation.

Batman: Currently, a wave of antimatter is being sent out and swept across the multiverse. As we speak, already near 50% of all Earths have been destroyed. The origin of the wave is unknown, same as to our exact purpose. What is known is who we were summoned by. The Spectre. He has a plan for us. Whether it's good or bad is unclear. But the answer is evident. We find him or whatever he has planned, we find our overall goal.

Atom: How quickly is the wave moving?

Batman: It's speed and velocity is immeasurable. This world has been the only one known able to fend it off, however limited and prolonged that may be. What we do know is that we may have less than 24 hours before antimatter consumes the entire multiverse.

Y/N: Jesus. Alright, so we have less than a day to find what we need to do and stop this madness.

Atom: Fate of the entire multiverse is in our hands. No pressure.

Heat Wave: Yeah. What's the worse than can happen? Besides our downfalls as well as all else?

Y/N: I know it's a lot, but we've got this, right guys? We always come out on top.

Heat Wave: Let's say we do stop this? What do we do about the Earths that have already been destroyed? Is there anyway we think we can get them back?

Batman: Unlikely. We don't have all the variables with us at the moment, but I'd say we'd just be putting a stop to what is already being threatened. I don't know about what's already been loss.

Y/N looked at both the Atom and Heat Wave. The two men sighed and put their heads down. Both of their worlds were gone, homes they could never return to. They had nothing left to fight for but themselves. Y/N's throat went dry as he looked at mirrors of his own face stuck in a moment of realization and tragedy.

Y/N: I'm sorry.

The two nodded their heads. Heat Wave took another swig of his drink. Atom wiped his nose.

Atom: For years, I wished that whole world could just burn to the ground so we could start anew. But I never...

He stopped, choking up on last part. Y/N looked between his doppelgängers. He tried to reinvigorate morale and bring everyone back together.

Y/N: Listen, I don't know entirely what we're facing. I don't think any of us do. But what I do know is that, for as different as we all are, we have all been chosen for a specific reason. We're heroes. We choose to fight for others more than ourselves. And maybe sometimes that makes our own lives hell in the process. Sometimes we may even fall trying to pick things up. But as long as everyone and everything else is safe, that's all that matters.

Heat Wave: We're expendable.

Y/N looked at him. He thought he was making another rude remark. However, there was something in the man's eyes and the way he carried himself that made the gruff man's comment seem real.

Heat Wave: We are. That's all we've ever considered ourselves to be. We go out and may not come back all because we choose to stand for more.

Batman: We become something more by doing that. We become symbols.

Atom: We're more than men. We're soldiers, ready to throw down our lives for others.

Shazam: We rise so no one else has to fall.

The Y/Ns all nodded between one another. They were all in agreement.

Y/N: We will see this through, not because it guarantees our own safety, but because it guarantees everyone else's. We stand for the multiverse, here and now.

Everyone nodded. They all decided there and then. They may all be different, but they all stood for the same cause. Joe, Cisco, and Caitlin looked on as the Y/Ns all discussed their game plan. Caitlin bit her lip at their remarks. She stepped towards the group whilst biting her lip.

Caitlin: Y/N, can I speak with you for a moment?

All the Y/Ns turned towards her.

Caitlin: Sorry. My husband Y/N.

The Flash nodded his head. He stepped forward and followed Caitlin. She took him outside into the hallway. Y/N looked at her while the brunette woman continued to bite her lip.

Y/N: Honey, what is it? What did you want to talk about?

Caitlin looked at her husband and spoke what was on her mind.

Caitlin: Y/N, I don't want you to think about everyone else.

Y/N looked at her in confusion. Cait moved her arms about and back pedaled.

Caitlin: Sorry. That came out wrong. What I mean is that I don't want you to think just about everyone else. I want you to think about yourself for a change.

Cait took his hand in hers. She played with his fingers while trying to find the right words.

Caitlin: I think what you are doing is noble. I really do. It's one of the reasons I love you. But I don't want you so focused on the bigger picture that it blinds you. When you look at the larger scale, you tend to overthink, and when you overthink, you are slower than you need to be. You tend to become so preoccupied with saving everyone that it makes you irrational sometimes. Focus on saving everyone, yes, but also focus on yourself. I am asking you, both as your wife and as your doctor, to help everyone, but to keep your focus on you and those you love most. Don't just do this for everyone else. Do it for our family. For our daughter, Y/N.

Y/N looked at his wife. He gazed into her eyes. He breathed out, releasing some of the stress that was already building up in him.

Y/N: You're right. I need to focus on us and Judy. I need to make sure the future is safe and secure for her.

Caitlin: I'm... not talking about that Judy.

Y/N looked at her with questioning eyes. His gaze followed her other hand downward. It was resting neatly over her midsection. Y/N's heart started to race. He had an idea of what she was insinuating, but he wanted to make sure.

Y/N: Cait...?

Caitlin smiled at him, beaming from ear to ear. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Caitlin: Y/N... I'm pregnant.

Y/N felt his whole world stop. He became light headed. The only time Cait had ever said anything that made him feel this way before was when she said "I do" on their wedding day. A large smile spread across Y/N's face as he stared at his wife in disbelief.

Y/N: Cait, I... really?

Cait nodded her head excitedly.

Caitlin: Yes, really.

Y/N: That's... that's fantastic!

Y/N picked up his wife and spun her around. Both of them had tears of joy in their eyes. They smiled wildly with one another, overjoyed at the revelation. Y/N placed Cait back down and gave her a loving kiss. Before she could even fully recover from the kiss, he looked at her with excited eyes.

Y/N: Give me just a sec.

Y/N darted out of the room in a quick bolt. He ran out of the lab and all the way across the city. He was moving at breakneck speeds, whizzing through streets and bobbing through traffic. He had a wide smile in his face the whole way.

Y/N finally stopped when he made it to the forests on the outskirts of the city. He stopped on a tall hill and pointed his head to the sky. He brought his fists up in joy and screamed to the heavens above.


Y/N ran back off across the city and into the lab again. He grabbed Cait once more and held her tight. Caitlin chuckled at his speed and quick hug. Tears were streaming down her own face.

Y/N: Oh, my God! I'm going to be a father. You're going to be a mother.

Caitlin: I know! It's great.

The two brought their heads back, but continued to hold onto one another's arms.

Y/N: How far along are you?

Caitlin: I'm two weeks along. I just found out yesterday.

Y/N continued to smile wildly like a kid at a carnival. He then looked once more at his beautiful wife with another question.

Y/N: Why are you telling me this now?

Caitlin: Because it's something you need to hear. You told me I was your lightning rod. Now you have a new one. You need to not just focus on the bigger picture, but what you're really fighting for as well. This isn't just for everyone else, Y/N. It's for you and our family. That is your true motivation. Don't you ever forget that, you hear?

Y/N: Yes, ma'am.

The two continued to smile lovingly at one another. They once again brought each other close in a tight embrace. They swayed back and forth in each other's arms. Their future started here. Caitlin rubbed her hands along Y/N's neck, holding him close. Y/N, meanwhile, rubbed one hand along her back while placing the other one tenderly against her stomach.

After celebrating the two's accomplishment, Y/N walked back to his other counterparts. Some of them noticed the smile plastered on his face.

Shazam: You alright, man?

Y/N: Never better. Now, back on task. Where do we start?

Batman: We need to find any information on the Spectre. Whatever he needs us for, he expected us to find it ourselves.

Heat Wave: Bit of a douchey move if you ask me. So where do we find information on this ass hat?

Atom: Yeah, it's not like there are many places with ancient texts on the guy. Most worlds don't even know he exists.

The team all thought for a moment. The transformed hero in the (f/c) thought of something. He had an idea on a place they could look.

Shazam: I think I might know someone who could tell us a few things.

Heat Wave: What are we doing standing in front of a broom closet? Your guy just so happen to be Harry Potter or something?

Atom: Sshh. Let him focus.

The team all stood in front of one of the closet doors in the hall of S.T.A.R. Labs. Captain Marvel stepped up to it. He ran his fingers over the door and thought for a moment. He then held out his hand, asking for the item he needed.

Batman took out his dimensional extrapolated and handed it to Shazam. The white caped champion took a deep breath as he held it with one hand while placing his other hand on the door.

Shazam: Here it goes.

Captain Marvel closed his eyes and concentrated. He put his free hand on the door handle and thought of where he wanted to go. He let his senses guide him to his destination.

Suddenly, a bright flash of both white and blue light seeped through the cracks on the doorframe. Smoke started to emit from the door itself. Shazam opened it and the smoke subsided.

Everyone stared in awe as the door opened before them. Gone was the normal small broom closet. Instead, the door now opened up into a large cave of some sorts. Small torches and fires could be seen burning inside, lighting the room before them.

Captain Marvel nodded and clapped his hands together in excitement.

Shazam: Yes! I didn't know if that would actually work on this Earth.

The others all looked at him with eyes of shock. Shazam simply shrugged. He beckoned everyone to follow and lead the way through the door.

Heat Wave: What in the name of Harry Hoodini is this shit?

The five Pillars entered through the doorway. They stepped out into the large cave. Looking around, they found themselves surrounded by several other doors. Most of them appeared to be floating in mid air and connected to nothing. Paper signs had been taped to the doors marking some as "Dangerous: Tentacle Beasts" and "Careful: Acid Moths".

Shazam: Welcome to the Rock of Eternity.

The group followed Shazam as he led them through a few passages further into the cave. They all entered another large room with a high ceiling. Above them, stalactites dangled from the roof. To the side, a set of monstrous statues stood on guard. They depicted vile creatures that were each named after one of the seven deadly sins. Most of the grotesque statues had been decked out in goofy looking clothes, making them look like they had just

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