9.1 Married Life

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Date: April 12, 2019

Y/N L/N and his wife, Caitlin L/N, stood contemplatively in their apartment. The two scientists stood by one another, their tongues sticking out of their mouths as they worked together on a project. They moved slowly and with extreme caution. Caitlin directed Y/N as he performed his very fragile and very serious surgery. 

Caitlin: Careful. This is a critical time.

Y/N: Okay. I've got this.

Caitlin: Steady hands.

Y/N: They're as steady as can be.

The two held their breath as Y/N laid down his last piece. He looked at his disaster and shook his head.

Y/N: We've lost him. Call time of death.

Caitlin: 11:26. 

The married couple stood before Y/N's abomination. He had failed at covering the soft dough lines of his apple pie. It looked like a Chernobyl accident compared to Cait's neat and well made pie.

Y/N: I will never complain about your healing palms again. How you manage to keep your hands steady and neat while working precisely on every detail. It's just... I don't possess it.

Caitlin: It's okay. It's just a pie. It's not supposed to be a piece of cake.

Caitlin bit her lip and tried to hold back a laugh. She failed when Y/N smirked and looked at her with a raised brow.

Y/N: Wow. Wow. And I thought I was supposed to be the one with the bad jokes.

Caitlin: I guess that means I'm a L/N after all.

The two chuckled together. The husband and wife duo had now been married for a little over a year, and it had been one of the best years of their lives. Apart from the League having to meet up one time and the occasional metahuman, their lives were not too hectic. In fact, they had never been better.

Cisco had soon settled into his new position as owner of S.T.A.R. Labs. Not that it entailed much. Besides a few business calls and short meetings, he was left free to continue his work with the team acting as Vibe and doing what he was really passionate about: making odd machines that did cool science shit. 

Y/N and Cait soon found themselves as millionaires alongside their friend. They donated a large portion of their money to various charities, schools, hospitals and fundraisers across the city, preferring to live a more modest, but beneficial lifestyle. Together with Cisco, they'd even installed a small memorial site in honor of Dr. Wells. The L/Ns put the rest of their money into savings and personal expenditures. It was nothing crazy. Only once did they enjoy a nice yacht cruise in the Bahamas. The rest was purely spent on improving their living conditions and saving for the future. 

Caitlin suggested moving into a new apartment, but Y/N instead suggested saving for a house in the suburbs. He never said why with Cait simply agreeing with him, liking the idea of a quieter home life away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Little did she know that Y/N had actually gotten the idea from his little journey into the Speed Force the previous year. He'd even found the right house and neighborhood. All he was waiting for was the right time. 

Instead of moving right away, the couple decided on sprucing up their current living space. They installed new light fixtures, cozier furniture, and even a new kitchen island and replacement stove. Y/N even surprised Caitlin with a new walk in shower one day, although he admitted that he needed both Barry and Joe's help in installing it.

Resting on one of their now frequent date days, the two had decided on making a couple desserts together. Y/N had already shared his family recipe for an eclair cake and Cait was currently showing Y/N how to make an apple pie from scratch. Y/N looked at his abomination of a mess before grinning.

Y/N: You know what? Screw it.

Y/N turned around and pulled out a few different baking ingredients from off the counter. He began to put various items into his pie, placing them between the dough into the apple filling. 

Y/N: We'll add these, and some of these...

Caitlin giggled as he worked.

Caitlin: Honey, what are you doing?

Y/N: Ooh, that's another thing I was missing.

Y/N grabbed the honey jar and poured a small dab into his pie.

Y/N: I'm not letting this one go on me, doctor. We're giving him a transplant. 

Y/N poured in cherries, marshmallows, vanilla, and more into his pie. When he was done, it looked like an odd mix of various ingredients. Caitlin looked at it and shrugged.

Y/N: What do you think? I call it a grafted apple pie.

Caitlin: Meh. I've seen worse.

The two grabbed their respective pies and placed them down in the oven. Y/N set the timer and turned around. The duo looked at their mess of ingredients and various cooking supplies scattered about the kitchen. Caitlin almost seemed to slump for a moment looking at it all.

Caitlin: Can you just...?

Y/N smirked at her. He rushed around the kitchen at high speeds, cleaning it all in a matter of seconds. When he was done, there was a new pair of dishes loaded into the washer and the table tops had been cleaned. Y/N stopped and stood once more by his wife's said.

Caitlin: Thank you.

Y/N looked at his work with a smile but also slight sheepish crook to his grin. Caitlin almost never allowed him to run around the house unless he needed to get off to somewhere quick. Especially in the kitchen. She preferred to do things slow and casually, typically whistling a tune while working. He guessed she was just a bit too lazy or tired today.

Caitlin smiled and leaned her head into the crook of Y/N's neck. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held onto him. Y/N smiled and rubbed his hand over her back.

Y/N: Well, someone's a little cuddly today.

Caitlin: Mmmm hmmm. I just like it when you're by my side.

Y/N: Why don't we sit down and you can really cuddle up next to me?

Y/N kissed the top of her head and stepped forward to move to the couch. He found Caitlin holding him back, refusing to let go. He looked at her. She was almost never this clingy.

Y/N: You're not gonna let me go, are you?

Caitlin kept her eyes closed and her head buried in his neck.

Caitlin: Nope. 

Y/N: Are you feeling alright, babe?

Caitlin: Yeah, I'm good. Just want to be near you is all.

Y/N: Can you at least let go long enough to let me walk to the couch?

Caitlin: Nope. 

Y/N rolled his eyes, grinning at her antics.

Y/N: You want me to carry you?

Caitlin: That would be much appreciative.

Y/N: Alright, come here.

Y/N held onto Cait and picked her up. He carefully carried her over to the couch and set her down gently. He then plopped down next to her, sinking into the soft black cushions. The fast man barely had enough time to grab the TV remote before he found his wife cuddling into him again.

Caitlin: Thank you.

Y/N: Anything for my queen. 

Caitlin: I love it when you call me that. "Queen". Has a real sense of pride and honor to it.

Y/N: Are you sure you're alright?

Caitlin: Yeah. Just a little tired from work. It's been a long week.

Y/N: Well, I hope I was able to relieve some of that stress the other day for you.

Caitlin: Relieve? Yes. Was it calming? Not in the slightest. Thanks for that, though.

Y/N: Happy to oblige. 

The happy couple held onto one another and watched TV. They only ever stood up when they were alerted to the timer going off. Afterwards they shared their time together watching old movies and gorging themselves with fantastic desserts. 

The next day, Cisco walked into the cortex chamber looking at some recent data on a tablet. He passed by Caitlin who was sitting at the monitor station in the center of the room. The brunette woman grabbed her cup of coffee and took a nice, long sip from it. She pressed her shoulders close to her body as she savored the sip.

Cisco: Dang, girl. Isn't that like your third cup this morning?

Caitlin repeated his remark in a nasally, mocking tone.

Caitlin: "Isn't that your third cup this morning?"

Cisco looked at her with a surprised expression.

Cisco: Whoa, I wasn't trying to judge you. Just surprised by the caffeine in your system.

Caitlin: Well, maybe you should focus on your own little spreadsheets and latest updates instead. I'm the practiced physician. Let me worry about my own caffeine intake. Capiche? 

Cisco: Okay...

Caitlin glared at him with narrow eyes before bringing her cup up again. Ramon turned around, eyeing her as he made his way to the mannequin with Y/N's latest suit. Cisco had updated it about four months ago, introducing a lighter fabric with new highlights, improved mobility, and an updated emblem. It maintained the iconic all red design, goggles, and winged helmet, just with new and improved features. 

Before long, Y/N and Barry walked into the cortex chamber. The two had been discussing possible solutions and treatments for one of Iron Heights' metahuman criminals. Y/N had to hold the conversation momentarily when he got a call on his phone. The newest member of the Justice League who had joined three months prior was in the process of moving into the Hall of Justice. Y/N talked with the powerful magician on the other end while walking with his brother.

Y/N: Z, it's fine. I promise. Diana will be glad to have you next door. Just move in what you can. Bruce has a few guys who can help you bring in the heavier bags. Plus, you'll be between Clark and Diana. Just don't go near Bruce's room for a bit. I don't know if he's set up a contingency yet. We all learned that the hard way. And watch out for Vic's garage. Some of that tech can become quite... animated when encountering a foreign reading. I'd recommend not using any magic around there. Cait and I hope to catch you at your next show when you're in town. Alright. Hope you get things in and everything's to your liking. Vic should be coming over in a few days. If you have any questions, ask him. Alright, bye. 

Y/N hung up and put his phone into his pocket. He turned to his brother beside him as they got back onto what they were discussing.

Y/N: Where were we?

Barry: Frankie Kane.

Y/N: Right, right. 

Barry: The bio-dampening devices and plastic cell are helping to hold back her other personality, although she's still having a few episodes. Panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, and hot flashes.

Y/N: What about her psychiatrist?

Barry: Turns out Dr. Deegan had his own psych evaluations and unethical motivations. Joe dug up some of his past "accomplishments" and he was sent away. Wayne suggested moving him to Arkham.

Y/N: So she needs a new psychiatrist. 

Barry: Patty knows one who helped her move past her own father's death. She's trying to get in touch with her right now.

Y/N: Good. We should perhaps get training for some of the more frequent guards near her cell. Probably basic talking points. Grounding, ELL training. That sort of stuff can go a long way.

Barry: I was thinking the same thing. I was also thinking we could find ways to lighten up her environment and reduce sensitivity for her retinas, help her brain heal and reprocess certain situations to minimalize her panic attacks.

Y/N: Yeah, that sounds good. 

The duo walked towards the back of the cortex chamber. Barry went to the side to work at one of the smaller computer stations. Y/N stopped at the middle desk and gently kissed his wife on the head. Cait smiled and leaned into his kiss, closing her eyes in bliss. 

Y/N: How are you doing, honey?

Caitlin: Better now that you're here.

Y/N: Well, my day's good meter always sky rockets when I pass by you. 

Caitlin: Aww. That's so sweet.

Y/N walked over to Cisco while talking. Caitlin put her hand to her heart and made a pouting expression, showing how touched she was by his kind words. Y/N looked at her action and smiled awkwardly while making his way to Ramon. Cisco bent over to him and spoke in a hushed voice.

Cisco: Hey, man. Has she been acting odd to you recently? Like extreme highs and Kazad Dum level lows?

Y/N looked over his shoulder at his wife before turning back and talking to his friend.

Y/N: You know, now that you mention it, she has been acting a lot more lovingly recently. I mean, at home is one thing. But I've never really seen her soft like this at work.

Cisco: Yeah. "Loving". That's one way of putting it. You think it's her time of the month?

Caitlin: What are you two geeks talking about?

Y/N and Cisco spun around. Both tried to act natural, failing as Dr. L/N stared them both down with judgmental eyes.

Y/N: Oh, nothing, dear.

Cisco: Yeah. Just guy stuff. Movies and schedules and... stuff.

Caitlin's eyes narrowed, almost like an interrogative policewoman judging her interviewed crook.

Y/N: Please don't kill us.

Caitlin: I'm contemplating on it. 

Suddenly, a series of alerts began to pop up on the monitors. The team rushed over to them to see what the issue was. Cisco swiped away the notification and checked the readings.

Cisco: Satellites are picking up an interdimensional breach. Sensors indicate somewhere in the city.

Caitlin: When did you install an interdimensional breach tracker?

Cisco: Since we had a visitor from Earth-1 and, after that, two repeated visits from an evil speedster from both a different Earth and time. Now focus, people!

Y/N: Signs indicating the breach has yet to appear, but molecular integrity suggests the Coulomb barrier is in the process of bending around the projected target. 

Barry: Where's the breach opening?

Cisco looked at the screen for a moment and froze.

Cisco: Right here.

Just then, a swirling blue vortex popped up in the middle of the lab. Everyone stepped back, waiting to see what would come through. They were greeted by a man in a red and blue suit leaping out from the vortex. He landed on his knee as the portal closed behind him.

The mysterious man stood up. Everyone gasped in surprise. He was wearing a suit nearly identical to Y/N's. A gold lightning bolt was placed on his chest, his legs and lower torso covered in blue where Y/N's suit had red. He was also missing gloves and had red boots in place of L/N's gold. On top of the man's head sat a metal disk with golden wings. The suit was oddly similar, but what caught everyone off guard was his face. It looked nearly identical to someone they already knew.

Barry: Dad?

The man looked at Allen in somewhat of a surprised manner.

Jay: Barry?

He eyed Allen before checking a watch-like device strapped to his wrist.

Jay: No, you're not Barry. At least, you're not the one I know.

The older, grey haired man looked around. He took off his helmet and turned to take in the lab. He nodded with approval.

Jay: Nice Earth you have here.

His eyes landed on the red and gold suit sitting on the mannequin towards the back of the room.

Jay: Interesting.

Cisco: Uh, excuse me, who are you?

The silver haired man turned around to face everyone.

Jay: My name is Jay Garrick. I'm from Earth-3.

Y/N: Wait, Jay Garrick? That was the name of my old boss.

Jay: Perhaps we share some lineage or divergence then on this Earth.

Caitlin: Why are you here?

Jay: I'm here on a matter of business, Miss Snow. What I come with is bad tidings. A warning about an impending crisis.

Barry: You know us?

Jay: I know all your names. Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow-

Caitlin: It's L/N, actually.

Jay looked at her with intrigue.

Jay: Interesting. That's another thing I came here for. 

Y/N: Wait, back up for a moment. You said you knew Barry Allen, but not our Barry. Which one are you referring to?

Jay: That would be Earth-1, since you're so curious.

The team's eyes widened.

Y/N: Wait, you've met the Flash of Earth-1 as well?

Jay looked at all of them, noting their expressions.

Jay: I'll take it you've met him as well. I'll also take it that, judging by your suit, one of you is the resident speedster of this Earth. Now it could be Mr. Allen, but I have a feeling it's more likely...

He looked directly at Y/N as he trailed off. The young man brought up his hand and started to vibrate it back and forth. Orange lightning flickered around it. Jay brought up his own hand, performing an identical motion with his own sparks of orange lightning. The two speedsters nodded at one another in a form of mutual understanding and respect.

Y/N: Flash.

Jay: Flash. Maybe I did come to the right Earth after all.

The team looked between the two of them for a moment, taking in everything. Cisco tried to go back to something else that had been brought up.

Cisco: Wait, hold on a sec. You mentioned something about some sort of crisis?

Jay: Yes, I'm afraid so. A cataclysmic event that threatens the entire multiverse and every living being in it. I came here in search of something special.

Barry: And what would that be?

Jay looked at everyone. He then brought his hand up and pointed to one individual in particular.

Jay: You, Mr. L/N. 

Y/N looked at him in surprise with wide eyes.

Y/N: Me?

Jay: If I'm right, you may be the key to saving everything. 

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