Date: August 28, 2017
The Flash was flung back through the air after the air conditioning unit he was standing next to exploded. He slid across the rooftop and came dangerously close to the edge. Y/N groaned as he rolled over and picked himself up.
Y/N: Welp, I think I got his attention, as well as a few broken ribs.
Y/N dusted his winged cap off and placed it back atop his head. He turned to face the metal android in front of him. This one was different from the usual suspects. It resembled a buff, silver skeleton. On its chest was planted a green letter 'L'. In most cases, Y/N could handle rampaging robots. But this one was different. This one was able to copy super powers. Unfortunately for him, it had already copied a few from his teammates.
Amazo stepped out from the burning wreckage near it. The android looked at the Flash. Y/N knew it was trying to scan him. Not giving it a chance, he started to run around in a zig zag motion. The android's eyes turned red. It fired out a set of red heat beams, trying to hit the orange blur.
Y/N dodged the laser beams. They hit part of the building behind him, causing part of the roof to crumble. Y/N rammed himself into Amazo, careful not to dispel any electricity lest the robot copy his connection to the Speed Force. He ran back and proceeded to ram his shoulder back into the robot over and over again before bringing his foot up and kicking it back.
Amazo was flung back, but activated a few personal hover boots and started to fly. It brought both of its arms up and decided on a weapon that was in the arsenal of a particular metal hero. The android held up its arms and transformed them into sonic canons. Just as Y/N stopped, it fired at him.
The Flash was flung off the rooftop. He fell through the air towards the ground below. However, instead of hitting the ground, he was caught by a large green baseball glove forming beneath him. Y/N looked up to see that the Green Lantern had caught him.
Y/N: Thanks, man.
The building rooftop that had been hit earlier started to crumble. Small bits of showering debris fell down on top of cars in the Metropolis streets below. The gargoyle on top of the roof then fell forward. It broke off its placement and toppled down to the ground.
A woman down on the street saw the statue falling. She had no time to move. The mother grabbed her six-year-old child and tried to shield her with her body. She prepared for impact. However, it never came. The mother was confused. The statue had stopped its decent mere inches from her body. Turning around, the mother saw her savior.
A strong Amazonian woman with long black hair stood beside her. She was wearing a silver tiara on her head. A red body suit with silver breast plates covered her torso with a blue skirt covering her lower parts. She wore long metallic boots, complemented by a pair of golden bracelets. Wonder Woman used her strong muscles and incredible strength to hold up the gargoyle statue. She tossed it aside before turning to the mother.
Diana: You're safe now. Find cover.
Diana looked at the mother who was still holding onto her daughter. The Amazon princess looked at the child who appeared scared. She noticed the girl has dropped her stuffed animal. Diana picked it up and handed it to her.
Diana: Here. Hold onto this and you will be brave. Listen to your mother, okay?
Wonder Woman offered a gentle smile towards the child. The little girl seemed to be a bit more at ease. The mother and daughter duo ran off to find cover. Nearby, Y/N was gently lowered down onto the ground. He got up on his feet and stretched for a moment.
Y/N: Vic, next time a super intelligent android who can copy our powers comes online, can you please inform us?
Victor: I'll be sure to do that. We're lucky that I was able to contact Clark in time.
Cyborg flew in on the scene. He scanned the rooftop where Amazo was, garnering its attention. The android was so focused on the half robot that it failed to notice the blue blur approaching it. Superman grabbed Amazo and tried to fly away with it, taking it away from the city. However, the android quickly copied his strength and managed to free itself from his arms. It fell down and landed in the middle of a large outdoor plaza in the city. Clark flew in and tackled it with Victor coming in for support.
Clark: If I had known Luthor was involved and what this thing could do, I would have called sooner.
John Stewart landed on the ground near the Flash. He looked over at his teammate.
John: Uh, wasn't this thing trained using data from your metahuman prison?
Y/N: Hey, I'm not responsible for what happens in Metropolis. We all have our areas. Let Victor and Bats focus on the machines while you and Clark focus on your cities and aliens. That was the deal at the last meeting, remember?
John: Yeah? Remind me of your area, then.
Y/N: Central City, metahumans, speedsters, the occasional cunning crook, and slow pizza deliveries.
The two men grinned, teasing one another. Diana simply shook her head.
Diana: Boys, boys, let's break up the competition. Kal, what's the status?
Clark threw a heavy punch at the android. It fell back near Cyborg who fired his arm canon at it. The android was shot back, but healed its shoulder using the nanite technology it had picked up from Victor. It then fired a heat beam at Cybrog who shielded himself with his arm. Using one of its hands, it fired a kryptonite missile at Clark. The man of steel narrowly dodged it just in time.
Clark: Could be better.
Diana: Bruce, what's your position?
Bruce: Moving in.
The Batmobile soared through the city streets of Metropolis. Attached to its hood was a canister of some strange batch of chemicals. The black car sped through the streets, taking tight turns and shooting through traffic lights with its jet engine exhaust.
Superman and Cyborg continued their fight with Amazo. The android brought its hand back and glared at both of them. A small Wonder Woman logo appeared on both wrists as it tapped into her copied strength. It punched both men back with incredible force. Superman went falling back while Cyborg was flung sky high and crashed through a building. His chest was slightly caved in and he needed a moment to heal.
Seeing the man of steel needed assistance, Green lantern took off and joined the fight. He produced a large green hammer and slammed it across Amazo's head. The android tried to fire a blue energy canon at him, but Stewart was quick to encase the robot in a green energy dome. The explosion from the energy canon flung black smoke around the android.
However, a House of El logo appeared on Amazo's wrists and forehead as it tapped into those powers. The android used its strength to break free from the dome, shattering it like glass. It then shot out a cold breath from it mouth towards Lantern. John flew around, trying to dodge it.
Clark was still on the ground and looked around. There were still civilians in the area. They could get hurt. They were his main priority.
Clark: We've still got people in the plaza.
Diana: Y/N.
Y/N: On it!
The Flash quickly ran around the plaza, grabbing people and whisking them away to safety. He made sure to take them all at least three blocks away to give them all ample space to run in case the fight escalated.
Bruce: Flash, we need to start the reaction now.
Y/N: Got it!
As he continued carrying people to safety, Y/N noticed the Batmobile approaching. He rushed towards it and tucked and rolled over its hood. As he rolled, Y/N brought up his hand to one of the cables holding onto the jar of chemicals. An orange lightning bolt leaped from his finger and traveled through the wire. It hit the blue chemicals inside the jar. The chemicals boiled and started to react with the new energy they'd received. Bubbles formed and the color of the substance changed to a glowing green.
Seeing Lantern struggle with holding back Amazo, Wonder Woman joined in the fray. She unsheathed her sword and jumped in to attack. Diana slashed and swung her sword. Amazo dodged her blows and brought up its own wrists. It formed a Wonder Woman logo on each and clanged them together.
A powerful blast was released from the android's arms. Diana was pushed back and went flying through the building beside her. Amazo didn't have time to react before it was hit in the side by a blue energy blast. Cyborg landed and delivered an uppercut to the jaw. As the same time, John formed a large anvil that fell down on top of Amazo. Victor backed up to dodge it.
The anvil fell down on top of Amazo. Stewart brought it back up and tried to slam it down again. However, the android brought its hands up, forming both the Cyborg and Wonder Woman symbols on both. Taping into their strengths, it pushed back and held up the anvil.
Victor looked on in shock. Suddenly, the Superman emblem formed on Amazo's forehead. The android fired a heat beam from it that pushed Victor back. At the same time, John's construction gave out and shattered.
Amazo stood up tall and looked around. That was when it heard something approaching. It turned and spotted the Batmobile moving fast towards it. The robot hunched over and prepared the fly off and charge it. However, the android was held back by something wrapping around its waist. A yellow lasso clung onto Amazo and pulled him back, holding him down.
Diana grunted as she pulled with her glowing lasso. Amazo's feet showed Cyborg's logo alongside Superman's. Jet thrusters ignited form his feet and calves. The android pulled against the lasso, trying to escape.
Diana held her ground. Victor landed beside her and grabbed onto the lasso as well. He joined her in trying to hold the android back. Amazo hovered in place, unable to escape the strength of both heroes combined. The Batmobile continued its charge. In front of it, blocking its path towards Amazo, were several fountains and a few fallen pieces of debris.
Bruce: Lantern, I need a boost.
John flew into the air and aimed his ring down. He used it to form a ramp for the Batmobile. The black vehicle hit the ramp and was sent flying up. As it flew through the air, Batman hit the ejection button at the last minute. The top of the car opened up and Batman went flying out. He had planned on gliding down himself, but was instead picked up by Superman flying in, making sure his friend did not fall into what was about to ensue.
The Batmobile came crashing down towards Amazo. The chemicals inside the glass container on its hood were now popping. As the car hit the android, the glass container shattered, bursting open and showering Amazo in the colored chemicals. The rest of the car came down and erupted into flames. A giant explosion covered where Amazo stood. The Batmobile erupted into millions of burnt pieces. Everyone looked at the giant fireball in front of them.
Clark: Did it work?
Bruce brought up his suit gauntlet and checked the scanner. He nodded.
Bruce: When it copied your powers, it also copied your weaknesses. The kryptonite particulates plus the nanobots I placed in the batch should compromise its ability to regenerate.
John: But it didn't kill it?
Everyone looked on as the fires cooled down. They watched in amazement as the android picked itself up from the rubble. It had a few torn parts and was unable to heal itself, but it was still standing.
Amazo looked around. It took one step forward before a metal winged cap came flying in and hit it in the back of the head. Turning around, Amazo noticed an orange streak approaching it. Y/N caught his helmet and put it back on his head. He charged at the metal android.
Amazo looked up, noticing Superman. The man of steel actually seemed to be watching the Flash. The android scanned and decided to copy the behavior. A Superman logo appeared on its forehead. Now, just lack the Kryptonian, Amazo could see things in slow motion.
The Flash continued to charge at the robot. At the last minute, Amazo brought up its hand and closed its fingers. It managed to grab Y/N and hold him by the neck. The Flash was caught off guard. He squirmed and tried to release himself from the android's firm grip. He then noticed the robot's eyes narrow. It appeared to be scanning him. His fears were realized by the Flash's familiar lightning bolt emblem appearing on Amazo's chest.
Y/N: Crap.
Amazo brought its hand back and threw Y/N off to the side. The Flash rolled on the ground and landed on his hands and knees. He looked up and saw what Amazo did next. The android brought its arms up and started to spin them quickly in circles. It generated blurs that blew strong winds around, putting out the fires around it. The rest of the team looked on with worried eyes.
John: Great. Now it's really fast.
Clark: It copied to Speed Force.
Diana: Can it do that?
Y/N: Some of the data and chemicals built into its system contain metahuman formulas. If it scanned me and figured out how to produce Velocity-9 in its own system, then yes.
John: Let's just hope it didn't copy your annoyance as well.
John charged at the android. Amazo reacted quickly, moving fast as a blur. It grabbed his wrist and spun him around before tossing him back into the air. It then transformed its arm into a canon and fired a blue energy blast at him. The Green Lantern was sent flying back far through the air.
Superman decided it was his turn to try and attack the android. He flew quickly towards it and threw a strong punch. However, just before he could, Amazo's image became blurry. Clark's hand went straight through it. He looked up with wide eyes of shock.
Y/N: Shit. He's learned to phase.
Clark tried to punch the robot again at high speeds. His hands went through every time. Amazo opened up its chest and shot out a green kryptonite energy beam. Clark was sent falling back and slid on the ground. Y/N bent down to him.
Y/N: You okay?
Clark: Boy, this fella packs a wallop.
Bruce looked at the android for a moment and thought.
Bruce: We need to separate the head.
Diana: How so?
Bruce: Its scanners are located in its head. We separate that, it won't be able to copy any more of our powers.
Clark: I don't really see how we can. I can't lay a hand on it.
Y/N: I think I might be able to help with that.
Clark looked at him and nodded. Everyone seemed in agreement.
Bruce: Alright. We'll hold it down and provide you with a clean shot. Diana, you'll do the rest.
Victor: Let's shut down this tin can.
Y/N helped Clark back up and the group got into action. Cyborg flew towards Amazo and buzzed around it. He landed in front of the android and delivered a powerful uppercut. Amazo quickly caught itself and tried to throw a punch at him. Victor ducked under it and shot off to the side behind the android.
Before Amazo could turn around, it felt a grapple attach to its back. Batman pulled himself forwards onto the back of the android. He attached a sticky bomb and fired another grapple into the robot's shoulder blade. He then jumped forward in front of the android and detonated the bomb.
Amazo was pushed forward as Batman swung around it. The Bat let out more of his grapple, wrapping the wire cable around Amazo as he swung around his front. Batman then landed behind Amazo next to Cyborg. The two grabbed hold of the cable and began to pull.
Amazo was yanked to the side and tried to pull back against the cable. Quickly, a green loop formed around its waist and began to pull on its other side. Green Lantern landed on the ground and pulled back on his own chain. The Flash and Superman stood a couple of yards in front of the android, ready to attack.
Clark: Alright, son, what's your plan?
Y/N: Amazo will try to phase to get out of his restraints. But if I phase us both at the same frequency, we would match his vibrations and allow for a direct hit.
Clark: Will that work?
Y/N: Not sure. First time trying it.
Clark: Well, I guess there's always a first for everything.
Y/N focused and brought his hand up onto Clark's shoulder. In front of them, Amazo started to vibrate and phase. The grapple wire that was wrapped around him instantly fell down and became loose. The android was now close to breaking free from Lantern's restraints. John grunted as he tried to hold onto the trap longer.
Y/N: Get ready.
Y/N began to vibrate his body back and forth. With his hand on Superman's shoulder, the man of steel began to vibrate with him. The two then shot forward quickly and stopped directly in front of Amazo. Clark threw a strong punch at the android's chest. His fist made contact. Amazo stopped phasing and was flung back into the air.
As the android fell through the air, Wonder Woman brought up her sword. She brought it down over the android's neck and sliced his head clean off. Amazo's body went crashing to the ground while its head toppled and bounced to the side. The lights in its eyes went out.
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