Date: December 1, 2016
In the middle of a small apartment located in downtown National City, a large blue breach opened up. Out of the vortex stepped five people. These were Barry-1, Cisco-1, Y/N, Caitlin, and Cisco.
Cisco-1 took off his glasses. The group all looked around the luxury apartment. Everything was neat and ornately decorated. It was not exactly what the group had been expecting they'd see.
Cisco-1: This better be the right place. 'Cause if this isn't the right place, someone's about to be real confused.
Cisco: Yeah. Sounds about right knowing our luck.
The group turned around to the sound of the front door unlocking. They all stood there awkwardly as a blonde woman with glasses walked into the room. She was young and looked at the group before her. However, it was more of a surprised expression rather than a confused one.
Kara: Barry?!
Barry-1: Hey.
Kara: I knew it! I knew that was you! I knew it was you in that weird space...
Barry-1 and Kara walked towards one another, sharing in a warm hug.
Barry-1: Sorry, it took a couple tries to get here.
Caitlin leaned over to her group of friends.
Caitlin: She seems nice.
Cisco: Yeah... Very nice...
Y/N saw the look Cisco was giving at Kara. He slapped him on the back of the head, telling him to focus.
Barry-1: Kara, this is my friend, Cisco.
Cisco-1: Well, friend is a loose term. We work together.
They two shook hands, Kara showing a look of excitement.
Cisco-1: I have to say, this is a nice universe you got here.
Kara: Thank you.
The blonde woman looked past Barry-1's shoulder and spotted two other people alongside someone who looked exactly like Cisco-1.
Kara: Oh, I see you have a twin.
Barry-1 turned around, introducing his new friends.
Barry-1: Actually, these guys are from another Earth as well. This is their Cisco and Caitlin and this is their Flash.
Kara: Wait, another Flash?
Y/N walked over to Kara shaking her hand.
Y/N: Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.
Kara: Kara Danvers, or Kara Zor-El. You can just call me Kara. It's nice to meet you, too.
Y/N looked at her for a moment, pondering her last name.
Y/N: Zor-EL? You wouldn't happened to be related to Kal El, would you?
Kara: He's my cousin. Why? Have you met him before?
Y/N: Yes. Well, my Earth's version of him. Real nice guy. I actually beat him in a race once.
Kara: You did? Well, that's certainly an accomplishment.
Y/N: Yeah, I'll say. It was fun. Uh, he and I actually met as founding members of the Justice League.
Both Kara and the residents of Earth-1 looked at Y/N in confusion. Y/N turned, seeing all their odd expressions.
Y/N: What? You guys don't have the Justice League on your Earths?
Kara: Nope.
Cisco-1: Nah-uh.
Y/N: Huh. Well, just think of us as a group of super friends trying to make a difference in the world. I was brought together with Clark to help Batman-
Cisco-1: Batman?! Wait, you've worked with the Batman?! I thought he was just a myth on our world!
Cisco: I know. It's so cool.
Cisco-1: Next, you'll be telling me you're best friends with a cyborg made from space technology or some shit.
Y/N held up his hand, about to say something. He stopped, deciding not to get too off topic. Barry-1 walked over to Kara.
Barry-1: Hey, do you remember last year when I helped you out and you promised to do the same for me?
Kara: What are we up against?
Felicity Smoak walked through the old S.T.A.R. Labs warehouse. She pointed over to the people around her, making a head count and listing off the different teams that had united.
Felicity: Team Arrow is here. Team Legends is here. Is that everyone?
H.R.: I think so.
Sara: Nate and Amaya are back watching the Waverider. The newbies.
Just then, a breach opened up to the side of the facility. Out of it stepped Barry-1 and Cisco-1 with a group of people. One person looked new while the other two looked strangely familiar. Kara was now wearing her Supergirl costume.
Kara: That was cool.
Barry-1 walked over to meet with the other teams.
Barry-1: Guys, thanks for coming.
Oliver: Barry, I thought you were bringing an alien.
Barry-1: Yeah, uh, we did. Everybody, this is my friend, Kara Danvers, or as she's known on her earth, Supergirl.
Jackson: What makes her so super?
Kara gave a gentle smirk. She flew into the air, levitating several feet off the ground. From her eyes, she fired a blue heat beam, cutting her insignia into the floor. The other heroes looked at her, awing at her display of power.
Diggle: I'm convinced.
From behind her computer screen in the back of the room, Caitlin-1 noticed a very odd but very familiar lock of brown hair on someone's head.
Caitlin-1: Uh, Barry... Who is this?
Recognizing her own voice, Caitlin turned around. All of Team Flash was taken aback seeing another Caitlin and Cisco standing there. Caitlin gently waved to her counterpart, showing an awkward expression of acceptance.
Barry-1: Uh, these are some new friends. These are the Cisco and Caitlin from Earth-62612. I thought we could use their help.
Cisco: Dude, this is trippy.
Caitlin: You're telling me.
The groups all looked at one another, the two Caitlins taking in each other's features. Iris looked over at Barry-1 in confusion.
Iris: Wait, so does that mean you also brought over another you to help?
Barry-1: Yeah, well, he...
Barry-1 looked around, noticing that the other Flash wasn't there. Even Caitlin and Cisco noticed his odd absence.
Barry-1: Where did he-
He was cut off by an orange streak of lightning running into the building and sitting down in a chair by one of the computer stations. The fast man propped his feet up on top of the table. He placed down a bag of fast food next to him. The others noticed that he was wearing a metal cap with gold wings on his head.
Caitlin-1: Jay?
Y/N took off his helmet and placed it down on the table. He took a burger and fries out of his bag and began to munch down. The others looked at this new person in even more confusion.
Y/N: Man, I knew I should have eaten before we left. Thank God this Earth also has a Big Belly Burger.
Y/N looked up, noticing all the odd looks he was getting. He swallowed his food and gently waved to everyone.
Y/N: Hey, everyone.
Iris: You're...
Y/N: Y/N L/N, the Flash.
Cisco walked over, taking a couple of Y/N's fries while he continued eating. Y/N looked around, recognizing a few faces and seeing a few new ones.
Y/N: Jackson, Professor Stein, nice to see you two again.
Stein: I'm sorry. Have we met?
Y/N: Yes. Well, no. I met your counterparts on my Earth.
Y/N continued looking. He spotted another familiar face and nearly fell out of his seat. He choked a bit on his food with Caitlin walking over and rubbing his back, telling him to slow down.
Y/N: Mick? Mick Rory?
Mick: Wassup, other red?
Y/N: You... What?... We...
Barry-1: Uh, yeah. Mick here has actually turned over a new leaf. He's part of the Legends now.
Sara: I'll take it you've also met your Earth's equivalent to this meat brain.
Mick: I take that as a compliment.
Y/N: Yeah. We literally just stopped him with a little help from Barry, here.
Barry-1 looked at him, giving a smile and a nod.
Oliver: Wait, Barry-1, you brought another speedster here to join in a fight he may not be prepared for.
Barry-1: He's fine, Oliver. He's encountered stuff like this before. Plus, I didn't mean to bring him, but-
Cisco pointed over to the serious archer.
Cisco-1: Hey, for your information, Y/N here is more than just another Barry.
Diggle: Really? How so?
Y/N picked up his cap. He charged it with a spark of electricity and tossed it. It bounced around the room, hitting various objects and crashing through a few crates. The cap then bounced back to him where the fast man caught it effortlessly.
Y/N: Can your Flash do that?
Diggle: I'm starting to think all speedsters are assholes.
Felicity: Best. Team-up. Ever!
Later, the teams were all getting familiar with each other. Y/N was talking with Barry-1 and Oliver, learning about this Earth and its differences to his own. Cisco sat with his counterpart at one of the computer stations. Caitlin walked over, wanting to chat a bit with her Earth-1 equivalent.
Caitlin: Hey.
Caitlin-1: Hey.
Caitlin: So... This is all...
Caitlin-1: Odd.
Caitlin: Really odd. Guess that's par the course for us at this point.
Caitlin-1: You're telling me.
Despite looking and acting the same, Caitlin-1 started to almost immediately notice a difference with her Earth-62612 counterpart. She appeared more relaxed, more bubbly and outgoing than she herself was. That was odd. It was her, just... different.
Caitlin looked down at her other self and noticed something. Around her wrists she was wearing a pair of bio-dampening bracelets. She pointed to them in confusion.
Caitlin: Um, what are those about?
Caitlin-1 looked down at her wrists and sighed.
Caitlin-1: I, uh. These are meant to keep me in check. They serve more as precaution than anything.
Caitlin looked at her other self with confusion and intrigue.
Caitlin-1: I have these powers, ones I can't really control. It's like, when I'm scared or angry, I go cold and I turn into...
Caitlin: Frost?
Caittin-1 looked up at her counterpart with wide eyes, surprised she knew that.
Caitlin: I was the same for a while. Scared of my powers. Scared of what she could become.
Caitlin-1: You've become Frost before?
Caitlin: Yes. Many times.
Caitlin-1 looked at her, her eyes widening into what could only be described as hope.
Caitlin-1: How did you stop it? How did you get rid of her?
Caitlin: Get rid of her? What are you talking about?
Her Earth-1 counterpart seemed to slump, realizing this was different. Caitlin saw her and recognized that look. It was the one Y/N had pointed to so many times. She just never knew what it really looked like until now.
Caitlin: Oh, you're not there yet.
Caitlin-1 looked at her in confusion.
Caitlin: I never got rid of her. Actually, I learned to embrace her. I let her out when she's needed now.
Caitlin-1: Let her out? But aren't you afraid at what she'll do?
Caitlin: Sometimes. But she's become better. She's become a hero. She fights alongside the Flash and Vibe, saving Central City from all who threaten it. And we've become closer. It's hard to think what it would be like without her.
Caitlin-1 put her head down.
Caitlin-1: That's nice. I wish I could trust her like that.
Caitlin looked at her counterpart with pity.
Caitlin-1: So, can you let her out now?
Caitlin: That's a bit complicated. Right now, even when I think I want her to come out, she won't. Dr. Wells thinks it could be a psychological thing.
She sighed before continuing.
Caitlin: I think we're just going through a rough patch right now. Sometimes, I'm not even sure who I am. Maybe in trying to figure that out, I'm subconsciously blocking her. I don't know.
Caitlin-1 looked at her.
Caitlin-1: Do you ever wish things were different? That we didn't have to be this way?
Caitlin: How do you mean?
Caitlin-1: Like, what if we just had normal lives? No superpowers, no Flash connection, no need for Frost. Maybe things would be simpler.
Caitlin: Maybe. I don't know.
The two sat there for a moment, taking in everything. Caitlin's eyes wandered, noticing something else on her counterpart's hand. A diamond ring was wrapped around her finger.
Caitlin: Is that... Are you married?
Caitlin-1 looked down at the ring on her finger. She gently nodded.
Caitlin-1: I was. I'm a widow, now. I was married to Ronnie Raymond.
Hearing the mention of Raymond, both Y/N and Cisco walked over, standing next to Caitlin. The Earth-62612 girl seemed to grow tense at the mention of that name.
Caitlin-1: He meant everything to me. He died saving me, saving everyone. I'm sure your Ronnie meant the same to you.
Caitlin took a deep breath before looking on with stern eyes.
Caitlin: Ronnie Raymond can burn in hell.
Both Caitlin-1 and Cisco-1 were taken aback by her statement. Their eyes widened in surprise from her reaction. Y/N gently placed his hand on Caitlin's shoulder, slowly wrapping it around her arm as he explained.
Y/N: Yeah, I was just talking with Barry about this. On this Earth, your Ronnie was a hero. A legend who gave up his life to save everyone. But on our Earth, he was less... noble.
Cisco: That's an understatement.
Cisco-1: What did he do?
Cisco: Oh, you know, only acted as a spy on the inside for General Eiling, purposefully sabotaged the particle accelerator, leading to its explosion, coming back as a psychopathic pyromaniac, forcing Professor Stein to be merged with him for months, and dated Caitlin only so he could get closer to Dr. Wells.
Y/N continued to rub his hand along his Caitlin's back, calming her down. Caitlin-1 saw the look of pain on her counterpart's face.
Caitlin-1: I'm sorry.
Caitlin: It's okay. I'm with someone else, now. Someone who really cares.
She turned her head up, looking at Y/N. The young man gently smiled at her. He kissed the top of her head before walking back to talk with Barry-1. Both Caitlin-1 and Cisco-1 looked at the two of them with some surprise.
Cisco-1: Him? You're dating your version of the Flash?
Caitlin: Basically. It really is great.
Cisco: Trust me, we know. You should see the two of them around the lab.
He made a gagging motion with his hand. Caitlin slapped him on the arm while the dark haired man walked back to his seat. Caitlin-1 thought for a moment. They stood there in silence. After a bit, she seemed to lighten up a tad, squirming in her chair with a question.
Caitlin-1: Hey, uh... Since you're the one with a speedster, do you mind if I ask you something personal?
Caitlin: Uh, sure.
Caitlin-1: Alright. And you don't have to answer this if you don't want to. Uh... is he... fast... in the bedroom?
Caitlin grinned a bit, talking as if it were a real scientific question asked by a colleague rather than a personal experience.
Caitlin: You know, I was thinking the same thing at first, what with the increased metabolism and attention speed. But, no. That is thankfully the one area he takes his time with.
Both Ciscos as well as Barry-1 and Y/N were standing close by. They stopped everything they were talking about, having heard the conversation that was just said. Caitlin looked at them with a shrug.
Caitlin: What? It was a valid scientific question and curiosity.
Y/N's face had turned a bright red by this point.
Y/N: I don't know whether to feel embarrassed or complimented, right now.
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