3.2 Recruited

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Y/N stood with his team in S.T.A.R. Labs. He and his coworkers were working on new mapping routes to take throughout the city, seeing what were the most commonly attacked places and where most of the crime was located.

Cisco: You think we're thinking about this too much?

Caitlin: Well, I mean, you do need to know these places if you're going to open breaches to them. 

Cisco: Right, but do you think we're playing 4D chess when we should be playing checkers? What if we're trying to outthink super crooks who haven't even finished high school and have no tactic outside of "destroy everything in sight." 

Y/N: Eh, I think it's always better to prepare for the worst. Remember the Royal Flush Gang? 

As they were talking, Y/N turned around. He froze when he noticed something in front of him. A shadow was seen walking down the hall. It wasn't Wells, he was in the side lab. It couldn't be Barry or Joe, he had just talked to them over the phone.

Y/N: Guys...

His two friends turned around and looked as well. Both went wide eyed seeing someone sneak into the lab. Y/N turned around and used his speed to cover up any trace of their work, closing the door on the mannequin case that held his suit. Cisco prepared to reach into his pocket for his goggles. Caitlin steadied her hand, ready to go cold at any moment.

All three were caught off guard by who entered. An older gentleman with dark hair and hints of grey stepped into the cortex room. He was wearing a black dress jacket over a black, button-up shirt and pants. He strolled in as if he owned the place. 

Bruce: I hope I'm not disturbing anything.

The three coworkers all looked at him with wide eyes of disbelief.

Y/N: Y... You're Bruce Wayne.

Bruce: Yes, I suppose I am. So, this is the famous S.T.A.R. Labs.

He strolled through the cortex room, looking at all the side labs and carts full of random equipment. Y/N and Cisco continued to remain in shock. Cisco turned to Y/N, mumbling while still staring.

Cisco: Why is Bruce Wayne in our lab?

Bruce: You know, you guys better invest in better security. Don't want just anyone walking in on you.

They had actually just updated their security shortly after Grodd's attack on the city. They installed new sensors, alarms, blast doors, and security cameras. Someone had disabled all of them. Y/N made his way over to the multimillionaire, still in shock and trying to hold back his excitement.

Y/N: M... Mr. Wayne, it is an h... honor to meet you, sir. Really. I am a big fan of your work and charitability. We just weren't expecting you and I'm sure we could have made things a little more presentable as they should be.

He brought out a shaky hand. Wayne took it with a firm grip, shaking in return. 

Bruce: That's alright, kid. I actually prefer to see science in its raw form. None of the silver, cleanliness some others try to push.

Y/N continued to stand there awkwardly before realizing he was still holding Wayne's hand. He let go and sheepishly put his hand behind his neck. Caitlin walked over, acting more professional and composed.

Caitlin: Mr. Wayne, Dr. Caitlin Snow. We're surprised by your visit, although we can instead call it a pleasure. What brings you to S.T.A.R. Labs?

Bruce: Well, I came to check in on an old friend.

At that moment, Dr. Wells walked into the room. He looked up and stopped, noticing Wayne. A slight smile crept onto his face.

Wells: Hello, Mr. Wayne. What a surprise to see you again.

Bruce: Harrison, nice to see you, too.

The two walked towards one another and shook hands. The three younger scientists looked at them in confusion, all three having raised brows.

Wells: We would like to thank you for your generous donation. I'm sure we can make this city a safer place with it.

Bruce: Oh, it's nothing, really. I admire the work you and your team have been able to do here in Central City.

Cisco: I'm sorry, I think I missed something. You two know each other?

The two men turned around, looking at the three coworkers.

Wells: Yes, Mr. Wayne has helped fund some of S.T.A.R. Labs' projects in the past. He actually came to me a few years back wanting to talk about a new prototype, submersible suit we were developing capable of withstanding high underwater pressures. What was it for again? Deep sea fishing?

Wayne shrugged.

Bruce: Just a fun past time. 

Wells: So, what brings you to our fine laboratory?

Bruce: Well, I wanted to talk to you about a few things.

He walked back to the back of the room. As he walked, he pulled out a remote from his pocket. Pressing a button on it, the team watched in surprise as the sealed door on the mannequin dropped down, exposing the bright red suit with the lightning bolt on it.

Bruce: I've heard you have been aiding your local speedster, some red streak who can move at super fast speeds. And, I mean, look at the design of this suit. 

Cisco: It's just a little cosplay-

Bruce: Tri-polymer fabric capable of withstanding extreme friction and wind resistance. Looks like it also has a fine insulation cover on the gloves and boots, preventing static discharge. Still not sure what the helmet's all about.

Wells put his head down, a grin still appearing on his face.

Wells: I'll take it this is more than a business trip, Mr. Wayne?

Bruce: Well, I was in town anyways. Thought the donation may help make things easier. I actually came her to meet you, Mr. L/N.

He pointed over to Y/N. It was at that moment that the young man realized he hadn't even told Wayne his name. He looked at him in surprise.

Y/N: What? Why do you want to see me?

Bruce: From what I hear, you have quite a knack for believing in the impossible. Cryptozoology, ancient myths, some archeological past times. Not to mention you're also a pretty skilled chemist and quick on the draw from what I hear.

Y/N: I'm not sure I know what you mean, sir.

Wayne walked over to him, looking at the young man directly.

Wayne: How does it feel? When you go that fast? What's the sense like? What's it like to run in that suit?

Y/N was starting to panic. He tried to play it off, act innocent.

Y/N: I'm sorry, what? I think you've got the wrong guy. I'm smart, but I've never been much of an athlete.

Bruce walked over to the side, keeping his back to the young man.

Bruce: You're pretty good, you know? You leave little if any trace behind. It took me a while to track you down.

Y/N: I'm... I'm sorry. This appears to be a huge misunderstanding. I'm not some secretive spy or vigilante.

Bruce sighed, shaking his head.

Bruce: You're pulling my leg here, kid.

Y/N: Mr. Wayne, sir, you've got the wrong guy. I don't even know if...

As he was speaking, Wayne quickly turned around and threw a large, black object towards the young man. To Y/N, everything seemed to slow down. He turned to the side, stepping out of the object's path. It was then that he got a good lack at it. What he saw shook his world.

The object was made of a black metal with sharp edges. It took on the appearance of a creature with large wings and pointy ears. Y/N looked at the object and back at Wayne. There was no way. This couldn't be real, could it?

Y/N looked back at the flying batarang. He turned and brought his hand up, catching it. Time seemed to speed back up as he slowed down and came back to normal speed. Bruce looked over at the kid, seemingly satisfied with his action and deduction. Y/N turned back to him with wide eyes.

Y/N: You're... you're the Batman?

Bruce: So, you're the Flash.

The two continued to stare at one another. Cisco and Caitlin looked with wide eyes at the object in Y/N's hand and back at the man who had thrown it. Wells seemed to have a satisfied look on his face.

Cisco: What the...

Caitlin: He's... but he... and he threw...

Cisco: The Batman is standing in our lab with us right now.

Wells: I had a feeling.

The others looked at him with wide eyes.

Cisco: You knew?

Wells: I had my suspicions after Wayne Enterprises bought out one of our old aircraft hangars near D.C. Nothing really came of it, but I did see some odd shipments being made over the years.

Cisco: We have a hangar?

Wells: Had a hangar.

Y/N continued to look at Bruce in shock. Wayne walked over to him, changing his tone to be more serious.

Bruce: I need your help.

Y/N: Me? The Batman needs my help? Why?

Bruce pulled his remote out again, pointing it at one of the monitors. He changed the image to show a broadcast frequency.

Bruce: Seven days ago, the Wayne Tech satellite was orbiting around Jupiter when it received this signal.

He pressed play on the audio file. There was high pitch screeching followed by several beeps in a nonsequential pattern then silence. The group all looked at it oddly. Y/N's mind started to think back. There was something about the frequency he instantly understood.

Bruce: At first, I thought it was static feedback. Some asteroid hit the antennae, caused it to go on the fritz. But then I thought about it, looked at it more closely. That's when I realized something. It was a specifically chosen signal that could be put through...

Y/N: An audio spectrogram. 

Caitlin and Cisco looked at him oddly, confused by what he meant. Y/N looked between the two of them, landing on Cisco.

Y/N: What? Come on, we've watched all the 007 movies together. Don't tell me you of all people don't know what an audio spectrogram is.

Cisco: Dude, this is something outside of my wheelhouse.

Y/N rolled his eyes.

Y/N: Alright, basically it's an image in using soundwaves.

Bruce: Right.

He showed a new image of a spectrogram graph. The audio frequency was lined up, allowing all the soundwaves to be seen at once. It was then that the team saw that the soundwaves actually produced a message. "Report to Mothership. Planet of Interest Selected. All Hail Brainiac."

The team looked at the image, confused.

Caitlin: What is "Brainiac?"

Bruce: I was hoping you could tell me.

They looked to Y/N. He shrugged.

Y/N: I'm not entirely sure. I've only ever heard rumors of the name, passing legends. Not even enough to label it as a minor deity.

Cisco: Wait, it mentions a "mothership." Are we dealing with aliens? Is there gonna be an alien invasion? 'Cause that'd be pretty sick!

Y/N turned to Bruce in confusion. Wayne walked over to him, looking him in the eye.

Bruce: I believe something is coming, something big. I would like your help on this matter. I'm normally not the one to reach out for aid, but... even I have concerns about if this thing's a threat or not. 

Y/N: You want me to help? I... I'm not sure what to say...

He looked at Bruce before looking back at his friends. He thought for a moment before replying.

Y/N: I... I'd like to help, but we're still trying to clean up the meta-human crisis affecting our city. I don't think I should leave if anything were to happen.

Bruce looked at him questionably before nodded. Cisco brought out his hand, smacking Y/N on the shoulder.

Cisco: Dude, what are you doing? Are you seriously gonna turn down the Batman?

Y/N: Guys, we have our hands full right now. I mean, if there's another attack-

Cisco: We'll take care of the city, man. You go do your thing.

Y/N looked at him in surprise. He was a bit hesitant. 

Y/N: What?

Cisco: Even without the Flash, Central City still has two heroes protecting it. Besides, given the pattern between meta attacks, I'm certain there is an 80% chance there won't be a major, city destroying catastrophe. 76%... Like a strong 72%... 69%... I can't stop. Caitlin, help.

Caitlin: What Cisco's trying to say is that Central City will be fine without the Flash for a short time. We'll still be here to "hold down the fort", so to speak.

Y/N looked at her, his face softening a bit...

Y/N: Are you sure?

Caitlin: Yeah. Besides, Frost and I need the time to really get to work through some things. 

Y/N looked at her, nodding with a small smile.

Y/N: Okay.

Caitlin: Just promise me one thing. Run fast and don't die.

Y/N: Will do, ma'am.

The two of them smiled at one another, sharing a quick peck on the lips. Both Cisco and Wells rolled their eyes at the exchange. Y/N then turned around to face Wayne.

Y/N: Alright, I'm in. 

Bruce grinned, looking at the young man.

Bruce: Good. Grab your bags. My private jet leaves in ten minutes.

Y/N: I'm sorry, what?

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