Brainiac's ship hovered over one of the Great Pyramids. The monument was surrounded by military vehicles and tanks. Soldiers stood on guard with their rifles raised towards the ship. They had already seen what had happened to Metropolis and Central City. They would not let Giza suffer the same fate.
Brainiac sat on his throne, looking at a set of screens. He paid no mind to the pathetic Earthlings. Now was his hour of completion.
Giving orders telepathically through his ship, Brainiac ordered a set of cables carrying the glowing core he needed. They gently placed the core into an altar chamber behind the throne. Looking at his screen, Brainiac could see all the data being downloaded. In moments he had the information needed to shrink all geological structures on Earth.
Brainiac: At long last.
Once again speaking telepathically through his ship, Brainiac ordered for the shrinking process to begin. The bottom of the ship opened and a blue beam shot out. Inside the pyramid, one of the machines located in the pod's former chamber activated. It sent up a signal, connecting to the blue beam with a pink light.
The blue beam widened, strengthened by its connection with the chamber. Soon, the entire pyramid was covered in a blue cylinder of energy. Sand kicked up, creating a small wave of dust that blew by. All the soldiers and their commanders looked up in fear.
From in the distance, the Batwing soared through the skies with Superman flying close by. The group saw the energy being emitted from the ship. They quickened their pace.
Clark: He's already started.
Batman: It'll take some time for the ship to envelop all of Earth.
Y/N: So we still have time to stop it.
As the team flew towards the ship, Brainiac detected their presence on his radar. He switched screen views, now seeing the prized Kryptonian alongside a jet of some sorts.
Brainiac: So, you finally arrive. No matter. You will be processed with the rest of this planet. Although, you may prove formidable to the extraction process.
He thought for a moment before giving a new order. A hatch opened on the top of the ship. A large missile was fired out of it towards the group of heroes.
Superman saw the missile. Flying ahead, he grabbed a hold of it and swung it around. Flying up with it, he redirected towards the clouds and let go. The missile exploded far away from them.
Clark: Looks like he means business, now.
Y/N: Can we get through to him?
Clark: His ship has a barrier around it.
Bruce: It's producing a concussive shield. The harder we try to hit it, the harder it hits back.
Brainiac then ordered another, more expansive command. Several hatched on the bottom of the ship opened. Small pods and containers flew out and crash landed into the desert sand.
A small group of soldier cautiously approached one of the pods. Suddenly, the metal casing surrounding it popped off. A platoon of robots and drones flew out, all under the control of Brainiac. The army was soon overrun by an army of villainous androids.
Brainiac: So, Superman, since you care for these human creatures so, protect them. Or you can confront me yourself. Make the choice. There is no time for both.
Y/N: Well, this guy clearly doesn't understand time as I do.
The team looked down at the army being attacked. Soldiers fell on their knees, some shot and tased by the robots.
Clark: We have to save them.
Bruce: I'll look for a weak spot on Brainiac's ship. You three deal with the civilians.
The others nodded at him. Superman soared through the air. A nearby helicopter was shot down by a group of drones. The man of steel flew towards them, catching the helicopter. He slowed its descend and placed it gently on the ground.
The pilots inside looked on in shock at seeing the man in blue. They couldn't believe it. He had returned. Clark gave them a warm smile and a gentle wave.
Clark: (Egyptian) You're safe now. Take care.
Superman then took to the air once more. The Batwing lowered close to the ground and flew with him. Soldiers on the ground looked up in amazement at seeing the bat-shaped jet fly overhead.
Inside the jet, Y/N turned to Victor. He brought up his hand, offering a fist bump.
Y/N: You ready, tin man?
Victor smiled back, accepting the fist bump.
Victor: Let's do this, speedy.
Batman pressed a button on the console. Flying low, a hatch in the belly of the Batwing opened up. Y/N and Victor dropped from their seats and landed on the ground.
Y/N immediately took off running while Victor activated his thrusters and flew through the air. Superman joined them with both on either side. Batman turned the Batwing and took off back towards Brainiac's ship to try and find a way past its systems.
Y/N, Victor, and Superman continued running together. Eventually, the two side men ran off. Y/N looked towards one of the nearby tents and noticed a group of soldiers in trouble.
Under one of the excavation tents, a group of soldiers were trying to quickly tend to their wounded men, getting them off the battlefield. However, they were cornered by two robots, each with glowing arm canons. One soldier tried to shoot them but found his bullets to be ineffective.
The soldiers trembled, cornered and fearing this would be the end. Suddenly, a red blur rushed in. Y/N grabbed each man and rushed them out far away in seconds. He then rushed back in and confronted the robots.
Y/N: Hey, bucket heads! Are you two related by any chance? You look so similar. Are you twins, perhaps?
The robots looked at one another before aiming again. They fired at the scarlet speedster. Y/N quickly dodged both blasts with his quick reflexes before shoving one of the bots. It was flown back and hit its partner, both hitting the ground in sparks.
Y/N laughed to himself before running off to take on more robots. On the other side of the battlefield, a brute of a robot emerged from the skull ship. It landed and grabbed a hold of a tank. The brute grabbed the vehicle's gun and began to spin the vehicle over its head.
Before the men inside the tank could be tossed with their vehicle, Y/N rushed in and ran on the back of the robot. He made his way to the tank, grabbing both men inside and running off.
The brute of a bot tossed the tank towards a group of soldiers. Just before it could hit them, Victor flew in. He used his body as a shield, grabbing the tank and dropping it to the ground.
The frightened soldiers looked at the metal man in awe. Victor landed and nodded to the captain among them. Using a translator, he quickly studied the native language and spoke to them.
Victor: (Egyptian) You're welcome. Now, get your men to safety.
The captain nodded, motioning to his men and giving out orders over the radio. Victor turned around, looking at the large robot before him. It glared at him with green, glowing eyes.
With the robot so focused on Victor, it failed to notice the other threat. Superman flew in and landed on the brute's back. He tore open the panel on its back and ripped out a set of wires.
The robot's eyes flickered and went out. It slumped over and fell on its knees. The robot finally collapsed with a poof of sand rising around its body.
Superman rose back into the air and began fighting several drones. Using his strength, he was able to break through several of them with his fists. One drone used a particularly strong energy blast that knocked him back a bit.
Superman stumbled through the air and regained his footing. He floated while more, similarly powered drones surrounded him. Clark looked at them and fired a red beam of heat vision from his eyes. The robots were all destroyed, their burnt circuits falling to the ground.
On the ground, Y/N continued to rush several soldiers to safety. He eventually stopped in front of a barricade, finding a small army of robotic men lurching towards him.
Y/N took his helmet off his head and held it in his hand. Taking off one of his gloves, Y/N allowed a charge of lightning to be released through his hand. His helmet was charged with his orange sparks.
Y/N took the winged cap and threw it like a frisbee. It bounced between each robot, overloading them with lightning. The bots all fell one-by-one.
The metal cap returned to its owner. Y/N took hold of it before placing it back on his head. He tipped his hat to the discarded bits of bots and ran off once more.
Batman continued to fly around Brainiac's ship in the Batwing. As he flew, he noticed a large group of drones leaving from a nearby hatch. He activated the jet's targeting system and aimed.
Batman opened fire on the small army. Many of the drones were destroyed. He then fired a small missile towards the group. The majority of the drones exploded into bits of metal.
Some of the drones made it out and charged towards the jet. They latched on and tried to break through the cockpit windshield, cracking it. Just then, Superman flew in. He landed on the side of the vessel and tossed of the robots. The man of steel saluted Batman before flying off again.
Superman flew towards the ground to meet Victor. The robotic man had changed his arm into an ion cannon, firing at the army of robots. Superman landed next to him, kicking back and punching the hoard.
Superman then turned to Victor. The two nodded in understanding as they began to become surrounded. Victor crouched down, forming a shield out of his other arm. Clark fired at it with his heat vision.
The red beam was broken apart into multiple red lasers. Victor used his shield to direct them all, hitting the robots surrounding them. Clark then took to the skies once more to continue fighting.
Victor turned and fired at more bots with his arm cannon. As he fought them, a red blur ran around the battlefield around him. Victor then transformed his other arm into a grenade launcher. He proceeded to fire several live rounds from it.
Time seemed to slow down as Y/N ran in. He grabbed each grenade and lobbed them towards small groups of robots. He would then grab a few more robots and throw them into the mix.
The groups exploded, metal skulls and limbs falling onto the sand. Y/N and Victor continued their onslaught against the tin alien abductors. In just a few more minutes, they had defeated nearly the entire army.
Batman continued circling the skull ship. Bringing up the Batwing's scanners, he finally noticed a potential weak spot. There. Of course it was there, because who would be stupid enough to attack it?
Bruce pressed another button and fired a missile from the Batwing. The missile soared underneath Brainiac's ship, heading towards the engine thrusters on the bottom. Just before it could hit them, the missile impacted the shields and exploded. Batman sneered at it.
Victor: Batman, what's the situation?
Bruce: The shields are weakest near the engines. I've tried hitting it, but it's still too strong.
Victor: Missiles aren't going to cover it. You need something bigger to break through. Something with more surface area.
Bruce thought for a moment before continuing.
Bruce: I'm gonna ram it.
Victor: What?
Y/N rushed over, standing next to Victor.
Y/N: Did he just say he's gonna ram it?
Bruce redirected the Batwing towards the ship. He locked onto the bottom thrusters and hit the boosters. The jet shot off at accelerated speeds.
Just in the nick of time, Batman pulled on a cord and activated the ejector seat. The cockpit's glass window popped open and Bruce was thrown out of the flying vehicle. He brought up his winged cape and glided down safety.
The Batwing rammed through the ship's shields, breaking them. The jet hit the thrusters and exploded in a giant fireball. The entire ship shook from the impact.
Inside his ship, Brainiac sneered and howled in anger. The extraction process had been disrupted. A large hole now adorned the side of his ship.
Batman landed safely on the ground. The other three joined him with Flash running in and Superman and Victor landing by the man in black. Y/N looked at the large hole that was blown through one of the thrusters and now opened up into the interior of the ship.
Y/N: Well, that works.
Superman grabbed Batman while Victor grabbed Y/N. They took to the air and soared through the hole into Brainiac's ship. As they landed, Bruce brushed himself off, giving Clark a scowl. Clark continued to simply smile at him while Batman turned to the others.
Bruce: Flash, go with Victor and help him get to the control room. Superman and I will deal with Brainiac.
Y/N: Alright. On it.
The two teams separated, running down opposite corridors. Clark turned to Bruce as they rushed through the halls.
Clark: Won't Brainiac be in the control room?
Bruce: Not likely. His ship's sustained too much damage. He'll be in the engine room trying to make repairs.
Y/N and Victor rushed down the set of black, metal corridors surrounding them. They soon found themselves in a tall, domed room. Crystal balls and containers lined the walls. The two realized they were the cities and civilizations captured over the years.
Y/N: Oh, my God.
In the center of the room sat a large throne. It was made of black steel and lined by purple lights. Cables hung from the ceiling above it, waiting to be hooked in.
Victor stepped towards the throne. He eyed it, taking in the control center and the cities surrounding it. Y/N was breathing heavily, taking in everything around him. He then looked towards his friend.
Y/N: Can you free them? Can you get this thing to grow them back to normal size?
Victor looked at the throne, shaking his head.
Victor: I'm not sure. Even if the system were to grant me access, there's no telling what kind of protective features Brainiac has put in place. To get through to the base controls and take in all of this would require a large amount of energy.
Y/N: I can provide you with that.
Victor looked back at.
Y/N: I can build up an electrical charge and shoot it into your body.
Victor: That could work, but you'll have to be exact. Remember what happened in Central City.
Y/N: I know. Too little it won't be enough. Too much and I could produce an EMP blast that could bring everything down.
Victor: At our altitude and with the small space in here, I doubt you could survive another full blast.
Y/N nodded, taking in the room which was significantly smaller than the particle accelerator.
Y/N: I could tear myself apart. Great. Let's hope I time it right, then, 'cause I really enjoy being alive.
Victor: Me, too.
The two looked at one another, both smiling. They then got into position. Victor walked over to the throne and sat down into it. He grabbed the hanging metal tentacles around him and jacked them into his head.
The cyborg began to try and navigate the system. He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands from the pain of the experience. So much data was being inputted into his brain as he tried to sift through all of it.
Y/N took his gloves off his hands and dropped them to the floor. He got down in a runner's position before taking off. He began to run around the room in circles. Orange lightning crackled behind him, soon traveling up and around the walls as the speedster defied gravity. Y/N kept running, focused on the people he was trying to save.
Batman and Superman were now walking through the engine room. They both watched their backs and behind every corner, suspecting their green enemy to pop out from anywhere.
Suddenly, a metal claw attached to a tentacle reach out and clanged on a pipe next to them. Batman pulled out a batarang, turning to see the source of the arm. Superman turned as well, standing tall and confident.
Brainiac approached the two men. His metal arms held him up high as he descended to the other two's level. A group of metallic arms behind him finished with the engine, sliding in a final component. The system whirred to life as the intelligent collector eyed the two colorful heroes in front of him.
Brainiac: A human and a Kryptonian. Is this all you have to stop me? You are simply delaying the inevitable. My intellect is unmatched. You should bow before a being such as I.
Clark: We don't kneel to tyrants.
Brainiac: If that is how you see me, then so be it. But for all your strengths, Superman, you hold back too much. You could be a god. I am simply doing what you could have done from the start.
Clark: By launching worlds into chaos?
Brainiac: Madness? No. I bring peace. All the worlds I have collected were once broken, ravaged by war and self destruction. I simply implement a system of my own design. One that
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