Cisco: They've got her!
Cisco ran into the cortex room. Y/N and Wells were working at the computer station when he came rushing in carrying a woman's purse.
Y/N: What?
Cisco: Caitlin, they took her!
He held up her purse which he had found outside.
Y/N: What?!
Cisco: I found this outside. Her car door was frozen shut.
Y/N immediately ran out of the facility. He did laps around the compound, looking everywhere. He even ran off and checked Caitlin's apartment. He then ran back into the lab.
Y/N: They're not here anymore! I can't find her!
Wells frantically typed in a set of keys, pulling up the security feed from an hour prior. The three stopped and watched it. They could clearly see Snart walk up behind Caitlin and freeze her car door shut. Y/N's hand clenched into a fist when he saw him grab her and take her away.
Y/N: We need to find her!
Wells: We will, Y/N.
Y/N: I'm gonna call Joe. We need every cop in the city looking for her and Snart!
Wells: Y/N, calm down.
Y/N: Calm down?! How can you tell me to do that?! Caitlin's just been abducted by that murderer! I'm not going to lose her to someone like that!
Wells: We will save Caitlin if you just stay calm and think logically!
Y/N rolled his eyes while Wells tried to talk to him.
Wells: Look at this. They were right outside the lab. They could have come inside, but they didn't. Why? If they want the Flash, why not come in and take him if they know where he is?
Cisco caught on to what Wells was saying.
Cisco: They're setting a trap.
Y/N looked at them, realizing they were right but still feeling like he needed to go out there anyway. He was about to turn and run when the monitors flickered. The image became clear to show Snart grinning at the camera. Behind him, Caitlin was being restrained by a group of armed guards.
Snart: Greetings, citizens of Central City.
All across the city, the same image was being transmitted to every TV station in every home. At the police precinct, Joe and Barry watched in shock at seeing their friend restrained.
Snart: I'm gonna make this very clear for everyone. These last few months, you've all been misguided by a so-called hero. You know him as the Flash. Well, I'm here to tell you, he's no hero. If he were, this young lady would not be in my custody tonight. So, Flash, I know you're listening. Find me. I'm sure you'll be able to with those quick little legs of yours. Prove me wrong. Prove you are a hero. This young lady's life is in your hands.
Caitlin: No, don't come for me! Stay away!
The feed cut out again. Before anyone could react, another image popped up on screen. Y/N scowled upon seeing the face of General Eiling displayed prominently on it.
Eiling: Citizens of Central City, I have intercepted this lunatic's transmission. I am here to tell you that I, General Eiling, will save this city. You may think you are fine, that you have the Flash, but you are wrong. He's no better than any other meta-human who has wrought destruction onto your peaceful lives. He will fail. And if he does, he will unleash a new terror upon the city. Central City is infested with the stench of meta-human criminals. They all need to be eradicated. Mark my words. The Flash is no better. He's no hero.
The feed cut out again, the screen turning to static. Y/N clenched his fist before turning to his two comrades.
Y/N: See if you can back trace the signal. Find out where they are. I'm gonna go looking for her.
Wells: Y/N, we can't rush into these things, especially since we know it's a setup.
Y/N: Caitlin's in trouble! We don't have time to take things slow! I don't care what it takes! We're getting her back!
Before another word was said, Y/N grabbed his suit and rushed out of the room. Cisco and Wells looked at one another, both showing concern.
Caitlin was forced down into a metal chair. He hands were tied behind her back with a thick rope wrapped around her waist. She glared at the former general he stood before her.
Eiling: I've been wanting to do this for a long time.
Caitlin looked at him, giving him a cold stare.
Caitlin: You don't know who you're dealing with. Y/N's smart. He'll find you. He'll save me.
Eiling: I'm counting on it.
Eiling turned around and walked back towards where Snart was standing. The criminal turned to him, giving a cocky smirk.
Snart: I expect my payment is ready?
Eiling turned and pointed towards two guards who were holding onto a large briefcase. They opened up the case, showing the fat stacks of hundred dollar bills inside. Snart grinned and reached out for it. The guards shut and locked the case, holding it back.
Eiling: First, we get the Flash, then you get your payment. That was the deal.
Snart looked over at him, giving his own light grin.
Snart: Of course.
Caitlin looked over at the two of them, squinting her eyes.
Caitlin: You two are monsters. Despicable. You won't get away with this.
Eiling: Come now, little lady. I'm sure, in time, you'll come to see things our way. You just need a little... persuading.
Caitlin was unsure what he was talking about. She stopped, her eyes going wide as she heard a large thud to her other side. Turning her head, she saw something large step out of the shadows. She was speechless, left in shock at what stood before her.
Grodd: Caitlin...
Caitlin recognized the voice as the one who had spoken to her in the shower. She continued to look at the ape in disbelief.
Caitlin: Grodd?
Grodd looked at her, walking over so he was now standing directly in front of her.
Caitlin: Why are you doing this?
Grodd: Father make Grodd like this. Grodd alone. But Caitlin always nice to Grodd. Helped him. Now Grodd wishes to save Caitlin.
Caitlin: S... Save me? How? W... What have you been doing to me? I heard you in my head. This is wrong, Grodd.
Grodd: Save her from herself. Grodd senses Caitlin's pain. Nice lady needs to let it out. Embrace who she truly is. Caitlin troubled, like Grodd.
Caitlin continued to stare in disbelief.
Caitlin: I... I don't- Aagh!
She flung her head back as she felt Grodd digging into her mind. Caitlin felt the terrible memories from before racing back. Ronnie's betrayal, what he meant to her and how much it hurt to learn that it was all a lie.
She tried to fight it. She thought of her father and the Christmas they shared. The happy memory she considered one of her favorites.
However, that wasn't enough to push off the ape's telepathic fishing. Different memories began to flood her. Her father's death, his funeral. Her crying, mourning him. Longing to be with him again. Her mother isolating herself in her work, leaving Caitlin to fend for herself.
Caitlin couldn't fight it. More and more tragic, terrible memories continued to flood her mind, overwhelming her. She began to feel angry, bitter, upset, cold. She yelled and writhed in her restraints. Grodd continued to stare at her, focused on getting what he wanted.
A red streak raced across the city. It flew down one street before backing up and running up and down several other streets. The streak ran through buildings, skyrises, old complexes. Y/N had been running for over two hours, just looking for Caitlin.
The young man eventually ran back to S.T.A.R. Labs. He flew in and stopped in the cortex room, panting. Cisco and Harrison were busy typing away at computers, checking satellite imagery.
Y/N: Nothing. I've looked all over the city.
Wells: Satellites aren't picking up anything. We've reviewed the footage. Nothing distinguishable found in it that could close in on their location.
Y/N nodded, putting his hands behind his head.
Wells: Y/N, we will find her.
The young man nodded. He looked around the room, his eyes landing on Caitlin's purse. It was then that he got an idea.
Y/N: Cisco, you think you can vibe that thing?
Cisco: I don't know. With Grodd there, I don't know how well I can get through. What if he set up some kind of mind trap and I get stuck in some Inception-like shit?
Y/N: Cisco, please. We have to try. It may be our only way of finding Caitlin.
Cisco looked at his friend, seeing the desperation in his eyes. He nodded and stood up.
Cisco: Okay. For Caitlin.
Ramon walked over to the purse. Y/N and Wells stood next to him.
Y/N: We'll be here with you.
Cisco nodded. Taking a deep breath, he picked up the purse. He concentrated. Deciding they may help, he decided to put on his specialized goggles. He then felt the entire world spinning with a flash of lights.
Cisco found himself standing in a dimly lit warehouse. He noticed Snart and Eiling standing to the side. He was about to approach them when he heard screaming.
Cisco turned around and froze in fear of what he saw. Caitlin was tied to a chair, screaming and squirming in it. Her body convulsed as she shook in pain. Standing in front of her was a very large, very tall Gorilla. Cisco looked at his friend in pain, a tear rolling down his eye.
Cisco: Oh, Caitlin.
Then, something happened that shook Cisco to his core. Grodd turned around and looked directly at him. The large ape sneered.
Grodd: Cisco...
Cisco began to panic. How could Grodd see him? There was no way! Outside, Y/N and Wells could see Cisco starting to breath heavily.
Wells: Cisco, what's wrong?
Cisco: Grodd. He can see me.
Grodd continued to glare at Cisco. The human backed up, afraid of the telepathic ape. Suddenly, he felt a pain shoot through his mind. Cisco fell down on his knees while Grodd snarled at him. He yelled out in pain.
Y/N: Cisco! What's wrong?!
Cisco continued to scream and cry out in pain. Flashes of harsh treatments and needles flew through his head. They weren't his own memories. They were Grodd's.
Y/N turned to Wells.
Y/N: Is there anything we can do?
Wells: His body's responding to what his mind sees. Anything we do could cause him to go into cardiac arrest. Cisco, you have to fight it.
Y/N could see his friend was in pain. He grabbed his hand, holding it while putting his other hand on his shoulder.
Cisco: Cisco, fight it. I know you can. I believe in you.
Cisco tried to focus and fight it. He steadily tried to bring himself back up, standing on his own two feet. He looked back at the ape, trying to push back against his attacks. He screamed at the top of his lungs.
Suddenly, a blast of blue light knocked Cisco out of the vision. All three men in the lab went flying back, falling on their asses. They slid across the floor and groaned in pain. Y/N pulled himself up and was shocked by what he saw.
Appearing right before him, directly above where Cisco had been standing, was a glowing, blue vortex. It looked almost like a pool of water sinking in on itself, but from the side and floating in the air. The vortex pulsed and moved around as if it were alive.
Cisco: What the hell?
Y/N: D... Did you do that?
Cisco looked down at his hands.
Cisco: I don't know.
Wells looked at the vortex curiously. He reached over for a set of equipment on a nearby cart and held up a scanner. He moved the sensor over the pulsing, blue irregularity. After a moment, he looked down at the attached screen and cocked his head in surprise.
Wells: Interesting.
Cisco: What, the giant, pulsating black hole in front of us or a notification on your lab equipment?
Wells: The atoms comprising this anomaly and the surrounding air appear to be vibrating between two points very quickly, similar to when Y/N runs, only much, much faster. It's as if they're trying to be in two places at once.
Cisco was shocked. Both he and Y/N looked over at Wells, listening to his description of the vortex.
Cisco: Are you saying what I think you're saying?
Y/N: Wait, are we saying this thing is like an Einstein-Rosen Bridge and is folding two locations across space? Did we just unintentionally create a wormhole?
Wells: It would appear so.
Cisco: I can create wormholes?
Wells: Your powers allow you to see across spatial distances and, to some degree, time. It's not too much of a stretch to believe that you must also be able to bridge those distances to some capacity. This thing appears to be a breach between two different points, ones that are relatively close when talking on a cosmic scale.
Cisco: Okay, can you stop taking my job? I'm the one who comes up with the cool names. Like, we could call this a... breach. Yeah, it does sound cool.
Wells grinned a bit while Cisco rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the breach in front of him. The three continued to stare in awe at the vortex. They couldn't believe it.
Y/N: Where does it lead? And more importantly, is it stable?
Wells: Well, Cisco made a connection with wherever Grodd is. I would assume it leads there. As for its stability...
He bit his lip, thinking for a minute. He then walked over to the table, picking up Y/N's helmet. He tossed it like a frisbee directly into the breach.
Y/N: Wait!
The metal cap soared through the air and vanished through the vortex. Y/N had a stunned look of disbelief and looked over at the doctor.
Y/N: Dude, what the hell?!
Wells: Shhh!
The three were quiet, all listening. After a moment, they heard the distinct sound of metal clanging on the ground. Wells clapped and looked over at Y/N, throwing his hands out as if to say "told you so." Y/N rolled his eyes at him.
Cisco: Nice. So, is it still safe for us to pass through?
Y/N: Only one way to find out.
Y/N prepared himself, pulling down his goggles. He got in a running position and took off, disappearing into the blue breach. Y/N felt like he was running on air for a short moment. The environment then changed as he leaped out onto the other side.
Y/N found himself standing in a concrete hallway. Looking down, he found his helmet lying on the ground. He picked it up and placed it snuggly atop his head.
It was then that Y/N heard voices. He crouched down and crept through the hallway. Before long, he reached an open doorway. The young man pressed his back against the wall and peered over his shoulder through the doorway.
Y/N gasped at what he was looking at. He saw Eiling talking to his men to keep their guard. Snart was pacing the floor, the cold gun held tight in his hands. And there, tied up to a chair, was Caitlin. Y/N sighed upon seeing her. She looked untouched, but she appeared tired, exhausted.
Wells and Cisco continued to look at the open breach in confusion and anticipation. After a moment, Y/N ran back through, appearing before them once again. He stood up and nodded.
Y/N: It leads to them. It leads us to Caitlin.
Cisco and Wells both had equally large grins on their faces.
Wells: Great. Let's get her back.
The two of them turned around to grab some equipment. Y/N held up his hand to stop them.
Y/N: Wait. I think only I should go. It's too risky. I can't lose you guys either.
Cisco: Dude, I'm not letting you do this alone.
Y/N: And I'm not risking your life on something we know to be a trap.
Cisco walked up to his friend, placing his hand on his shoulder.
Cisco: I'm going to help you get her back. She's my friend, too. They'll be expecting the Flash. What they won't be expecting is the Flash and a partner.
Y/N caught on to what he was insinuating. Pausing to think for a moment, he nodded.
Eiling walked back and forth, making sure his men were armed and ready. He glared at Snart, walking over to him to talk in secret.
Eiling: That monkey better be right.
Snart: Patience, General. You said yourself his friends are clever. If there's one thing I know, you never leave your compatriots behind.
Eiling: Guess you're not much of a double-crosser.
Snart: Only to those far from my inner circle.
Eiling: Yeah? Let's hope I'm in there then.
Snart grinned at him with a devilish smirk.
Snart: We'll see.
The two continued their patrol. The silence of the night was suddenly broken by a streak of orange lightning racing through the hallway and up to the overhanging catwalk on the second floor. The man in red stood there, glaring down at them. Caitlin looked up, sighing with relief and a soft smile on her face.
Caitlin: Y/N.
Y/N: Looking for me, fellas?
Snart: In fact, we were, Big Red!
Snart pulled up his gun and fired at Y/N. The flash of light moved quickly away, avoiding the cold beam. The wall behind him froze solid with ice.
Eiling ordered his men to open fire. Y/N continued to run around the room, dodging bullets and catching a few. After a moment, the soldiers stopped. Y/N stopped as well, dropping the bullets he held in his hand to the ground.
Y/N: That all you got?
Eiling smirked. Y/N's own grin instantly dropped when he heard a deep, raspy voice.
Grodd: Flash.
Y/N looked up. There, hanging in the rafters, was the fearsome gorilla. Grodd jumped down and landed directly in front of the scarlet speedster. He stood up to his full height. Y/N look in fear at the creature that was over twice his own size.
Y/N: What the f-
Grodd roared at the man in red. Y/N ran off, trying to avoid him. Grodd chased him through the facility. The soldiers opened fire again, careful not to shoot the fearsome ape.
Y/N lured Grodd into a confined corner. He then began to run around him, delivering several punches. When those did nothing, he ran off to try a different strategy.
With Grodd and the soldiers focused on Y/N, Cisco took the opportunity to sneak up onto the platform near the back of the room. He rushed over to his tied up friend. Caitlin looked over at him, tiredly sighing with relief and
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