2.4 Captain Cold

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Leonard Snart sat in the old warehouse working on his cold gun. He was taking it apart and putting it back together, challenging himself to memorize every component. Around him, various guards and workers were using the equipment he helped steal to work on something. Something big.

General Eiling looked down at a bunch of schematics drawn up by his animalistic cohort. He grinned, watching every detail come into play. Snart sat at his desk, looking at the former army general with a side eye.

Eiling: I must say, Snart, your work on procuring this equipment has really come of use. We could have used someone of your talents in Afghanistan.

Snart: Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer to be on the run from the authorities, not bombs. As for this equipment, I'm sure you will reward me with a modest addition to my revenue.

Eiling turned around, scowling at the thief.

Eiling: What are you talking about? We're paying you enough.

Snart held up his finger, wagging it back and forth.

Snart: Ah, ah, ah, General. You hired me to bring you the Flash. That was what the $200 million was agreed upon. As for acquiring your tech, I expect an additional bonus, just for over time. What do you say... another $100 million?

Eiling snarled. He was about to protest when a deep, raspy voice called out from the shadows.

Grodd: Give him what he wants. Money is no object to Grodd. Continue with the plan.

Eiling put on a sour face, but nodded. Snart sarcastically nodded back to him before turning to the beast in the shadows.

Snart: And what's your deal, here, big man?

Grodd: Why does thief want to know?

Snart: I just like to have all my bases covered, know who I'm dealing with. Oscar the Grouch over there obviously has beef with the Flash. What about you? What's your card in this game?

Grodd paused for a moment. He then stepped out from the shadows, the ceiling light shining upon his large body. Snart was taken off guard, but kept a cool composure, not letting his surprise show.

He thought it had all been an act, an illusion to make the boss look more intimidating than he was. But no. Standing before him was a ginormous Gorilla. It walked on two feet like a human, rarely using its knuckles for support. Black fur covered the beast's body except for its face and chest. On top of the ape's head was placed a peculiar headset, one the gorilla himself had specifically designed to increase his brain functions.

Grodd: Father hurt Grodd. Grodd is alone. Grodd will have revenge. Grodd will make Central City his new home.

Snart: And how do you suppose you do that, big man?

Grodd: Grodd will lay waste to city. But one thing stands in Grodd's path.

Snart: The Flash.

Eiling walked back over to them.

Eiling: I told Grodd here about the Flash. Who he was and, more importantly, who his friends were. I convinced him I could help after he found me. 

Snart: And I see you've found others willing to help.

Grodd: Workers not willing. Grodd make them slaves just as they made Grodd slave.

Snart looked around at all the workers and soldiers around him. Now taking a closer look, he realized they all had dazed looks in their eyes. He made a mental note to never get on the ape's bad side. Eiling on the other hand, now that was a different story. 

Grodd: Grodd will have his revenge by taking down Father and Flash.

Snart: Well, I don't want to burst your bubble, Grape Ape, but it's going to take a lot more to bring down the Flash than just bringing him in. From what I've heard, you've tried that before. It didn't go well for you. 

He eyed Eiling as he said the last part. The military man sneered at him before grinning once more.

Eiling: Yes. That was because I underestimated him. Never again. If there's one thing I've learned about the Flash, is that he has friends just as cunning as himself.

Snart: I suppose you have a plan for them.

Eiling: Yes. One that we've already set into motion. You just worry about the speedster. My cohort here will take care of the rest.

Snart: Is that so?

Grodd: An army cannot function if it is divided from within.

Caitlin took the elevator down to one of the lower levels of S.T.A.R. Labs. She had a scarf placed around her neck and a jacket covering herself. She was wearing sunglasses and held a warm cup of coffee in her hands while trying to clear her head. As she stepped out of the elevator, she was startled by a familiar voice waiting for her by the door.

Y/N: Hello.

Caitlin jolted at the volume of his voice. Even though Y/N was speaking in a normal voice, he sounded much louder in her head.

Caitlin: So loud.

Y/N: Oh, man.

Y/N knew exactly what was going on. A smirk appeared on his face when he realized he could tease her with it. 

Y/N: I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Sorry I had to leave early this morning. Had to run, literally. I hope you found the waffles I left for you in the microwave.

Caitlin: I did. Thank you.

She lightly smiled to herself. She remembered finding a note and breakfast made for her already, happy that she didn't have to think about making food this morning. She also had to admit that she liked Y/N's cooking. It was pretty good. Although, what did she expect from a chemist who probably poured all the ingredients to the nearest teaspoon?

As they walked down the hallway, Caitlin rubbed her forehead.

Y/N: You okay?

Caitlin: Let's just say I know envy your inability to get drunk. I don't remember much from last night.

Y/N: Yeah, that's probably for the best. We sang, you threw up, I undressed you, we watched a rom-com, and you ate a half eaten cheeseburger from a dumpster.

Caitlin: I know two of those were made up, I'm just not sure which two. 

Y/N soon got a devilish grin on his face. He started to sing part of the song they sang last night.

Y/N: Summer lovin'...

Caitlin winced at the song.

Caitlin: Oh, God. That I do remember.

The two walked into the cortex room. Cisco and Wells were already working at the computer station. They were bickering with each other about their work spaces, reaching across one another.

Wells: I need this space.

Cisco: No, you don't. That's needed for calibrating the thermal heat signature.

Wells: Right, which you can't calibrate until the imaging system is up and running. I need this monitor for that.

Cisco: You have three monitors over there.

Wells: Yes, and you've been so excellent as to fill up half of them with readings on Y/N's suit which itself is currently not being used.

Cisco: Hey, you never know. He comes and goes as he chooses. 

Y/N walked past them, shaking his head. Caitlin was wincing, trying to block out their loud voices. Cisco stopped when he saw Caitlin's attire. He got a wide grin on his face.

Cisco: Fun night, Caitlin?

Caitlin looked over at Y/N before replying.

Caitlin: Yeah. It was pretty fun...

She looked over at Cisco and mumbled to him.

Caitlin: ...if I could remember half of it.

The smile on Y/N's face dropped at hearing her comment. After a moment, he shrugged. He was turning around when the alert system went off. The team looked to the screen to see what was happening.

Y/N: What is it? Did you find them?

Cisco: System's not fully up yet. We just got a notification on the meta-human alert app I set up.

Wells: You set up a meta-human alert app?

Cisco: The CCPD were asking questions. I had to provide them with something.

Y/N looked at the address shown on the map. He quickly grabbed his suit and sped out of the room. Caitlin stood there, tightening her shoulders.

Caitlin: Does he have to make so much noise when he leaves?

Leonard Snart hopped out of the back of a moving van. The doors had been blown open with Snart pocketing a computer chip into the puffy coat he was wearing. The CCPD were on the scene. Dt. West jumped out of his car and held up his gun.

Joe: Freeze!

Snart: Funny. I was gonna say the same thing.

Snart held up the cold gun in his hands and fired at the road. A speedy police cruiser drove over the now icy road. It lost traction and began to slide uncontrollably. Joe jumped to the ground, out of the vehicle's way.

Snart took the opportunity to sneak away into a nearby movie theater. Joe got up and followed him. He rushed through crowds of screaming pedestrians and fleeing families.

Joe turned the corner and found Snart, holding up his gun. However, Snart was quicker on the draw. He turned around and fired at the detective. Joe stood directly in the freeze ray's path. 

Before the white flame could hit him, Joe was pushed to the side by the Flash. Y/N took the hit, falling back. A layer of ice covered his side. He winced in pain from just how cold it was. Snart saw the speeding man and smirked.

Snart: Finally. 

Joe turned to Y/N, seeing him in pain.

Joe: You alright?

Y/N: It burns.

Y/N spoke through gritted teeth, feeling the ice impact his skin even through the thick layer of his suit. He looked over the pillar he was hiding behind. Snart saw Y/N as well. He fired again at the man in red. The Flash sped away up to the top floor.

Snart looked around. He noticed several civilians still out in the open. He got an idea.

Snart: Normally I'm against this sort of thing, but one sometimes has to bend the rules when dealing with impossible odds. Let's see how fast you really are, Flash.

Snart aimed and fired at someone standing up near a top balcony on the second floor. Y/N rushed in and grabbed them before the cold beam could hit them. Snart turned and fired at two teenagers. Y/N ran in and grabbed them as well.

As Y/N was running, he noticed something odd about himself. He seemed to be going slower. The icy pain in his side was holding him back. 

Snart turned and noticed a security guard rushing towards him. He aimed and fired a white, cold beam at him. Y/N saw the guard and ran, trying to quickly make his way from the other side of the room to the where the man stood.

Y/N followed the blue beam. He ran right next to it. However, he wasn't fast enough. The white flame hit the security guard in the chest, pushing him back.

Y/N: No!

The guard's entire body froze over instantly. The cold was too much for his body to handle. He was dead before he hit the ground. Y/N ran over and bent down next to him. He looked at the man in horror and disbelief.

Y/N: No.

He couldn't believe it. He failed to save someone. They were dead because he wasn't fast enough.

Snart looked at Y/N from behind. He walked over to him, placing the gun behind his neck.

Snart: My orders were to bring you in, Flash. Someone you know has a little chip on their shoulder.

Y/N didn't move, continuing to look down at the body in front of him.

Y/N: Who?

Snart: I think you know who. He answers to someone else, now. A weirdo somehow stranger than you. Even more impossible.

Y/N was now even more confused. Snart was about to fire at him when he heard a gunshot. Joe West stood up and fired at Snart. One of his bullets hit a part of the cold gun.

Snart turned and brought up the gun. He pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. A few sparks flew out of the chamber. He snarled at his luck. As more cops arrived, Snart turned around and made his escape. As he was leaving, he gave Y/N one more hint.

Snart: His name's Grodd, in case you were wondering.

Y/N continued to look down in horror at the frozen body in front of him. He panted, taking his goggles off to make sure what he was seeing was real. His eyes began to well up and a tear rolled down his eye. Joe walked over, placing a hand on the young man's shoulder.

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