2.11 Merry Little Christmas

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A few days had passed and the city was in full swing with its rebuilding stage. Construction crews were hard at work repairing cracked roads and destroyed office buildings. Through the entire project, though, all anyone could talk about was the three heroes who had saved them. People wore shirts with lightning bolts painted on them, kids made tinted glasses and black vests or wore tin plates on their heads. Some girls even began dying their hair white and wearing blue lipstick.

Inside S.T.A.R. Labs, the four team members watched the news broadcasts talking about the cleanup work. They also made sure to highlight the heroes who had saved them, showing images of people dressing up as them.

Reporter: And with the city's reconstruction project underway, many are giving their praise and thanks to the heroes who helped to stop the ones responsible for this destruction. Although Central City is no stranger to its beloved Flash, the crimson comet was aided by two other heroes, those going by the nicknames Vibe and Frost. And I think we all can unite in telling them "thank you." Our city is safer now with them in our midst. In further news, the weather calls for light snow flurries...

The group looked at the TV, smiling. Y/N nudged Caitlin in the arm when the image of kids dressed as Frost came up. The brunette blushed and smiled seeing people now praise her alter ego. Maybe things would turn out for the better.

Cisco: Gosh. Is this what it's like for you? Always getting praised, maybe stopped on the streets for a selfie?

Y/N: Most days, yeah. You get used to it after a bit.

Cisco: I tell ya, I don't think I could get sick of it.

Cisco turned around and walked over to join Dr. Wells at the computer station. Y/N turned to Caitlin with a question.

Y/N: How are you holding up? I mean with the whole Frost thing. She still bothering you?

Caitlin thought for a moment before replying.

Caitlin: For months, I've been trying to hide that side of me, to push it down. Now I see some good can come out of accepting it. She's a part of me and I can't get rid of that. It'll take some time, but I think we'll be fine.

She gave Y/N a warm smile. He smiled back at her, giving her comfort.

Y/N: That's all I wanted to hear.

The two continued standing there, blushing and not quite sure what to do with themselves. Looking at the decorations around the lab, Caitlin thought of a question of her own.

Caitlin: So, any Christmas plans for this evening?

Y/N: I'm going over to Joe's. We're having a little family Christmas gathering. Barry's bringing Patty, Joe's making his Grandma Esther's eggnog, it's going to be great. I'm just going to take things slow for once.

Caitlin: That sounds wonderful.

As they were talking, an alert popped up. A robbery was taking place at the bank on Third Ave. Y/N hesitated for a moment, considering whether he should grab his suit. Before he could act, Cisco grabbed his own suit and put on his glasses.

Cisco: Ah, ah. You take it easy for a bit, Flash Gordon. I'll handle this. It's time for Vibe to do his thing.

Cisco opened a breach and jumped through it. The vortex closed behind him. The others looked to the side, Wells biting his lip and shaking his head.

Wells: He forgot to take his boots, didn't he?

Y/N: Yep. Vibe is currently out there fighting crime in crocs. 

Caitlin chuckled, shaking her head. Y/N melted into her laugh, hearing her soft voice. After a moment, she cleared her throat while looking at him.

Caitlin: Um... listen. Speaking of taking things slow, I thought maybe we could take things one step at a time for the time being, you know? I just... I like you, but I have a lot going on in my mind and between Grodd, Frost, the city...

Y/N chuckled, shaking his head as she rambled. He put his hands on her shoulders, bringing her back to reality.

Y/N: It's fine. I understand. We'll move slowly.

Caitlin smiled, happy he understood. In all seriousness, Y/N did truly understand. He knew she was going through a lot and was probably cautious about getting into another relationship. He decided to give her all the time she needed and to just be there for her. When she was ready, he'd be right there waiting for her.

The two continued to stand there, both a blushing mess. After a moment, they awkwardly tried to move past one another to do their tasks.

Y/N: Well I, um, better get going.

Caitlin: Right, right. Of course. I'm just going to help Cisco from here.

The two of them walked off in their separate directions. Y/N walked down the hall out of the room, heading back home. Caitlin bent down, looking at one of the monitors. Wells gave her a knowing look. While Y/N was leaving, Caitlin looked over her shoulder at him, smiling. 

It was lightly snowing outside. White flakes of frost fell from the sky, sticking to the ground in a light dust. The window showed a Christmas wonderland outside.

Y/N stepped through the front door carrying an armful of wrapped presents. He'd spent the last two hours running from store to store to find the perfect gifts. The young man walked in, his father figure greeting him.

Joe: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, Joe.

Y/N placed the gifts under the tree and looked around the connected living and dining room. He took in the colorful tree with its bright lights, the sparkling garland hanging around the banister, the old Santa Claus advent calendar that was old even when he was little. Looking to the side, Y/N saw Barry sitting down with Patty. What he didn't expect to see was three more familiar faces.

Cisco: 'Sup, man?

Y/N's eyes went wide and he smiled brilliantly seeing his three friends from S.T.A.R. Labs. They all were in fun, casual attire. Wells walked over to Cisco, grabbing a twenty from him. He knelt down and mumbled to the dark haired man.

Wells: I told you he wouldn't be here past the hour.

Y/N looked at his friends in confusion.

Y/N: What are you all doing here?

Joe: Oh, I invited them. Seeing as you actually have friends for once, I thought it'd be nice to have them over with us.

Y/N: That simultaneously hurts and is so generous.

Caitlin: We didn't have any plans anyway. Besides, no one should be left alone on Christmas.

She walked over to him. Y/N could see she was wearing a nice, white sweater. As she approached him near the doorway, the two fumbled, just standing there in each other's presence.

Y/N: Hey.

Caitlin: Hey.

Caitlin looked up at something hanging on the ceiling. Y/N looked up as well to see what it was. Above the two of them was a small piece of mistletoe.

Before Y/N could question it, Caitlin leaned in and pressed a quick, soft kiss on his lips. The two looked at one another, both turning as red as Y/N's lightning.

Y/N: What happened to taking it slow?

Caitlin: Well, you are a speedster. Slow is probably a relative term for you.

She made sure to speak quietly so as not to be heard by the others. She smiled at him with a cute little head nod and blush. Y/N smiled back, giving her another quick kiss. After another moment of silence, Caitlin awkwardly exited.

Caitlin: I'm gonna, um, get some of Grandma Esther's eggnog. 

She walked away, making her way over to the punch bowl. As Y/N watched her leave, he saw Barry approach him. His best friend wrapped his arm around Y/N's neck, bringing him in.

Barry: Glad you could make it, Y/N.

Y/N: Glad to be here.

Barry: Hey, you and Caitlin. When did you two start...

Y/N chuckled, shaking his head and patting Barry's shoulder.

Y/N: You're gonna have to be a lot faster than that to keep up with my social life, pal.

The rest of the night was spent having fun and playing party games. The gang exchanged gifts and ate sweet desserts. They listened to music and told old stories about each other, with both Y/N and Barry blushing from the stories Joe told about them.

As they were all laughing from another story, Cisco pulled out his phone. He connected it to the Bluetooth speakers in the living room and selected a specific song. The others looked at him with suspicion.

Barry: Oh, no.

Y/N: Never trust Cisco with a song selection.

Cisco laughed sarcastically, looking down at his phone.

Cisco: Now, I know this isn't really a Christmas song. But, considering what we've...

He stopped himself, remembering Patty was there and not wanting to give too much away as to their other lives.

Cisco: ...seen the city go through recently, I thought this was an appropriate fit.

He pressed play on the song and put his phone down. The others listened to the pop song playing, a bit confused by the choice of music. Y/N then recognized the beat and looked over at Ramon.

Y/N: Did you get this from my playlist?

Cisco: Maybe.

Y/N: Dude, how much of that did you download?

Cisco: Like, all of it, man. You've got some good beats in there. 

The others all listened to the song as the voice of Katy Perry filled the room. Patty eventually stood up, dragging Barry over to the open floor with her. The two started dancing to the song, moving their bodies back and forth.

Cisco clapped and stood up himself. He walked over and started dancing to the music as well. Y/N and Caitlin laughed at his pretty poor moves, but couldn't deny the enjoyment on his face. Y/N eventually exhaled and stood up himself.

Y/N: Well, time to embarrass myself.

Caitlin: Anymore than Cisco?

Y/N: Well, not if I had a partner.

He looked back down at her, holding out his hand.

Y/N: May I have this dance, Dr. Snow?

Caitlin smiled brightly, accepting his offer and placing her hand in his.

Caitlin: You may, Mr. L/N.

The two walked over and began dancing with the other three. They decided to dance like they were at a club, moving back and forth and jumping up and down. Caitlin was a bit more restrained then her partner, but eventually let loose as the song continued. Her haired swayed around as she turned, rocking her head from side to side.

At the table, Wells and Joe brought up their beer bottles, clinking them together while still laughing at the dancing group in front of them. For the rest of the song, everyone just let time slow down and had the night of their lives.

General Eiling sat deep within the bowels on an ancient ruin in the jungles of Africa. Surrounding him were large sandstone statues of gorillas. Outside, he could here many of the apes having their own celebration.

Eiling was chained to the wall, the pale moonlight streaming into the barred windows of his cell. His shirt had been ripped off, exposing the scars on his chest. The formerly proud man swayed his head back and forth in confusion. His mind had been toyed and played with, like a broken slinky or a doll with its arms on backwards.

As he sat there, Eiling was suddenly greeted by a flash of blue light. Then, standing directly in front of him, was what looked like a demon dressed all in black. It stared at him with dark, cold eyes. A lightning bolt sat on its chest with matching bolts on the side of his head. Its mouth was shut tight with just a few torn marks looking like a drooling jaw.

Zoom: Eiling, you disappoint me yet again.

Eiling looked at the demon in fear as it spoke in a deep, rasping voice as if someone were gargling nails. He wasn't sure if what he was seeing was real or another hallucination. He had seen enough of those already.

Eiling: W... What are you?

Zoom: You were supposed to capture the Flash, you fool, not kill him! That pathetic ape should have told you that from the start!

Eiling continued to stare at the demon with wide eyes. It slowly approached him, holding up its gloved hand and showing the claws on its fingers.

Zoom: I gave you two chances already. There will not be a third.

Eiling: Two? I don't remember dealing with the likes of your scum.

Zoom looked at him, cocking his head to the side.

Zoom: Perhaps not.

He brought his hands up and pulled down his mask. Eiling's eyes went wide upon seeing the man underneath.

Zoom: Do you remember now?

Eiling: Y... You? But that's impossible. You're dead!

Zoom: I assure you, I am very real.

Before anything else could be said, Eiling felt a sharp pain slash into his side. Blood dripped out of his chest. He screamed profusely and was suddenly silenced. His body laid there limp, a pool of blood at his feet. The only thing that was seen was a streak of blue light leaving the temple ruins.

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