Y/N sat in the group's warehouse hideout. He looked at a screen while holding his damaged arm. To his surprise, the pain seemed to have alleviated over time. Caitlin was showing an x-ray of his injury.
Caitlin: It looks like you had a distal radius fracture.
Y/N: Had? You're using the past tense.
Caitlin showed another image, this one of the current x-ray they had just taken moments ago. Y/N was astonished by the image. His wrist looked completely fine.
Caitlin: It's healed. In three hours you've managed to heal an injury that would normally take weeks to recover from.
Y/N: How is that even possible?
Caitlin: We don't know... yet.
Y/N: You said that the muscles on my abs were undergoing constant cellular regeneration. If I can see and run really fast, could it be possible that my cells are also working overtime? That would mean an increased metabolism and blood flow from my quick beating heart. An increase in white blood cells may increase my body's natural healing process.
Dr. Snow looked at him with a raised brow, surprised by his hypothesis.
Y/N: What? I'm a scientist, remember?
Caitlin shrugged and eyed him while walking back to her desk. Cisco walked in carrying the leotard Y/N had been wearing.
Cisco: Dude, you really did a number on this thing.
He held up the suit to show small holes on the back of it. There appeared to be scorched burn marks surrounding the holes. Y/N looked at it in surprise and confusion.
Y/N: How is that possible? I didn't even feel anything burning on me.
Wells: This may answer your question.
Wells rolled over in a chair and showed an image on the screen. It was footage of Y/N running.
Wells: While you were running, you appeared to be generating some form of static discharge.
In the video, Y/N could see himself running at high speeds. However, there was something different that caught his focus. Behind him, he appeared to leaving behind sparks or threads of orange electricity. He looked at the image, thinking about something. After a moment, he snapped back to reality.
Y/N: What is going on here?
Wells: When you run, you must be creating so much friction that you produced electrical currents.
Caitlin: It may also be the energy in your body. At those speeds, you are generating so much energy that is needs to be released from your system, creating an aura of what looks like orange lightning.
Cisco: Great. So if he runs again, he'll need a suit that is friction resistant and allows for mobility. I may have something in my supplies...
He muttered to himself as he walked off to his lab. Y/N continued to look at the image, lost in thought. He thought back to that fateful night when he and Barry lost their parents. Something didn't sit right with him.
Some time later, Y/N wondered into Cisco's makeshift lab. There were boxes full of equipment and crafting material strewn about the place. Y/N let out a low whistle upon seeing all the gadgets placed about on the various tables.
Y/N: You are quite the engineering expert, aren't you?
Cisco: Yeah, you could say that. You should see all the fun toys I can make with the proper equipment. It is sick. Imagine Doc Brown with Bruce Wayne's investment.
Y/N looked around the room before noticing something. It looked like a red thermal suit. It was paired with a white scarf, belt, and electrical gloves and boots. Y/N examined it curiously.
Y/N: What is this?
Cisco: You like that? It's a prototype suit I've been developing. I originally made it for the fire department before the incident at S.T.A.R. Labs. It's made of a reinforced tri-polymer fabric. It's heat and abrasive resistant, so it should withstand your moving at high velocity speeds. But it's just a prototype right now. I'm working on a new aerodynamically efficient model.
Y/N held up the suit in his hands, examining it with a slight grin. Afterwards, he and Cisco walked back into the main room together. They were about to talk about some suit ideas when the news began to broadcast on the TV nearby.
All four people in the warehouse looked at the breaking event. There was a fire breaking out in an apartment building on the other side of the city. The fire department had yet to arrive and there were still some people trapped in the burning inferno.
Y/N watched the building burn, recognizing the address. It was fairly close to his childhood home. He then saw something else that shook him. There was a child screaming for her mother who was still inside.
Y/N looked at the fire and thought of something. He had to act. He couldn't just stand by. He looked over at Cisco before running back into the lab and then out of the warehouse. The others turned as he left a strong breeze when he left.
Caitlin: Y/N!
Y/N put on the prototype suit and goggles and rushed off towards the unfolding scene. He ran through the city at nearly 300 mph. Citizens nearby were shocked to see a red streak run past them.
At the apartment building, concerned and screaming residents ran away as the blazing inferno continued to grow. Y/N soon rushed onto the scene. He nearly tripped again as he came to a sudden stop. The young man put his foot down onto the ground and skidded to a halt in front of the building.
Citizens watched a man in a red suit suddenly appear on the scene. Y/N stood there in the baggy red jacket. The yellow gloves and boots kept his suit insulted with his sleeves tucked into them. A white work belt held the suit in place against his body. Y/N had a red cap on covering the back of his head and ears. His mouth was covered by a white scarf and his eyes were shielded behind Cisco's goggles.
Y/N breathed heavily from the run, pulling down the scarf to take in more air. He coughed from the smoke filled air around him. Looking up at the building, he took in the giant flames roaring from the windows.
Y/N: Oh, God...
Y/N continued to look at the growing fire in horror. He then heard someone scream from inside. Looking towards one of the top floor windows, he noticed a person standing in the flames.
Breathing deeply and putting on a brave face, Y/N pulled the scarf back over his mouth to avoid consuming the smoke. He then rushed inside as quick as a blur. The fast man ran past the flames, running on the exposed ground in the center of the hall. As he rushed by, some of the flames were put out by the winds he generated.
Y/N made his way to the top floor and stopped. On the other side of the hall, surrounded by flames, he spotted a mother standing by a window. She was holding her infant child in her arms. Y/N looked at the flames then back at them. He quickly rushed through the fire, grabbed the mother and her child, and ran back out.
Y/N dropped the mother on the ground. Turning, the little girl from earlier spotted her mother. The two cried and embraced each other in a hug. Y/N then ran back inside and proceeded to rescue the rest of the trapped tenants inside the building. The scared citizens were rushed out of their apartments and found themselves standing safely outside in a matter of seconds.
As Y/N brought the last of the residents out, the fire department arrived. They started to put out the fire and Y/N rushed back off towards the warehouse. The young man felt great with a smile under the scarf on his face. However, that smile was soon replaced by a mix of other emotions. One was drowsiness as Y/N began to feel dizzy. Another was panic as Y/N could feel a burning sensation on the top of his head.
Y/N rushed into the warehouse back into the main room. He stumbled and hit his shoulder on the wall as he fell in. The others rushed over to him. Y/N then realized what the burning sensation was. His hat and scarf were on fire!
Tearing off the two items, he stomped on them to put the flames out. Cisco quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher and doused the two fabrics.
Cisco: I guess it needs some improvements.
Y/N was about to reply but was out of breath. He then started to feel extremely dizzy. He stumbled and found it hard to stand. The young man than passed out and fell to the floor.
Caitlin: Y/N!
Y/N steadily woke up back on the stretcher he'd been on for nine months. He groaned and looked up to see Caitlin gazing down on him. She looked stern and cross. Y/N groaned and pulled himself out of bed.
Y/N: Again?
Caitlin: You experienced a total metabolic failure brought on by acute hypoglycemia.
Y/N: So you're saying that I'm not eating enough. I was right. Increased metabolic structure. So an IV bag and I'm good to go.
Cisco pointed over to a set of many IV bags that had all been hooked up to him. Y/N groaned at seeing the sheer number of bags on the stand.
Wells: Try forty. Guess you were thirsty.
Caitlin: We're going to need to fashion you a new diet based on your metabolic changes.
Cisco: I've done a few calculations. You need to consume an amount equal to roughly 850 tacos. Unless we're talking cheese and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations.
Y/N chuckled a bit at Cisco's remark before looking back at the other two. They both had stern looks on their faces. Caitlin especially looked very upset.
Y/N: What?
Wells: What were you thinking? Going out there and risking being seen? You could have been caught!
Y/N: No one saw me, alright. I kept the mask on the whole time.
Caitlin: That doesn't change how risky it was.
Y/N: What was I supposed to do?! Was I supposed to sit back and watch people die?! All my life I've wanted to help people, and now I can in more than just the restrictive nature of my science lab I previously locked myself into. I cannot sit by while others are in danger.
Caitlin: How about when we're in danger? You could have exposed us all! Worse, we don't even know the full extent of your powers yet. You're lucky you didn't pass out while in that inferno.
Y/N shook his head and gazed down.
Caitlin: You are a scientist. More than anyone, you should know that we do not take risks when we don't have all the variables. You can't just go out there and play hero. If you're bored and looking for something to do in here, we have a box of some of your collected belongings. Rummage through that. But do not put us or yourself at risk.
She turned around and walked off in a huff. Y/N watched her go with pitiful, sorry eyes. Cisco and Wells watched her leave, both thinking the same thing.
Cisco: Wow. I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie.
Y/N: Ronnie? Was that her...
Wells: Fiancé. He is... missed.
Y/N put his head down, feeling sorry for Caitlin and worried about the future. What was he supposed to do? What could he do now? He looked to Wells next.
Y/N: Dr. Wells, tell me what I'm supposed to do. I have these gifts, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with them.
Wells: What I suggest you do, Mr. L/N, is think about what you need to do. You have these powers, but that doesn't make you unstoppable. You need to slow down and think things through the next time you decide to run out there to play hero.
Late at night, Barry Allen and Joe West sat together at the dinner table. They were eating pizza and joking about some case they had just wrapped up. The two held up a pair of soda cans and clinked them together in cheers.
Across the street, hidden in the darkness of night, Y/N L/N watched his two loved ones eating together, having a good time. More than anything he wanted desperately to return to them. But he knew he couldn't. It would be too risky.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, about to walk over to them. He then stopped himself. With a heavy sigh, he turned back down the street and ran off into the night.
Back at the warehouse, Y/N walked into a small room. Caitlin was standing in the corner, going over some boxes. Y/N gently waved at her. She only replied by avoiding eye contact. Y/N nodded and walked further into the room.
To the side, on the table in front of him, Y/N noticed a cardboard box with his name on it. He walked over to it, peaking inside. It was a set of his belongings from his lab. He looked through them all, taking them all in. There was one item in particular that caught his attention.
Y/N grabbed the item and pulled it out of of the box. It was a metal helmet with gold wings attached to the sides. Y/N held the helmet in his hands and gently smiled. Caitlin noticed the unusual object he was holding and questioned why he was smiling.
Caitlin: What is that?
Y/N: It was my grandfather's. This was the helmet he wore during the Pacific War. He passed it down to my father and then it came into my possession.
Caitlin: Why the wings? What's that about.
Y/N looked at the helmet and chuckled for a moment, shaking his head.
Y/N: My grandfather was a messenger. He carried orders across the battlefield to other lieutenants. It was his job to make sure orders were delivered fast, whether they be battle strategies or medical orders. He took up the duties no one else wanted, always willing to put the safety of others above himself. My grandfather always had a sense of righteousness, never wanting fame or glory, just to help people because that's what he did. Even when he returned home, he felt ashamed that he got to live a long and happy life while many of his friends didn't. Many said he was the fastest one in their division. They nicknamed him Hermes.
Y/N took in the helmet, shaking his head.
Y/N: Kinda ironic that his grandson would be able to move at super sonic speeds.
Caitlin looked at the young man in front of her, taking in the look on his face and the pride he had in his grandfather's accomplishments. She eventually replied.
Caitlin: It looks like some of his respected morality may have been passed down.
Y/N looked over at her. Caitlin met his eyes before crossing her arms and turning her back to him. But Y/N saw something before she turned. For the first time since he met the young doctor, he could have sworn he saw a light smile on her face.
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