Chapter 29: Ba Sing Se

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The village they entered was nothing more than a few houses made of earth, that laid next to the desert. Mia lead Aoi to a corner where he could rest in the shadows, while Zuko, Iroh and Mia entered the local bar. They sat down at a table in the corner and ordered some tea. "No one here would help us, they all look like filthy wanderers." Mia frowned. "So do we." 
Iroh smiled and looked passed Mia, when he said: "Ah," and pointed to a man sitting in the corner with a Pai Sho board in front of him, "Intresting... I think we've found our friend." 

"You brought us here to gamble on Pai Sho?!" Zuko asked mostly irritated. "I don't think this is a gamble." Iroh said and he walked to the man. Zuko stood uo as well and he turned around to Mia. "Aren't you coming?" He asked. "I am fine," she said looking around, "I haven't mader many friends in this small village," she whispered. Zuko gave her a kiss and walked to Iroh and his friend. Mia's eyes crossed two men sitting in the opposite corner and her stomach twisted: Xin Fu of the Rumble 6 and Master Yu, Toph's earthbending teacher. Their eyes were fixed on Zuko and Iroh and Mia stood up and walked unnoticed out of the door. It was getting cold and the night had fallen upon her. The stars were clear and bright and for a moment Mia kept looking up. She shook her head and searched for a board, which she found. She ran up to it and saw the wanted posters: The Avatar, The Blue Spirit, Iroh, Zuko and Mia Li Feng. She looked around and tore the three posters of Iroh, Zuko and herself off and just before she went back in, the Pai Sho man walked out of the bar, followed by Zuko and Iroh. Out of the bar was a lot of noise. Zuko grabbed Mia's arm. The man brought them to a house full of plants. 

"It's an honour to welcome such a high ranking member of the White Lotus, being a Grand Master you must know so many secrets," the man named Fung said and they walked to a door. "Excuse me?" Mia started, "what is going on? With all respect but you just played Pai Sho, and now we are looking for plants? There are wanted posters hanging outside and-" The door slammed closed before Mia's face and with an open mouth she looked at Zuko. "Did you see what he just did there?" She asked him and she sat down next to Zuko, waiting for Uncle Iroh. They both fell asleep and early in the morning the door opened. "Is the meeting over?" Zuko asked. Iroh nodded and smiled. "We had some business to discuss, and Mia," Fung laid a hand on her shoulder, "you should go to your father as soon as possible."

"Is he deathly sick?" Mia asked Fung. "Yes, but he has something, a token, and you have to get it before your mother." Fung replied. Mia nodded slowly.  "I have got the passports for our guests." A man said who came through the front door and he gave them to Zuko and Iroh. "Oh," the man said, "sorry miss, I only have two." Mia gave him a short nod. "No problem..." She said quitly. "You three must go, I will lead you to the boats, they are hidden." The man said quietly and the three nodded in agreement.

Mia stood on the one of the docks in front of the ferry. Aoi had just been put in a giant box and put in the belly of the boat, were all the suitcases and other stuff were, for no animals were allowed. The man had arranged a small appartment above the teashop, just across Mia's house in Ba Sing Se. Painful Mia stared in front of her, thinking of that and Aoi while Zuko and Iroh were away to try to get some sort of food. Mia looked around her and saw people, poor people. They were desperate and sad, banished from their villages that were burned down by the Fire Nation. Mia was thinking about it, going back to her birthplace and to see her family again, her father. Mia turned herself around and her eyes crossed a little girl, not older than 9, crying in a small corner. She was dirthy and the only thing she had with her was a teddy bear and a little bowl, that was empty. 

"Are you coming?" Mia shocked and looked at Zuko who stood next to her. "Did I scare you?" He asked. Mia stared at him. "Oh, no, you didn't. I was just... day dreaming." Mia said quietly when she stared at the corner, but the girl was gone. "Here." He said and he gave her a little map-thingy. Mia looked at it and her mouth fell open. "You stole a passport?" She asked amazed, yet a bit angry. "How would you get into Ba Sing Se then? Hello, I am Mia Li Feng let me in? No, your name is Soo and you're blind, and that was the best I could get."

Mia smiled. "What are your yours and uncle's names actually?" Mia asked with a smile. "My name's Lee and uncle's name's Mushi." Mia grinned. "Mushi?" She asked and she laughed even harder. Zuko laughed too and Mia punched him softly in the chest. "Let's go Lee." Mia said and she wanted to walk but Zuko stopped her and gave her a piece of linnen. Mia knew exactly what is was.

"No way, I am not going to wear that. We did blindfold games when we were ten, but not know." Zuko sighed. "Put it on, please. Some people even whispered about you. You are wanted in Ba Sing Se." Confused Mia looked up. "There was even a poster of me in taht stupid village we just came from, and I haven't been seen for six years!" She said dumbfounded. "When the Blue Spirit," Zuko started when a man passed her by, looking very angry at Mia, "saved you out of that camp you basically disappeared after the Siege of the North. Everyone thinks you have joined Maya and your brother, who are basically prisoning the resistance."

Sadly Mia looked to the linnen and she grabbed it roughly out of Zuko's hand. "Damn it." She said disappointed when she put it on, "I can barely see anything!" Zuko sighed annoyed and he grabbed her hand when they strumbled to Iroh. "Mia, you look lovely!" Iroh said with such a bright smile that Mia could even see it through her bandage. "Thanks." She replied primly and looked at the walking plank. She was in doubt, scared to go, afraid for what she would face in Ba Sing Se. Zuko squeezed in her hand and smiled at her. Mia nodded and took a deep breathe, and walked over it. There was no way back now.


The journey on the boat was a true nightmare. Jet was there, along with Smellerbee and Longshot. Jet tried to make Zuko a freedom fighter, but thanks to his girlfriends complaints and warnings, Zuko declined. Now there were waiting in line to get a stamp in their passports. The ugly woman slammed a the stamp on it and scared Mia grabbed her passport. "Welcome to Ba Sing Se." She said like she was the Boulder. "T-thanks." Mia stuttered quickly and walked away from the desk (without falling!) to the place were all the luggage stood and got Aoi out, who was as offended as Zuko most of the time is.  

Iroh and Zuko who were sitting on a bench. Mia sat down next to them and Mia's heart froze when Jet sat down next to Zuko. "So, you guys have any plans?" He asked.  "Get your tea here! The finest tea in Ba Sing Se!" A man behind a car said. "Oh here!" Mia waved and Mia 'accidentaly' hit Jet in the face. "Sorry." She said hardly, for she wanted to laugh, and the man walked up to her and Iroh. 

"Two Jasmine please!" Mia said and gave the man some coins. She took a big nip but spat it out. "The coldest tea in Ba Sing Se you mean!" Mia yelled, but into the wrong direction. Iroh shivered when he took a nip from his one as well. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Jet asked Zuko and he walked away. Mia grabbed Zuko's hand. "What did I tell you?!" She asked fiercely. "I will be back, I will get rid of taht jerk okay?" Zuko said and he gave a kiss on her forehead. Mia and Iroh turned their backs and heated their tea up with their hands. Zuko came back and he slammed the tea out of Mia's and Iroh's hands. "What are you two firebending your tea?!" 
Iroh looked defeated to his tea, that laid on the ground."For a wise old man and a girl that can bend three elements is that a pretty stupid move!" Mia sniffed. "I just don't know my own powers." She replied.


The three waited for the underground train and the call wa thee. "Last train for Ba Sing Se!" A man yelled. The three stood up and when they sat down Mia put her bandage off. "Gosh, I see stars." She said and she rubbed her eyes. "You look very much like Mia Li Feng, dangerously look a like." An old woman said. Mia stared at her and put the bandage back on and laid her head on Zuko's shoulder and moaned. They rode on the rails over B Sing Se and with a big smile on Mia's face she looked to the big city. They stepped out and walked through the streets. "I can't believe it, everything is still the same as I can remember." Iroh nodded in agreement. "I ahve to visit the notary first," Mia said when she looked at the small house at the croner of the street, "I can't walk in like this and I need some money to live from, not only for me but so for you." She said to Zuko. "I need my necklace back." She said quickly before she walked away. Zuko dug deep in his pockets and gave Mia her mother's necklavce back.

Zuko smiled at her and Mia walked to the door of the notary, an old friend of her family. She knocked on the door and walked in. A woman walked down from the stairs, with a carrot in her hand. "Yes?" She asked. "I am coming for the notary, my name is Mia Li Feng." 
"Come up, I will see if he is free." Mia followed the woman up the stairs and saw the carrot, stuck in a cage, where two rabbits were. Mia looked around, grabbe dthe carrot and took a bite of it. She quickly stuck it back in the cage when the woman approached. "My husband can see you now." The woman said and Mia entered the room.

"Mia Li Feng." Mia shook the man's hand and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. "Everyone young woman could call herself Mia Li Feng." The man said.  Mia nodded and gave the necklace to the man and he nodded.
"What can i do for you, Mia?" 

"My father said that when I was in trouble I could come to you. I need money." She said. "How much?" He asked. "I don't know... enough to get through the year..." She whispered, "2000 gold coins?" He looked in his little book. "That's impossible." 
Mia sniffed. "The half?" The man nodded and gave it to her. "You have to sign for the receive, I need to confirm this to your mother." He said when he laid a piece of paper in front of her and a bag of money. "Where can I sign?" She asked. 

"Wait, wait!" The man said with a smile.  "Don't you have to count it?
"Nah, I believe you..." Mia replied. "Mia..." the man said when  he shook his head, "trusting someone so easily... these are no times for doing that." Mia looked at him and signed the paper. She thanked him and walked out of the door. 

"That's a lot..." Zuko said amazed,"I thought you were poor." 
"My mom isn't." Mia said and she walked to a shop. She bought a dress and some make-up and brushed her hair. She looked fabulous, not even close to her wanted poster. "I am going to my father, maybe you two can apply for the jobs in the teashop, ask for me as well. I would make a good hostess." Mia said with a smile. "You look pretty... Do you want me to come?" Zuko asked. Mia shook her head. "I have to do this alone." Zuko nodded and he kissed her. 

Mia turned around and walked to her old house. It was still the same, the same wooden door with the same scratch in it. She knocked on the door and a boy opened it. "What?" H asked. It was Bohai, her 14 year old brother. "I-it's me..." Mia stuttered, "Mia." Bohai looked at her wit hhis mouth open. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I want to see dad." Mia replied quietly. "We haven't seen you for 6 years and now you are coming here, with a fancy dress?! I hate you, go away!" He yelled and he slammed the door closed before her face. Her eyes filled with tears and she sat down in front of the door. The door went open and Mia looked behind her. It was her aunt Myriam. She spread her arms and Mia hugged her. "I am so sorry..." Mia sniffed. "It's okay..." Myriam whispered, "come in."

Mia entered the house but no one except Bohai was there. "They are at school." Myriam said. Mia saw a door open and she walked to the door and walked through it. Her father laid in bed. He looked terribly old and sick, very sick. Mia grabbed a chair and sat down next to him. "Hey, dad." She said quietly. Slowly the man looked up and his milky eyes stared to Mia. "Camillia?" He asked. "No... it;s Mia, her sister."
"Mia?" He asked slowly. "Are you Mia?" Mia nodded and a tear rolled down her cheek. "You have changed so much." He said and slowly his thin fingers stroked over the scratches of her arm. "Do you have children?" He asked. Mia shook her head. "Or a man?" her father asked.
"Well, there is someone..." Mia started, "but you should never bind yourself to someone. No one knows that better than you, right dad?" The man's lip started to vibrate and his hands started to shake. "I wish I would have picked a better mother for you." 

Mia started to cry and grabbed his hands. "Dad... she dishonoured you." Mia replied. The man coughed and when he did little drops of blood was seen on his blanket. His shaky hand went to his pocket and he gave Mia a kind ofcoin. When Mia looked at it she saw it was a Pai Sho stone, a White Lotus. Mia looked up and shook her head. Her father nodded. "I am a Grand Member of the White Lotus... Take in my place in the rulership of it and fight the Fire Lord." Mia shook her head. "Please Mia..." He whispered and a tear rolled down his eye. Mia laid her head on his chest and cried. After a few minutes she felt asleep, but woke up an hour later, which was too late.

Myriam, Bohai and her other siblings stood behind her, all teary. Slowly Mia turned her head and looked at her father, He was pale and as cold as ice. His eyes were closed and all the worries seemed to be swept of his face. Mia wanted to scream, but no sound escaped her. Camillia walked up to her and hugged herm, while the tears rolled over her cheeks. Vast Mia hold the White Lotus in her hand when she looked at her father. He shouldn't had to deserve this, nor Mia.

At least he died in peace, just after he saw his daughter again. 

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