The Man With The Metal Claws

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(3rd Person POV)

Lucia walks into the School as she softly smiles and looks around then she sees a girl sitting by herself with a sad expression and that got Lucia very worried as she walks to the young girl and sits next to her "hey,why are you here by yourself?"

The young girl looks at Lucia "I don't know this place,i just woke up and I'm now wondering where Logan is" as Lucia nodded and held her bandaged hand to the girl "well I'm Lucia Xavier,the owner of this School is my dad and is place is safe for all young students from around the world"

The girl was nervous to shakes Lucia's hand "I don't want to hurt you,if I touch you then I can kill you" as Lucia had an idea and pulls out a pair of arm length gloves from her jeans's pocket then she gave them to the girl "here,put these one and you won't hurt anyone"

The girl nodded and puts on the gloves then she held her hand out for a handshake and Lucia gladly accepted the handshake as nothing happened and the girl smiles happily "wow,thank you Miss Lucia,I'm Rogue by the way" then Lucia nodded "nice to meet you Rogue and you can just call me Lucia"

Lucia watches Rogue nodded as she sees a man with a unique facial hair wearing a hoodie watching them and Lucia waves at the man then the man walks away and Lucia raised an eyebrow then she felt a tap on her shoulder and she looks at Rogue.

Rogue softly smiles "that was Logan,I was about to help go to Canada but we got attacked and Logan is a interesting Mutant" as Lucia nodded and stood up "well,I believe you should go to class now,be careful when touching someone with your hand and you're protected here"

Lucia watches Rogue get up and walks to class as Lucia walks around the corridors and she walks out of the school from the background that leads to the forest then Lucia walks into the forest and she sees her students "hey guys,ready to see some animals?"

The students cheer in happiness as Lucia giggles and walks to a Cabin near the School then she walks in and she walks to the animal that was close to her which was the fox enclosure as she knocked on the door "Markus,you in there" then she hear Markus make some noise and Lucia grabs a leash.

Lucia opens the door and a young red fox appears in front of Lucia "hey buddy,ready to see the students?" As she puts the leash on Markus's collar and she walks out of the fox enclosure with Markus following her while Lucia closed the enclosure door behind Markus.

Lucia picks up Markus and walks out of the cabin as she smiles softly when she heard the students gasp when they saw Markus then Lucia starts teaching her students everything about foxes including environment,food and biological side of foxes.

While Lucia was teaching her class,Logan was leaning against a tree while smoking a cigar as he watches Lucia's lesson and learning many things about foxes then he sighs and looks at his knuckles while thinking about his past and tries remember everything including how his claws became metal.

After an hour,the School bell ran and Lucia says goodbye to her students as she looks at Logan and walks to him with a sleeping Markus on her arms "hey,you must be Logan,Rogue told me that you have a unique mutation" then Logan looks at Lucia and raised an eyebrow

Logan sighs "yea,you must be Xavier's daughter,your dad told me a lot of things about you" as he looks at Markus and he was confused then Lucia looks like Markus and kissed Markus's forehead "he's adorable,when he gets in a comfortable position then he straight away falls asleep even when he's in my arms"

Logan nodded and runs his fingers through his hair as he looks at his knuckles and clenched his hand into a fist then Lucas tilted her head a bit and watched three like blades coming out of Logan's knuckles "wow,that's every fascinating!" while Logan looks at me and raised an eyebrow "really?"

Lucia looks at Logan and nodded as she gently feels the sides of the blades "so,what's your mutation?" Then Logan slowly moves his claws back into his knuckles "well the claws and my whole skeleton is covered in metal,my senses are a high level like my sense of smell and hearing as well as my healing regeneration is a high level too"

Lucia nodded and gently press down Logan's forearms to feel the bumps from the claws as she softly smiles and she looks at Logan "I never seen a mutation like that before" then she walks into the cabin and after a few minutes,Lucia walks out of the cabin and closed the door behind her.

Logan sighs and pulls out a cigar from his jeans's pocket as he placed it between his teeth then he tries to find his lighter but he couldn't and he huffed in anger then he see a small flame lighting his cigar and he looks at Lucia who had a small flame on the top of her finger.

Lucia giggles as she lights her cigarette which is between her lips and she blows out the flames then she sighs and takes a drag of her cigarette while after a few seconds,Lucia blows the smoke through her mouth and she made a circle out of smoke.

Logan was smoking his cigar as he watches Lucia and shakes his head "so,how old are you exactly?" Then Lucia looks at Logan and smiles softly "I am 23 years old as I was born in 1977" while Logan nodded and frowns "don't bother asking me for my age,bub" then Logan walks away.

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