It Happend Again But Different

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(Lucia's POV)

After the journey to my father's mansion,Logan and I walked in my father's mansion as I looked at Logan and hugs him "thank you for taking me to a bar but we can do this again" while Logan nodded and sighs "yea,I guess I'll see you later" then he walks upstairs.

I nodded and walks to the living room to see a kid that can change channels with a blink of a eye "hey kid,it's time to go to bed or you won't learn if you fall asleep in class" as the kid nodded and gets up while they walked upstairs.

I sighed and walks to the tv as I turned off the tv and I walked to the kitchen then I grabbed a bottle of water and she walked upstairs to her bedroom as she closed the door behind her and she starts getting undressed while she puts on her pyjamas.

I lay down on my bed and I looked at the ceiling as I thought about Logan and softly smiles "I hope that me and Logan will become best friends" while I put my bed covers on myself and closed my eyes as I slowly fell asleep.

(Hours Later...)

I woke up to the sound of blade coming out and I got out of bed while I opened the door and ran to the guest room as I stood at the doorframe to see Rogue having her hand on Logan's cheek and Logan was at shock then I walked to Rogue "Rogue,let go of Logan"

Rogue backed away from Logan and Logan passed out as the rest of the X-Men appeared and Jean straight away started to check Logan's pulse as I placed my hand on Rogue's back and Rogue hugs me tightly "I'm sorry, it's had to heal my wound with his healing"

I nodded and rubbed Rogue's back as Rogue and I walked to Rogue's room "don't worry sweetheart,Logan would be fine" while I hummed a melody to help Rogue calm down and I opened Rogue's bedroom door as Rogue walked into her room.

Rogue lays on her bed and she looks at me as I softly smile and gently kissed Rogue's forehead "you didn't do anything wrong,it was an accident so please don't be hard on yourself" while Rogue nodded her.

I rubbed Rogue's back and gets up as I walked to the doorframe and looked at Rogue "goodnight sweetheart" then I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me as I walked downstairs and walked to the lift to the underground part of the mansion.

I got into the lift and went underground as the door opened and I walked to the medical room then I opened the door and I see Logan laying on the medical bed while I shakes my head and walked to him as I checked if any wounds opened because of Rogue's power.

Then the medical door ope to reveal Jean and I looked at her as I sighed and crossed my arms "so Jean,how is he doing?" While Jean looked at me and smiles softly "Logan is doing good,I think he is taking his time just rest after all Rogue did us nearly all of his healing"

I nodded and looked at the heart monitor then all of the sudden,Logan wakes up and looks around as he growls and he looked at me "Lucia?" While I looked at him and smiled happily "hey Logan,how are you doing?" As Logan sat up and runs his fingers through his hair

Logan sighs "I'm doing good but I'm more worried about Rogue because I stabbed her and I'm worried about her" as I placed my hand on Logan's shoulder "Logan,calm down and Rogue is completely fine" while Logan nodded and looked into my eyes.

I looked into Logan's eyes and I didn't realise that Logan's eyes were a hazel colour while Logan and I heard the door open as my dad and Scott came in then I looked at my father "hey,are you hear to check on Logan?" While my father softly smiles "yes but I can see that he is completely fine especially with that amazing healing factor that he has as it is interesting"

Logan gets up and crosses his arms as he looked at my father and Scott "now that you see me awake,you can leave me alone" then he walked out of the medical room and Scott frowned "look,I still don't trust him especially he hurt a student of this school!" As I rolled my eyes and walked out of the medical room.

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