First Sunday Class

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A few days after her tenth birthday, Ana went to Nico and Will with a very important and difficult question.

"If God doesn't exist... Why people believe in him?"

Both Nico and Will shared a look, unsure of what to say or do. Of course, they were kids of Greek Gods in a modern world, a world where science was evolving very fast and didn't need the reassurance that something existed beyond their reach. For them, Heaven or Hell weren't just abstracts ideas. So, how to reply to that question?

"Maybe we'll need the input of your grandfathers in this one..." Nico admitted, completely out of his depth. Will only nodded in agreement, shocked into silence. Ana didn't seem upset by that answer, knowing she mentioned something unexpected. Grandpa Apollo and Grandfather Hades would be better to answer that question.

After being called, Grandpa Apollo was of not help whatsoever. He simply stared at his granddaughter with his eyes open wide in surprise and blinked for what it seemed a long amount of time. Ana didn't have to be a genius to realize that one, her grandfather had been caught with his wall down and two, he had no idea on how to respond or even what was about.

Grandfather Hades was a totally different venue. He didn't seem- from Ana's point of view -fazed by the question. However, he did too a deep sigh before replying- and everyone wanted to see what he had to say.

"First thing you need to understand is that my answer is my opinion, all right?" Ana nodded from her place on the couch, that was next to Hades. Will, Nico and the still-speechless Apollo were in front of them. "That being said, I believe that mortals feel the need to believe in something higher than then, something more powerful than them to, in a way, justify their actions."

"So, you mean to say that every decision we make is 'done' to blame God?" Will asked, curious about that answer. He always struggled to combined his heritage with his Catholic raising. Hades nodded.

"Nico's mother, Maria-" He paused, looking at his son, who stiffened slightly at the mention. "-before meeting me, she was a fervent believer that God put tests in our ways just so we could take the decisions He wanted. Obviously, she quickly changed the guilty party to my dear brother-" A loud thunder was heard outside, but was covered by the loud rain.

"But, what about Jesus? And all the things that he 'did' and are in The Bible?" Ana placed air quote marks around the word 'did', as if she doubted them. Which she did.

"My belief is that there was a man named Jesus at that point in existence but that the extraordinary things he did could have been exaggerated or even committed by a demigod son- my bet is that he was either a son of Apollo or Asclepius. If he indeed came back from the death, I'm going to-"

"Have a long chat with him about how wrong that is?" Nico interrupted his father, giving him a meaningful look. Hades didn't argue and said nothing. "Is that the answer you were looking for, Principessa?" Nico turned to Ana, who looked thoughtful.

"Not really... You think I could take the Sunday Class everyone is saying at school? Just to get my mind of it..." Nico shared a look with Will upon said petition from their daughter, who had no other advice but to shrug his shoulders and nodding. They signed her up in the lessons with a promise from her that, if she wanted to quit, they wouldn't think bad of her.

Next Sunday came quickly and Ana was taken to Sunday Class on the near-by-school church. Ana was very nervous and didn't want to let go of Papร 's hand. But she did and walked in, her curiosity winning by leaps over her fear. Nico watched her going in, while she took in all the architecture and decorations of the place.

Not having anything to do that day, Nico waited by the steps of the church until class was over. The morning passed slowly for the son of Hades and many times he wondered if he should get in and take her away from the class, not believing it was good for his little girl. Finally, and for what it seemed an eternity for the young parent, the class was over and kids were coming out.

Ana was neither the first or the last one to come out. He was in the middle of the crowd, her eyes glued to the floor while walking. In the distance, a passer-by person would think she was either shy or embarrassed about something. However, Nico knew that face and smiled at the sight of if.

"What had you in so deep thinking, Principessa?" Nico smirked when she looked at him and smiled.

"Oh, nothing, Papร !" She admitted, holding his hand and heading back to the car. "I was thinking about what Mother Jean said today..."

"Oh? And what is that...?"

"You think Moses could have been a son of Poseidon? Like Uncle Percy?" Nico, surprised by the question, actually took the time to ponder about it.

"He could be..." He tapped his chin, thinking. "Parting the Red Sea and turning water into blood, sounds like he could do it... But, I would need to talk to a friend first to be sure... What else happened today?" Upon the question, Ana seemed more upset than before. "What's wrong?"

"Mother Jean talked about the communion and how all kids are supposed to take it, but I'm not sure if I want to..." She confessed. By now, they had arrived to the car and Nico kneeled in front of her, smiling.

"Ana, you can do whatever you want. If you want, you can continue... if not, it's all right as well..." That seemed to make Ana's mind.

"I want to!"

"Then, shall we talk Aunt Piper into shopping a white dress?"


I'd like to stress than EVERYONE is entitle to their own opinion, their own religion and their own believes. And no opinion is above other. So, we are both right in what faith represent. This is my thought about how demigods and gods should react when asked that question. Also, I'd like to point out that the 'friend' comment Nico makes is NOT Percy... *wink wink*.


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Wow, first weekend of the year gone already! Can't believe it! How were your holidays? Did you have a party with friends? Family? Got lots of presents? Maybe that present from that one relative you see once a year that you say 'Aw, this is nice, thank you' when you really wanna say 'Aw, again this?'

PS, that last happens to everyone, even me. My greataunt did it every year. RIP Auntie Lina.

Anyway, I'm sure you're wondering about the poll, well... I have results! And the results say that... *drum-rolls* CALEO IS THE WINNER! *back ground cheering* That's right! Leo and Calypso are the lucky couple I'll write my next book about! Stay tune on February see how this love story will evolve! Leave me your comments on what you want to see!

And, for today's posting...

The First Times: 1 chapter! Thanks to all the comments, reviews and little rants I get on this story, I never meant for anyone to cry!

Also, Id like to recommend @ricodynamite02 story, The Promethean. Entertaining! Keep up the good work, buddy!! (Sorry it took me long to reply to you... ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜” Been busy)

I'll see you guys next weekend!
xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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