First Pet

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Ana came out pensive of school, which got Nico's eyes.

"What's wrong, Principessa?" He asked her, hoping it was nothing serious. Obviously, Ana didn't disappoint.

"Papà, why don't we have a pet?" Nico blinked in surprise upon hearing that question. In all reality, neither Will or Nico considered the possibility of owning a pet. Nico somehow had Mrs. O'Reily- when she saw fit appearing, and even then she sometimes bothered Percy or Tyson, who was her favorite -and Will had never even mentioned it, so it wasn't an issue.

"Why you ask that, Ana?" Before even answering the question, Nico wanted more information.

"Remember that yesterday I brought Aunt Rachel's painting to class?" Nico nodded, as Ana's class was doing a 'Show and Tell'. When Rachel had heard almost a week before, she insisted in showing one of her paintings of Camp Half-Blood so that 'the beauty of the scenery wasn't only for half-bloods' eyes'. Ana couldn't say no once she saw the painting. "Well, one of my classmates brought a bunny... And said it was her pet."

"And you wondered why we never got you one?" Nico completed for her, earning a shoulder shrug.

"I figured you or Daddy should be allergic to them, so I never asked..." She admitted, though Nico could see she really wanted a pet. Smiling, he kneeled down and looked at her.

"Ana, we never discussed the issue because it never occurred to us." Nico confessed to her upon the wide-mouth-open child. Chuckling softly, he got up and offered her his hand. "How about we talk it with Dad later?"

"Yeah!" Ana smiled and, during the whole trip back home, thought of the perfect pet she could ask. A fish? They are nice to look at. A bunny? They are cute and eat veggies. A puppy? Those play with you and you can teach them tricks. A kitten? Kittens are nice to cuddle when you read and they purr when happy! Maybe she should call Uncle Frank to help her decide...? In the meantime, she will research online some animals that can be pets in an apartment.

"What's with her?" Will wondered to Nico when he didn't receive his usual greeting kiss. Nico simply smirked and leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Will, why we never talked about having a pet?" Just like Nico had done before, Will blinked in surprise.

"We haven't?"

"We haven't." Nico confirmed him, nodding.

"That's strange..." Will thought loudly. "I know you're not allergic to any... I'm not allergic, so I can't think why we haven't discussed this before..." He looked up and reasoned. "Ana asked for a pet?"

"Not directly." Nico explained to Will Ana's logic during their conversation. "Now, I think she'll ask for one, but we have to tell her we approve or she could think we won't like it..."

"But, what kind of pet?" Will began numbering with his fingers. "We can't have a big pet as we live in an apartment. Can't have a high-maintenance pet because you and I are working half the time and we cannot leave Ana with all the responsibility of it. She's still ten, no matter how mature she acts sometimes."

"True." Nico acknowledged his points, sighing. "Maybe we should talk to Ana and see what she want... Or we can decide when we head down to the pet store...?" He supplied, earning a nod from Will. Unfortunately, the chat was postponed until the weekend, as neither Will or Nico had free time for them all to sit as a family and discuss it.

Ana wasn't worried. She knew her Dad and Papà would talk about it when they were ready. In the meantime, she would help them and not mention about it, though she had been investigating and even discussed it with Benny the pros and cons of every animal she could have. Finally, the weekend arrived and Will and Nico took Ana down to the pet store, surprising their little girl.

"Ana." Will started, before getting inside the store. Ana paid her undivided attention. "Papà and I had been talking, mainly trying to figure out why we never proposed this to you..." He trailed, giving Nico a conspiracy look that he returned, making Ana giggle. "...and we came to the conclusion that, if you want one, you can get one." Ana smiled, but stopped when she saw Nico raising a finger.

"But, and we will warn you, this will be your responsibility as well as ours, all right?" Ana nodded, understanding what she was meant to. Having a pet was like cooking: everyone share the responsibility of it. "Which means we have to like the pet too."

"Yes, Papà! Thank you, Papà! Thank you, Daddy!" Ana hugged tight them before dragging them inside the store. A nice lady started to ask them questions and showed them lots of animals that could be ideal for them.

Ana was in love with the surgeon's colors as soon as she saw the aquarium, but her mind also wondered to other animals. She also cooed at the small litter of stray kittens that were there to be adopted. She squeaked when she saw a Corgi mom feeding her puppies. And she was ready to melt when the nice lady let her pet a small bunny and feed it.

Nico and Will chased her around the store, smiling and chuckling at her reactions. Both of them took notes on her choices, so they could help her take an easier decision. Obviously. It wasn't that easy for her at the end.

"We cannot take them all home, Ana." Will chuckled at her pout, but both grown ups knew she was doing it on purpose and not because she was gonna throw a tantrum. "You have to take one." Both parents and the lady saw how her face scrunched in concentration looking around the store and lingering on the animals she had liked. After what felt an eternity, she looked at them.

"I choose..."


Cliffhanger! I leave it to your imagination which animal the Solace-di Angelo family decided to adopt, as I couldn't find one good enough for them. If you wanna suggest one, you're welcome!


Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Welcome to the second weekend of February, and wow! Really, 2019? Slow down!

Anyway, since I have nothing to share with you- nothing that made me late or angry or any reflexion about the actual situation... not that I have some, this will be election year for me and everyone wants to 'do nice!' -we'll move to today's updates!

The First Times: 1 chapter!

Saving Time - A Caleo Story: 1 chapter! Now, this chapter is triple! Like the ones I did back in my first Chaos story... so I may or may not post next weekend... I shall see, hehe...

Oh! And I'll probably post something on Thursday, as it is Valentine's Day... I hope the gods allow me some time to write!

Love you all,
xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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