First Meeting Grandparents - Naomi Solace

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"You sure about this?" Nico asked and Will was sure had a dejavu. Back when they decided to adopt Ana.

"It's not like we have lots of options..." Will admitted, cleaning the living room with a broom. Nico was busy mopping the kitchen while Ana was in charge of cleaning her own toys. "I can't help it if my Dad decided to pop around her house and started to brag about our daughter..."

"He could have kept his mouth shut." Nico interrupted him, frowning. Will sighed at the sight of the frown. Nico had become a little possessive with Ana and practically wanted to keep her away from the family. However, Apollo and his big mouth had gone to Will's Mom, Naomi and bragged about it. And Naomi didn't waste time scolding Will by phone and deciding she was going to come visit.

"I'm done!" Anna proudly announced, coming out of her room with a feather duster in her little hand. "I just don't reach the lamps..." She explained, earning a smile from Will.

"Well, how about you take a shower and I finish for you?" Ana nodded and she was soon in the bathroom, having a shower, while Will dedicated to the task. As soon as he was finished, he went to the kitchen to find it spotless and Nico tiredly leaning against the counter. "Great work..."

"Thanks... Though, your mother is a perfectionist. She will find a flaw in something..." Will looked at him, smirking at him. "Remember when I made her pop around for your birthday and she was complaining we lived in a... how did she put it? A yes. A 'dark, damped and lifeless cave'." Upon hearing that, Will started to chuckle. "Something wrong?" Nico raised his eyebrow.

"Admit it, you love my Mom." Will poked him, still laughing. Nico said nothing while sporting a little blush.

"Yes. No. Maybe..." Nico finished, sighing again, but Will smiled bigger at that.

"You don't have to worry that she doesn't like Ana..." Will hugged him and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "It's her only grandchild and she won't mess up with that opportunity..." Nico nodded absentminded, but focused again when a little giggle was heard under a bundle of towels.

"Come here, missy!" Ana's delighted shriek could be heard around the house while she was chased around by Nico. Will watched the scene with a smile, knowing that his mother would be extremely happy with this result. She had been very open and supportive of the relationship and, even though Will had forgotten about telling her about Ana, she will never hurt her granddaughter.

"Papà, stop it!" Ana begged, laughing. Will saw as Nico tickled her on the couch after he caught up with her.

"Alright, alright... but I want tool fare!" Nico inflated his cheek and Ana obliged, kissing him there. However, Nico released a sound that was similar to a fart as soon as she kissed him. "What was that?" Nico accused her, earning a giggling girl. Will, though loving the moment, decided to cut in.

"That's enough, GhostKing... This little princess needs to get dress and you need to take a shower." Will pointed at the shower, while Ana waved at her Papà, who walked away, pretended to be offended. "And you, missy..." Will picked her up and took her to her room to change into her new green dress, given by 'Aunt Rachel'.

In short time, the family was waiting in the living room, expecting their guest. Will could be heard mumbling things like 'she should have accepted that I picked her up' while Ana was lost in the fantasy world of her book. Only Nico looked relaxed. By the time Will was getting desperated, the doorbell rang.

"Will! Nico!" Both grown ups had gone to open the door, but were taken by surprise by the hug coming their way. Ana closed her book and went to inspect the newcomer: it was a petite woman with blonde straight short hair. Her skin was slightly tan and had wrinkles around her eyes, for smiling or laughing too much. Her clothes were colorful and loose and she had several bracelets on her wrists. Her smile was the most contagious thing ever!

"Hi, Mom."

"Good to see you again, Naomi."

"Enough with the chitchat!" Naomi stopped them, waving her hands. "I love you guys enough to not yell at you if you don't show me my granddaughter now- oh!" Ana blushed when the lady's eyes set on her. Was she sad? Why was she crying?


"She's so beautiful..." The woman stared at the little girl in awe, who was smiling shyly from behind Will's leg.

"Hi, Grandma..." She greeted her, earning a hug just like her parents did. She squeaked and giggled when her grandmother covered her in kisses and hugs.

"Oh, you are as beautiful as your grandfather told me... But we cannot always believe him." She winked at him, earning another giggle. "We'll just give him this time..."

"Yeah!" She then, turned to her parents. "Can I sleep with Grandma tonight?" Will raised an eyebrow, but Nico smirked.

"You don't even know her and wanna sleep with her?" He asked, trying to make the situation more funny. Ana simply nodded.


"Oh, she's just like you when you were little, Will..." Naomi got sentimental, looking far away. "I still remember when you slept with me because you had nightmares..."



Part 5/5

Good morning/afternoon/night, guys.

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting last week. It was a combination of things, like laziness, work and a marathon of Korean dramas- seriously, I've been watching TV of all over the world my entire life (you guys know I'm from Argentina, so I grew up with those- then, I started to watch USA and England ones) but none caught me as straight as the asian ones (been throwing some Chinese in the mix too).

A warning: you'd not want to look away. (If you like them too, PM so we can fan over them *giggles*).

Anyway, I apologize for not posting and for not replying to PMs. It's not a proper excuse, but its the truth... so, here's the reward for the patience of you!

The First Times: 5 chapters! As I've been slacking my posting, I think five would be enough, right?

Quest: Matchmade (former collab with ReeReeWithAngst): 5 chapters too!

I'll be more constant next weekend, I can promise you that!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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