First Meeting Grandparents - Apollo

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"Did someone called for a doctor? Hottest doctor of the world, at your services!"

Will could see from a position behind Apollo the paling complexion of Nico and the curious looks of Ana. This was not going according to plan, in fact this was a disaster about to happen, as Apollo wasn't known for his subtlety and tact. He started to talk about things Ana couldn't understand, they were in a mess they would have to clean!

"Um, Nico give us a second." Will grabbed his father's arm and dragged him out the room and to the kitchen, one of the most far away places from Ana's room. "What do you think you're doing?" He hissed at him.

"Thought your mother had taught you manners..." Apollo complained, crossing his arms as if he was offended. But Will didn't care.

"Manners I will mind after you promise not to babble anything about Olympus and stuff to Ana!" Apollo raised an eyebrow as if saying 'you dare to give me orders?'. However, Will didn't back down. "I'm serious, Dad. We haven't had the demigod talk to her and you babbling about it would only make it worst! Gods, her ankle is twisted and shouldn't be healed with godly powers!"

"I can make an exception, as she's my granddaughter." Apollo smirked, annoying Will. "Do you know what happened the last time I had a grandson this cute?" This time, Will blinked fast.

"I had nieces and nephews?"

"No! And that's exactly the problem!" Apollo exasperated, moving his hands in the air. "Now, I will spoil that child and you can't do anything about it-"

"No!" Will put his foot down, serious. "You have no sense of responsibility and you lack the part of 'I don't deal with the consequences of it'! You haven't learnt from Troy, you won't learn with my daughter!"

"Hey, in my defense, it was Poseidon's fault as well-" Will's poke on his chest made him stop talking. "Fine. No godly stuff to her, but I'm definitely healing her ankle! Specially after what happened..." Will ignored the last part, he would get the details later. Right now, he had to face the music and make introductions. Walking back to Ana's room, he found Nico resting on the headboard while Ana was reading a fairy tale book.

"Ana?" Said girl looked up from her book. "There's someone we want to meet you..." Ana saw as her Dad moved out of the way to let the man claiming to be a doctor back in. He didn't look like any doctor or nurse she knew, he was dressed with sunglasses and a leather jacket, like the one her Papà likes to wear. Definitely, no doctor.

"Ana, this is your Dad's Dad, Apollo." Ana's eyes went wide. That man was her granddad? He didn't look old!

"You don't look like a granddad." She stated, serious. Nico snorted and Will stuffed his hand on his mouth to stop a laugh. Apollo, however, was serious.

"And how does a granddad look like?" He argued to her. Will and Nico hoped this didn't ended up with them arguing or at least, with Apollo with a wounded ego and their daughter cursed.

"Granddads have grey or white hair. Maybe even a mustache on. They're old, ancient and can't run or walk like you. And always call." Ana was very satisfied with her answer and she knew her Papà was proud because he was hugging her closer. And Dad was smiling.

"Well, she got the ancient part alright..." Will poked his father, teasingly.

"I'm not that old!" Apollo protested, indignantly.

"Oh, only a few hundreds of milleniums..." Nico added, earning a warning look from Apollo, that was dissolved when Ana giggled at her parents' antics. It was easy to see that Apollo wasn't used to this dynamic and was caught by surprise.

"Well, what if I'm a magician?"

"Prove it!" Ana was quick as a lightning, challenging him. Apollo smirked and sat at the edge of the bed and placed a hand over Ana's ankle. She winced in pain a little but soon that turned into shock and surprise when she saw her ankle glowing. She felt a warm feeling and soon, Apollo was pulling his hand out. Ana glanced at Apollo, who nodded. Ana immediately gasped.

Her ankle didn't hurt anymore!

She saw at her parents, who were looking at her grandfather with a mix of gratitude and disappointment. Why would they be disappointed? She didn't understand. What she understood was that her grandfather was more than he said to be.

"Let me guess." Nico looked at Will, serious. "He'll ditch the responsibility to us and won't clean his mess?"

"I thought it was stablished when he walked into the room."

"I'm still here!"

"Who are you?" Ana finally spoke at Apollo, frowning.

"You got a smart one here..." Apollo smirked at her, ignoring her question. Will nodded. "I guess I'll be coming more often to visit... Oh! And don't be surprise if someone else appears!" With a wave of his hand, Apollo walked out the room, before closing it and leaving the small family by themselves. Ana glanced at her parents, confused.

"We have to..." Will pointed out, sitting on Ana's other side.

"Just wished we were more prepared..." Nico complained, shaking his head.

"Papà...?" Ana called him, worryingly. Nico was stroking her hair soon.

"Principessa, there's something your Dad and I have to tell you, but know that we would never hide something unless it's dangerous..."

"We wanted to wait until you had met some of your relatives but your Granddad kind of force us to do so now..." Will continued, softly. "Where do you think Granddad's name come from?" Ana scrunched her nose, thinking.

"Uh, from those myths you guys like to tell me about...? He's the god of, um... shiny things, right?" Nico couldn't help it and laughed at it, while Will smiled at her.

"Close enough. The god of the Sun." Will corrected her. "Ana, the myths are real. That was the god of the Sun and he's my Dad."


Part 2/5

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