Part 2

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Truth was, she hadn't.  She'd only told the pack that because everyone was sharing stories of their first times, and she didn't want to come across as lame.  She had still been new to the group at the time, and wanted to make a lasting impression.  So, she told them that she'd hooked up with a guy at her old school sophomore year, along with some other disgusting details.

"Well that's not fair," Stiles whined, collecting his things from his locker and getting ready to go home.  "All my friends aren't losers, and where does that leave me?"

"Stiles, don't say that," (y/n) sighed, watching as he spastically put books in his backpack before slamming his locker shut.  "There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, saving it for the right time with someone special isn't a bad thing, I promise"

"Your reassurance means nothing," He grumbled out as they walked together down the hall.  (y/n) frowned, taking a slight offense at his words.  He saw this, and tried to feel bad, but he couldn't.  "It's easy for you to say all that, you've already had sex with someone" Again, she frowned.

"Are you still taking me home?" She asked with a sigh.

"Yeah, of course," Stiles nodded, yanking his keys out of his pocket.

"You want to stay over for a bit?" (y/n) asked.  Stiles grinned and nodded.

"Yeah that'd be great" He answered.

(y/n) spent the whole ride to her house drumming her fingers on her jeans.  The idea in her head was painfully cliche and weird, definitely crossing every line between friends.  But it was also evident to her now that the both of them were worried about their safety...

"Everything alright?" Stiles asked her as they walked into her house.  Luckily, her parents weren't home, so the conversation she wanted to have would be private.

"Yeah... look I wanted to talk to you," She started, and he nodded.  They dropped their bags at the door and headed to the couch so she could sit and explain.  (y/n's) hands fidgeted together, trying to find the right words to say.  "So... I... I kind of lied"

"About..?" Stiles looked at her with furrowed brows.

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