I really need to learn to swim

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Jay's POV (1st person)

I swear to every god in existence that once this quest is over I am never going near the water, EVER again. Percy obviously knew exactly where we were, and had us on the right track. However still I was ready to throw up all over our new pirate ship. It was a pretty impressive ship I'll admit, however I liked to spend my time below deck. I thought about things. My father, mother, the quest, what I'll do after, my stupid twilight-esk love triangle. My life was weird.

"Jay! Jay come above deck, we need to talk, all three of us!" Annabeth yelled knocking on my cabin door.

I groaned loudly and cursed Annabeth under my breath for making me get up. "I heard that Jay! Now get up come on." She yelled through the door.

I just smirked and got up off my hammock. I got above deck and almost puked from the sudden smell of the sea air. There obviously wasn't any forest nearby, so I was feeling pretty nauseous. Annabeth knew this so I wondered why in the world she would call me up here. Percy was at the wheel of the ship navigating us towards the island with the fleece. He said we should be there in a day or two. Annabeth got that look in her eye. The look she gets when she's about to suggest some dangerous plan.

"Guys I think we're about to approach the island of the sirens. That island is right near the island of the Polyphemus." She told us.

Percy seemed busy focusing on the wheel. So I answered, "Okay... and what do you need to tell us?" I asked her wondering where she was going with this.

"I... I want to hear the sirens song. Odysseus is the only hero to ever hear them and survive. His crew tied him to the mast pole, and they covered their own ears. I want to hear what they sound like." She explained to us.

I sat, shell-shocked. Percy stopped what he was doing and looked at Annabeth as if she was crazy, just as I did. Okay normally I trust Annabeth's plans, however this one, the risk was far greater than the reward. I never expected this kind of plan from her. It seemed like something I would come up with. The sirens were deadly, they lured sailors to their deaths with their songs. Not even the strongest willed heroes could resist.

"Annabeth, normally I trust your plans, I really do. This one though, is absolutely crazy. Even with you being tied down, that song could do Zeus knows what to your brain. Don't you think the risk is a lot greater than the reward here?" I asked her not wanting her to risk it.

She faltered for a second, but then put on a brave face. "I'm sure Jay. I'm a child of Athena, I crave knowledge. I want to be the only person alive who has heard the sirens song. I want to know what they sound like. As long as you two have your ears covered, you can contain me. I trust you guys enough to make sure I'm safe." She said confidently.

One thing I knew about Annabeth, was she was stubborn. Arguing with her was useless, she wanted to do this. If she wanted to do something, she'd do it. "No matter how much I argue this with you, you're not gonna change your mind, are you?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "No." She said.

I sighed in defeat. "Huhh alright, Percy, help me find some rope." I said to my best-friend.


Okay I have learned something very important today. Not every single one of Annabeth's plans work out. Here I was, now having to drive the ship, while Percy was below deck with Annabeth trying to help her recover from her little visit with the sirens. Since it was now night outside, I didn't mind much. Also, I've never seen Annabeth so shaken up, so I was happy to give her some time to recover.

I was ready to throw up all over the edge. With no forest, this big mystery about my father, and the fact Grover only had another day or two at most, my insides were turning to mush. I put us on course and took a seat above deck. I was so bored that I decided to shoot arrows into the mass poll. After about twenty arrows were pointing out of the mass, I shot up out of my seat.

"That smell, FINALLY!" I yelled running to the front of the ship.

Sure enough in the moonlight, there it was. The Island of the Golden Fleece, it wasn't exactly how I pictured it. It practically looked like a tropical paradise, it could've been a trap like Circe's island. However, as we sailed closer and closer, I could feel the power of the fleece radiating. The forest energized me, we were finally here! Fighting the Hydra, mermen, Scylla, crazy pirates, and sirens, all that had finally paid off! We were finally here, and we only had one more challenge to overcome.

I raced down to the cabins, I needed to let Annabeth and Percy know what was going on! I just got to the door. "Percy, Annabeth, we finally-"I started.

I looked inside and saw Annabeth still asleep on the bed. She was pale, and looked like she had just walked through Tartarus. (A/N: Haha foreshadowing! XD)

Percy certainly didn't look much better. He was asleep in the chair next to her. He had bags under his eyes, and I realized this was probably the first time he had slept in a long time. After fighting a Hydra, Mermen, Sirens, and getting turned into a Guinea pig, one would naturally want some sleep. However that didn't happen, he just kept navigating for us. I couldn't force them up and onto a monster inhabited island.

It was night time, with a nice full moon, and the island was covered in a lush tropical forest. It was my element. I could get in, find Grover, get the Fleece and be off the island in an hour. I mean I am supposed to be the leader of this quest, it was my job to keep my quest mates safe. Right now, Percy and Annabeth were in no condition to fight, like at all. I made a split second decision. I found a desk below deck, wrote a quick note for my two friends, and hung it up near the door with an arrow.

Dear Percy and Annabeth,

We finally arrived at the island, but you didn't seem in fighting shape. If you read this and I'm still not back, I went to the island ahead to get the Fleece and Grover, come join me when you're feeling up to it. Don't worry about me, I'll be just fine, I'll be back soon with Grover and the Fleece.

Your friendly Son of Artemis- Jay

I pinned the note to their door and ran back above deck. I sailed the ship to shallow waters, and dropped the anchor. I looked over the edge, and took in a deep long breath, inhaling the sweet forest scent. It energized me and I whistled, and sent out a prayer in my head.

"Agatha, it's Jay, I could use some help." I prayed out.

Within another thirty seconds, a large flash of silver flew overhead and landed on the deck, silently, in front of me. My shining silver, flacon guardian nodded and gestured towards her back.

"It's good to see you well Jay. So what place, that would most likely kill mortals, am I taking you to this time?" She asked me in my head.

I climbed onto her back and she lifted off into the air. "The island dead ahead, it's the island of Polyphemus. Our friend Grover is trapped in his cave, we need to rescue him, than we need to get the Golden Fleece from the island. I need you to drop me off, then stay close by, I don't know if I can handle Polyphemus by myself." I told her as we sored through the island.

He let out a falcon cry and nodded her head. "Okay Jay, I will drop you near the beast cave. I warn you, be careful. Polyphemus is a master of deceit, he will use any words possible to reach his goal. Do not let him fool you." She warned me carefully as we flew over the island.

I noticed the Fleece atop a hill, right near a large field with what seemed to be, huge... sheep? My mother was goddess of hills as well, so I figured I would have an easy time getting the Fleece. Since the Fleece is such a powerful healing item, I decided I should try to retrieve that first, This way, if Grover was injured I could heal him before taking him back to the ship. I had Agatha drop me off at one end of the field. I could see the cave of Polyphemus to the far left. The Fleece was atop the hill dead ahead, maybe the length of a football field.

The forest was right behind me, and the moon was bright. I started walking in the field of sheep. It was weird however, normally animals who live near a forest would never bother me. However these did not look like normal sheep... they were much larger. Some of them looked at me like I was a snack their master had plopped in front of them.

I felt some of them start to bump into me. Charge into the back of my legs, and soon I was knocked over! It was then, when I saw their teeth... I was wright, they weren't normal sheep. They were carnivorous. Seriously! Carnivorous sheep! What's next in the Greek world for me, fire breathing kangaroos!

I managed to get to my feet and run. "STOP! I'm a son of Artemis, and I command you to stop!" I shouted as they slowly cornered me.

Just as I drew my daggers out, I heard a voice I never expected to save me. "Bad sheepies! Leave, silver boy alone!" I heard.

Tyson, TYSON, emerged from the forest! The sheep actually listened to him! They backed off of me, and as Tyson commanded them further, they eventually went back to grazing like they were! I turned to my Cyclops friend.

"Tyson! You're alive! Percy, Annabeth, and I thought we lost you! What happened!?" I asked frantically.

The big guy just smiled. "After big explosion, Tyson and war girl survived on a raft! We washed up on this island." He said seeming a little sad.

"You mean Clarisse!? Where is she now then?" I asked him.

"Big mean cyclops Polyphemus took her to his cave! He wouldn't attack Tyson, but he picked up war girl and took her!" He told me.

Gods of Olympus. Just what I needed, another person I needed to save. The Fleece would have to wait, I needed to get to that cave now. He might not recognize Grover yet, but Clarisse was very much human, he was probably cooking her right now. Clarisse and I may have had out misunderstanding, but I would never leave another half-blood to be devoured by a cyclops.

"Come on Tyson, me and you, we gotta save Clarisse and Grover." I said gesturing for him to follow.

He didn't object and followed me. Man being a half-blood sure was a hassle.


I learned during our walk to the cave, that even though I may be silent at night, Tyson wasn't. I felt like Annabeth when I formulated my plan. Right now I was sticking to the shadows of the cave, while Tyson distracted Polyphemus. The two were right now in a heated discussion about sheep. Tyson was trying to convince him eating the sheep was wrong. After my little encounter with those sheep, I was inclined to believe Polyphemus. I was perched up on a small cliff when I saw Grover and Clarisse tied up near a big cooking pot. Clarisse was gagged, and Grover was still in the wedding dress he made. Poor Satyr must have gotten discovered.

I slowly slipped up behind them, Polyphemus not noticing anything. Grover's eyes went wide. "Jay! You guys made i! Thank the gods, I thought I was a goner." He whispered loudly.

I ungagged Clarisse and she smiled for once in her life. "Pretty boy I have never been so glad to see you. Where are the other two?" She asked me.

"Oh Percy and Annabeth are um back on our ship, they weren't in fighting shape. Come on though, Tyson can only distract him for so long." I said untying them.

I found Grover's reed pipes, and Clarisse's spear and we were off.


You know I had a feeling my plan was going to well. After releasing Clarisse and Grover Polyphemus noticed, and we were chased from the cave. I sent Tyson to retrieve the Fleece, while the rest of us distract the Cyclops. I have been running from way to many cyclops lately. We crashed through the forest, spilling out over each other onto the beach.

"That's you guys ship!?" Clarisse yelled.

I nodded. "Yeah, long story. You guys get to the ship and tell Percy and Annabeth we're leaving now!" I yelled taking out my two daggers.

"Jay, that cyclops is like the king. He's more powerful than any cyclops you've faced, you can't face him alone!" Grover stressed to me.

"Yeah you're crazy if you think I'm letting you take him on alone pretty boy." Clarisse said to me in an intimidating tone.

"I know I can't take him by myself. I'm just going to distract him long enough for Tyson to get back, then I'll take him and we'll get aboard the ship! GO!" I yelled as I heard the cyclops approaching.

They didn't argue this time, they jump raft Clarisse and Tyson came on and started towards the ship. Polyphemus emerged from the forest with a look of rage. Apparently he didn't like me releasing his lunch. I had to be careful. He may not be able to see, but he was still very deadly. He could smell me and hear me with great precision. The moon was out however, I also had an advantage.

"Youuu! Demi-god, tell me who you are now!!! How dare you interrupt my lunch, I will have your head!" He bellowed angrily.

I thought quickly, and then answered. "I am nobody! Yes that's me nobody's my name!" I yelled remembering Odysseus's tactic.

If it was possible or him to look any uglier, then it happened. The scowl he had on his face, was even angrier. I looked and saw Tyson running across the beach with the fleece, I was about to jump up and celebrate! He leaped into the water and started paddling towards the ship, fleece on his back. I never should have looked.

Polyphemus swung his giant arm and smacked it straight into my gut, sending me flying into the ocean. I landed hard in the shallow water, nothing was broken, but the fall definitely wasn't pleasant. I looked up as the Cyclops advanced on me, he tried to swing his club down on me. I rolled out of the way, gripping my dagger I stabbed the back of his calf, which caused him to bellow in pain.

I tried to run, get some distance between me and him, but it didn't work. He kicked his giant leg, again hitting me in the stomach and sending me flying deeper into the ocean. When I landed I realized I couldn't stand...

"OH HADES HELP HELP!" I screamed. I felt weak, I couldn't swim at all, again go ahead and laugh. The best-friend of the son of Poseidon can't swim, it's laughable I know.

As I was kicking and yelling to try and save myself, the cyclops laughing, walked up to me. The water didn't even go past his knees.

"Hahaha! I have finally defeated you nobody! Now I will feast on your bones!!" He bellowed reaching down to grab me.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!!!" I heard from behind me.

I saw a whip of water swipe Polyphemus of his legs. Riding a wave with his bare feet, came Percy from behind me! Riptide in his hands he soared past me on his wave, and slammed into Polyphemus sending him flying! Before I could yell his name to help me, I felt myself being lifted out of the water. With a flash of silver I saw Agatha had be by her talons! She and Percy saved me! I looked up to her and nodded.

I swung my legs and jumped, as soon as I was in the air, Agatha flew below me and I landed on her back. After dealing with Polyphemus, Percy was riding his wave right besides me. We looked at each other, he had just saved my life again. We both started laughing.

"We really gotta teach you how to swim Jay haha." He said as we approached the ship.

I nodded. "You bet we do. I'm sorry I left without you and Annabeth, I guess it was pretty stupid huh?" I said.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well you saved Tyson, Grover, Clarisse and got the Fleece, you did everything we set out to do. Was it stupid, yeah it was pretty stupid, and Annabeth is gonna grill you. You did it though, now we just gotta get back, heal the tree, and get Chiron back." He said as we landed on the ship.

It sounded so simple when he said it. I was thankful that Percy had saved me. However I wished I could just show them, that I didn't always need saving. I needed to prove myself, there goes my fatal flaw again. Maybe if I finally figured out what this secret power I got from my dad was, I could become stronger. According to my Uncle Apollo, I needed to visit his grave.

However I would worry about that later. For now, I needed to focus on getting back home, home to camp half-blood.


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