Chapter 2 - Reunited Once Again

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Location: The Dark Bosses' Toy Factory

Date: June 14, 2035

Time: 4:05 PM


After Y/n woken up as a black and white rabbit plushie known as the Yin-Yang Rabbit and when he broken out of his containment chamber, it triggered an alarm that alerted the guards as he quickly grabbed his knife and stood beside the door to the room, he's in and took out the guards with his knife that entered the room to see what the problem was.

Then as our hero dashed out of the room, a horde of Kikkies came into the room and attacked Y/n, but he didn't even think twice and started killing the Skull Minions without even breaking a sweat thanks to the training he did while he was asleep inside his containment chamber.

Then after taking out the Kikkies, a door opened up on the right side of the room as Y/n ran into the room to find another weapon inside the room.

A Giant Hammer...

Y/n: A Giant Hammer, huh? Perhaps I can use this weapon to go up against stronger enemies.

So, Y/n grabbed the giant Hammer and placed it behind his back, which felt as light a feather in his hands, and it fits like a glove when he placed it behind his back.

Y/n: Wow. This Hammer looks heavy but it's light a feather to me. I'm guessing that this new body of mine has given me superhuman strength, I should be careful when I face much stronger goes if I want to get my revenge on those punks.

With, Y/n now obtained a new weapon to use against his enemies, he went out of the room to find three more Skull Minions, but the middle one has a shield that looks very durable that will protect him from Y/n's sharp knife.

However, Y/n knew exactly how to get rid of the Kikky's shield now that he possesses a new weapon as he ran over to the shielded Kikky and uses his hammer to knock the shield right out of his hands and smashing his head like pancake before taking out the other two with his giant hammer.

Y/n: Whoa... that's one way to stop knocking on wood, because that shield of yours won't stop me from painting the walls with your own blood.

Then suddenly, another door open on the other side as Y/n went in and took on another group of Skull Minions before another opened up. He went in to find another weapon for him to use and this time it's some sort of a razor-sharp boomerang.

Y/n: Interesting. Another weapon I can use to take on multiple foes with this kind of boomerang.

So then as Y/n grabbed the weapon from the table, and left the room to find another group of Skull Minions in the room, but as they try to make another attempt to stop Y/n, he pulled back with the razor boomerang in his hand and threw it the boomerang so hard, it caused it move around in a circle so fast, it resulted with the Kikkies' own heads to be sliced in half, killing them in the process.

Y/n: Wow. That's one way to get "A-Head" into the afterlife to where you're all going.

Then as another door opened, Y/n went into the room to find another set of weapons for him to use, a set of throwing knives.

Y/n: Sweet! Throwing knives! I can have some real fun with these knives.

He then took the knives and left the room to find more Kikkies, only to find a different one wearing a hazmat suit with a gasmask and is flying with a jetpack on its back.

Y/n: Hmm...seems like there are different types of these skull faced minions and it looks like I'll have to use these throwing knives to take down any enemies that can fly up in the air since I cannot attack them while on the ground with my other weapons.

So, then Y/n uses the throwing knives against the Jet Pack Kikky, which one of them landed on the jetpack's fuel tank and the Kikky lost control of the jetpack he's using and crash onto the floor, causing an explosion from the jetpack's fuel tank, killing him and the other two Kikkies in the process.

Y/n: Wow. That literally just 'blew' my mind.

Then after another group of Kikkies defeated, another door opened that leads to another room filled with some highly advanced machines and some empty containment chambers that seems to be badly damaged along with so many dead bodies of the Skull Minions with their blood and severed body parts scattered all over the floor.

Y/n: That's strange. Seems like someone has already been here and took out the guards before I got here. I wonder who could've have done this.

Suddenly, Y/n felt something dash right behind and grabbed him from behind and placed a knife on his neck.

???: Stop right there and don't move a muscle!

The person who is holding onto Y/n from behind sounded feminine seems to have a strong grip on Y/n that makes it a bit harder for Y/n to get out of her grasp.

Y/n: Who are you? Are you working for the enemy that killed me and my friends that turned us into plush toys for their sick, twisted plans to take over the world?

???: Why would I work for those guys? I wanted to get my revenge on them for turning me into one of them and for killing my little sister and my best friend.

Y/n: What a coincidence. I was thinking the exact same thing. Perhaps we should work together to get our revenge.

???: Why should I trust you?

Y/n: Because I made a promise to them that I will do whatever I can to protect my two best friends. I may not remember who they really are due to most of my memories taken away by those fools, but I never back down on my promises. Ever!

That actually caused her to loosen her grip on Y/n a bit because she did remember something about her best friend who made a promise to her and little sister when a group of mean bullies made fun of her and little sister until an older boy came up and taught the bullies a lesson that resulted in them becoming best friends as the boy made a promise that he will always be there to protect them no matter what or how dangerous things will become in the future.

???: You said the exact same words of the boy that me and my sister met long ago when we were kids and I know he would never back down on his promises. May not remember who he was, but I did somehow remember his name after I broke out of containment, and I believe that he was...Y/n.

After Y/n heard her say his name, he knew exactly who this person really is as he an idea that might work.

Y/n: Well, if you're looking for him, then I know exactly where he is.

???: *Tights her grip on Y/n* Tell me where he is, or I'll slit your throat!!

Y/n: I always knew you were such a badass, Carrot Cake~.

Then suddenly, the person holding him let finally let go as Y/n turned around to see a white rabbit plushie that looks exactly like the one that Y/n won for her at the arcade, but it also has her red-yellow-colored eyes. He can even see some blush on the rabbit's cheeks after Y/n mentioned the cute nickname she gave her due to her love of carrot cake and bunnies.

The white rabbit then dropped her knife on the floor and tackled Y/n for a hug, knowing that she found her best friend, who just got turned into a rabbit plush doll like her. Y/n was surprised to see her reaction of reuniting with her best friend as he returned the hug as well because he was so happy that he got to meet his best friend, Elsie again.

The hug went on for a few minutes until they finally decided to break up the hug, before looking at each other with curiosity in their eyes with blush on their cheeks.

Then suddenly, their moment of reunion was interrupted by another group of Kikkies, only to find them eating the corpses of the dead bodies that Elsie had killed with her own weapons that she stole from the rooms that Y/n went in as the Kikkies began to act strangely as a burst of anger and fury emitted from their bodies turning them into Bezerker Kikkies.

Y/n: Whoa! That is so sick! They literally just act their own dead bodies like they're cannibals!

Elsie: That means they just supercharged themselves to make themselves stronger.

Y/n: I see. We'll are you still willing to work together to get our revenge or what?

Elsie: I accept your offer, N/n. But since we're now both plush dolls, I'm changing my name to Bloody Bunny because I'm a bunny and I'm bloody.

Y/n: I like that name; it really suits you. But if you're gonna change your name, then call me Yin-Yang Rabbit because I am the balance between good and evil and I will show no mercy against my enemies.

Bloody Bunny: I like that, but I still like to call you Y/n, if you don't mind?

Y/n: I don't mind at all, carrot-cake~.

Bloody Bunny: Please don't call me that when we're in the middle of a fight.

Y/n: My mistake. Let's show these guys how they should never mess with the likes of us.

Bloody Bunny: With pleasure.

So then, Y/n aka Yin-Yang Rabbit and his new partner in crime, Elsie now known as Bloody Bunny are now reunited and formed a truce to take down the Dark Bosses to get their revenge as the dynamic rabbit duo unleashed their white-hot fury upon the Bezerker Kikkies with their weapons before landing the final blow to their heads and heading off to the next room to go up against their next target.

What will these two-rabbit warrior face off against next? Who will be their first target to take down the Dark Bosses? And when will they strike next? Find out on the next chapter of Bloody Bunny - The First Blood Child.

Stay tuned.



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