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The grief was the hardest thing to get through that Hiromi had ever experienced. Once Hiromi had the courage, she ended up confronting her father about not being her real dad. He admitted it, and the two of them had a humongous blow up argument that neither of them could get over. She had ended up going back to work after a month, and never heard from her father again, as he completely cut her off from everything. It had been three years now, since the death of her mother...and three years since she last saw Loki Laevatein. For the first year, Hiromi waited for him day in and day out. She hoped he would come for her as she said, but it had never happened. She gave up by the start of the second year.

After returning to work the first year, she ratted her boss out for sexual assault. Several of TANOSHICo's Idols also came forward with claims, and her boss was put in jail for a long time after facing trial. She still had a job, and had earned money for herself, most of which Hiromi donated to various charities. During her second year, Hiromi was as famous as ever, still living up to the personality and performance of "Hiro". Hiromi hadn't been in contact with any of the gods or any of the fellow goddesses she'd met in the floating garden. No one had found out about the truth, that Hiromi wasn't human. She did, however, receive questions about why she didn't seem to age much. Hiromi just played it off with something about face cream.

In her third year, everything seemed like passing memories. Hiromi's face could be seen everywhere, from face cream advertisements, to magazine modeling gigs. She had gone global by now, her fame stretching over to even the U.S.A. Everything was falling just how she would have wanted it to when she first became an idol.


As Hiromi waited for the elevator to take her up, standing still, she turned her gaze out the window. Her reflection--one that hadn't changed since she realized she was a goddess--stared back at her, though disguised with an outfit. She moved, taking off the hat and wig, and tucking them into the bag at her hip. She didn't want anyone to know where she lived, but whoever really had to, so disguises were necessary in public. She sighed. I wonder what they're doing now...Hiromi thought. The bell of the elevator dinged and she closed her eyes, walking off as the doors opened. She went down the hallway, pulling her key out.

When she entered her apartment, she hung her key up on the hook and kicked her shoes off.

"I'm home,"She said to no one. She looked down, moving and flipping on her lights. Hiromi sighed and opened her eyes. She jolted, her eyes widening. In front of her, was a guy. He had red hair, though he was facing the opposite direction and examining pictures she had of herself and her mother up on the wall. Her heart clutched in her chest. Loki? She wondered. She moved, pulling out of her stupor. It's not! It couldn't be! She grabbed a statue off of her in table, holding it up. "WHO ARE YOU?!" The guy turned in surprise. He blinked. He smiled at her. Hiromi gaped. It was Loki. In the flesh. She shook as she held up the statue.

"Hiromi,"Loki told her. He rushed at her and wrapped his arms around her. She stood still, her eyes widening. Loki pulled away, his hands resting on her shoulders. She stared at him blankly. He sighed. "I hoped you wouldn't be mad at me..."

"Loki...you ditched me for THREE YEARS and you are just now showing up?!"Hiromi demanded. Loki laughed. She shook the statue at him and his smile went to a nervous one. He stumbled backwards and away from her, falling to the ground. He held his hands up, waving them at her.

"Ah- w-w-wait! Hiromi! I thought you'd be happy!"Loki exclaimed. Hiromi gaped at him.

"Happy? HAPPY?!"Hiromi screeched. "Do you have any idea what I went through these past three years?!" She waved the statue at him. He gave her a nervous look and shook his head. She glared at him. She turned away. "Get out of my house." She slammed the statue back down on the table. Loki swallowed, standing up. Hiromi dropped her bag on the couch and plopped down. Loki sighed and moved, sitting down beside her. "I said-"

"Hiromi, please, just listen to me!"Loki told her. Hiromi stared at him. She narrowed her eyes. He swallowed. "Listen...Zeus saved us from the garden and I had to wait to recover my strength back a little. Then all of us gods--the ones from the school, you know--tried really hard to find you! Zeus only gave us limited permission to the human world!" Hiromi frowned hard. Loki sighed. "Please, believe me. I would've come for you immediately." Hiromi sighed. She looked away.

"What, you think you can win me over so easily?"She asked. Loki laughed once, scratching the back of his neck.

"A-Actually...We were sent here to all of you, to take you back to the world of the Gods. You have to come back,"Loki told her. Hiromi whipped her head back to look at him. He held his hands up defensively. "What will it take for you to forgive me?" Hiromi stared at him hard. Her hard gaze slowly seeped off her face, replaced with one of stress.


"Hiromi, please. I'm serious,"Loki told her. He took her hand. She looked at him in surprise. "I don't want to leave your side ever again...please listen to me..." Hiromi stared at him. She looked down. Tears pricked at her eyes.

"My mother...died you know." Loki's eyes went wide. He let out a sad breath. Hiromi sniffled. "My father disowned me...as it turns out, some Egyptian god is my parent." Loki sighed. He moved and pulled her to him again. This time, she slowly accepted it, wrapping her arms around him. He smiled to himself.

"I'm sorry,"He murmured. Hiromi swallowed. She pulled away and looked up.

"So you want to take me with you?" Loki nodded.

"Zeus said you're supposed to be in the world of the gods,"He explained. He gave her a soft look, his eyes tracing over her. Hiromi looked down slowly. "Do you....not want to?" Hiromi sighed.

"I'd be leaving behind so much here,"Hiromi murmured. She frowned. Loki smiled at her.

"But you'd have me....and the others...your friends,"Loki told her. Her eyes went wide. She looked up at him. He moved, resting his hand on her cheek. He lowered himself. His lips brushed over hers and then he pushed down harder. His feelings overwhelming him. Her lips moved with his, and her hands traced up him. She wrapped them around his neck. He held her by her waist, moving to her back. Hiromi's body moved of it's own accord, and she found herself straddling his lap. He moved and laid back, pulling her with him. After a minute, he pulled away. He was breathing hard. She looked down at him, breathing hard as well. "That was..."

"Long overdue,"Hiromi breathed. She took a few more breaths before kissing him again. His hand traced up her hip and to her back. She didn't pull away. Loki was slightly surprised, not expecting this behavior from her. His fingers moved, messing with the hem of her shirt. How far will she go with this? He wondered. His fingers met her skin at her hip, sending burning warmth through her. She didn't pull away or shake in fear. He traced up her side. She let out a breath, pulling away in surprise.

"Do you want to stop?"Loki asked her quietly.

"No,"Hiromi murmured. Loki's eyes went wide. He moved, adjusting them so he was on top.

"In that case....I'll be careful."


Loki moved and lowered himself for another kiss. She accepted it with ease and he held himself above her, his free hand drawing her shirt up further than before. His fingers sent lines of fire across her skin, warming her heart and soul. He trailed kisses from her mouth to the side of her neck. Eventually she sat up and he helped lift her shirt up over her head and off. He tossed it to the floor. 

"Loki...if we're doing this let's move to the bed,"Hiromi whispered in between kisses. He moved and picked her up, lifting her so she was in his front. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and wrapped her legs around his hips, holding onto him. He carried her to the bedroom and pushed the door open. He didn't bother closing it and walked them over to the bed. Loki lowered her down gently. Hiromi took her turn then, drawing his vest on his shirt off quickly and then drawing his shirt up. Her heart pounded, and her cheeks were warm as she drew his shirt off. Loki breathed in surprise as he felt her fingers brushing over his abs. His fingers moved and messed with the button on her jeans. 

When they were both unclothed completely, Loki taking his sweet time by trailing kisses all over her body and all the way down, he pulled back up and kissed her lips. 

"Are you sure about this?"

"You already asked that,"Hiromi sighed. Loki nodded once more and moved, pushing into her lightly. Hiromi bit her bottom lip, her hands sliding around to the small of his back. He pushed in more, knowing this probably didn't hurt her. Loki shoved the anger at that man away from him and continued until he was all the way inside her. He glanced up at her and she swallowed, leaning back. Loki started moving against her. Her eyes rolled back in her head. She grabbed onto the comforter of the bed, bunching it up in her hands. 


The next morning, Hiromi woke up in Loki's arms in her bed. She blinked her eyes open. Loki was messing with her hair, braiding some of it in his hands.

"You're awake?"Hiromi murmured. Loki finished the braid and smiled down at her.

"Yes,"He told her. She hummed. Loki grinned. "Last night was-" Hiromi's cheeks burned red.

"Shush..."Hiromi told him. He chuckled, holding her closer to him. Hiromi sighed. She looked down at her hand curled on his chest. He smiled down at the top of her head. "I was thinking..." Loki hummed, his chest rumbling under her hand. "I'll go back with you." Hiromi pushed herself up. Loki drew his arm back to himself, watching her role over to her stomach. She grabbed her pillow, bunching it up under her chest. Loki caught a glimpse of her boobs squished to the pillow. Hiromi snapped her fingers. "Oi. Eyes up here." Loki chuckled, looking up at her with a mischievous grin.

"Sorry,"he apologized. She sighed. "Why all of a sudden do you want to?" Hiromi gave him a look of disbelief.

"Isn't it obvious, idiot?"Hiromi asked. He blinked at her. He was still laying flat, so Hiromi could move. She hovered over his lips, her eyes closing. His own eyes closed. "Three years is too long to spend apart from you, why wait anymore?" She lowered herself, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. He opened his eyes. She pulled away and grinned. "Besides. Someone besides Balder and Thor have to keep you in line."




Hi there! It's the author here. Thank you for reading this story! This is the first in a new series I'm releasing, called The Gods Collection. I hope you enjoyed this story, and I hope you'll stick with me for my other books. Below I've updated Hiromi's information, as she is a goddess after all and not a human. It only includes small parts, just like her goddess stuff. Take a look! Also, I thought I'd let you know, after this series gets through with my first few main characters, I'll be writing three bonus books featuring Thoth, Dionysus, and Thor of course. They didn't get much recognition here, but I can only do so many girls at once! In this book, I included songs that I hope you'll listen to, and the names are also below, above Hiromi's Goddess information. Again, thank you for reading!



Hiromi's Goddess Information:

Goddess Title: Goddess of Song

Goddess Symbols: Butterflies, The color green, mountains

God Parent: Ihy(Egyptian God of Music)

Powers: Commands, Music


Song List In Order of Chapters:

I'm Not Okay(I Promise) by My Chemical Romance

Oh Oh Oh Sexy Vampire by Fright Ranger(Radio Gosha)

Headstrong by Trapt

Take A Walk by Passion Pit

Hellfire(Female Version) by Julia Koep

Drown by Bring Me The Horizon

Firework by Katy Perry

The End Of The World by Billie Eilish

Dirty Night Clowns by Chris Garneau

Talk To Me by Cavetown

Comes and Goes by Greg Laswell

Telephone by Lady Gaga

Somebody Told Me by The Killers

I Love You Like A Love Song by Selena Gomez and the Scene

Please Never Fall In Love Again by Ollie MN

Human by Rag N' Bone Man

Happy Together(Cover) by Gerard Way and Ray Toro

Once Upon A Dream from Disney's "Sleeping Beauty"

Using You by Mars Argo

Miracle Man by Oliver Tree

If I'm To Die by Keaton Henson

A Year Without Rain by Selena Gomez and the Scene

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