Chapter 2: A Crazy Obssession?

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Blurry...lights fading in and out...slight rumbling and bumps...

Soniarre suddenly snaps awake, but doesn't sit up. She pats herself down as she looked for something, sighing in relief as she pulled out her phone. It would be best to call 911 in this situation right?

"Like hell they'll be a big help...they'll just let me die." She quickly pulls up her social media to make a message go across on her profile.

As she was typing away, the vehicle came to a stop which she did not realize. Suddenly, she heard the trunk unlock and froze in place then a pair of hands quickly came towards her wrist and the phone.

"AHH!! LET ME GO YOU JACKASS!" She yelled out loud as she struggled from the guys embrace and tries to punch him with Sister, but suddenly she gets shoved back and goes back into Soniarre's body.

"...Wh-Wha- ACK!" The tall man punched her stomach deeply then throws her out of the car after grabbing her phone.

"Tch, I expect a better fight than that. Considering you're a god damn Stand User!~" The tall man kneeled down next to Soniarre and grabs her hair to lift her up, seeing she has now a bloody nose from getting shoved into the rocky pathway.

Soniarre's eyes went wide as she looks at the tall man in front of her, then towards his eyes. "H-How did you..." She growls to herself and grabs a nearby rock to shove it into his face. "AH!" The man quickly let's her go and covered his face, giving Soniarre the chance to go into his pocket for her car keys.

Right when she felt the keys, she was about to run away until a hand grabs her ankle. "AH! NO, LET GO!" She looks behind her to see another person behind, that wasn't a person.

IT WAS A STAND! A horrifying one at that. The Stand had white pale skin, empty sockets with only red pupils glowing bright, black goop or blood seeping out of the sockets, sharp razor teeth, a black suit, and white spiky hair that's going in many different directions.

"WHAT THE HELL?! YOU'RE A STAND USER!?" Soniarre tries to shove and punch the Stands hand away with Sister, but it was no use.

"What can I say? Stand users attracts other Stand users, aren't I wrong Soniarre?~" He asked as he stands up and walks over towards her.

Heart racing, panting heavily, panicking, fear is all Soniarre could feel right now. She starts tearing up and tries to crawl away, even using Sister to grab onto her and pull away from the creepy Stand.

"It's no use, my Stand, Obessession, made you feel useless and weak." Soniarre jolts up in shock and looks back at him. "Oh, doesn't that familiar to you?! Doesn't Sister have that same ability? Except it's the OPPOSITE?!"

The tall man raised his foot and places it on top of Soniarre's head to pin her down in place, struggling and grunting from pure fear. "SISTER POWER!" Sister flies towards Obessession and makes her hands glow a gold aura then goes for a kick, but Obessession's arm quickly forms into a blade and slices a deep wound into Sister's leg.

"..AAAAHHHH!!! AAHAH..AH.." Soniarre screams out loud from the pain coming from her leg and tries to reach down to cover it, but Obessession pins down her hand with a needle, causing another scream to come out of Soniarre.

"God, sounds like music to my ears!~ Just like your beautiful singing voice.~" Soniarre tries to calm herself down as she tried to spawn Sister, but she couldn't from the state she was in.

"What's wrong? Is this your first time feeling a deep cut wound? Is that it?~ It's okay sweetheart, I can make it all go away as long as you listen to what I have to say."

Soniarre stares up at him as her body shakes, building up tears in her eyes as they flow out like a sparkling waterfall flowing down from a giant cliff.

"Hey, there's no need to cry dear. I'll be here to comfort you and give you affection." Soniarre then suddenly throws a kick to his shin with her good leg. The tall man growls in anger and grabs her good leg as he summons Obessession with his sharp blade arm holding up next to Soniarre's knee as he  twists it a bit to keep it pinned.


"Shall I slice this leg up too, but into PIECES?!"


"Is it because you now know to not deny my love?"


"...Tch, you're a worthless humam being." He drops her leg to let Soniarre have a break from the pain.

"Also, I'll be taking your keys and your damn phone. You need to stay off of that damn thing for once anyways..."

Soniarre pants heavily as she looks up towards him, giving him a nod as more tears flowed out of her eyes. She starts to slowly lose her vision, forgetting all about the wound on her leg.

"Awh, is my sweetheart getting sleepy?~ Don't worry, I'll let you rest up right away."

At that, Soniarre felt huge amount of pain from her head as darkness surrounds her....

<————««To be continued

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