Scents Of Japan

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Leonardo's POV-

When I walked into our old lair a wave of homesickness washed over me. I couldn't wait till we would be rid of Lord Dregg, and could move back into our real home.

I unsheathed my Katanas. Prepared for anything to happen. But if it was The Rat King, this fight wouldn't last long, meaning I would be back helping my team shortly. And also helping the Shredder, I'm not really into that, but if it will help us take down Dregg, then I'm willing.

As I was walking through our home, the lights were out as we left them, nothing seemed to be out of place.

What tripped the alarm?

It was quiet... Too quiet. A faint, pleasant scent drifted through the air.

I feel as though I've smelled this before, but it's too faint for me to tell what it was.

The scent seemed to be coming from the living room part of our old lair. So I crept alone in the dark, the only light coming from the open door, towards the familiar scent.

With each step I took, I got further into the darkness. When I finally reached the middle of our old living room, the door to the lair closed with a loud bang.

I turned around as fast I could but, it was too late. I was completely covered in darkness.

I stopped myself from charging to the door, and instead I calmed myself and focused.

"A ninja is at home in the dark." My masters words ran through my mind.

If this is The Rat King, he's really giving it all he's got to stay hidden...

So I focused on all the sounds of the lair, the faint lapping of the sewer's water from beyond, the air slightly passing by, and the little moans of the walls. But besides that, there was nothing. Nothing at all.

No, this couldn't be the Rat King.

For one, he would have shown himself by now. And two no one can be this stealthy, that even the most trained ninja can't hear them!

Then I remembered.

That smell... It had gotten stronger the more I got closer into the living room. And now it's everywhere.

I breathed in deeply, an all to Familiar feeling of pleasant confusion.

It was the scent of a beautiful Japanese flower.

There's only one other time I've smelled this...

Lotus Blossom.

The only ninja that could ever match me in Katanas. She is graceful and strong, brave and cunning. And her beauty is stunning, like a Japanese supermodel. But she works for hire, and is usually playing for the wrong team.

Why is she here? I thought to myself as excitement and dread held me in it's grasp.

"Show yourself Lotus Blossom, I know your here." I commanded into the darkness.

A few seconds of silence passed before there was a click behind me and the room lit up with the warm glow of the large lamp on the table.

I turned around quickly, and there standing by the lamp was a slightly older and but still ever so stunning Lotus Blossom.

She was wearing her old suit, the gray fabric resting on her figure quite nicely. Her hair was longer than before, but still it's lovely shade of black. The same shade as the black sash around her waist.

She held in her hands her katana, it reflected light off of it every time it moved just a little.

Her eyes were dead locked on me, never moving away from mine. Her face was stern but not in an angered way.

We stood like this, gazing into each other's eyes until I broke it. My eyes falling to what laid on the stand next to the couch.

On the stand in front of her, lay a lotus flower. It's beautiful light pink petals surrounding the darker smaller ones.

It's colors and scent brought back memories of season 3 episode 28.

Such a long time ago.

I saved the lotus flower that she had given me, the day she left me. I had

pressed that same flower into one of Donatello's books on biology.

But now she's standing here in front of me, just staring, not saying a word. But then again neither am I.

When I took my eyes off of the flower and back onto Louts's she moved towards me, till we were a foot apart. She sheathed her weapon and bowed then stood up tall.

"hello Leonardo." She smiled as if genuinely happy to see me.

"Lotus." I bowed back to her. I then sheathed both my Katanas, but never dropping my gaurd.

"It has been a long time since our last visit." She stated

"Too long." I replied back

"4 years too long." She said looking down to her feet.

"You've been counting, too?" I said, a smile crossing my face as I try to contain my happiness.

Lotus looked up into my eyes again. We did this for what seemed like forever.

Then I sighed, knowing it wouldn't last.

Now it was my turn to look down at my feet.

"What do you want Lotus?" I asked her.

"Do I have to want something in order to pay a visit to an old friend?" She stated cooly

I crossed my arms, waiting for the rest of the story.

"An oceans a long way to cross just for a visit, last time I heard, you were in Japan." I said to her, looking straight into her eyes.

A small smile formed on her face, one that I would have liked if it wasn't for the whole her employer probably wants something bad to happen.... Though she did have some form of a conscious, Lotus often worked for those who didn't.

A job opportunity actually, a wealthy employer is paying me 1.5 million of your dollars, and I figured, since I was in the neighborhood, I'd stop by and say hello." She said, greed slipping from her mouth.

Money, her weakness. Probably a painting that needs stealing, or a gang that needs to be broken... But that still didn't stop me from holding back my shock.

"1.5 MILLION AMERICAN DOLLARS! Who Is this person?!? Madonna?!?"

I screeched, jumping back.

A smile toyed at the edge of her lips.

"I cannot say, client confidentiality." She chuckled.

Think of how many pizzas you could buy with that type of dough?!?

Her face grew puzzled.

"Why is this place deserted, where is your family?" She seemed worried.

"Have you heard of a Lord Dregg?"

I asked.

"Goodness yes, I believe the whole world knows of him...." she replied.

"Do you know what he's done? He came down like some kind of angel, then he turned the whole city against us. Branded us outlaws, we even had wanted posters made with our faces on them. He's made it unsafe for me and my family to stay and live in our lair... our home. He's murdered Krang in cold blood and left Shredder a pitiful mess!" I explained shaking my head...

She took on a look of pity.

"So it is true, You are in hiding. I am truly sorry for that. But what is this I hear? Dregg has killed Krang?"

"Yes, he's killed Krang but Donatello has calculated a plan to resurrect him." I told her.

"Resurrect him!!! But why?!?" She asked me shocked

"I know, but we need him. He's the only one that would be able to get us onto Dregg's ship without him being alerted." I said shaking my head.

"Hmm... Interesting." She muttered

"We have to take him down, before he destroys the planet..."

I muttered back.

She contemplated for several seconds, running her fingers through the glossy back hair that spilled over her shoulder.

She sighed getting closer to me, closing up the huge gap I made. She reached into my belt quickly, like a cobra attacking its helpless prey, and snatched my turtle Com out of it.

"What are you doing?" I jumped, startled a bit.

She began pushing buttons.

"If I can be of any assistance Leonardo, do not hesitate to call me."

She looked at me, trying to hint me in on some plan she held.

"So what were you thinking, what about this new job of yours.?" I asked her interested.

"I still want my money, yes. But I don't want to see you... Or the others hurt." She put one of her smooth hands on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze to put emphasizes of her caring words.

"Ok... Go on." I told her stepping forward more.

"When my job is over, I will receive my money and thats it, I'm done. But maybe I could stay... help you and your brothers. Dregg wouldn't expect it, another advisary, it would totally catch him off guard! You once saved my life, I will not be so quick to leave your side Leonardo... Even if i must compromise this job, and I do not receive my money." She told me quickly, the end though, she sounded sincere and said it with much meaning.

"Really?" I hesitated to ask her, hoping it was true.

"Yes." She said, with pride.

I smiled to her, warm feelings rifting up and down my body. Who knew one person could make you feel so good.

"Lotus, never in my life have I known you to give up money." I asked, slightly suspicious.

A sky grin formed on her mouth. "There are other forms of payment I'm willing to except." She said a little sinisterly, a new smile forming on her lips.

Swiftly and passionately, Lotus locked onto me, wrapping her arms around my neck. Giving me the sweetest kiss I've every received, well to be exact, the very first kiss I've every received.

I was too stunned at first to do anything, but once I realized what was happening, I grabbed her waist and brought her closer, increasing the kiss's intensity.

Boy did this feel amazing! I have always wanted to do this since the moment I clashed Katanas with her!

Her lips are so soft and completely perfect. This is exactly what I need.

Lotus Blossom, where have you been all my life?!

But as quick as it had happened, did she leave. Gracefully she sprinted towards the exit. I watched her as she ran, not wanting her to leave. My arms outstretched to catch her before she slipped away.

But I was too dazed to really do anything, and that's how she got away.

When she was at the door, she paused turned around and winked, saying,"Oh and Leonardo, let's keep this meeting just between the two of us."

And with that she was out the door, silence then filled the air and everything went still.

I looked over to the table and saw the lotus flower she had left. I walked over and picked it up gently. Cradling it in my arms before stepping back and slumping to the ground leaning up against the wall.

The biggest and probably most cheesiest smile plastered to my face since the end of episode 28, Beware the Lotus.

I looked directly at the Camara.

"Yeah, still got it."


(This chapter was written by @TheFangirlOfFandoms)

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