Every Mutant Has Its Day

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(Zach AKA 'The 5th Turtle")

We had just herded the rest of the robots into the park, preparing to finish off the remaining numbers. The only down side was that most of my co defenders were already tired and there was still a large amount of robots. They were everywhere, pouring into the park! But that didn't stop us from giving it all we got, or at least, it didn't stop me.

It was amazing to watch all of them, good and bad, all fighting side by side for the same thing. Our freedom from Dregg, for our home. The determination in their eyes, the shouts of encouragement, sent more and more adrenaline into my body as I went on my way taking down clumsy robot after clumsy robot.

It felt good to fight with them, even if it wasn't the turtles next to me, I knew that, oddly enough, these guys still had my back. Although, the turtles were still here with me in spirit, I am the fifth turtle after all!

I don't know if many of you remember me. I was just a scrawny kid, armed with a hockey stick, wearing a green mask and a paper mâché, turtle shell backpack the last time I was on air.

I jumped up into the air with a hearty "Bonzai!" and landed on top of a robot, quickly I thrusted my trusty staff into the crook of 'its' neck. And with one strong wedge, I managed to pry it out of it's mechanical body and fling across the park. Maybe after this, I should take up golf.

Clearly I'm not as clumsy as I use to be. I'm older from the turtles and I's last encounter, And a lot more trained than I was before.... A lot more. Black belt to be exact. Which I was proudly wearing around my waist.

I looked over to my right to see Bebop and Rocksteady throwing trees at robots. And next to them, Pinky Mcfinger's goons were having a ball firing away at as many robots as they could. Father away, Mondo Gecko was grinding his skateboard into the backs of all his robots, Riding right over them. And beside him, Baxtor Stockman picked up a robot with all 4 of his mutated fly arms, flying up, he dropped it into the pavement, smashing it into pieces.

Don Turtelli and his men were busy blasting away at a group of robots by the center. Several of his goons dropping like flys once hot by the robot lazer fire. . And Ray, The fish hybrid, pointing his fingers at the robots, electrifying them where the stood.

And then there's Casey Jones.... The sight of him violently whacking away made me extremely glad he was on our side.

"Hey! You filthy law breaking scum! That's vandalism of public property. You're gonna pay for that!" I heard the masked vigilante shout towards five robots. They turned towards him still firing their lasers aimlessly, hitting signs and benches.

I watched as he took off towards them with a baseball bat in one hand and a hockey stick in the other. In a flash they all crumbled to pieces, smoke rising from the piles. I'd often read about this 'vigilante' in the papers, but have never met him myself.

To me he just looked like a violent nutball with issues, but the turtles told me they trusted him completely, and that's good enough for me.

He turned to look at me,"well are you just going to stand there with your mouth wide open kid or are ya gonna smash some robots!?!" He yelled at me.

"Oh ya right!" I shouted back. Ok so maybe somethings don't change. I quickly turned around and took out five of the nearest robots. I watched as they crumbled to the ground in to little pieces. Sparks fizzing everywhere.

"Is that good enough for ya Mr Jones?!" I shouted towards him.

"Less chit chat boy, more justice." He called back.

I smiled as I turned around and ran towards a clearing where I saw Master Splinter fighting a group of robots all by himself. I knew he was capable of taking them down by himself, but, we're fighting this fight together and that's how it should be done... Together.

I reached him just in time to get a few hits in before Master Splinter had finished them all off. He looked over at me and put his hands on top of his staff and smiled.

"It's nice to see you again Zach, it's been a long time." He said to me.

"Yes it has been a very long time, Splinter. I missed you and the turtles." I told him breathing a little hard.

"As we have missed you also my pupil.," he paused before continuing," I see you've improved." he said hinting towards my black belt.

"Yes I have! It's been hard and long, but all te hard work paid off." I said smiling.

"I'm very proud of you Zach." Master Splinter told me happily.

"Thanks master Splinter!" I said to him, feeling honored because of what he said.

"Now Zach, would it be to much if I asked you to move to your right." Splinter said raising his staff.

"No not at all." I said stepping to my right quickly. And as I did that, Splinter threw his staff right next to my head and straight into the head of a robot that was standing a foot behind me. It went down with a loud thud, sparks coming out from where Splinter's staff was poking out.

I looked over to him and he looked back to me. He gave a little nod before turning around and running over to help some other mutants that needed him. I was about to turn the opposite way and fight another wave of robots, a new wave of encouragement surging through me, until I heard someone shouting at me. I turned around to see that it was a human. Huge and muscle bound, wearing a black eye patch and sporting a 5 o'clock shadow.

"Duck Kid!" He yelled. So I did, he fired a blast directly over me. Taking out 5 robots in one shot.

"Nice shot, but find your own robots to bash buddy!" Casey Jones shouted, marching up to this eye patched guy.

"Hey watch it pal!" The other guy called back calmly, both oblivious to the fight around them. "Just who do you think you are?" Casey asked, sheathing his weapons and crossing his arms. "I could ask you the same thing?" The stranger replied.

"Good Guy or Villain?" Asked Casey, narrowing his eyes. "Good Guy." They both said at the same time. You could practically feel the tension lift up.

The stranger smiled "Dirk Savage, Mutant Hunter." And extended his hand. "Casey Jones, Vigilante." Chuckled Jones, gives Dirk a firm handshake. I knew these two were gonna be best friends.

"Ok, now that you both have a prom date, can we please get back to the situation at hand?" I teased mid fight.

I started running, I used my staff to lunge myself over the newly formed wall of robots so I could be right behind them. A perfect spot for taking them down.

And that's exactly what I did... What we did. Fighting tirelessly for what felt like hours, but in reality only had to have been about 25 minutes. Comrades going back and forth helping each other, taking down more and more robots. Some getting skimmed by the lasers but not too badly apparently because they kept on fighting. Fighting because our home depending on it... Earth depended on us. And as the fight stretched on to what seemed like forever, I heard Bebop call my name. Well not exactly my name but: "Hey you, kid!"

I took out the final robot standing in front of me before turning around to face him. There in front of him stood one lonely robot as well. It started backing up as it realized it was all alone.

"Wanna take the last one out?" He asked me with an exhausted smirk on his mutant warthog face.

Me? Take out the last one?! Really?!?

I stood there completely dumbfounded. One, I was honored that he asked me to take the last one out and two... It's the last one, that means after him it's all over. We won, we defeated Dregg!!

"Well we don't got all day kid!" Don Turtelli shouted at me from beside the fountain.

"Oh ya, sorry!" I shouted as I made a mad dash for the robot.

When I reached it, I jumped up in to the air, like I did so many times this night, and jammed my staff into it's neck. From there I wedged it out of it's body and sent the head flying across the park.

Silence filled the air after the head landed. It was quiet like this, for what seemed like forever but was really only minutes. Then, a small clap sounded, then a small chuckle, and then loud and obnoxious laughter. And after that, cheers and loud clapping from every villain and hero in the park, all swarming around the last robots still lifeless body.

I smiled as I watched everyone jump up and shout at the top of their lungs. Even I gave a huge hooray as it finally settled in that we had done it. The most unlikely of comrades fighting together for the common good, and actually winning without anyone getting seriously injured.

It was a big step for every character on this show. Sure after this, everything will go back to normal, the villains destroying and stealing stuff and us 'heroes' having to put a stop to it. But right now in this moment, I felt a wave of hope.

I was, in all sense of the word, proud of every single human, mutant, and alien here. We had done it, we really had done it. And this will go down in history, that evil and good can do amazing things together if you mess with our planet. Basically, DON'T mess with our planet.

"Oh Casey." Dirk said in a friendly manner as he came up from behind Casey, patting him hard on the back before putting his arm firmly around his shoulder in a brotherly gesture

"Yes." Grunted the masked vigilante.

"I think I won this one, you owe me a fiver." He said as he smiled down at him.

"What is it that you think you've one!? Because I'm pretty sure I won this one." Casey said loudly as he squared up to Dirk.

"Now that's what you think Casey, but I'm... NOT, sorry to say that I won this one. I destroyed more robots than you and it's just that simple."

"Not that I care or anything, but you both tied. " said Ray from out of nowhere

"And how do you know that!" Dirk turned towards him shouting.

"Because I was counting, " Said the hybrid fish as he leaned himself against a tree and crossed his arms. Then he smirked," it's just that simple."

"So you were watching us and fighting off hundreds of robots at the same time. Ya right!" Said Casey Jones.

"Yes, I'm just that talented." He said shrugging his shoulders. Casey just waved him off.

Master Splinter looked down and shook his head from side to side, trying to contain a small smile.

"So we tied huh." Casey said to Dirk. I could tell he was just smiling underneath his mask.

"I guess we did, Pal." Dirk said smiling back.

I couldn't help but crack a smile as well, everything was just going great.

"Hey uh what's that robot doing?" Asked Rocksteady.

"Ya, what's it doing?" Bebop echoed

"And why is-zzzzzz it glowing -zzzzzzz purple -zzzzzz?!" Buzzed a frazzled Baxtor Stockman.

We all looked over to see a robot that was still standing but seemed to be frozen. It was glowing purple and you could tell it was slowly starting to move.

"It's a robot I hit with my stun ray. I seemed to have missed it when destroying others!" Said a shocked Dirk.

"You guys are still tied though." Ray said to both crime fighters.

"Not for long." Mumbled a determined Casey Jones. And as fast as lighting he threw his baseball bat at the robots head, ripping it off and causing the robot to go down in a shower of sparks.

He looked back at Dirk Savage and stood a little taller."hmmm, I guess I did win this one." He told him sarcastically.

Dirk looked like he was going to start an argument about who "won this one", but before he could say a word a loud bang came from the sky.

I instinctively looked up at Dreggnought. That silver blip that hovered only just miles above the NYC skyline. It took a second for me to work out what was happening.

The Dreggnought was plummeting to earth!

And that's when I began to worry.


-Authors Note- This chapter was written by my amazing Coauthor @TheFangirlOfFandoms.

I know this story doesn't have a lot of readers. But this story wasn't made for the reads, it was made because there simply isn't enough classic fanfic out there. We hope you... Our few but loyal readers are enjoying this. We love all of y'all! (Don't forget to vote)

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