The Fault in our Stars Movie- Reaction

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So I watched the movie with my friend who unfortunately didn’t read the book and we both cried but she cried harder.

See the difference with the person who read the book and didn’t read the book?

The thing is… when you read the book you already know what will happen next. I really had a problem shutting my mouth while watching the “The Fault in Our Stars” ‘coz really? Let’s face it I know every lines from the book. I can’t even help myself from reacting to the difference from the book. But anyway the movie is awesome!

I wouldn’t mind the small differences because it feels like the book came alive!

Ansel and Shailene played so well that I feel like seeing real Augustus and Hazel Grace! I was like everything was f’nally real! Gus and Hazel Grace were real! They are REAL! I almost hug the big screen! HAHA.

My favorite scenes were there. The highlights were there also.

Everything was perfect I should say. So far I couldn’t see any flaw.

I fell in love with the movie the way I fell in love with the book. Well, I couldn’t really say that the movie was better than the book because it couldn’t be, BOOK IS ALWAYS BETTER. It didn’t make me cry the way I cried when I read the book. I cried okay, I shed tears, broke my heart a little but reading the book is different. It tears me apart, broke my heart into tiny little pieces, gave me a book hangover until now and made me wish that Augustus Waters is not only a fictional character! Uggh. These feelings!

But one thing is for sure the adaptation is really beautiful I must say.

I remember reading John Green’s quote line after watching the movie, “It was funny and sad”. Which I believed is true. There are many funny scenes but the sad part was overwhelming that the movie couldn’t be classified as romantic-comedy.


Hands-down to all the people who made it this great. Good job to everyone at TFiOS movie! You guys rocks!

PS: After watching you’ll be ANSEL-SHAILENE SHIPPER! They really good look together on screen!

PPS: Ansel’s smile is very swooning.

PPPS: TFiOS soundtracks are brilliantly made!


PPPPPS: To summarize, please read the BOLD WORDS.

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